private static int Create(string[] input) { if (input.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("class name missing"); return(1); } string className = input[1].ToLower(); if (!classes.ContainsKey(className)) { Console.WriteLine($"{input[1]} is not a valid object type"); return(1); } Type type = Type.GetType($"{classes[className]}, InventoryLibrary"); // if (type == null) // return (1); BaseClass new_obj = (BaseClass)Activator.CreateInstance(type); UpdateConsole(ref new_obj); Console.WriteLine(new_obj.ToString()); jsonStorage.New(new_obj); jsonStorage.Save(); return(0); }
public void JSONStorage_Save_Load_1() { JSONStorage<BaseClass> jsbs = new JSONStorage<BaseClass>(); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.GetType().GetMethod("Save").ReturnType == typeof(void)); BaseClass bs = new BaseClass(); Item it = new Item(); User us = new User(); Inventory inv = new Inventory(); jsbs.New(bs); jsbs.New(it); jsbs.New(us); jsbs.New(inv); jsbs.Save(); jsbs.All().Remove($"{bs.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{it.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{us.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{inv.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.Load(); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.All().ContainsKey($"{bs.GetType().Name}.{}")); Assert.IsFalse(jsbs.All().ContainsValue(bs)); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.All().ContainsKey($"{it.GetType().Name}.{}")); Assert.IsFalse(jsbs.All().ContainsValue(it)); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.All().ContainsKey($"{us.GetType().Name}.{}")); Assert.IsFalse(jsbs.All().ContainsValue(us)); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.All().ContainsKey($"{inv.GetType().Name}.{}")); Assert.IsFalse(jsbs.All().ContainsValue(inv)); jsbs.All().Remove($"{bs.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{it.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{us.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{inv.GetType().Name}.{}"); }
public void JSONStorage_Save() { JSONStorage<BaseClass> jsbs = new JSONStorage<BaseClass>(); Assert.IsTrue(jsbs.GetType().GetMethod("Save").ReturnType == typeof(void)); BaseClass bs = new BaseClass(); Item it = new Item(); User us = new User(); Inventory inv = new Inventory(); jsbs.New(bs); jsbs.New(it); jsbs.New(us); jsbs.New(inv); jsbs.Save(); jsbs.All().Remove($"{bs.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{it.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{us.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.All().Remove($"{inv.GetType().Name}.{}"); jsbs.Save(); FileAssert.Exists("storage/inventory_manager.json"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { JSONStorage storage = new JSONStorage(); storage.Load(); string prompt = @"Inventory Manager ------------------------- <ClassNames> show all ClassNames of objects <All> show all objects <All [ClassName]> show all objects of a ClassName <Create [ClassName]> a new object <Show [ClassName object_id]> an object <Update [ClassName object_id]> an object <Delete [ClassName object_id]> an object <Exit> "; string[] types = { "BaseClass", "User", "Item", "Inventory" }; Console.Write(prompt); for (string r = Console.ReadLine(); r != null; r = Console.ReadLine()) { string[] commands = r.Split(' '); if (string.Compare(commands[0], "Exit", true) == 0) { break; } if (commands[0].Length == 0) { continue; } var a = storage.All(); bool cFlag = false; bool iFlag = false; if (commands.Length >= 2) { foreach (var type in types) { if (string.Compare(commands[1], type, true) == 0) { cFlag = true; } } if (cFlag == false) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid object type", commands[1]); continue; } } if (commands.Length >= 3) { foreach (var o in a.Values) { if (string.Compare(, commands[2], true) == 0) { iFlag = true; } } if (iFlag == false) { Console.WriteLine("Object {0} could not be found", commands[2]); continue; } } if (string.Compare(commands[0], "All", true) == 0) { if (commands.Length == 1) { foreach (var key in a.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", key, a[key].ToString()); } } else { foreach (var key in a.Keys) { if (string.Compare(a[key].type, commands[1], true) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", key, a[key].ToString()); } } } } else if (string.Compare(commands[0], "Show", true) == 0) { string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", commands[1], commands[2]); if (a.ContainsKey(key)) { Console.WriteLine(a[key]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Object {0} could not be found", commands[2]); } } else if (string.Compare(commands[0], "Update", true) == 0) { string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", commands[1], commands[2]); if (a.ContainsKey(key)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the desired parameter to update followed by the new value, separated by a space"); string u = Console.ReadLine(); string[] up = u.Split(' ', 2); string type = a[key].type; bool pass = false; if (string.Compare(type, "User") == 0) { pass = storage.updateObj <User>(key, up[0], up[1]); } else if (string.Compare(type, "Item") == 0) { pass = storage.updateObj <Item>(key, up[0], up[1]); } else if (string.Compare(type, "Inventory") == 0) { pass = storage.updateObj <Inventory>(key, up[0], up[1]); } else if (string.Compare(type, "BaseClass") == 0) { pass = storage.updateObj <BaseClass>(key, up[0], up[1]); } if (!pass) { Console.WriteLine("Object has no parameter named {0}", up[0]); } storage.objects[key].date_updated = DateTime.Now; storage.