        public IHttpActionResult GetLineSegmentForLine(int lineID)
            if (GetRoles == string.Empty || User.IsInRole(GetRoles))
                using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(Connection))
                    LineDetails result = new LineDetails();

                    List <LineSegment> record = new TableOperations <LineSegment>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("ID in (select ChildID from AssetRelationship where AssetRelationshipTypeID = (SELECT ID FROM AssetRelationshipType WHERE Name = 'Line-LineSegment') AND ParentID = {0})", lineID).ToList();
                    record = record.Concat(new TableOperations <LineSegment>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("ID in (select ParentID from AssetRelationship where AssetRelationshipTypeID = (SELECT ID FROM AssetRelationshipType WHERE Name = 'Line-LineSegment') AND ChildID = {0})", lineID)).ToList();

                    result.Length        = record.Select(item => item.Length).Sum();
                    result.X0            = record.Select(item => item.X0).Sum();
                    result.R0            = record.Select(item => item.R0).Sum();
                    result.X1            = record.Select(item => item.X1).Sum();
                    result.R1            = record.Select(item => item.R1).Sum();
                    result.ThermalRating = record.Select(item => item.ThermalRating).Count() > 0 ? record.Select(item => item.ThermalRating).Min() : 0;

        private int FindStartingYPosition(ViewLayoutContext context,
                                          LineDetails lineDetails,
                                          bool reversePosition)
            RelativePositionAlign align = ItemAlignment;

            // Do we need to apply right to left by aligning in opposite direction?
            if (IsOneLine && !BarVertical && (context.Control.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes))
                if (align == RelativePositionAlign.Near)
                    align = RelativePositionAlign.Far;
                else if (align == RelativePositionAlign.Far)
                    align = RelativePositionAlign.Near;

            switch (align)
            case RelativePositionAlign.Near:
                if (reversePosition)

            case RelativePositionAlign.Center:
                if (reversePosition)
                    return(ClientRectangle.Bottom - (ClientRectangle.Height - lineDetails.InlineLength) / 2);
                    return(ClientLocation.Y + (ClientRectangle.Height - lineDetails.InlineLength) / 2);

            case RelativePositionAlign.Far:
                if (reversePosition)
                    return(ClientRectangle.Bottom - (ClientRectangle.Height - lineDetails.InlineLength));
                    return(ClientLocation.Y + (ClientRectangle.Height - lineDetails.InlineLength));

                // Should never happen!
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the trimmer, indicating that the given text was encountered before an inline tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The text at the end of the format string.</param>
        /// <param name="generator">The generator created for the inline tag.</param>
        /// <returns>A static generator containing the passed text.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<StaticGenerator> RecordText(string value, bool isTag, bool isOutput)
            int newLineIndex = value.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine);
            if (newLineIndex == -1)
                StaticGenerator generator = new StaticGenerator() { Value = value };
                _currentLine.Value.HasTag |= isTag;
                _currentLine.Value.HasOutput |= !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value);
                yield return generator;
                string[] lines = value.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                // get the trailing generator
                string trailing = lines[0];
                StaticGenerator trailingGenerator = new StaticGenerator() { Value = trailing };
                _currentLine.Value.HasOutput |= !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trailing);
                yield return trailingGenerator;

                // get the middle generators
                for (int lineIndex = 1; lineIndex < lines.Length - 1; ++lineIndex)
                    string middle = lines[lineIndex];
                    StaticGenerator middleGenerator = new StaticGenerator() { Value = middle };
                    LineDetails middleDetails = new LineDetails() { HasTag = false };
                    _currentLine = _lines.AddLast(middleDetails);
                    _currentLine.Value.HasOutput = true;
                    yield return middleGenerator;

                // get the leading generator
                string leading = lines[lines.Length - 1];
                StaticGenerator leadingGenerator = new StaticGenerator() { Value = leading };
                LineDetails details = new LineDetails() { HasTag = isTag };
                _currentLine = _lines.AddLast(details);
                _currentLine.Value.HasOutput = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leading);
                yield return leadingGenerator;
            if (isOutput)
                _currentLine.Value.HasOutput = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover the preferred size of the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // Reset the largest child size to empty
            _maximumItem = Size.Empty;

            // Keep track of the total preferred size
            Size preferredSize = Size.Empty;

            // Nothing to calculate if there are no children
            if (Count > 0)
                // Default to no space between each child item
                // If we have a metric provider then get the child gap to use
                int gap = _paletteMetric?.GetMetricInt(State, _metricGap) ?? context.Renderer.RenderTabBorder.GetTabBorderSpacingGap(TabBorderStyle);

