    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //get position of line and position and velocity of car here
        linePosX = line.GetPositionX();
        carPosX  = car.GetPositionX();
        velocity = car.GetVelocityX();

        //distance car is from the line
        double dist = carPosX - linePosX;

        //create new fuzzy variable measuring the car's distance from the line
        var carPosToLine = new LinguisticVariable("CarPosition");

        //set up membership functions for car distance variable
        var carFarLeft  = carPosToLine.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("FarLeft", -3.0, -3.0, -1.5, -0.75);
        var carLeft     = carPosToLine.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Left", -1.5, -0.75, 0.0);
        var carCentre   = carPosToLine.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Centre", -0.75, 0.0, 0.75);
        var carRight    = carPosToLine.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Right", 0.0, 0.75, 1.5);
        var carFarRight = carPosToLine.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("FarRight", 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 3.0);

        //create new fuzzy variable measuring the car's velocity towards the line
        var carVel = new LinguisticVariable("CarVelocity");

        //set up membership functions for car velocity variable
        var velFastLeft  = carVel.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("FastLeft", -maxCarVel, -maxCarVel, -0.5 * maxCarVel, -0.25 * maxCarVel);
        var velLeft      = carVel.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Left", -0.5 * maxCarVel, -0.25 * maxCarVel, 0.0);
        var velStill     = carVel.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Still", -0.25 * maxCarVel, 0.0, 0.25 * maxCarVel);
        var velRight     = carVel.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Right", 0.0, 0.25 * maxCarVel, 0.5 * maxCarVel);
        var velFastRight = carVel.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("FastRight", 0.25 * maxCarVel, 0.5 * maxCarVel, maxCarVel, maxCarVel);

        //create new fuzzy output variable to be set as the steering of the car
        var carSteering = new LinguisticVariable("CarSteering");

        //set up membership functions for car steering variable
        var steerHardLeft  = carSteering.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("SteerHardLeft", -steeringValue, -steeringValue, -0.5 * steeringValue);
        var steerLeft      = carSteering.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("SteerLeft", -steeringValue, -0.5 * steeringValue, 0.0);
        var noSteering     = carSteering.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("NoSteering", -0.5 * steeringValue, 0.0, 0.5 * steeringValue);
        var steerRight     = carSteering.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("SteerRight", 0.0, 0.5 * steeringValue, steeringValue);
        var steerHardRight = carSteering.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("SteerHardRight", 0.5 * steeringValue, steeringValue, steeringValue);

        //set up the fuzzy engine
        //default type is centroid/centre of gravity
        fuzzyEngine = new FuzzyEngineFactory().Default();

        //set up a rule for every combination of the input variables
        //far left distance
        var rule1 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarLeft).And(carVel.Is(velFastLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardRight));
        var rule2 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarLeft).And(carVel.Is(velLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardRight));
        var rule3 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarLeft).And(carVel.Is(velStill))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));
        var rule4 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarLeft).And(carVel.Is(velRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));
        var rule5 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarLeft).And(carVel.Is(velFastRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));

        //left distance
        var rule6  = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carLeft).And(carVel.Is(velFastLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardRight));
        var rule7  = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carLeft).And(carVel.Is(velLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardRight));
        var rule8  = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carLeft).And(carVel.Is(velStill))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));
        var rule9  = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carLeft).And(carVel.Is(velRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(noSteering));
        var rule10 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carLeft).And(carVel.Is(velFastRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));

        var rule11 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carCentre).And(carVel.Is(velFastLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardRight));
        var rule12 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carCentre).And(carVel.Is(velLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));
        var rule13 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carCentre).And(carVel.Is(velStill))).Then(carSteering.Is(noSteering));
        var rule14 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carCentre).And(carVel.Is(velRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));
        var rule15 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carCentre).And(carVel.Is(velFastRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardLeft));

        //right distance
        var rule16 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carRight).And(carVel.Is(velFastLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerRight));
        var rule17 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carRight).And(carVel.Is(velLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(noSteering));
        var rule18 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carRight).And(carVel.Is(velStill))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));
        var rule19 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carRight).And(carVel.Is(velRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardLeft));
        var rule20 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carRight).And(carVel.Is(velFastRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardLeft));

        //far right distance
        var rule21 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarRight).And(carVel.Is(velFastLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));
        var rule22 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarRight).And(carVel.Is(velLeft))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));
        var rule23 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarRight).And(carVel.Is(velStill))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerLeft));
        var rule24 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarRight).And(carVel.Is(velRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardLeft));
        var rule25 = Rule.If(carPosToLine.Is(carFarRight).And(carVel.Is(velFastRight))).Then(carSteering.Is(steerHardLeft));

        //add these rules to the fuzzy engine
        fuzzyEngine.Rules.Add(rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6, rule7, rule8, rule9, rule10, rule11, rule12, rule13,
                              rule14, rule15, rule16, rule17, rule18, rule19, rule20, rule21, rule22, rule23, rule24, rule25);

        //calculate and defuzzify steering output
        result = fuzzyEngine.Defuzzify(new { CarPosition = dist, CarVelocity = velocity });

        //set cars steering as the output result

        //display the result for the car on the screen in the steering text variable
        float resultf = (float)result;

        steeringText.text = ("Steering: " + resultf.ToString("F3"));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //update the position of the line and car and the velocity of the car
        linePosX = line.GetPositionX();
        carPosX  = car.GetPositionX();
        velocity = car.GetVelocityX();

        //gives distance car is from line
        dist = carPosX - linePosX;

        //set each rules condition for each variable combination
        if (dist < FarLeftDist)
            if (velocity < FastLeftVel)
                result = SteerHardRight;
            else if (velocity < LeftVel)
                result = SteerHardRight;
            else if (velocity > FastRightVel)
                result = 0;
            else if (velocity > RightVel)
                result = SteerHardRight;
            else //Velocity is Zero
                result = SteerHardRight;

        else if (dist < LeftDist)
            if (velocity < FastLeftVel)
                result = SteerHardRight;
            else if (velocity < LeftVel)
                result = SteerRight;
            else if (velocity > FastRightVel)
                result = SteerLeft;
            else if (velocity > RightVel)
                result = SteerLeft;
            else //Velocity is Zero
                result = SteerRight;

        else if (dist > FarRightDist)
            if (velocity < FastLeftVel)
                result = 0;
            else if (velocity < LeftVel)
                result = SteerHardLeft;
            else if (velocity > FastRightVel)
                result = SteerHardLeft;
            else if (velocity > RightVel)
                result = SteerHardLeft;
            else //Velocity is Zero
                result = SteerHardLeft;

        else if (dist > RightDist)
            if (velocity < FastLeftVel)
                result = SteerRight;
            else if (velocity < LeftVel)
                result = SteerRight;
            else if (velocity > FastRightVel)
                result = SteerHardLeft;
            else if (velocity > RightVel)
                result = SteerLeft;
            else //Velocity is Zero
                result = SteerLeft;

        else //Dist is centre
            if (velocity < FastLeftVel)
                result = SteerHardRight;
            else if (velocity < LeftVel)
                result = SteerRight;
            else if (velocity > FastRightVel)
                result = SteerHardLeft;
            else if (velocity > RightVel)
                result = SteerLeft;
            else //Velocity is Zero
                result = 0;

        //set car steering as the result returned by the rules

        //set steering text to display the result
        steeringText.text = ("Steering: " + result.ToString("F3"));