public static void Init (UPALayer layer) { // Get existing open window or if none, make new one window = (UPALayerSettings)EditorWindow.GetWindow (typeof (UPALayerSettings)); #if UNITY_4_3 window.title = + " - Settings"; #elif UNITY_4_6 window.title = + " - Settings"; #else window.titleContent = new GUIContent ( + " - Settings"); #endif window.position = new Rect(Screen.width/2 + 260/2f,Screen.height/2 - 80, 360, 170); window.ShowPopup(); window.layer = layer; }
public static void Init(UPALayer layer) { // Get existing open window or if none, make new one window = (UPALayerSettings)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(UPALayerSettings)); #if UNITY_4_3 window.title = + " - Settings"; #elif UNITY_4_6 window.title = + " - Settings"; #else window.titleContent = new GUIContent( + " - Settings"); #endif window.position = new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 260 / 2f, Screen.height / 2 - 80, 360, 170); window.ShowPopup(); window.layer = layer; }
public static void DrawLayerPanel(Rect window) { style.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageAbove; int from = 0; int to = 0; if (CurrentImg == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < CurrentImg.layers.Count; i++) { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (i == CurrentImg.selectedLayer) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } UPALayer tempLayer = CurrentImg.layers[i]; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12, window.height - 60 - i * 36, 65, 33), "")) { CurrentImg.selectedLayer = i; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(15, window.height - 52 - i * 36, 90, 30),; bool layerEnabled = tempLayer.enabled; tempLayer.enabled = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(80, window.height - 61 - i * 36, 15, 15), tempLayer.enabled, ""); if (tempLayer.enabled != layerEnabled) { tempLayer.parentImg.dirty = true; } if (removeLayerIcon == null) { removeLayerIcon = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("UI/CrossWhite"); } if (tempLayer.locked) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(80, window.height - 43 - i * 36, 15, 15), Resources.Load("UI/locked") as Texture2D, style)) { tempLayer.locked = false; } } else { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(80, window.height - 43 - i * 36, 15, 15), Resources.Load("UI/unlocked") as Texture2D, style)) { tempLayer.locked = true; } } if (i + 1 < CurrentImg.layers.Count) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(97, window.height - 60 - i * 36, 22, 16), "+")) { from = i; to = i + 1; } } if (i > 0) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(97, window.height - 44 - i * 36, 22, 16), "-")) { from = i; to = i - 1; } } CurrentImg.layers[i] = tempLayer; } if (from != 0 || to != 0) { CurrentImg.ChangeLayerPosition(from, to); } GUIStyle smallButon = new GUIStyle(); smallButon.fontSize = 8; smallButon.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; smallButon.normal.background = Resources.Load("Background") as Texture2D; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/add") as Texture, "Add Layer"), smallButon)) { CurrentImg.AddLayer(); } if (CurrentImg.layerCount == 1) { GUI.contentColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12 + 20, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/delete") as Texture, "Delete Layer"), smallButon)) { if (CurrentImg.layers.Count > 1) { bool delete = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Delete Layer", "Do you want to remove " + CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.selectedLayer].name + "?", "Delete", "Cancel"); if (delete) { CurrentImg.RemoveLayerAt(CurrentImg.selectedLayer); } } } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12 + 20 * 2, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/import") as Texture, "Import Image"), smallButon)) { string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Find an Image (.jpg | .png)", "/", "Image Files;*.jpg;*.png"); if (path.Length != 0) { // Load Texture from file Texture2D tex = null; byte[] fileData; if (File.Exists(path)) { fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(path); tex = new Texture2D(2, 2); tex.LoadImage(fileData); //..this will auto-resize the texture dimensions. } // Create a new Image with textures dimensions CurrentImg.AddLayer(); // Set pixel colors UPALayer layer = CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.layers.Count - 1]; for (int x = 0; x < CurrentImg.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < CurrentImg.height; y++) {[x + y * CurrentImg.width] = tex.GetPixel(x, CurrentImg.height - 1 - y); } } layer.LoadTexFromMap(); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12 + 20 * 3, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/duplicate") as Texture, "Duplicate Layer"), smallButon)) { CurrentImg.layers.Add(new UPALayer(CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.selectedLayer])); } if (CurrentImg.selectedLayer == 0) { GUI.contentColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12 + 20 * 4, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/merge") as Texture, "Merge Layer Down"), smallButon)) { if (CurrentImg.selectedLayer > 0) { UPALayer upper = CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.selectedLayer]; UPALayer lower = CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.selectedLayer - 1]; lower.tex = UPABlendModes.Blend(lower.tex, lower.opacity, upper.tex, upper.opacity, upper.mode); for (int x = 0; x < lower.tex.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < lower.tex.height; y++) {[x + y * lower.tex.width] = lower.tex.GetPixel(x, lower.tex.height - 1 - y); } } CurrentImg.RemoveLayerAt(CurrentImg.selectedLayer); } } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; //if (GUI.Button (new Rect (12 + 18 * 4, window.height - 18, 16, 16), Resources.Load("UI/up") as Texture2D, style)) { // CurrentImg.AddLayer (); //} //if (GUI.Button (new Rect (12 + 18 * 5, window.height - 18, 16, 16), Resources.Load("UI/down") as Texture2D, style)) { // CurrentImg.AddLayer (); //} if (GUI.Button(new Rect(12 + 20 * 5, window.height - 20, 18, 18), new GUIContent(Resources.Load("UI/edit") as Texture, "Layer Options"), smallButon)) { UPALayerSettings.Init(CurrentImg.layers[CurrentImg.selectedLayer]); } // Draw layer button tooltips if (GUI.tooltip != "") { GUI.Box(new Rect(12, window.height - 43, 120, 20), GUI.tooltip); } //CurrentImg.selectedLayer = GUI.Toolbar (new Rect (4, window.height - 200, 90, 30), CurrentImg.selectedLayer, layerNames); }