private static void CompressDXT(TextureContent content) { var texData = content.Faces[0][0]; if (!IsPowerOfTwo(texData.Width) || !IsPowerOfTwo(texData.Height)) { throw new PipelineException("DXT Compressed textures width and height must be powers of two."); } var _dxtCompressor = new Compressor(); var inputOptions = new InputOptions(); inputOptions.SetAlphaMode(AlphaMode.Transparency); inputOptions.SetTextureLayout(TextureType.Texture2D, texData.Width, texData.Height, 1); var pixelData = texData.GetPixelData(); // Small hack here. NVTT wants 8bit data in BGRA. Flip the B and R channels // again here. GraphicsUtil.BGRAtoRGBA(pixelData); var dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(pixelData, GCHandleType.Pinned); var dataPtr = dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); inputOptions.SetMipmapData(dataPtr, texData.Width, texData.Height, 1, 0, 0); inputOptions.SetMipmapGeneration(false); var containsFracAlpha = ContainsFractionalAlpha(pixelData); var outputOptions = new OutputOptions(); outputOptions.SetOutputHeader(false); var outputFormat = containsFracAlpha ? Format.DXT5 : Format.DXT1; var handler = new DXTDataHandler(content, outputFormat); outputOptions.SetOutputHandler(handler.BeginImage, handler.WriteData); var compressionOptions = new CompressionOptions(); compressionOptions.SetFormat(outputFormat); _dxtCompressor.Compress(inputOptions, compressionOptions, outputOptions); dataHandle.Free(); }
private void ValidateInputOptions(InputOptions _inputOptions) { var validationResults = new InputOptionsValidator().Validate(_inputOptions); if (validationResults.IsValid) { return; } foreach (var error in validationResults.Errors) { _commandLineAccess.WriteToConsole(error.ErrorMessage, _messages.Types.Failure); } _commandLineAccess.WriteToConsole(_messages.Stages.Argument.Failure, _messages.Types.Error); throw new InvalidOperationException(_messages.Stages.Argument.Failure); }
public bool RenameLoadout(LoadoutViewModel loadoutViewModel) { var inputOptions = new InputOptions { WindowTitle = $"Rename skill loadout", WindowPrompt = $"Rename skill loadout '{loadoutViewModel.Name}'", WindowDefaultValue = loadoutViewModel.Name, IsInputMandatory = true, IsValid = x => Loadouts.Where(l => l != loadoutViewModel).All(l => l.Name != x) }; if (InputUtils.Show(inputOptions, out string newName)) { loadoutViewModel.Name = newName; return(true); } return(false); }
public void DevOpsAccess_GetTestCasesWorkItems_EmptyWorkItems() { // Arrange var testManagementHttpClient = new Mock <TestManagementHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var workItemTrackingHttpClient = new Mock <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var outputAccess = new Mock <IOutputAccess>(); var messages = new Messages(); const int testPlanId = 51; const string projectName = "projectNameWithNoTestPlans"; var options = new InputOptions() { ValidationOnly = true, VerboseLogging = true, ProjectName = projectName, TestPlanId = testPlanId }; var counter = new Counter(); testManagementHttpClient .Setup(x => x.GetPointsAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, default)) .ReturnsAsync(new List <TestPoint>()); var azureDevOpsHttpClients = new AzureDevOpsHttpClients() { TestManagementHttpClient = testManagementHttpClient.Object, WorkItemTrackingHttpClient = workItemTrackingHttpClient.Object }; var target = new DevOpsAccessFactory(azureDevOpsHttpClients, messages, outputAccess.Object, options, counter).Create(); // Act var actual = target.GetTestCaseWorkItems(); // Assert actual.Length.Should().Be(0); }
public void DevOpsAccess_ListDuplicateTestCases_NotEmptyDuplicateTestCases() { // Arrange var testManagementHttpClient = new Mock <TestManagementHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var workItemTrackingHttpClient = new Mock <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var outputAccess = new Mock <IOutputAccess>(); var messages = new Messages(); var fixture = new Fixture(); var testCases = new List <TestCase>(); var testCasesToBeDuplicated = fixture.Create <TestCase[]>(); testCases.AddRange(testCasesToBeDuplicated); testCases.AddRange(testCasesToBeDuplicated); var options = new InputOptions() { ValidationOnly = true, VerboseLogging = true }; var counter = new Counter(); var azureDevOpsHttpClients = new AzureDevOpsHttpClients() { TestManagementHttpClient = testManagementHttpClient.Object, WorkItemTrackingHttpClient = workItemTrackingHttpClient.Object }; var target = new DevOpsAccessFactory(azureDevOpsHttpClients, messages, outputAccess.Object, options, counter).Create(); // Act var actual = target.ListDuplicateTestCases(testCases.ToArray()); // Assert actual.Count.Should().Be(testCases.Count / 2); }
