public bool IsKingInCheck(Side sideToCheck)
        // Checks the moves of the opposing side
        bool inCheck = false;

        // Common sense dictates that there must be one and only one king on either side
        King kingToCheck = (King)GetPiecesOfTypeAndSide(typeof(King), sideToCheck).ToArray()[0];

        foreach (AbstractPiece activePiece in this.activePieces)
            if (activePiece.side != sideToCheck)
                Bitboard availableMoves = activePiece.GetMovesForCurrentPosition();

                if (availableMoves.ValueAtPosition(kingToCheck.GetCurrentPosition()) > 0)
                    // Special check for Pawns advancing forward - they are of no harm and must not be considered here
                    if (activePiece.GetType().Name == Constants.PieceClassNames.Pawn && activePiece.GetCurrentPosition().GetColumn() == kingToCheck.GetCurrentPosition().GetColumn())
                        // Laugh it off
                        // Be very scared
                        inCheck = true;
