public void Start(Vector3 emitter_position) { if (!isRunning) { if (oneShotSound != null) { EventInstance eventInstance = KFMOD.CreateInstance(oneShotSound); if (!eventInstance.isValid()) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find event: " + oneShotSound); } else { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(emitter_position.x, emitter_position.y, 0f); ATTRIBUTES_3D attributes = pos.To3DAttributes(); eventInstance.set3DAttributes(attributes); eventInstance.setVolume(tilePercentage * 2f); eventInstance.start(); eventInstance.release(); } } else { soundEvent = KFMOD.CreateInstance(sound); if (soundEvent.isValid()) { soundEvent.start(); } isRunning = true; } } }
protected override void OnSpawn() { base.OnSpawn(); techViewSound = KFMOD.CreateInstance(techViewSoundPath); techViewSoundPlaying = false; Shader.SetGlobalVector("_OverlayParams",; RegisterModes(); currentModeInfo = modeInfos[OverlayModes.None.ID]; }
public EventInstance Start(string snapshot) { if (!activeSnapshots.TryGetValue(snapshot, out EventInstance value)) { if (RuntimeManager.IsInitialized) { value = KFMOD.CreateInstance(snapshot); activeSnapshots[snapshot] = value; value.start(); value.setParameterValue("snapshotActive", 1f); } else { value = default(EventInstance); } } instance.Log("Start Snapshot: " + snapshot); return(value); }
public void PlaySong(string song_name, bool canWait = false) { Log("Play: " + song_name); if (AudioDebug.Get().musicEnabled) { SongInfo value = null; if (!songMap.TryGetValue(song_name, out value)) { DebugUtil.LogErrorArgs("Unknown song:", song_name); } else if (activeSongs.ContainsKey(song_name)) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Trying to play duplicate song:", song_name); } else if (activeSongs.Count == 0) { value.ev = KFMOD.CreateInstance(value.fmodEvent); if (!value.ev.isValid()) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Failed to find FMOD event [" + value.fmodEvent + "]"); } int num = (value.numberOfVariations <= 0) ? (-1) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, value.numberOfVariations + 1); if (num != -1) { value.ev.setParameterValue("variation", (float)num); } value.ev.start(); activeSongs[song_name] = value; if (value.dynamic) { activeDynamicSong = value; } } else { List <string> list = new List <string>(activeSongs.Keys); if (value.interruptsActiveMusic) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (!activeSongs[list[i]].interruptsActiveMusic) { SongInfo songInfo = activeSongs[list[i]]; songInfo.ev.setParameterValue("interrupted_dimmed", 1f); Log("Dimming: " + Assets.GetSimpleSoundEventName(songInfo.fmodEvent)); value.songsOnHold.Add(list[i]); } } value.ev = KFMOD.CreateInstance(value.fmodEvent); if (!value.ev.isValid()) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Failed to find FMOD event [" + value.fmodEvent + "]"); } value.ev.start(); value.ev.release(); activeSongs[song_name] = value; } else { int num2 = 0; foreach (string key in activeSongs.Keys) { SongInfo songInfo2 = activeSongs[key]; if (!songInfo2.interruptsActiveMusic && songInfo2.priority > num2) { num2 = songInfo2.priority; } } if (value.priority >= num2) { for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { SongInfo songInfo3 = activeSongs[list[j]]; FMOD.Studio.EventInstance ev = songInfo3.ev; if (!songInfo3.interruptsActiveMusic) { ev.setParameterValue("interrupted_dimmed", 1f); ev.stop(STOP_MODE.ALLOWFADEOUT); activeSongs.Remove(list[j]); list.Remove(list[j]); } } value.ev = KFMOD.CreateInstance(value.fmodEvent); if (!value.ev.isValid()) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Failed to find FMOD event [" + value.fmodEvent + "]"); } int num3 = (value.numberOfVariations <= 0) ? (-1) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, value.numberOfVariations + 1); if (num3 != -1) { value.ev.setParameterValue("variation", (float)num3); } value.ev.start(); activeSongs[song_name] = value; } } } } }
