void OnTriggerEnter(Collider coll) { GameObject object_collided_with = coll.gameObject; if (object_collided_with.tag == "rupee") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddRupees(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "key") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddKeys(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(key_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "BombIcon") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddBombs(5); inventory.WeaponBomb(); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bomb_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "bow") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.WeaponBow(); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bow_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "boomerangeicon") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.WeaponBoomerange(); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bow_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider coll) { GameObject object_collided_with = coll.gameObject; if (object_collided_with.tag == "rupee") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddRupees(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "key") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddKeys(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "bomb") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddBombs(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "door" || object_collided_with.tag == "door2" || object_collided_with.tag == "door3") { if (inventory != null && inventory.GetKeys() > 0) { inventory.AddKeys(-1); object_collided_with.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false; sr = object_collided_with.GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>(); if (object_collided_with.tag == "door") { sr[0].sprite = d0; sr[1].sprite = d1; } if (object_collided_with.tag == "door2") { sr[1].sprite = d2; } if (object_collided_with.tag == "door3") { sr[1].sprite = d3; } } } }
protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "rupee") { Debug.Log("Collected rupee!"); if (inventory) { inventory.AddRupees(1); } Destroy(other.gameObject); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (other.gameObject.tag == "key") { Debug.Log("Collected key!"); if (inventory) { inventory.AddKeys(1); } Destroy(other.gameObject); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (other.gameObject.tag == "bomb") { Debug.Log("Collected bomb!"); if (inventory) { inventory.AddBombs(1); } Destroy(other.gameObject); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (other.gameObject.tag == "res_heart") { Debug.Log("Collected restoration heart!"); if (GetComponent <Health>()) { GetComponent <Health>().AlterHealth(2); } Destroy(other.gameObject); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } }
public void PickupItem(string item, int value = 0) { switch (item) { case "Bow(Clone)": inventory.SetBowAquired(); break; case "Door Key(Clone)": SetHasDoorKey(true); inventory.SetKeyAquired(); break; case "Chest Key(Clone)": SetHasChestKey(true); break; case "Heart(Clone)": if (!healed) { AddHealth(25); } break; case "Coin(Clone)": Debug.Log(value); cashDisplay.AddMoney(value); break; case "BombItem(Clone)": inventory.SetBombAquired(); inventory.AddBombs(1); break; default: Debug.Log("PickupItem() was called with no/no known item."); break; } }
public void CollectBomb() { inventory.AddBombs(1); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X) && !arm.camera_moving && !arm.gold && !weapon_using && !special_using) { weapon_using = true; weapon_holding = true; weaponPosition(); Instantiate <Weapons>(weapon1, pos, Quaternion.identity); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(useSword_soundClip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z) && !arm.camera_moving && !arm.gold && !weapon_using && !special_using) { if (weapon2.type == WeaponType.bow && inventory.GetRupees() > 0) { weapon_using = true; weapon_holding = true; weaponPosition(); Instantiate <Weapons>(weapon2, pos, Quaternion.identity); inventory.AddRupees(-1); } else if (weapon2.type == WeaponType.boomerang) { weapon_using = true; weapon_holding = true; weaponPosition(); Instantiate <Weapons>(weapon2, pos, Quaternion.identity); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(boomerang_soundClip, Camera.main.transform.position); special_using = true; } else if (weapon2.type == WeaponType.bomb && inventory.GetBombs() > 0) { weapon_using = true; weapon_holding = true; weaponPosition(); Instantiate <Weapons>(weapon2, pos, Quaternion.identity); inventory.AddBombs(-1); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C) && !arm.camera_moving && !weapon_using && !special_using) { counter++; if (counter == 4) { if (has_bow) { counter = 1; } else if (!has_bow && has_boomerang) { counter = 2; } else { counter = 3; } } weapon2 = weapons[counter]; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (is_catched == false) { //Move current player Vector2 current_input = GetInput(); inputVelocity = current_input * movement_speed; rb.velocity = inputVelocity + knockbackVelocity; //make every movement half tile if (current_input.x == 0 && current_input.y == 0) { correct_position_x = Mathf.Round(tf.position.x * 2); correct_position_y = Mathf.Round(tf.position.y * 2); tf.position = new Vector3(correct_position_x / 2, correct_position_y / 2, 0); } } //Game Over if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); } //Invincibility/ Infinite Keys/ Bomb/ Rupees Cheat if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { it.AddBombs(99); it.AddKeys(99); it.AddRupees(99); } //use sword if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) { if (it.GetHearts() >= 6) { var sword = GameObject.Find("/Sword(Clone)"); if (sword == null) { Shot(swordPrefab); } } else { StartCoroutine(Draw()); } } //draw back sword if go away if (rb.velocity != new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) { sword.SetActive(false); } //use