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Object {0} could not be found", commands[2]); } } else if (string.Compare(commands[0], "Create", true) == 0) { if (string.Compare(commands[1], "User", true) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Required parameter: name"); string inp = Console.ReadLine(); User u = new User(inp); storage.New(u); storage.Save(); } else if (string.Compare(commands[1], "Item", true) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter item name"); string iName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter item description"); string iDesc = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter item price as a float"); string iPrice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter item tags, separated by a space"); string iTags = Console.ReadLine(); float price = -1f; List <string> tags; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iName)) { Console.WriteLine("name is a required parameter"); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iDesc)) { iDesc = ""; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(iPrice))) { price = float.Parse(iPrice); } else { price = -1f; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(iTags))) { string[] tag = iTags.Split(' '); tags = new List <string>(tag); } else { tags = null; } Item i = new Item(iName, iDesc, price, tags); storage.New(i); storage.Save(); } else if (string.Compare(commands[1], "Inventory", true) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please input desired parameters in order separated by a space"); Console.WriteLine("Parameter order: user_id, item_id, quantity"); string inp = Console.ReadLine(); string[] inp2 = inp.Split(' ', 3); if (inp2.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("All parameters are required"); } Inventory inv = new Inventory(inp2[0], inp2[1], int.Parse(inp2[2])); storage.New(inv); storage.Save(); } else { BaseClass n = new BaseClass(); storage.New(n); storage.Save(); } } else if (string.Compare(commands[0], "Delete", true) == 0) { string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", commands[1], commands[2]); if (a.ContainsKey(key)) { storage.objects.Remove(key); storage.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Object {0} could not be found", commands[2]); } } else if (string.Compare(commands[0], "ClassNames", true) == 0) { List <string> names = new List <string>(); foreach (var v in a.Values) { names.Add(v.GetType().ToString()); } names = names.Distinct().ToList(); string res = string.Join(", ", names); Console.WriteLine(res); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid command", commands[0]); continue; } Console.Write(prompt); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); JSONStorage myStorage = new JSONStorage(); myStorage.Load(); string[] testColection = { "part", "computer part", "fragile" }; Item testItem = new Item("testItem1", "Just a Test", 6.0f, new List <String>(testColection)); //Console.WriteLine(; myStorage.New(testItem); myStorage.Save(); Dictionary <String, String> myDict; String myIO(string propt) { Console.Write(propt); return(Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim()); } bool getBegining(string wholeString) { String first = wholeString.Split('.')[0]; if (first == "Item") { return(true); } return(false); } string getEnd(string wholeString) { String first = wholeString.Split('.')[1]; return(first.ToLower()); } string getType(string wholeString) { String first = wholeString.Split('.')[0]; return(first.ToLower()); } void ShowAll(int x) { myDict = myStorage.All(); switch (x) { case 0: foreach (var entry in myDict) { Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Value} ID:{getEnd(entry.Key)}"); } break; case 1: foreach (var entry in myDict) { if (!getBegining(entry.Key)) { Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Value} ID:{getEnd(entry.Key)}"); } } break; case 2: foreach (var entry in myDict) { if (getBegining(entry.Key)) { Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Value} ID:{getEnd(entry.Key)}"); } } break; } } void Create() { string classType = myIO("Would you like to create a <User> or <Item>?\n:"); if ((classType != "user") && (classType != "item")) { myIO($"<{classType}> is not a valid object type... please enter <User> or <Item>\n Press enter to try again..."); Create(); } string newName = myIO("Please enter the name:"); if (newName == "") { myIO("You must enter a name...\n Press enter to try again..."); Create(); } if (classType == "user") { User newUser = new User(newName); myStorage.New(newUser); myStorage.Save(); myIO($"User {newName} Created!\nPress Enter to continue...