void Attack() { Types.Items itemType = InventoryHelper.GetActiveItemType(playerInventory); // Only attack after the cooldown buffer time window has passed. if (Time.time > attackCooldown && itemType == Types.Items.Weapon) { Weapon weapon = InventoryHelper.GetActiveItem(playerInventory) as Weapon; List <Collider> localEnemies = LocateEnemyInWeaponRange(weapon.range); foreach (Collider enemyCol in localEnemies) { Health enemyHealth = enemyCol.gameObject.GetComponent <Health>(); // Give the Infected weapon damage. enemyHealth.TakeDamage(weapon.damage); // Do the math to calculate the angle in which the target is from the enemy. Vector3 directionToTarget = enemyCol.transform.position - transform.position; // Normalize that Vector3 to get to direction only. directionToTarget.Normalize(); // Create a new Throw class, giving it our two values. Types.Throw attackThrow = new Types.Throw(directionToTarget, weapon.force); // Give both of those values to the "GetThrown" in order to throw the enemy backware enemyHealth.GetThrown(attackThrow); // Create a buffer between attacks attackCooldown = Time.time + weapon.speed; } } }