        /// <summary>
        /// Works out positions for this subdivision op and draws them. Before calling
        /// this function, a call to <c>GetDistances</c> is required.
        /// </summary>
        List <IPosition> AddPoints()
            // Return if there is nothing to add (we need at least 2 distances).
            if (m_Distances == null || m_Distances.Count <= 1)

            // Get adjusted lengths for each section (on the map projection, not the ground)
            double[] lens = LineSubdivisionFace.GetAdjustedLengths(m_Line, m_Distances.ToArray());

            List <IPosition> pts = new List <IPosition>(lens.Length);
            double           tot = (m_FromStart ? 0.0 : m_Line.Length.Meters);

            foreach (double d in lens)
                if (m_FromStart)
                    tot += d;
                    tot -= d;

                IPosition p;
                if (m_Line.LineGeometry.GetPosition(new Length(tot), out p))

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the distances list box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The parsed distances.</returns>
        Distance[] GetDistances()
            string       entryString      = GetEntryString();
            DistanceUnit defaultEntryUnit = EditingController.Current.EntryUnit;

            return(LineSubdivisionFace.GetDistances(entryString, defaultEntryUnit, !m_FromStart));
        private void LineSubdivisionUpdateForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the object that was selected for update.
            Feature feat = m_UpdCmd.GetUpdate();

            if (feat == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected update object");

            // Get the edit that created the primary face
            m_pop = (feat.Creator as LineSubdivisionOperation);
            Debug.Assert(m_pop != null);

            if (!m_pop.IsPrimaryFace)
                m_pop = m_pop.OtherSide;
                Debug.Assert(m_pop != null);

            // Grab something we throw away if the user decides to cancel
            m_Face1 = CreateWorkingFace(m_pop.Face, true);
            m_Face2 = (m_pop.OtherSide == null ? null : CreateWorkingFace(m_pop.OtherSide.Face, false));

            // If we have two faces, the "New Face" button means you want to switch to the other face.
            if (m_Face2 != null)
                newFaceButton.Text = "&Other Face";

            // Default to the face containing the initially selected feature
            m_CurrentFace = (feat.Creator == m_pop ? m_Face1 : m_Face2);

            // If a line was selected, remember where it is in our working copy (and if it's actually on
            // the alternate face, make that the initial face for editing).
            m_SelectedLine = null;
            LineFeature selectedLine = (feat as LineFeature);

            if (selectedLine != null)
                LineFeature[] sections  = (m_CurrentFace == m_Face1 ? m_pop.Face.Sections : m_pop.OtherSide.Face.Sections);
                int           lineIndex = Array.FindIndex <LineFeature>(sections, t => t == selectedLine);

                if (lineIndex >= 0)
                    m_SelectedLine = m_CurrentFace.Sections[lineIndex];

            // Disable the option to flip annotation if annotation is currently invisible
            if (!EditingController.Current.AreLineAnnotationsDrawn)
                flipDistButton.Enabled = false;

            // Reload the list and repaint
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the sections for a working copy of a subdivision face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="face">A transient face to create sections for</param>
        /// <param name="isPrimaryFace">Is the specified face the primary face?</param>
        void InitializeWorkingFace(LineSubdivisionFace face, bool isPrimaryFace)
            // Create throwaway line sections (without any feature IDs, not associated with any session,
            // not in spatial index).
            FeatureFactory ff = new ThrowawayFeatureFactory(m_pop);

            ff.LineType = m_pop.Parent.EntityType;
            face.CreateSections(m_pop.Parent, ff, isPrimaryFace);

            // And calculate initial geometry
            face.CalculateGeometry(m_pop.Parent, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LegFace"/> class
        /// using the data read from persistent storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editDeserializer">The mechanism for reading back content.</param>
        internal LegFace(EditDeserializer editDeserializer)
            // Only connection paths should generate LegFace instances
            PathOperation op = (editDeserializer.CurrentEdit as PathOperation);

            if (op == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected creating edit for a leg face");

            this.Sequence = editDeserializer.ReadInternalId(DataField.Id);

            if (editDeserializer.IsNextField(DataField.PrimaryFaceId))
                InternalIdValue primaryFaceId = editDeserializer.ReadInternalId(DataField.PrimaryFaceId);
                LegFace         face          = op.FindFace(primaryFaceId);

                if (face == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Cannot locate primary face " + primaryFaceId);

                Leg = face.Leg;
                Leg.AlternateFace = this;
                // This should never happen. Primary faces are not serialized using the LegFace
                // class (we only use LegFace as part of a PathOperation to simplify import of
                // extra legs from old CEdit files).

                throw new ApplicationException();

            // Convert the data entry string into observed spans
            string       entryString      = editDeserializer.ReadString(DataField.EntryString);
            DistanceUnit defaultEntryUnit = EditingController.Current.EntryUnit;