public void RenderEveryTick(float dt) { ListPool <Sound, LoopingSoundManager> .PooledList pooledList = ListPool <Sound, LoopingSoundManager> .Allocate(); ListPool <int, LoopingSoundManager> .PooledList pooledList2 = ListPool <int, LoopingSoundManager> .Allocate(); ListPool <int, LoopingSoundManager> .PooledList pooledList3 = ListPool <int, LoopingSoundManager> .Allocate(); List <Sound> dataList = sounds.GetDataList(); bool flag = Time.timeScale == 0f; SoundCuller soundCuller = CameraController.Instance.soundCuller; for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { Sound sound = dataList[i]; if ((UnityEngine.Object)sound.transform != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { sound.pos = sound.transform.GetPosition(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)sound.animController != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { Vector3 offset = sound.animController.Offset; sound.pos.x += offset.x; sound.pos.y += offset.y; } } bool flag2 = !sound.IsCullingEnabled || (sound.ShouldCameraScalePosition && soundCuller.IsAudible(sound.pos, sound.falloffDistanceSq)) || soundCuller.IsAudibleNoCameraScaling(sound.pos, sound.falloffDistanceSq); bool isPlaying = sound.IsPlaying; if (flag2) { pooledList.Add(sound); if (!isPlaying) { SoundDescription soundDescription = GetSoundDescription(sound.path); sound.ev = KFMOD.CreateInstance(soundDescription.path); dataList[i] = sound; pooledList2.Add(i); } } else if (isPlaying) { pooledList3.Add(i); } } LoopingSoundParameterUpdater.Sound sound2; foreach (int item in pooledList2) { Sound value = dataList[item]; SoundDescription soundDescription2 = GetSoundDescription(value.path); value.ev.setPaused(flag && value.ShouldPauseOnGamePaused); Vector2 v = value.pos; if (value.ShouldCameraScalePosition) { v = SoundEvent.GetCameraScaledPosition(v); } value.ev.set3DAttributes(RuntimeUtils.To3DAttributes(v)); value.ev.start(); value.flags |= Sound.Flags.PLAYING; if (value.firstParameter != HashedString.Invalid) { value.ev.setParameterValueByIndex(soundDescription2.GetParameterIdx(value.firstParameter), value.firstParameterValue); } if (value.secondParameter != HashedString.Invalid) { value.ev.setParameterValueByIndex(soundDescription2.GetParameterIdx(value.secondParameter), value.secondParameterValue); } sound2 = default(LoopingSoundParameterUpdater.Sound); sound2.ev = value.ev; sound2.path = value.path; sound2.description = soundDescription2; sound2.transform = value.transform; LoopingSoundParameterUpdater.Sound sound3 = sound2; SoundDescription.Parameter[] parameters = soundDescription2.parameters; for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++) { SoundDescription.Parameter parameter = parameters[j]; LoopingSoundParameterUpdater value2 = null; if (parameterUpdaters.TryGetValue(, out value2)) { value2.Add(sound3); } } dataList[item] = value; } pooledList2.Recycle(); foreach (int item2 in pooledList3) { Sound value3 = dataList[item2]; SoundDescription soundDescription3 = GetSoundDescription(value3.path); sound2 = default(LoopingSoundParameterUpdater.Sound); sound2.ev = value3.ev; sound2.path = value3.path; sound2.description = soundDescription3; sound2.transform = value3.transform; LoopingSoundParameterUpdater.Sound sound4 = sound2; SoundDescription.Parameter[] parameters2 = soundDescription3.parameters; for (int k = 0; k < parameters2.Length; k++) { SoundDescription.Parameter parameter2 = parameters2[k]; LoopingSoundParameterUpdater value4 = null; if (parameterUpdaters.TryGetValue(, out value4)) { value4.Remove(sound4); } } if (value3.ShouldCameraScalePosition) { value3.ev.stop(STOP_MODE.IMMEDIATE); } else { value3.ev.stop(STOP_MODE.ALLOWFADEOUT); } value3.flags &= ~Sound.Flags.PLAYING; value3.ev.release(); dataList[item2] = value3; } pooledList3.Recycle(); float velocityScale = TuningData <Tuning> .Get().velocityScale; foreach (Sound item3 in pooledList) { Sound current3 = item3; ATTRIBUTES_3D attributes = SoundEvent.GetCameraScaledPosition(current3.pos).To3DAttributes(); attributes.velocity = (current3.velocity * velocityScale).ToFMODVector(); current3.ev.set3DAttributes(attributes); } foreach (KeyValuePair <HashedString, LoopingSoundParameterUpdater> parameterUpdater in parameterUpdaters) { parameterUpdater.Value.Update(dt); } pooledList.Recycle(); }