public bool TryFill(IntVector3 ipos, Dictionary <int, LSubTerrain> dicNodes) { int nExpand = LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.NumDataExpands; for (int x = ipos.x - nExpand; x <= ipos.x + nExpand; x++) { for (int z = ipos.z - nExpand; z <= ipos.z + nExpand; z++) { if (x < 0 || x >= LSubTerrConstant.XCount || z < 0 || z >= LSubTerrConstant.ZCount) { continue; } int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); if (!dicNodes.ContainsKey(idx)) { LSubTerrain node = new LSubTerrain(); node.Index = idx; ReadOrgDataToBuff(node.Index); node.ApplyData(DataBuff, DataLen); dicNodes.Add(idx, node); return(false); } } } return(true); }
public bool TryFill_T(IntVector3 ipos, Dictionary <int, LSubTerrain> dicNodes) { if (CntInProcess > 0) { return(false); } int n = _lstNodes.Count; if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int index = _lstNodes [i].Index; if (dicNodes.ContainsKey(index)) { Debug.LogError("Adding an LSubTerrain node but it already exist in the map, the old node will be replaced !"); dicNodes [index] = _lstNodes [i]; } else { dicNodes.Add(index, _lstNodes [i]); } } _lstNodes.Clear(); } // Add into process bool bRet = true; int nExpand = LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.NumDataExpands; lock (_lstNodesIdx) { for (int x = ipos.x - nExpand; x <= ipos.x + nExpand; x++) { for (int z = ipos.z - nExpand; z <= ipos.z + nExpand; z++) { if (x < 0 || x >= LSubTerrConstant.XCount || z < 0 || z >= LSubTerrConstant.ZCount) { continue; } int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); if (!dicNodes.ContainsKey(idx)) { _lstNodesIdx.Add(idx); bRet = false; } } } } return(bRet); }
private void CreateOneBTerrain(int x, int z) { int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); List <TreeInfo> trees_in_zone = m_allTreesInLayer[idx]; BillboardTerrain bt = BillboardTerrain.Instantiate(LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.BTerrainRes) as BillboardTerrain; bt.transform.parent = LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.BTerrainGroup.transform; = "BTerrain [" + x.ToString() + " " + z.ToString() + "]"; bt.transform.position = new Vector3(x * LSubTerrConstant.SizeF, 0, z * LSubTerrConstant.SizeF); bt.transform.localScale =; bt.xPos = x; bt.zPos = z; bt.m_Center = new Vector3((xIndex + 0.5f) * LSubTerrConstant.SizeF, 0, (zIndex + 0.5f) * LSubTerrConstant.SizeF); if (m_BillboardTerrains.ContainsKey(idx)) { m_BillboardTerrains[idx].Reset(); GameObject.Destroy(m_BillboardTerrains[idx].gameObject); m_BillboardTerrains.Remove(idx); } bt.SetTrees(trees_in_zone); m_BillboardTerrains.Add(idx, bt); }
private IEnumerator RefreshRegion() { bProcessing = true; #region PREPARE_DATA yield return(0); m_mapPrototype.Clear(); m_listPrototype.Clear(); for (int x = xIndex - 1; x <= xIndex + 1; ++x) { for (int z = zIndex - 1; z <= zIndex + 1; ++z) { int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); while (!m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx) && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx) != null && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx).HasData) { yield return(0); } if (m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx)) { List <TreeInfo> trees_in_zone = m_allTreesInLayer[idx]; foreach (TreeInfo ti in trees_in_zone) { // New prototype ? if (!m_mapPrototype.ContainsKey(ti.m_protoTypeIdx)) { int next_index = m_listPrototype.Count; m_mapPrototype.Add(ti.m_protoTypeIdx, next_index); m_listPrototype.Add(ti.m_protoTypeIdx); } } } } yield return(0); } TreePrototype [] FinalPrototypeArray = new TreePrototype [m_listPrototype.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < m_listPrototype.Count; ++i) { FinalPrototypeArray[i] = new TreePrototype(); FinalPrototypeArray[i].bendFactor = LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.GlobalPrototypeBendFactorList[m_listPrototype[i]]; FinalPrototypeArray[i].prefab = LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.GlobalPrototypePrefabList[m_listPrototype[i]]; } // Calc Count int tree_count = 0; for (int x = xIndex - 1; x <= xIndex + 1; ++x) { for (int z = zIndex - 1; z <= zIndex + 1; ++z) { int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); if (m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx)) { tree_count += m_allTreesInLayer[idx].Count; } } } TreeInstance [] FinalTreeInstanceArray = new TreeInstance [tree_count]; int t = 0; for (int x = xIndex - 1; x <= xIndex + 1; ++x) { for (int z = zIndex - 1; z <= zIndex + 1; ++z) { int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); if (m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx)) { List <TreeInfo> trees_in_zone = m_allTreesInLayer[idx]; foreach (TreeInfo ti in trees_in_zone) { if (t < FinalTreeInstanceArray.Length) { Vector3 new_pos = ti.m_pos; new_pos += new Vector3(x - xIndex + 1, 0, z - zIndex + 1); new_pos.x /= 3; new_pos.z /= 3; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].color = ti.m_clr; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].heightScale = ti.m_heightScale; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].widthScale = ti.m_widthScale; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].lightmapColor = ti.m_lightMapClr; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].position = new_pos; if (!m_mapPrototype.ContainsKey(ti.m_protoTypeIdx)) { FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].heightScale = 0; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].widthScale = 0; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].position =; FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].prototypeIndex = 0; continue; } FinalTreeInstanceArray[t].prototypeIndex = m_mapPrototype[ti.m_protoTypeIdx]; } t++; } } } } yield return(0); #endregion #region ASSIGN_DATA gameObject.SetActive(false); m_TerrData.treeInstances = new TreeInstance[0]; m_TerrData.treePrototypes = FinalPrototypeArray; m_TerrData.treeInstances = FinalTreeInstanceArray; if (Application.isEditor) { _TreePrototypeCount = m_TerrData.treePrototypes.Length; _TreeInstanceCount = m_TerrData.treeInstances.Length; } transform.position = LSubTerrUtils.PosToWorldPos(new IntVector3(xIndex - 1, 0, zIndex - 1)); gameObject.SetActive(true); #endregion bProcessing = false; if (OnRefreshRegion != null) { OnRefreshRegion(); } StartCoroutine("RefreshBillboards"); }
private IEnumerator RefreshBillboards() { // Check if the highest layer if (LSubTerrainMgr.Instance.Layers[LayerIndex].MaxTreeHeight < 50) { bBillboardProcessing = false; yield break; } bBillboardProcessing = true; // Delete Far BTerrains List <int> del_list = new List <int> (); long tempIndexX, tempIndexZ; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, BillboardTerrain> kvp in m_BillboardTerrains) { IntVector3 pos = LSubTerrUtils.IndexToPos(kvp.Key); tempIndexX = pos.x - xIndex; tempIndexZ = pos.z - zIndex; //lz-2017.07.27 差值如果是Int.MinValue用Mathf.Abs会报错: OverflowException: Value is too small if (System.Math.Abs(tempIndexX) > 3 || System.Math.Abs(tempIndexZ) > 3 || System.Math.Abs(tempIndexX) <= 1 && System.Math.Abs(tempIndexZ) <= 1) { kvp.Value.Reset(); GameObject.Destroy(kvp.Value.gameObject); del_list.Add(kvp.Key); } } foreach (int del in del_list) { m_BillboardTerrains.Remove(del); } // Add new BTerrains for (int x = Last_x - 1; x <= Last_x + 1; ++x) { for (int z = Last_z - 1; z <= Last_z + 1; ++z) { if (x >= xIndex - 1 && x <= xIndex + 1 && z >= zIndex - 1 && z <= zIndex + 1) { continue; } if (x > xIndex + 3 || x < xIndex - 3 || z > zIndex + 3 || z < zIndex - 3) { continue; } int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); while (!m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx) && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx) != null && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx).HasData) { yield return(0); } if (m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx)) { CreateOneBTerrain(x, z); } } } yield return(0); // Add new BTerrains for (int x = xIndex - 3; x <= xIndex + 3; ++x) { for (int z = zIndex - 3; z <= zIndex + 3; ++z) { if (x >= xIndex - 1 && x <= xIndex + 1 && z >= zIndex - 1 && z <= zIndex + 1) { continue; } if (x >= Last_x - 1 && x <= Last_x + 1 && z >= Last_z - 1 && z <= Last_z + 1) { continue; } int idx = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(x, z); while (!m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx) && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx) != null && LSubTerrainMgr.Node(idx).HasData) { yield return(0); } if (m_allTreesInLayer.ContainsKey(idx)) { CreateOneBTerrain(x, z); } } yield return(0); } Last_x = xIndex; Last_z = zIndex; bBillboardProcessing = false; }
public GlobalTreeInfo(int xindex, int zindex, TreeInfo treeinfo) { _terrainIndex = LSubTerrUtils.PosToIndex(xindex, zindex); _treeInfo = treeinfo; }