public static uint MagicalAttack(ref Actor sActor, ref Actor dActor, uint damage, AttackElements element, ref Map.SkillArgs args) { //TODO: //Damage calculation and magical resists. if (args.isCritical == Map.SkillArgs.AttackResult.Critical) { damage = damage * 2; args.damage = damage; } SkillAttack(ref sActor, ref dActor, damage, ref args); return damage; }
public static uint PhysicalAttack(ref Actor sActor, ref Actor dActor, uint damage, AttackElements element,ref Map.SkillArgs args) { //Real damage calculation if (element != AttackElements.NATRAL) { if (damage > (uint.MaxValue / 2)) damage = 0; if (args.isCritical == Map.SkillArgs.AttackResult.Critical) { damage = damage * 2; args.damage = damage; } float reduced; if (dActor.BattleStatus.def < 1000) { reduced = ((float)(dActor.BattleStatus.def) / 1000) * damage; damage -= (uint)reduced; args.damage = damage; } else { damage = 0; args.damage = 0; args.isCritical = Map.SkillArgs.AttackResult.Block; } } //Shield Block: Damage reduction if (sActor.BattleStatus.Additions.ContainsKey("ShieldBlock")) { damage = (uint)(damage * 0.7); } //Shiel Block: Attack reflection if (dActor.BattleStatus.Additions.ContainsKey("ShieldBlock")) { Addition addition = dActor.BattleStatus.Additions["ShieldBlock"]; Map.SkillArgs newarg = new Map.SkillArgs(args.skillType, args.isCritical, (uint)SkillIDs.ShieldBlock,, 0); Map map; newarg.damage = (uint)(damage * (0.07 + 0.03)); if (MapManager.Instance.GetMap(dActor.mapID, out map)) { map.SendEventToAllActorsWhoCanSeeActor(Map.EVENT_TYPE.SKILL, newarg, dActor, true); SkillAttack(ref dActor, ref sActor, newarg.damage, ref newarg); } } SkillAttack(ref sActor, ref dActor, damage, ref args); return damage; }
public void SendActorToMap(Actor mActor, Map newMap, short x, short y) { // todo: add support for multiple map servers // obtain the new map byte mapid = (byte); if (mapid == mActor.MapID) { TeleportActor(mActor, x, y); return; } // delete the actor from this map this.DeleteActor(mActor); // update the actor mActor.MapID = mapid; mActor.X = x; mActor.Y = y; // register the actor in the new map if (mActor.type != ActorType.PC) { newMap.RegisterActor(mActor); } else { newMap.RegisterActor(mActor, mActor.ActorID); } }
public void SendActorToMap(Actor mActor, Map newMap, float x, float y, float z) { // todo: add support for multiple map servers // obtain the new map byte mapid = (byte); if (mapid == mActor.mapID) { TeleportActor(mActor, x, y, z); return; } // delete the actor from this map this.DeleteActor(mActor); // update the actor mActor.mapID = mapid; mActor.x = x; mActor.y = y; mActor.z = z; ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler eh = (SagaMap.ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler)mActor.e; = newMap; // register the actor in the new map if (mActor.type != ActorType.PC) { newMap.RegisterActor(mActor); } else { newMap.RegisterActor(mActor,; } }
private static void SkillAttack(ref Actor sActor, ref Actor dActor, uint damage, ref Map.SkillArgs args) { ActorPC targetPC; ActorNPC targetNPC; if (dActor.stance == SagaLib.Global.STANCE.DIE) return; switch (dActor.type) { case ActorType.NPC: targetNPC = (ActorNPC)dActor; if (targetNPC.HP > damage) targetNPC.HP -= (ushort)damage; else targetNPC.HP = 0; Mob mob = (Mob)targetNPC.e; mob.BeenAttacked(sActor, args); TimeSpan tmp = mob.timeSignature.time - DateTime.Now; if (tmp.Minutes > 5 || tmp.Minutes < 0 || mob.timeSignature.actorID == 0 || mob.timeSignature.actorID == { mob.timeSignature.actorID =; mob.timeSignature.time = DateTime.Now; } if (targetNPC.HP == 0) { targetNPC.e.OnDie(); if (sActor.type == ActorType.PC) { targetPC = (ActorPC)sActor; Quest.QuestsManager.UpdateEnemyInfo(targetPC, targetNPC.npcType); } mob.Map.SendEventToAllActorsWhoCanSeeActor(Map.EVENT_TYPE.CHANGE_STATE, null, targetNPC, true); //EXP calculation foreach (uint i in mob.Damage.Keys) { targetPC = (ActorPC)mob.Map.GetActor(i); if (targetPC == null) continue; ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler eh = (SagaMap.ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler)targetPC.e; // Apply player's part of the experience (determined by the percentage of HP deducted) ExperienceManager.Instance.ApplyExp(targetPC, targetNPC, (float)mob.Damage[i] / (float)targetNPC.maxHP); eh.C.SendCharStatus(36); // Check experience (will send level up if relevant) ExperienceManager.Instance.CheckExp(eh.C, ExperienceManager.LevelType.CLEVEL); ExperienceManager.Instance.CheckExp(eh.C, ExperienceManager.LevelType.JLEVEL); ExperienceManager.Instance.CheckExp(eh.C, ExperienceManager.LevelType.WLEVEL); eh.C.UpdateWeaponInfo(SagaMap.Packets.Server.WeaponAdjust.Function.EXP, SagaDB.Items.WeaponFactory.GetActiveWeapon(eh.C.Char).exp); } mob.Damage.Clear(); } break; case ActorType.PC: targetPC = (ActorPC)dActor; if (targetPC.HP > damage) targetPC.HP -= (ushort)damage; else targetPC.HP = 0; EquiptLoseDurability(targetPC); if (targetPC.HP == 0) { ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler eh = (SagaMap.ActorEventHandlers.PC_EventHandler)targetPC.e; targetPC.e.OnDie();, null, targetPC, true); } break; } }