        public async Task AutoArrangeChildrenTests()
            // arrange a single item around the origin
                var      scene = new InteractiveScene();
                Object3D cube1;
                scene.Children.Add(cube1 = new Object3D()
                    Mesh   = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 20, 20),
                    Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(34, 22, 10)

                Assert.IsTrue(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(24, 12, 0, 44, 32, 20).Equals(cube1.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(), .001));

                await scene.AutoArrangeChildren(Vector3.Zero);

                Assert.IsTrue(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(-10, -10, 0, 10, 10, 20).Equals(cube1.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(), .001));

            // arrange a single item around a typical bed center
                var      scene = new InteractiveScene();
                Object3D cube1;
                scene.Children.Add(cube1 = new Object3D()
                    Mesh   = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 20, 20),
                    Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(34, 22, 10)

                Assert.IsTrue(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(24, 12, 0, 44, 32, 20).Equals(cube1.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(), .001));

                await scene.AutoArrangeChildren(new Vector3(100, 100, 0));

                Assert.IsTrue(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(90, 90, 0, 110, 110, 20).Equals(cube1.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(), .001));

            // arrange 4 items
                var scene = new InteractiveScene();
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    scene.Children.Add(new Object3D()
                        Mesh   = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 20, 20),
                        Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(i * 134, i * -122, 10)

                var sceneAabb = scene.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                Assert.Greater(sceneAabb.XSize, 60);
                Assert.Greater(sceneAabb.YSize, 60);

                await scene.AutoArrangeChildren(Vector3.Zero);

                sceneAabb = scene.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                Assert.Less(sceneAabb.XSize, 60);
                Assert.Less(sceneAabb.YSize, 60);

            // arrange 4 items, starting with 1 selected
                var      scene = new InteractiveScene();
                Object3D child = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    scene.Children.Add(child = new Object3D()
                        Mesh   = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 20, 20),
                        Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(i * 134, i * -122, 10)

                scene.SelectedItem = child;

                var sceneAabb = scene.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                Assert.Greater(sceneAabb.XSize, 60);
                Assert.Greater(sceneAabb.YSize, 60);

                await scene.AutoArrangeChildren(Vector3.Zero);

                sceneAabb = scene.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                Assert.Less(sceneAabb.XSize, 60);
                Assert.Less(sceneAabb.YSize, 60);
        public override void Load()
            var library = ApplicationController.Instance.Library;

            long index        = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            var  libraryItems = new List <GeneratorItem>()
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Cube".Localize(),
                    async() => await CubeObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Pyramid".Localize(),
                    async() => await PyramidObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Wedge".Localize(),
                    async() => await WedgeObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Half Wedge".Localize(),
                    async() => await HalfWedgeObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Text".Localize(),
                    async() => await TextObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Text2".Localize(),
                    async() => await TextPathObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Cylinder".Localize(),
                    async() => await CylinderObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Cone".Localize(),
                    async() => await ConeObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Half Cylinder".Localize(),
                    async() => await HalfCylinderObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Torus".Localize(),
                    async() => await TorusObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Ring".Localize(),
                    async() => await RingObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Sphere".Localize(),
                    async() => await SphereObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Half Sphere".Localize(),
                    async() => await HalfSphereObject3D.Create())
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)
                new GeneratorItem(
                    () => "Image Converter".Localize(),
                    () =>
                    // Construct an image
                    var imageObject = new ImageObject3D()
                        AssetPath = AggContext.StaticData.ToAssetPath(Path.Combine("Images", "mh-logo.png"))

                    // Construct a scene
                    var tempScene = new InteractiveScene();
                    tempScene.SelectedItem = imageObject;

                    // Invoke ImageConverter operation, passing image and scene
                    ApplicationController.Instance.Graph.Operations["ImageConverter"].Operation(imageObject, tempScene);

                    // Return replacement object constructed in ImageConverter operation
                    var constructedComponent = tempScene.SelectedItem;

                    return(Task.FromResult <IObject3D>(constructedComponent));
                    DateCreated = new System.DateTime(index++)

            string title = "Primitive Shapes".Localize();

            foreach (var item in libraryItems)
                item.Category = title;
        public virtual void WrapSelectedItemAndSelect(InteractiveScene scene)
            var items = scene.GetSelectedItems();

            var          parent     = items.First().Parent;
            RebuildLocks parentLock = (parent == null) ? null : parent.RebuilLockAll();

            var firstChild = new Object3D();