                // Line spacing gap can never be less than zero
                int lineGap = (gap < 0 ? 0 : gap);

                // Do we need to apply right to left by positioning children in reverse order?
                bool reversed = (IsOneLine && !BarVertical && (context.Control.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes));

                // Allocate caching for size of each child element
                _childSizes = new Size[Count];

                // Find the child index of the selected page
                int selectedChildIndex = -1;

                // Find the size of each child in turn
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    // Get access to the indexed child
                    ViewBase      child     = this[reversed ? (Count - i - 1) : i];
                    INavCheckItem checkItem = (INavCheckItem)child;

                    // Only examine visible children
                    if (child.Visible)
                        // Cache child index of the selected page
                        if (checkItem.Navigator.SelectedPage == checkItem.Page)
                            selectedChildIndex = i;

                        // Ask child for it's own preferred size
                        _childSizes[i] = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                        // Enfore the minimum and maximum sizes
                        if (ItemVertical)
                            _childSizes[i].Width  = Math.Max(Math.Min(_childSizes[i].Width, ItemMaximumSize.Height), ItemMinimumSize.Height);
                            _childSizes[i].Height = Math.Max(Math.Min(_childSizes[i].Height, ItemMaximumSize.Width), ItemMinimumSize.Width);
                            _childSizes[i].Width  = Math.Max(Math.Min(_childSizes[i].Width, ItemMaximumSize.Width), ItemMinimumSize.Width);
                            _childSizes[i].Height = Math.Max(Math.Min(_childSizes[i].Height, ItemMaximumSize.Height), ItemMinimumSize.Height);

                        // Remember the largest child encountered
                        _maximumItem.Width  = Math.Max(_childSizes[i].Width, _maximumItem.Width);
                        _maximumItem.Height = Math.Max(_childSizes[i].Height, _maximumItem.Height);

                // Apply the item sizing method
                switch (BarItemSizing)
                case BarItemSizing.Individual:
                    // Do nothing, each item can be its own size

                case BarItemSizing.SameHeight:
                    if (!BarVertical)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                            if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                                _childSizes[i].Height = _maximumItem.Height;
                        for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                            if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                                _childSizes[i].Width = _maximumItem.Width;

                case BarItemSizing.SameWidth:
                    if (!BarVertical)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                            if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                                _childSizes[i].Width = _maximumItem.Width;
                        for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                            if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                                _childSizes[i].Height = _maximumItem.Height;

                case BarItemSizing.SameWidthAndHeight:
                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                        if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                            _childSizes[i] = _maximumItem;

                    // Should never happen!

                // Store a list of the individual line vectors (height or width depending on orientation)
                _lineDetails = new List <LineDetails>();

                int itemCount    = 0;
                int startIndex   = 0;
                int visibleItems = 0;

                if (BarVertical)
                    int yPos      = 0;
                    int yMaxPos   = 0;
                    int lineWidth = 0;
                    _preferredOrientLength = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                        // Ignore invisible items, which are zero sized
                        if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                            // If not the first visible item on line, then need a spacing gap
                            int yAdd = (visibleItems > 0) ? gap : 0;

                            // Add on the heght of the child
                            yAdd += _childSizes[i].Height;

                            // Does this item extend beyond visible line?
                            // (unless first item, we always have at least one item on a line)
                            if (!IsOneLine && (yPos > 0) && ((yPos + yAdd) > context.DisplayRectangle.Height))
                                // Remember the line metrics
                                _lineDetails.Add(new LineDetails(yPos, lineWidth, startIndex, itemCount));

                                // Track the widest line encountered
                                yMaxPos = Math.Max(yPos, yMaxPos);

                                // Reset back to start of the next line
                                yPos                    = 0;
                                itemCount               = 0;
                                startIndex              = i;
                                _preferredOrientLength += (lineGap + lineWidth);
                                lineWidth               = 0;

                                // First item on new line does not need a spacing gap
                                yAdd = _childSizes[i].Height;

                            // Add on to the current line
                            yPos += yAdd;

                            // Track the tallest item on this line
                            if (lineWidth < _childSizes[i].Width)
                                lineWidth = _childSizes[i].Width;

                        // Visible and Invisible items are added to the item count

                    // Add the last line to the height
                    _preferredOrientLength += lineWidth;

                    // Check if the last line is the tallest line
                    yMaxPos = Math.Max(yPos, yMaxPos);

                    // If we extended past end of the line
                    if (yMaxPos > context.DisplayRectangle.Height)
                        // If the mode requires we do not extend over the line
                        if ((BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Shrinkline) ||
                            (BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Exactline))
                            bool changed;