\n"); } else { string description = myIO("Please enter a discription of the item if you would like one stored\n:"); float price = float.Parse(myIO("Please enter a price of the item if you would like one stored\n:")); float priceReal = (float)Math.Round(price * 100f) / 100f; string tagsEnterd = myIO("Please enter any tags (in one line separated by spaces) for the item if you would like any stored\n:"); List <string> tags = new List <string>(tagsEnterd.Split(' ')); Item newItem = new Item(newName, description, priceReal, tags); myStorage.New(newItem); myStorage.Save(); myIO($"Item {newName} Created!\nPress Enter to continue...\n"); } } void Show() { string classType = myIO("Would you like to create a <User> or <Item>?\n:"); if ((classType != "user") && (classType != "item")) { myIO($"<{classType}> is not a valid object type... please enter <User> or <Item>\n Press enter to try again..."); Show(); } string enterdID = myIO("Please enter the id of the item you would like to show\n:"); myDict = myStorage.All(); foreach (var entry in myDict) { if (getEnd(entry.Key.ToLower()) == enterdID) { Console.WriteLine(entry.Value); return; } } myIO($"Object <id> could not be found...\n Press enter to try again..."); Show(); } void Delete() { string classType = myIO("Would you like to delete a <User> or <Item>?\n:"); if ((classType != "user") && (classType != "item")) { myIO($"<{classType}> is not a valid object type... please enter <User> or <Item>\n Press enter to try again..."); Delete(); } string enterdID = myIO("Please enter the id of the item you would like to show\n:"); myDict = myStorage.All(); foreach (var entry in myDict) { if (getEnd(entry.Key.ToLower()) == enterdID) { myStorage.objects.Remove(entry.Key); myStorage.Save(); return; } } myIO($"Object <id> could not be found...\n Press enter to try again..."); Delete(); } while (true) { string responce = myIO($"Inventory Manager\n{"-------------------------"}\n<ClassNames> show all ClassNames of objects\n<All> show all objects\n<All Users> show all Users\n<All Items> show all Items\n<Create> a new object\n<Show> an object\n<Update> an object\n<Delete> an object\n<Exit>\nPlease enter a command from the list above: "); switch (responce) { case "classnames": myIO("Avalible class names are: Item, User\nPress Enter to continue...\n"); break; case "all": Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of all entries:"); ShowAll(0); myIO("Press Enter to continue...\n"); break; case "all users": Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of all Users:"); ShowAll(1); myIO("Press Enter to continue...\n"); break; case "all items": Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of all Items:"); ShowAll(2); myIO("Press Enter to continue...\n"); break; case "create": Create(); break; case "show": Create(); break; case "delete": Delete(); break; case "exit": return; break; default: myIO("Command not recognized...\nPress Enter to try again...\n"); break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //JSON Storage Engine Start JSONStorage storageDevice = new JSONStorage(); storageDevice.Load(); //List of all classes List <string> classList = new List <string> { "item", "user", "inventory" }; //List of all Commands List <string> commandList = new List <string> { "classnames", "all", "create", "show", "update", "delete", "exit" }; // //Response to unkown commands // string[] commandUnknown = new string[] // { // "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...", // "This command can serve no purpose anymore.", // "I sincerely hope you weren't expecting a response.", // "Stop it, you're going to brake it", // "01001110 01101111", // "Nope.avi", // "Input a valid command, you have 20 seconds to comply", // "... what now?", // }; // Exit responses // string[] exitApp = new string[] // { // "I'll be back", // "Hasta la vista", // "Thank you for helping us help you help us all", // "Sleep mode activated", // "It as a pleasure meeting you, now I'll go end my life", // "System shotdown... BOOM" // }; //Prompt Configuration string prompt = "$ "; Random randomNumber = new Random(); string[] promptList = new string[] { "(° ~°)> ", "(* ~*)> ", "(° -°)> ", "(° .°)> ", "(` _´)> ", "(O _o)> ", "(n _n)> ", "(u _u)> ", "(ò _ó)> ", "(¬ _¬)> ", "(* -*)> ", "(⌐■_■)> " }; Dictionary <string, ConsoleColor> colorlist = new Dictionary <string, ConsoleColor>(); colorlist.Add("(° ~°)> ", ConsoleColor.Blue); colorlist.Add("(* ~*)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); colorlist.Add("(° -°)> ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); colorlist.Add("(° .°)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); colorlist.Add("(` _´)> ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); colorlist.Add("(O _o)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta); colorlist.Add("(n _n)> ", ConsoleColor.Green); colorlist.Add("(u _u)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); colorlist.Add("(ò _ó)> ", ConsoleColor.Red); colorlist.Add("(¬ _¬)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); colorlist.Add("(* -*)> ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); colorlist.Add("(⌐■_■)> ", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); //User input parser string[] userSplit; //Console App while (true) { //Display Command list (with Colors!) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Inventory Manager"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("<ClassNames> show all ClassNames of objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All> show all objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All [ClassName]> show all objects of a ClassName"); Console.WriteLine("<Create [ClassName]> a new object"); Console.WriteLine("<Show [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Update [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Delete [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("<Exit>"); //End of Command List Display //Choose random string and color for prompt int randomConsole = randomNumber.Next(0, promptList.Length); prompt = promptList[randomConsole]; Console.ForegroundColor = colorlist[prompt]; Console.Write(prompt); //Split and turn to lowercase user input userSplit = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); //~ "METHODS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ switch (userSplit[0].ToLower()) { /// <summary> /// Displays all available classes. /// </summary> case "classnames": { foreach (string classes in classList) { Console.WriteLine($"{classes}"); } continue; } /// <summary> /// Displays all elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Optional: show only objects with this Class.</param> case "all": { //Display all elements of a given ClassName. try { if (userSplit[1].ToLower() != null) { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower()) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { //Display all elements in the Objects dictionary. foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> case "create": { if (userSplit.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Object ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { try { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { storageDevice.New(userSplit[1].ToLower()); Console.WriteLine($"Object of the class {userSplit[1]} has been created"); storageDevice.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); continue; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: Create <ClassName>"); continue; } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Shows an existing object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "show": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { Console.WriteLine(storageDevice.objects[kvp.Key]); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Updates an existing object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "update": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } continue; } /// <summary> /// Deletes an existing object. Usage: Delete [ClassName] [Id] /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "delete": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { storageDevice.objects.Remove(kvp.Key); storageDevice.Save(); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Terminatess the console. /// </summary> case "exit": { // int response = randomNumber.Next(0, exitApp.Length); // Console.WriteLine(exitApp[response]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return; } /// <summary> /// For unknown commands /// </summary> default: { // int response = randomNumber.Next(0, commandUnknown.Length); // Console.WriteLine(commandUnknown[response]); Console.WriteLine("Command Unkown"); continue; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //JSON Storage Engine Start JSONStorage storageDevice = new JSONStorage(); storageDevice.Load(); //List of all classes List <string> classList = new List <string> { "item", "user", "inventory" }; //List of all Commands List <string> commandList = new List <string> { "classnames", "all", "create", "show", "update", "delete", "exit" }; //Prompt Configuration string prompt = "(n _n)> "; //User input parser string[] userSplit; //Console App while (true) { //Display Command list (with Colors!) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Inventory Manager"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("<ClassNames> show all ClassNames of objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All> show all objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All [ClassName]> show all objects of a ClassName"); Console.WriteLine("<Create [ClassName]> a new object"); Console.WriteLine("<Show [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Update [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Delete [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("<Exit>"); //End of Command List Display //Print The prompt Console.Write(prompt); //Split and turn to lowercase user input userSplit = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); switch (userSplit[0].ToLower()) { /// <summary> /// Displays all available classes. /// </summary> case "classnames": { foreach (string classes in classList) { Console.WriteLine($"{classes}"); } continue; } /// <summary> /// Displays all elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Optional: show only objects with this Class.</param> case "all": { //Display all elements of a given ClassName. try { if (userSplit[1].ToLower() != null) { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower()) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { //Display all elements in the Objects dictionary. foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> case "create": { if (userSplit.