/// <summary> /// Converts an RGBAImage object into a byte array that can be loaded into a texture. /// </summary> /// <param name="image">The Imgae object to convert.</param> /// <param name="format">The resulting texture format/compression.</param> /// <param name="mipmaps">Whether to generate mipmaps for the texture.</param> /// <returns> /// A byte array that can be loaded into a Unity Texture2D. /// </returns> public static byte[] ImageToTexture(RGBAImage image, TextureCompressionFormat format = TextureCompressionFormat.DXT5, bool mipmaps = true) { // Retrieve the raw pixel data from the image. byte[] srcBytes = new byte[image.Size]; image.CopyRawData(srcBytes); /* * Allocate a handle for the pixel data so that it doesn't get garbage collected. * This will allow a the pixel array to be reprsented as an pointer so that it * can be used by the Nvidia Texture Tools. */ GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(srcBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr srcBytesPtr = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject(); /* * Initialize an array to store the generated data with a size of zero. The array * will be resized as needed. A wrapper is used so that the array can be resized * within the lambda callback expression in the OutputOptions. */ BytesWrapper destBytes = new BytesWrapper() { Bytes = new byte[0] }; InputOptions inputOptions = GenerateInputOptions(srcBytesPtr, image.Width, image.Height, mipmaps); CompressionOptions compressionOptions = GenerateCompressionOptions(format); OutputOptions outputOptions = GenerateOutputOptions(destBytes); Compressor compressor = new Compressor(); compressor.Compress(inputOptions, compressionOptions, outputOptions); // Free the allocated handle so that it be garbage collected. pinnedArray.Free(); return(destBytes.Bytes); }
public void DevOpsAccess_Associate_TestCaseIsNull() { // Arrange var testManagementHttpClient = new Mock <TestManagementHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var workItemTrackingHttpClient = new Mock <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var outputAccess = new Mock <IOutputAccess>(); var fixture = new Fixture(); var messages = new Messages(); var testCases = fixture.Create <TestCase[]>(); var testMethods = fixture.Create <TestMethod[]>(); var options = new InputOptions() { ValidationOnly = true, VerboseLogging = true }; var counter = new Counter(); var azureDevOpsHttpClients = new AzureDevOpsHttpClients() { TestManagementHttpClient = testManagementHttpClient.Object, WorkItemTrackingHttpClient = workItemTrackingHttpClient.Object }; var target = new DevOpsAccessFactory(azureDevOpsHttpClients, messages, outputAccess.Object, options, counter).Create(); // Act var errorCount = target.Associate(testMethods, testCases.ToDictionary(v => v.Title, t => t)); // Assert errorCount.Should().Be(testMethods.Length); counter.Error.Total.Should().Be(testMethods.Length); counter.Error.TestCaseNotFound.Should().Be(testMethods.Length); outputAccess.Verify(x => x.WriteToConsole(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Exactly(testMethods.Length)); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the specified text to be spoken to the TTS service and saves the response audio to a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns>A Task</returns> public async Task <Stream> Speak(CancellationToken cancellationToken, InputOptions inputOptions, string mes) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); foreach (var header in inputOptions.Headers) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value); } var genderValue = ""; switch (inputOptions.VoiceType) { case Gender.Male: genderValue = "Male"; break; case Gender.Female: default: genderValue = "Female"; break; } var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, inputOptions.RequestUri) { //此处修改为自定义语音库 Content = new StringContent(/*GenerateSsml(inputOptions.Locale, genderValue, inputOptions.VoiceName, inputOptions.Text, inputOptions.PitchDelta)*/ personalVoice(mes)) }; var httpMsg = await client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead, cancellationToken); Debug.Log($"Response status code: [{httpMsg.StatusCode}]"); Stream httpStream = await httpMsg.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); return(httpStream); }