            Distance[] dists = LineSubdivisionFace.GetDistances(entryString, defaultEntryUnit, false);
            m_Spans = new SpanInfo[dists.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Spans.Length; i++)
                m_Spans[i] = new SpanInfo()
                    ObservedDistance = dists[i]
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a new edit that defines an alternate face for a previously subdivided line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstSide">The edit that initially subdivided the line.</param>
        /// <param name="altFace">The definition of the alternate face</param>
        void AddOtherSide(LineSubdivisionOperation firstSide, LineSubdivisionFace altFace)
                LineSubdivisionOperation op = new LineSubdivisionOperation(firstSide.Parent, altFace.ObservedLengths, altFace.IsEntryFromEnd);
                op.OtherSide = firstSide;
                firstSide.OtherSide = op;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a working copy of an existing face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="face">The face to copy</param>
        /// <param name="isPrimaryFace">Is the specified face the primary face?</param>
        /// <returns>The working copy</returns>
        LineSubdivisionFace CreateWorkingFace(LineSubdivisionFace face, bool isPrimaryFace)
            if (face == null)

            // Make a copy of the distance observations from the source face
            Distance[]          distances = CopyDistances(face);
            LineSubdivisionFace result    = new LineSubdivisionFace(distances, face.IsEntryFromEnd);

            // Create sections and calculate geometry
            InitializeWorkingFace(result, isPrimaryFace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the distances for one subdivision face (along with a note as
        /// to whether the annotation has been flipped or not).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="face">The face of interest (may be null)</param>
        /// <returns>A copy of the distances along the face (null if the supplied face is null).</returns>
        Distance[] CopyDistances(LineSubdivisionFace face)
            if (face == null)

            Distance[] current = face.ObservedLengths;
            Distance[] result  = new Distance[current.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = new Distance(current[i]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the distances list box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The total distance entered, in meters.</returns>
        double GetDistances()
            m_Distances = null;

                string       entryString      = GetEntryString();
                DistanceUnit defaultEntryUnit = EditingController.Current.EntryUnit;
                m_Distances = LineSubdivisionFace.GetDistances(entryString, defaultEntryUnit,

                // Return the total length (in meters)
                double result = 0.0;
                foreach (Distance d in m_Distances)
                    result += d.Meters;


            catch { }
        internal override bool DialFinish(Control wnd)
            if (m_Dialog == null && m_UpDial == null)
                throw new Exception("LineSubdivisionUI.DialFinish - No dialog!");

            UpdateUI up      = this.Update;
            bool     doAbort = false;

            if (up != null)
                // Get the original operation.
                LineSubdivisionOperation pop = (up.GetOp() as LineSubdivisionOperation);
                if (pop == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("LineSubdivisionUI.DialFinish - Unexpected edit type.");

                // Ensure we've got the edit for the primary face
                if (!pop.IsPrimaryFace)
                    pop = pop.OtherSide;
                    Debug.Assert(pop != null);

                // Package up any changes to the primary face
                UpdateItemCollection changes = pop.GetUpdateItems(m_UpDial.WorkingFace1);
                if (changes.Count > 0)
                    up.AddUpdate(pop, changes);

                // If a second face has just been defined, append a new edit.
                LineSubdivisionFace face2 = m_UpDial.WorkingFace2;
                if (face2 != null)
                    if (pop.OtherSide == null)
                        AddOtherSide(pop, face2);
                        changes = pop.OtherSide.GetUpdateItems(face2);
                        if (changes.Count > 0)
                            up.AddUpdate(pop.OtherSide, changes);

                // If all we've done is add a new face, UpdateUI.AddUpdate wouldn't have been
                // called, which will later lead to an exception from UpdateUI.FinishCommand (via
                // the FinishCommand done below). So remember to abort in that case.
                doAbort = (up.HasRevisions == false);
                // Ensure that the parent line has been de-selected by the view.

                // Get the dialog to save.

            // Destroy the dialog(s).

            // Get the base class to finish up.
            if (doAbort)
        private void newFaceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If we previously highlighted something, draw it normally (since it cannot exist as part of any other face).
            m_SelectedLine = null;

            // If a second face doesn't already exist, get the user to specify the distances.

            if (m_Face2 == null)
                    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

                    // Get the distance observations

                    using (LegForm dial = new LegForm(GetObservedLength()))
                        if (dial.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                        // Must be at least two distances
                        Distance[] dists = dial.Distances;
                        if (dists == null || dists.Length < 2)
                            MessageBox.Show("The new face must have at least two spans");

                        // Default annotations to the flip side
                        foreach (Distance d in dists)
                            d.IsAnnotationFlipped = true;

                        // Create the new face (for use in preview only)
                        m_Face2 = new LineSubdivisionFace(dists, m_Face1.IsEntryFromEnd);
                        InitializeWorkingFace(m_Face2, false);

                        newFaceButton.Text = "&Other Face";

                    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

            // Switch to the other face (possibly the one just added)

            if (m_CurrentFace == m_Face1)
                m_CurrentFace = m_Face2;
                m_CurrentFace = m_Face1;