                            // Keep looping to reduce item sizes until all are zero sized or finished removing extra space
                                changed = false;

                                // Are there any items avaiable for reducing?
                                if (visibleItems > 0)
                                    // How much do we need to shrink each item by?
                                    int shrink = Math.Max(1, (yMaxPos - context.DisplayRectangle.Height) / visibleItems);

                                    // Reduce size of each item
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                                        // Cannot make smaller then zero height
                                        if (_childSizes[i].Height > 0)
                                            // Reduce size
                                            int tempHeight = _childSizes[i].Height;
                                            _childSizes[i].Height -= shrink;

                                            // Prevent going smaller then zero
                                            if (_childSizes[i].Height <= 0)
                                                _childSizes[i].Height = 0;

                                            // Reduce total width by the height removed from item
                                            yMaxPos -= (tempHeight - _childSizes[i].Height);

                                            // All reduction made, exit the loop
                                            if (yMaxPos <= context.DisplayRectangle.Height)

                                            changed = true;
                            } while (changed && (yMaxPos > context.DisplayRectangle.Height));

                    // If we are shorter than the available height
                    if (yMaxPos < context.DisplayRectangle.Height)
                        // If the mode requires we extend to the end of the line
                        if ((BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Expandline) ||
                            (BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Exactline))
                            bool changed;

                            // Keep looping to expand item sizes until all extra space is allocated
                                changed = false;

                                // Are there any items avaiable for expanding?
                                if (visibleItems > 0)
                                    // How much do we need to expand each item by?
                                    int expand = Math.Max(1, (context.DisplayRectangle.Height - yMaxPos) / visibleItems);

                                    // Expand size of each item
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                                        // Expand size
                                        _childSizes[i].Height += expand;

                                        // Reduce free space by that allocated
                                        yMaxPos += expand;

                                        changed = true;

                                        // All expansion made, exit the loop
                                        if (yMaxPos >= context.DisplayRectangle.Height)
                            } while (changed && (yMaxPos < context.DisplayRectangle.Height));

                    // Remember the line metrics
                    _lineDetails.Add(new LineDetails(yMaxPos, lineWidth, startIndex, itemCount));

                    // Our preferred size is tall enough to show the longest line and total width
                    preferredSize.Width  = _preferredOrientLength;
                    preferredSize.Height = yMaxPos;
                    int xPos       = 0;
                    int xMaxPos    = 0;
                    int lineHeight = 0;
                    _preferredOrientLength = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                        // Ignore invisible items, which are zero sized
                        if (!_childSizes[i].IsEmpty)
                            // If not the first item on line, then need a spacing gap
                            int xAdd = (visibleItems > 0) ? gap : 0;

                            // Add on the width of the child
                            xAdd += _childSizes[i].Width;

                            // Does this item extend beyond visible line?
                            // (unless first item, we always have at least one item on a line)
                            if (!IsOneLine && (xPos > 0) && ((xPos + xAdd) > context.DisplayRectangle.Width))
                                // Remember the line metrics
                                _lineDetails.Add(new LineDetails(xPos, lineHeight, startIndex, itemCount));

                                // Track the widest line encountered
                                xMaxPos = Math.Max(xPos, xMaxPos);

                                // Reset back to start of the next line
                                xPos                    = 0;
                                itemCount               = 0;
                                startIndex              = i;
                                _preferredOrientLength += (lineGap + lineHeight);
                                lineHeight              = 0;

                                // First item on new line does not need a spacing gap
                                xAdd = _childSizes[i].Width;

                            // Add on to the current line
                            xPos += xAdd;

                            // Track the tallest item on this line
                            if (lineHeight < _childSizes[i].Height)
                                lineHeight = _childSizes[i].Height;

                        // Visible and Invisible items are added to the item count

                    // Add the last line to the height
                    _preferredOrientLength += lineHeight;

                    // Check if the last line is the widest line
                    xMaxPos = Math.Max(xPos, xMaxPos);

                    // If we extended past end of the line
                    if (xMaxPos > context.DisplayRectangle.Width)
                        // If the mode requires we do not extend over the line
                        if ((BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Shrinkline) ||
                            (BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Exactline))
                            bool changed;

                            // Keep looping to reduce item sizes until all are zero sized or finished removing extra space
                                changed = false;

                                // Are there any items avaiable for reducing?
                                if (visibleItems > 0)
                                    // How much do we need to shrink each item by?
                                    int shrink = Math.Max(1, (xMaxPos - context.DisplayRectangle.Width) / visibleItems);