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Object ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { try { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { storageDevice.New(userSplit[1].ToLower()); Console.WriteLine($"Object of the class {userSplit[1]} has been created"); storageDevice.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); continue; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: Create <ClassName>"); continue; } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Shows an existing object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "show": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { Console.WriteLine(storageDevice.objects[kvp.Key]); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Updates an existing object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "update": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } continue; } /// <summary> /// Deletes an existing object. Usage: Delete [ClassName] [Id] /// </summary> /// <param name="ClassName">Object Class.</param> /// <param name="Id">Object Id.</param> case "delete": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { storageDevice.objects.Remove(kvp.Key); storageDevice.Save(); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> /// Terminatess the console. /// </summary> case "exit": { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return; } /// <summary> /// For unknown commands /// </summary> default: { Console.WriteLine("Command Unkown"); continue; } } } }
public static void Main() { JSONStorage storageDevice = new JSONStorage(); storageDevice.Load(); List <string> classList = new List <string> { "item", "user", "inventory" }; List <string> commandList = new List <string> { "classnames", "all", "create", "show", "update", "delete", "exit" }; string prompt = "$ "; string[] userSplit; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Inventory Manager"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("<ClassNames> show all ClassNames of objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All> show all objects"); Console.WriteLine("<All [ClassName]> show all objects of a ClassName"); Console.WriteLine("<Create [ClassName]> a new object"); Console.WriteLine("<Show [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Update [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Delete [ClassName object_id]> an object"); Console.WriteLine("<Exit>"); int randomConsole = randomNumber.Next(0, promptList.Length); prompt = promptList[randomConsole]; Console.Write(prompt); userSplit = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); switch (userSplit[0].ToLower()) { /// <summary>Displays all available classes.</summary> case "classnames": { foreach (string classes in classList) { Console.WriteLine($"{classes}"); } continue; } /// <summary> Displays all elements. </summary> case "all": { //Display all elements of a given ClassName. try { if (userSplit[1].ToLower() != null) { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower()) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { //Display all elements in the Objects dictionary. foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------"); } } continue; } /// <summary>Creates a new object.</summary> case "create": { if (userSplit.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Object ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { try { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { storageDevice.New(userSplit[1].ToLower()); Console.WriteLine($"Object of the class {userSplit[1]} has been created"); storageDevice.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); continue; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: Create <ClassName>"); continue; } } continue; } /// <summary> Shows an existing object.</summary> case "show": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { Console.WriteLine(storageDevice.objects[kvp.Key]); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> Updates an existing object. </summary> case "update": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } continue; } /// <summary>Deletes an existing object. Usage: Delete [ClassName] [Id]</summary> case "delete": { if (userSplit.Length == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Id is missing"); continue; } else if (userSplit.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("ClassName is missing"); continue; } else { if (classList.Contains(userSplit[1].ToLower())) { bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in storageDevice.objects) { if (kvp.Key.Split('.')[0] == userSplit[1].ToLower() && kvp.Key.Split('.')[1] == userSplit[2]) { storageDevice.objects.Remove(kvp.Key); storageDevice.Save(); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Object {userSplit[2]} could not be found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userSplit[1]} is not a valid object type"); } } continue; } /// <summary> Terminatess the console.</summary> case "exit": { // int response = randomNumber.Next(0, exitApp.Length); // Console.WriteLine(exitApp[response]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return; } /// <summary>For unknown commands</summary> default: { // int response = randomNumber.Next(0, commandUnknown.Length); // Console.WriteLine(commandUnknown[response]); Console.WriteLine("Command Unkown"); continue; } } } }