public void GetNextContentTest() { KomodoClaimsRepository queueRepo = new KomodoClaimsRepository(); KomodoClaims content = new KomodoClaims(1, ClaimType.Home, "Bad stuff happened", 400.34m, new DateTime(1989, 05, 19), new DateTime(1989, 5, 23), true); KomodoClaims content2 = new KomodoClaims(2, ClaimType.Car, "Big Boom", 400.34m, new DateTime(2018, 05, 19), new DateTime(2018, 9, 23), false); queueRepo.AddToQueue(content); queueRepo.AddToQueue(content2); queueRepo.GetNextContent(); Queue <KomodoClaims> list = queueRepo.GetAllQueue(); var expected = 1; var actual = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void PeekNextContentTest() { KomodoClaimsRepository queueRepo = new KomodoClaimsRepository(); KomodoClaims content = new KomodoClaims(1, ClaimType.Home, "Bad stuff happened", 400.34m, new DateTime(1989, 05, 19), new DateTime(1989, 5, 23), true); queueRepo.AddToQueue(content); KomodoClaims queueContent = queueRepo.PeekNextContent(); Assert.AreSame(content, queueContent); }
private void AddNewClaim() { Console.WriteLine("What is the claim ID?"); int claimID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What is claim type number?\n" + "1: Car\n" + "2: Home\n" + "3: Theft"); int claim = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); ClaimType claimType = (ClaimType)claim; Console.WriteLine("Input description of claim."); string description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is claim monitary amount in decimal format."); decimal claimAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What was the date of the incident? (YYYY/MM/DD)"); DateTime incidentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What was the date of the claim? (YYYY/MM/DD)"); DateTime claimDateTime = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Is this a valid claim? (Y/N)"); string validAsString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); bool isValid = false; switch (validAsString) { case "y": case "yes": isValid = true; break; case "n": case "no": isValid = false; break; } KomodoClaims newContent = new KomodoClaims(claimID, claimType, description, claimAmount, incidentDateTime, claimDateTime, isValid); _claimRepo.AddToQueue(newContent); }