            // if the items we are replacing are already in a list
            if (parent != null)
                if (scene.UndoBuffer != null)
                    foreach (var item in items)

                    var replace = new ReplaceCommand(items, new[] { this });
                    parent.Children.Modify(list =>
                        foreach (var item in items)

            else             // just add them
                firstChild.Children.Modify(list =>


            // and select this
            var rootItem = this.Parents().Where(i => scene.Children.Contains(i)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rootItem != null)
                scene.SelectedItem = rootItem;

            scene.SelectedItem = this;

            parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(parent, InvalidateType.Children));
        public InteractiveScene SampleScene()
            Object3D group;

            var scene = new InteractiveScene()
                Color         = Color.Black,
                MaterialIndex = this.RootMaterialIndex,
                OutputType    = this.RootOutputType

            var supergroup = new Object3D()
                Name          = "SuperGroup",
                Color         = Color.Violet,
                MaterialIndex = this.SuperGroupMaterialIndex,
                Matrix        = this.SuperGroupMatrix,
                OutputType    = this.SuperGroupOutputType


            group = new Object3D()
                Name          = "GroupA",
                Color         = Color.Pink,
                MaterialIndex = this.GroupMaterialIndex,
                OutputType    = this.GroupOutputType


            group.Children.Add(new Object3D
                Name          = nameof(Color.Red),
                Color         = Color.Red,
                MaterialIndex = this.RedMaterialIndex,
                Matrix        = this.RedMatrix,
                OutputType    = this.RedOutputType

            group = new Object3D()
                Name          = "GroupB",
                Color         = Color.Pink,
                MaterialIndex = this.GroupMaterialIndex,
                OutputType    = this.GroupOutputType

            group.Children.Add(new Object3D
                Name          = nameof(Color.Green),
                Color         = Color.Green,
                MaterialIndex = this.GreenMaterialIndex,
                Matrix        = this.GreenMatrix,
                OutputType    = this.GreenOutputType

            group = new Object3D()
                Name          = "GroupB",
                Color         = Color.Pink,
                MaterialIndex = this.GroupMaterialIndex,
                OutputType    = this.GroupOutputType

            group.Children.Add(new Object3D
                Name          = nameof(Color.Blue),
                Color         = Color.Blue,
                MaterialIndex = this.BlueMaterialIndex,
                Matrix        = this.BlueMatrix,
                OutputType    = this.BlueOutputType

        public GenerateSupportPanel(ThemeConfig theme, InteractiveScene scene)
            : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom)
            supportGenerator = new SupportGenerator(scene);

            this.theme = theme;

            this.VAnchor         = VAnchor.Fit;
            this.HAnchor         = HAnchor.Absolute;
            this.Width           = 300;
            this.BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor;
            this.Padding         = theme.DefaultContainerPadding;

            // Add an editor field for the SupportGenerator.SupportType
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = typeof(SupportGenerator).GetProperty(nameof(SupportGenerator.SupportType));

            var editor = PublicPropertyEditor.CreatePropertyEditor(
                new EditableProperty(propertyInfo, supportGenerator),
                new PPEContext(),

            if (editor != null)

            // put in support pillar size
            var pillarSizeField = new DoubleField(theme);

            pillarSizeField.DoubleValue   = supportGenerator.PillarSize;
            pillarSizeField.ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                supportGenerator.PillarSize = pillarSizeField.DoubleValue;
                // in case it was corrected set it back again
                if (pillarSizeField.DoubleValue != supportGenerator.PillarSize)
                    pillarSizeField.DoubleValue = supportGenerator.PillarSize;

            var pillarRow = PublicPropertyEditor.CreateSettingsRow("Pillar Size".Localize(), "The width and depth of the support pillars".Localize(), theme);


            // put in the angle setting
            var overHangField = new DoubleField(theme);

            overHangField.DoubleValue   = supportGenerator.MaxOverHangAngle;
            overHangField.ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                supportGenerator.MaxOverHangAngle = overHangField.DoubleValue;
                // in case it was corrected set it back again
                if (overHangField.DoubleValue != supportGenerator.MaxOverHangAngle)
                    overHangField.DoubleValue = supportGenerator.MaxOverHangAngle;

            var overHangRow = PublicPropertyEditor.CreateSettingsRow("Overhang Angle".Localize(), "The angle to generate support for".Localize(), theme);