                                    // Reduce size of each item
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                                        // Cannot make smaller then zero width
                                        if (_childSizes[i].Width > 0)
                                            // Reduce size
                                            int tempWidth = _childSizes[i].Width;
                                            _childSizes[i].Width -= shrink;

                                            // Prevent going smaller then zero
                                            if (_childSizes[i].Width <= 0)
                                                _childSizes[i].Width = 0;

                                            // Reduce total width by the width removed from item
                                            xMaxPos -= (tempWidth - _childSizes[i].Width);

                                            // All reduction made, exit the loop
                                            if (xMaxPos <= context.DisplayRectangle.Width)

                                            changed = true;
                            } while (changed && (xMaxPos > context.DisplayRectangle.Width));

                    // If we are shorter than the line width
                    if (xMaxPos < context.DisplayRectangle.Width)
                        // If the mode requires we extend to the end of the line
                        if ((BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Expandline) ||
                            (BarMultiline == BarMultiline.Exactline))
                            bool changed;

                            // Keep looping to expand item sizes until all the extra space is removed
                                changed = false;

                                // Are there any items avaiable for reducing?
                                if (visibleItems > 0)
                                    // How much do we need to expand each item by?
                                    int expand = Math.Max(1, (context.DisplayRectangle.Width - xMaxPos) / visibleItems);

                                    // Expand size of each item
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _childSizes.Length; i++)
                                        // Expand size
                                        _childSizes[i].Width += expand;

                                        // Increase total width taken up by items
                                        xMaxPos += expand;

                                        changed = true;

                                        // All expansion made, exit the loop
                                        if (xMaxPos >= context.DisplayRectangle.Width)
                            } while (changed && (xMaxPos < context.DisplayRectangle.Width));

                    // Remember the line metrics
                    _lineDetails.Add(new LineDetails(xMaxPos, lineHeight, startIndex, itemCount));

                    // Our preferred size is tall enough to show the widest line and total height
                    preferredSize.Width  = xMaxPos;
                    preferredSize.Height = _preferredOrientLength;

                // Reverse the order of the lines when at top or left edge, as the
                // items should be positioned from the inside edge moving outwards
                if ((Orientation == VisualOrientation.Top) ||
                    (Orientation == VisualOrientation.Left))

                // If we are using tabs then we need to move the line with the selection
                if (ReorderSelectedLine)
                    // Did we find a selected child index?
                    if (selectedChildIndex >= 0)
                        // Find the line details that contains this child index
                        for (int i = 0; i < _lineDetails.Count; i++)
                            // Is the selected item in the range of items for this line?
                            if ((selectedChildIndex >= _lineDetails[i].StartIndex) &&
                                (selectedChildIndex < (_lineDetails[i].StartIndex + _lineDetails[i].ItemCount)))
                                // Remove the line details
                                LineDetails ld = _lineDetails[i];

                                if ((Orientation == VisualOrientation.Top) ||
                                    (Orientation == VisualOrientation.Left))
                                    // Move to end of the list
                                    // Move to start of the list
                                    _lineDetails.Insert(0, ld);

            // Enfore the minimum height of the bar
            if (BarVertical)
                preferredSize.Width = Math.Max(preferredSize.Width, BarMinimumHeight);
                preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, BarMinimumHeight);

 public virtual BaseCommandReference ExtractBaseCommandId(LineDetails lineDetails)
     return(new BaseCommandReference {
         BaseCommandId = 5
        private int FindStartingXPosition(ViewLayoutContext context, 
                                          LineDetails lineDetails,
                                          bool reversePosition)
            RelativePositionAlign align = ItemAlignment;

            // Do we need to apply right to left by aligning in opposite direction?
            if (IsOneLine && !BarVertical && (context.Control.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes))
                if (align == RelativePositionAlign.Near)
                    align = RelativePositionAlign.Far;
                else if (align == RelativePositionAlign.Far)
                    align = RelativePositionAlign.Near;

            switch (align)
                case RelativePositionAlign.Near:
                    if (reversePosition)
                        return ClientRectangle.Right;
                        return ClientLocation.X;
                case RelativePositionAlign.Center:
                    if (reversePosition)
                        return ClientRectangle.Right - (ClientRectangle.Width - lineDetails.InlineLength) / 2;
                        return ClientLocation.X + (ClientRectangle.Width - lineDetails.InlineLength) / 2;
                case RelativePositionAlign.Far:
                    if (reversePosition)
                        return ClientRectangle.Right - (ClientRectangle.Width - lineDetails.InlineLength);
                        return ClientLocation.X + (ClientRectangle.Width - lineDetails.InlineLength);
                    // Should never happen!
                    return ClientLocation.X;