public void DevOpsAccess_ListTestCasesWithNotAvailableTestMethods_EmptyListTestCasesWithNotAvailableTestMethodsWhereAutomationStatusIsNotEqualToAutomatedName() { // Arrange var testManagementHttpClient = new Mock <TestManagementHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var workItemTrackingHttpClient = new Mock <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var outputAccess = new Mock <IOutputAccess>(); var fixture = new Fixture(); var messages = new Messages(); fixture.Customize <TestCase>(c => c.With(x => x.AutomationStatus, NotAutomatedName)); var testCases = fixture.Create <TestCase[]>(); var testMethods = fixture.Create <TestMethod[]>(); var options = new InputOptions() { ValidationOnly = true, VerboseLogging = true }; var counter = new Counter(); var azureDevOpsHttpClients = new AzureDevOpsHttpClients() { TestManagementHttpClient = testManagementHttpClient.Object, WorkItemTrackingHttpClient = workItemTrackingHttpClient.Object }; var target = new DevOpsAccessFactory(azureDevOpsHttpClients, messages, outputAccess.Object, options, counter).Create(); // Act var actual = target.ListTestCasesWithNotAvailableTestMethods(testMethods, testCases); // Assert actual.Count.Should().Be(0); }
public static HtmlString FormControl(this IHtmlHelper html, Dictionary <string, object> inputAttrs, string tagName, InputOptions inputOptions) => ViewUtils.FormControl(html.GetRequest(), inputAttrs, tagName, inputOptions).ToHtmlString();
public static HtmlString FormInput(this IHtmlHelper html, Dictionary <string, object> inputAttrs, InputOptions inputOptions) => FormControl(html, inputAttrs, "input", inputOptions);
public static HtmlString FormInput(this IHtmlHelper html, object inputAttrs, InputOptions inputOptions) => FormControl(html, inputAttrs.ToObjectDictionary(), "input", inputOptions);
public static HtmlString FormTextarea(this HtmlHelper html, object inputAttrs, InputOptions inputOptions) => FormControl(html, inputAttrs.ToObjectDictionary(), "textarea", inputOptions);
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Synthesize"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> public Synthesize(InputOptions input) { this.inputOptions = input; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new console options /// </summary> /// <param name="renderOptions">Rendering options</param> /// <param name="inputOptions">Input handling options</param> /// <param name="position">Position of the console</param> /// <param name="size">Size of the window</param> public ConsoleOptions(RenderOptions renderOptions, InputOptions inputOptions, int textSpacing, Point?position, Size?size) { TextSpacing = textSpacing; RenderOptions = renderOptions; Container = new Rectangle(position ?? Point.Empty, size ?? Size.Empty); }
public int EstimateSize(InputOptions input, CompressionOptions compression) { return(nvttEstimateSize(compressor, input.options, compression.options)); }
protected override bool TryCopyFrom(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle destinationRegion) { if (!sourceBitmap.TryGetFormat(out SurfaceFormat sourceFormat)) { return(false); } TryGetFormat(out SurfaceFormat format); // A shortcut for copying the entire bitmap to another bitmap of the same type and format if (format == sourceFormat && sourceRegion == new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height) && sourceRegion == destinationRegion) { SetPixelData(sourceBitmap.GetPixelData()); return(true); } // TODO: Add a XNA unit test to see what it does // my guess is that this is invalid for DXT. // // Destination region copy is not yet supported if (destinationRegion != new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) { return(false); } if (sourceBitmap is PixelBitmapContent <RgbaVector> && sourceRegion.Width == destinationRegion.Width && sourceRegion.Height == destinationRegion.Height) { // NVTT wants 8bit data in BGRA format. var colorBitmap = new PixelBitmapContent <Bgra32>(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height); Copy(sourceBitmap, colorBitmap); var sourceData = colorBitmap.GetPixelData(); AlphaMode alphaMode; Format outputFormat; bool alphaDither = false; switch (format) { case SurfaceFormat.Dxt1: case SurfaceFormat.Dxt1SRgb: { PrepareNVTT_DXT1(sourceData, out bool hasTransparency); outputFormat = hasTransparency ? Format.DXT1a : Format.DXT1; alphaMode = hasTransparency ? AlphaMode.Transparency : AlphaMode.None; alphaDither = true; break; } case SurfaceFormat.Dxt3: case SurfaceFormat.Dxt3SRgb: { //PrepareNVTT(sourceData); outputFormat = Format.DXT3; alphaMode = AlphaMode.Transparency; break; } case SurfaceFormat.Dxt5: case SurfaceFormat.Dxt5SRgb: { //PrepareNVTT(sourceData); outputFormat = Format.DXT5; alphaMode = AlphaMode.Transparency; break; } default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid DXT surface format!"); } // Do all the calls to the NVTT wrapper within this handler // so we properly clean up if things blow up. var dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(sourceData, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { var dataPtr = dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); var inputOptions = new InputOptions(); inputOptions.SetTextureLayout(TextureType.Texture2D, colorBitmap.Width, colorBitmap.Height, 1); inputOptions.SetMipmapData(dataPtr, colorBitmap.Width, colorBitmap.Height, 1, 0, 0); inputOptions.SetMipmapGeneration(false); inputOptions.SetGamma(1.0f, 1.0f); inputOptions.SetAlphaMode(alphaMode); var compressionOptions = new CompressionOptions(); compressionOptions.SetFormat(outputFormat); compressionOptions.SetQuality(Quality.Normal); // TODO: This isn't working which keeps us from getting the // same alpha dither behavior on DXT1 as XNA. // // See // //if (alphaDither) //compressionOptions.SetQuantization(false, false, true); var outputOptions = new OutputOptions(); outputOptions.SetOutputHeader(false); outputOptions.SetOutputOptionsOutputHandler(NvttBeginImage, NvttWriteImage, NvttEndImage); var dxtCompressor = new Compressor(); dxtCompressor.Compress(inputOptions, compressionOptions, outputOptions); } finally { dataHandle.Free(); } return(true); } try { Copy(sourceBitmap, sourceRegion, this, destinationRegion); return(true); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return(false); } }
public static unsafe bool Compress(this Texture2DInfo tex, TextureFormat format) { var data = tex.RawData; int width = tex.Width, height = tex.Height, pos, outPos; switch (format) { case TextureFormat.Alpha8: { pos = 0; outPos = 0; var out_ = new byte[width * height]; fixed(byte *pOut = out_, pData = data) for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var fR = pData[pos]; var fG = pData[pos + 1]; var fB = pData[pos + 2]; var fA = pData[pos + 3]; pOut[outPos] = (byte)(((fR + fB + fG) / 3) & 0XFF); pos += 4; outPos += 1; } } tex.RawData = out_; return(true); } case TextureFormat.ARGB4444: case TextureFormat.RGB565: { pos = 0; outPos = 0; using (var pvrTexture = PVRTexture.CreateTexture(data, (uint)width, (uint)height, 1, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, true, VariableType.UnsignedByte, ColourSpace.sRGB)) { var doDither = true; pvrTexture.Transcode(PixelFormat.RGBA4444, VariableType.UnsignedByte, ColourSpace.sRGB, format == TextureFormat.ARGB4444 ? CompressorQuality.PVRTCNormal : CompressorQuality.ETCMedium, doDither); var texDataSize = pvrTexture.GetTextureDataSize(0); var out_ = new byte[texDataSize]; pvrTexture.GetTextureData(out_, texDataSize); if (format == TextureFormat.RGB565) { var data2 = out_; out_ = new byte[texDataSize]; fixed(byte *pOut = out_, pData = data2) for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var v0 = pData[pos]; var v1 = pData[pos + 1]; // 4bit little endian {A, B},{G, R} var sA = v0 & 0xF0 >> 4; var sB = (v0 & 0xF0) >> 4; var sG = v1 & 0xF0 >> 4; var sR = (v1 & 0xF0) >> 4; // swap to little endian {B, G, R, A } var fB = sB & 0xf; var fG = sG & 0xf; var fR = sR & 0xf; var fA = sA & 0xf; pOut[outPos] = (byte)((fG << 4) + fB); pOut[outPos + 1] = (byte)((fA << 4) + fR); pos += 2; outPos += 2; } } } tex.RawData = out_; return(true); } } case TextureFormat.RGB24: { pos = 0; outPos = 0; var out_ = new byte[width * height * 3]; fixed(byte *pOut = out_, pData = data) for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { // 4bit little endian {A, B},{G, R} var fR = pData[pos]; var fG = pData[pos + 1]; var fB = pData[pos + 2]; var fA = pData[pos + 3]; pOut[outPos] = fR; pOut[outPos + 1] = fG; pOut[outPos + 2] = fB; pos += 4; outPos += 3; } } tex.RawData = out_; return(true); } case TextureFormat.RGBA32: return(true); case TextureFormat.ARGB32: { pos = 0; outPos = 0; var out_ = new byte[width * height * 4]; fixed(byte *pOut = out_, pData = data) for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var fA = pData[pos]; var fR = pData[pos + 1]; var fG = pData[pos + 2]; var fB = pData[pos + 3]; out_[outPos] = fR; out_[outPos + 1] = fG; out_[outPos + 2] = fB; out_[outPos + 3] = fA; pos += 4; outPos += 4; } } tex.RawData = out_; return(true); } //case TextureFormat.ATC_RGBA8: //case TextureFormat.ATC_RGB4: case TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8: case TextureFormat.ETC_RGB4: TextureConverterWrapper.CompressionFormat format2; switch (format) { //case TextureFormat.ATC_RGBA8: format2 = TextureConverterWrapper.CompressionFormat.AtcRgbaExplicitAlpha; break; //case TextureFormat.ATC_RGB4: format2 = TextureConverterWrapper.CompressionFormat.AtcRgb; break; case TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8: format2 = TextureConverterWrapper.CompressionFormat.Etc2Rgba; break; case TextureFormat.ETC_RGB4: format2 = TextureConverterWrapper.CompressionFormat.Etc1; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(format), format.ToString()); } tex.RawData = TextureConverterWrapper.Compress(data, width, height, format2); return(true); case TextureFormat.DXT1: case TextureFormat.DXT5: { var dxtCompressor = new Compressor(); var inputOptions = new InputOptions(); inputOptions.SetAlphaMode(format == TextureFormat.DXT1 ? AlphaMode.None : AlphaMode.Premultiplied); inputOptions.SetTextureLayout(TextureType.Texture2D, width, height, 1); fixed(byte *pData = data) for (var x = 0; x < data.Length; x += 4) { pData[x] ^= pData[x + 2]; pData[x + 2] ^= pData[x]; pData[x] ^= pData[x + 2]; } var dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { var dataPtr = dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); inputOptions.SetMipmapData(dataPtr, width, height, 1, 0, 0); inputOptions.SetMipmapGeneration(false); inputOptions.SetGamma(1.0f, 1.0f); var compressionOptions = new CompressionOptions(); compressionOptions.SetFormat(format == TextureFormat.DXT1 ? Nvidia.TextureTools.Format.DXT1 : Nvidia.TextureTools.Format.DXT5); compressionOptions.SetQuality(Quality.Normal); var outputOptions = new OutputOptions(); outputOptions.SetOutputHeader(false); var out_ = new byte[0]; using (var handler = new DxtDataHandler(out_, outputOptions)) { dxtCompressor.Compress(inputOptions, compressionOptions, outputOptions); out_ = handler.dst; } tex.RawData = out_; return(true); } finally { dataHandle.Free(); } } case TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_4x4: case TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_4x4: AstcencWrapper.EncodeASTC(data, width, height, 4, 4, out tex.RawData); return(true); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(format), format.ToString()); } }
public InputForm(InputOptions options) { _defaultValue = Optional <T> .Create(options.DefaultValue); _options = options; }
public PBuildTool() { Options = new InputOptions(); CurrentSolution = new PSolutionInfo(); }
internal ControllerStateMapper(InputOptions inputOptions) { _inputOptions = inputOptions; }
public bool Compress(InputOptions input, CompressionOptions compression, OutputOptions output) { return(nvttCompress(compressor, input.options, compression.options, output.options)); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the specified text to be spoken to the TTS service and saves the response audio to a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns>A Task</returns> public Task Speak(CancellationToken cancellationToken, InputOptions inputOptions) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); foreach (var header in inputOptions.Headers) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value); } var genderValue = ""; switch (inputOptions.VoiceType) { case Gender.Male: genderValue = "Male"; break; case Gender.Female: default: genderValue = "Female"; break; } var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, inputOptions.RequestUri) { Content = new StringContent(GenerateSsml(inputOptions.Locale, genderValue, inputOptions.VoiceName, inputOptions.Text)) }; var httpTask = client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken); Console.WriteLine("Response status code: [{0}]", httpTask.Result.StatusCode); var saveTask = httpTask.ContinueWith( async(responseMessage, token) => { try { if (responseMessage.IsCompleted && responseMessage.Result != null && responseMessage.