void Start () { if (FindObjectOfType<LeapImageRetriever> () == null) { Debug.LogWarning ("Place a LeapImageRetriever script on a camera to enable Leap image-based materials"); enabled = false; return; } cameraAlignment = FindObjectOfType<LeapCameraAlignment> (); if (cameraAlignment != null && !cameraAlignment.warpedImages.Contains (this)) { cameraAlignment.warpedImages.Add (this); } }
void OnEnable() { LeapImageRetriever.registerImageBasedMaterial (this); cameraAlignment = FindObjectOfType<LeapCameraAlignment> (); if (cameraAlignment != null && !cameraAlignment.warpedImages.Contains (this)) { cameraAlignment.warpedImages.Add (this); } Material imageBasedMaterial = GetComponent<Renderer> ().material; //Initialize gamma correction float gamma = 1f; if (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear) { gamma = -Mathf.Log10 (Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace (0.1f)); //Debug.Log ("Derived gamma = " + gamma); } imageBasedMaterial.SetFloat ("_ColorSpaceGamma", gamma); //Initialize the Time-Warp to be the identity imageBasedMaterial.SetMatrix ("_ViewerImageToNow", Matrix4x4.identity); }