 /// <summary>Add a file to the zip archive</summary>
 /// <description>
 /// </description>
 /// <param name="filename">The path and name of the file to add to the zip archive.</param>
 /// <param name="pathInZip">The path and name to be given to the file within the zip archive.</param>
 /// <param name="replace">If a file already exists within the zip archive at the same location as this new file, this parameter indicates if it should be replaced.  By default, it will be replaced.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the file was successfully added to the zip archive.</returns>
 public bool AddFile(string filename, string pathInZip, bool replace = true) {
      InternalUnsafeMethods.AddFile__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.AddFile__Args() {
         filename = filename,
         pathInZip = pathInZip,
         replace = replace,
      bool _engineResult = InternalUnsafeMethods.AddFile()(ObjectPtr, _args);
      return _engineResult;