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var httpStream = await responseMessage.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); this.AudioAvailable(new GenericEventArgs <Stream>(httpStream)); } else { this.Error(new GenericEventArgs <Exception>(new Exception(String.Format("Service returned {0}", responseMessage.Result.StatusCode)))); } } catch (Exception e) { this.Error(new GenericEventArgs <Exception>(e.GetBaseException())); } finally { responseMessage.Dispose(); request.Dispose(); } }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent, cancellationToken); return(saveTask); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new console options /// </summary> /// <param name="renderOptions">Rendering options</param> /// <param name="inputOptions">Input handling options</param> public ConsoleOptions(RenderOptions renderOptions, InputOptions inputOptions) : this(renderOptions, inputOptions, _defaultTextSpacing, null, null) { }
public Options(HardwareOptions hardwareOptions, GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions, InputOptions inputOptions) { HardwareOptions = hardwareOptions; Graphics = graphicsOptions; Input = inputOptions; }
public void DevOpsAccess_GetTestCaseWorkItems_NotEmptyTestCaseWorkItems() { // Arrange var testManagementHttpClient = new Mock <TestManagementHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var workItemTrackingHttpClient = new Mock <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(new Uri("http://dummy.url"), new VssCredentials()); var outputAccess = new Mock <IOutputAccess>(); var messages = new Messages(); var fixture = new Fixture(); var testPoints = new List <TestPoint>() { fixture.Build <TestPoint>() .Without(x => x.LastUpdatedBy) .Without(x => x.AssignedTo) .Without(x => x.LastResultDetails) .With(x => x.TestCase, fixture.Build <WorkItemReference>().With(y => y.Id, fixture.Create <int>().ToString()).Create()) .Create(), fixture.Build <TestPoint>() .Without(x => x.LastUpdatedBy) .Without(x => x.AssignedTo) .Without(x => x.LastResultDetails) .With(x => x.TestCase, fixture.Build <WorkItemReference>().With(y => y.Id, fixture.Create <int>().ToString()).Create()) .Create(), fixture.Build <TestPoint>() .Without(x => x.LastUpdatedBy) .Without(x => x.AssignedTo) .Without(x => x.LastResultDetails) .With(x => x.TestCase, fixture.Build <WorkItemReference>().With(y => y.Id, fixture.Create <int>().ToString()).Create()) .Create() }; var workItems = new List <WorkItem>() { fixture.Build <WorkItem>().With(x => x.Id, fixture.Create <int>()) .With(y => y.Fields, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { SystemTitle, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomationStatusName, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomatedTestName, fixture.Create <string>() } }) .Create(), fixture.Build <WorkItem>() .With(x => x.Id, fixture.Create <int>()) .With(y => y.Fields, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { SystemTitle, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomationStatusName, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomatedTestName, fixture.Create <string>() } }) .Create(), fixture.Build <WorkItem>() .With(x => x.Id, fixture.Create <int>()) .With(y => y.Fields, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { SystemTitle, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomationStatusName, fixture.Create <string>() }, { AutomatedTestName, fixture.Create <string>() } }) .Create(), }; var options = new InputOptions() { ValidationOnly = true, VerboseLogging = true }; var counter = new Counter(); testManagementHttpClient .Setup(x => x.GetPointsAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, default)) .ReturnsAsync(testPoints); workItemTrackingHttpClient .Setup(x => x.GetWorkItemsAsync(It.IsAny <int[]>(), null, null, null, null, null, default)) .ReturnsAsync(workItems); var azureDevOpsHttpClients = new AzureDevOpsHttpClients() { TestManagementHttpClient = testManagementHttpClient.Object, WorkItemTrackingHttpClient = workItemTrackingHttpClient.Object }; var target = new DevOpsAccessFactory(azureDevOpsHttpClients, messages, outputAccess.Object, options, counter).Create(); // Act var actual = target.GetTestCaseWorkItems(); // Assert actual.Length.Should().Be(3); }