            // Button Row
            var buttonRow = new FlowLayoutWidget()
                HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch,
                VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit,
                Margin  = new BorderDouble(top: 5)


            buttonRow.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer());

            // add 'Remove Auto Supports' button
            var removeButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Remove".Localize());

            removeButton.ToolTipText = "Remove all auto generated supports".Localize();
            removeButton.Click      += (s, e) => supportGenerator.RemoveExisting();

            // add 'Generate Supports' button
            var generateButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Generate".Localize());

            generateButton.ToolTipText = "Find and create supports where needed".Localize();
            generateButton.Click      += (s, e) => Rebuild();
 public InspectedItemDrawable(ISceneContext sceneContext)
     this.scene = sceneContext.Scene;
 public SceneTraceDataDrawable(ISceneContext sceneContext)
     this.sceneContext = sceneContext;
     this.scene        = sceneContext.Scene;
 public SupportGenerator(InteractiveScene scene, double minimumSupportHeight)
     this.minimumSupportHeight = minimumSupportHeight;
     this.scene = scene;
        // TODO: Figure out how best to collapse the InsertionGroup after the load task completes
        public InsertionGroupObject3D(IEnumerable <ILibraryItem> items, View3DWidget view3DWidget, InteractiveScene scene, Vector2 bedCenter, Func <bool> dragOperationActive, bool trackSourceFiles = false)
            if (items == null)

            // Add a temporary placeholder to give us some bounds
            this.scene        = scene;
            this.view3DWidget = view3DWidget;

            this.LoadingItemsTask = Task.Run((Func <Task>)(async() =>
                var newItemOffset = Vector2.Zero;
                if (dragOperationActive != null &&
                    newItemOffset = bedCenter;

                var offset = Matrix4X4.Identity;

                // Add the placeholder 'Loading...' object
                var placeholderItem = new Object3D()
                    Mesh   = placeHolderMesh,
                    Matrix = Matrix4X4.Identity,
                    Parent = this


                // Filter to content file types only
                foreach (var item in items.Where(item => item.IsContentFileType()).ToList())
                    // Acquire
                    var progressControl = new DragDropLoadProgress(view3DWidget, null);

                    // Position at accumulating offset
                    placeholderItem.Matrix        *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(newItemOffset.X, (double)newItemOffset.Y, 0);
                    placeholderItem.Visible        = true;
                    progressControl.TrackingObject = placeholderItem;

                    var loadedItem = await item.CreateContent(progressControl.ProgressReporter);
                    if (loadedItem != null)
                        var aabb = loadedItem.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Matrix4X4.Identity);

                        // lets move the cube to the center of the loaded thing
                        placeholderItem.Matrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-10 + aabb.XSize / 2, 0, 0);

                        placeholderItem.Visible = false;

                        // Copy scale/rotation/translation from the source and Center
                        loadedItem.Matrix = loadedItem.Matrix * Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation((double)-aabb.Center.X, (double)-aabb.Center.Y, (double)-aabb.minXYZ.Z) * placeholderItem.Matrix;

                        // check if the item has 0 height (it is probably an image)
                        if (loadedItem.ZSize() == 0)
                            // raise it up a bit so it is not z fighting with the bed
                            loadedItem.Matrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, .1);

                        loadedItem.Color = loadedItem.Color;

                        // Set mesh path if tracking requested
                        if (trackSourceFiles &&
                            item is FileSystemFileItem fileItem &&
                            loadedItem.MeshPath = fileItem.Path;

                        // Notification should force invalidate and redraw
                        //progressReporter?.Invoke(1, "");



                        // Wait for content to load

                        // Adjust next item position
                        // TODO: do something more interesting than increment in x
                        newItemOffset.X = loadedItem.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Matrix4X4.Identity).XSize / 2 + 10;

                    progressControl.ProgressReporter(1.3, "");


                this.ContentAcquired = true;

                ContentLoaded?.Invoke(this, null);

                if (dragOperationActive != null &&

                this.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Content));