bow if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) { if (weapon_nums == 0) { if (it.GetRupees() != 0) { Shot(bowPrefab); it.SubtractRupees(1); } } if (weapon_nums == 1) { Shot(boomrangPrefab); } if (weapon_nums == 2) { if (it.GetBombs() != 0) { GameObject item = Instantiate(bombPrefab, tf.position, Quaternion.identity); it.SubtractBombs(1); } } } //change weapons if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) { if (weapon_nums < 2) { weapon_nums += 1; } else { weapon_nums = 0; } } //change weapons }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { GameObject object_collided_with = other.gameObject; if (object_collided_with.tag == "rupee") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddRupees(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(countingAudio, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "rupeeB") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddRupees(5); } Destroy(object_collided_with); StartCoroutine(GetComponent <playerSounds>().MultipleCollected(5)); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(rupee_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "heartR") { if (inventory != null) { player.heal(2); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(heartR_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(countingAudio, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "key") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddKeys(1); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(heartR_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(countingAudio, Camera.main.transform.position); } if (object_collided_with.tag == "bombPickup") { if (inventory != null) { inventory.AddBombs(4); } Destroy(object_collided_with); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(heartR_collection_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(countingAudio, Camera.main.transform.position); } }
private void Update() { if (count_0 == 5) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { player.full_health += 3; player.current_health += 3; player.health_text.text = "Health: " + player.current_health.ToString() + " / " + player.full_health.ToString(); coroutine = StartGame(); StartCoroutine(coroutine); count_0 = 0; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { player_inventory.AddBombs(3); coroutine = StartGame(); StartCoroutine(coroutine); count_0 = 0; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { iori.GetComponent <MotionControl>().damaged++; coroutine = StartGame(); StartCoroutine(coroutine); count_0 = 0; } t0 = false; next = false; } while (t0 && next && count_0 < 5) { text.text = ""; coroutine = SetConversation(conversations0[count_0], 0.1f, true); StartCoroutine(coroutine); next = false; } if (t1 && next) { text.text = "Iori: "; coroutine = SetConversation(conversation_11, 0.1f, true); StartCoroutine(coroutine); next = false; t1 = false; Invoke("Text0", 7.5f); } if (t2 && next) { text.text = "Iori: "; coroutine = SetConversation(conversation_21, 0.1f, false); StartCoroutine(coroutine); next = false; t2 = false; } if (t3 && next) { text.text = "Iori: "; coroutine = SetConversation(conversation_31, 0.1f, true); StartCoroutine(coroutine); next = false; t3 = false; Invoke("Text0", 7.5f); } if (t4 && next) { text.text = "Iori: "; coroutine = SetConversation(conversation_41, 0.1f, false); StartCoroutine(coroutine); next = false; t4 = false; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //TODO: add throw mechanic when player with full health if (playerController.state == PlayerController.PlayerStates.Idle && GameController.instance.gameState == GameController.GameStates.Play) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Switch")) { // Debug.Log("Switching Weapon."); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { int newWeaponIndex = ((int)weaponSpecies + i) % 4; if (obtainBWeapon[newWeaponIndex]) { Debug.Log(newWeaponIndex); weaponSpecies = (WeaponSpecies)newWeaponIndex; break; } } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { GameController.Direction direction = movement.GetDirection(); if (!SwordThrowing && playerController.hp == playerController.maxHp) { //Throw sword //Debug.Log("Sword throwing!"); SwordThrowing = true; //ThrowingSword.instance.Attack(direction); StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateSwordAttack(true, direction)); } else if (!SwordAttacking) { //Attack sword //Debug.Log("Sword attacking!"); Sword.instance.Attack(direction); StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateSwordAttack(false, direction)); } } else if (!BWeaponAttacking && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) { GameController.Direction direction = movement.GetDirection(); switch (weaponSpecies) { case WeaponSpecies.Bow: if (inventory.GetRupees() <= 0 && !inventory.isGodMode) { return; } BWeaponAttacking = true; if (!inventory.isGodMode) { inventory.AddRupees(-1); } //Debug.Log("Arrow attacking!"); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bow_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateBWeaponAttack(direction, WeaponSpecies.Bow)); break; case WeaponSpecies.Boomerang: //Debug.Log("Boomerang attacking!"); BWeaponAttacking = true; AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bow_sound_clip, Camera.main.transform.position); StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateBWeaponAttack(direction, WeaponSpecies.Boomerang)); break; // Mark case WeaponSpecies.PortalGun: if (!portalGunAcquired) { return; } BWeaponAttacking = true; StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateBWeaponAttack(direction, WeaponSpecies.PortalGun)); break; } } else if (!BombAttacking && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire3")) { if (inventory.GetBombs() <= 0 && !inventory.isGodMode) { return; } BombAttacking = true; if (!inventory.isGodMode) { inventory.AddBombs(-1); } GameController.Direction direction = movement.GetDirection(); StartCoroutine(animatorInput.AnimateBombAttack(direction)); } } }