public Options(GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions, InputOptions inputOptions) { Graphics = graphicsOptions; Input = inputOptions; }
private void ImportTexture(string name, TextureProcessingSettings settings) { string destinationPath = Path.Combine(destinationFolder.FullName, name + ".dds"); if (new FileInfo(destinationPath).Exists) { return; } Console.WriteLine($"importing texture '{name}'..."); using (var image = UnmanagedRgbaImage.Load(settings.File)) { using (var dilator = new TextureDilator(device, shaderCache)) { dilator.Dilate(settings.Mask, image.Size, settings.IsLinear, image.DataBox); } InputOptions input = new InputOptions(); input.SetFormat(InputFormat.BGRA_8UB); input.SetTextureLayout(TextureType.Texture2D, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, 1); float gamma = settings.IsLinear ? 1f : 2.2f; input.SetGamma(gamma, gamma); input.SetMipmapData(image.PixelData, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, 1, 0, 0); input.SetAlphaMode(AlphaMode.None); input.SetMipmapGeneration(true); input.SetMipmapFilter(MipmapFilter.Kaiser); input.SetKaiserParameters(3, 4, 1); if (settings.Type == TextureProcessingType.Bump) { input.SetConvertToNormalMap(true); input.SetNormalFilter(1, 0, 0, 0); input.SetHeightEvaluation(1, 1, 1, 0); } else if (settings.Type == TextureProcessingType.Normal) { input.SetNormalMap(true); } CompressionOptions compression = new CompressionOptions(); compression.SetQuality(Quality.Highest); compression.SetFormat(Format.RGBA); OutputOptions output = new OutputOptions(); destinationFolder.CreateWithParents(); output.SetFileName(destinationPath); output.SetContainer(Container.Container_DDS10); output.SetSrgbFlag(!settings.IsLinear); var compressor = new Compressor(); bool succeeded = compressor.Compress(input, compression, output); if (!succeeded) { throw new InvalidOperationException("texture conversion failed"); } //force the previous output handler to be destructed so that the file is flushed and closed output.SetFileName("nul"); if (compress) { CompressTexture(new FileInfo(destinationPath), settings.Type, settings.IsLinear); } } }
public AzureDevOpsAccess(AzureDevOpsHttpClients azureDevOpsHttpClients, Messages messages, IOutputAccess outputAccess, InputOptions options, Counter.Counter counter) { _azureDevOpsHttpClients = azureDevOpsHttpClients; _messages = messages; _outputAccess = outputAccess; _inputOptions = options; _counter = counter; }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.ExceptionObject); }; PrintNameVersionAndCopyright(); using (var consoleIconSwapper = new ConsoleIconSwapper()) { consoleIconSwapper.ShowConsoleIcon(CoreResources.FavIcon); try { var options = new ArgOptions(args); if (options.ShowHelp) { ArgOptions.ShowHelpMessage(Console.Out, options); return; } if (!options.XapPaths.Any() && !options.Dlls.Any()) { throw new StatLightException("No xap or silverlight dll's specified."); } var inputOptions = new InputOptions() .SetWindowGeometry(options.WindowGeometry) .SetUseRemoteTestPage(options.UseRemoteTestPage) .SetMethodsToTest(options.MethodsToTest) .SetMicrosoftTestingFrameworkVersion(options.MicrosoftTestingFrameworkVersion) .SetTagFilters(options.TagFilters) .SetUnitTestProviderType(options.UnitTestProviderType) .SetNumberOfBrowserHosts(options.NumberOfBrowserHosts) .SetQueryString(options.QueryString) .SetWebBrowserType(options.WebBrowserType) .SetForceBrowserStart(options.ForceBrowserStart) .SetXapPaths(options.XapPaths) .SetDllPaths(options.Dlls) .SetReportOutputPath(options.XmlReportOutputPath) .SetReportOutputFileType(options.ReportOutputFileType) .SetContinuousIntegrationMode(options.ContinuousIntegrationMode) .SetOutputForTeamCity(options.OutputForTeamCity) .SetStartWebServerOnly(options.StartWebServerOnly) .SetIsRequestingDebug(options.IsRequestingDebug) ; TestReportCollection testReports = null; try { TinyIoCContainer ioc = BootStrapper.Initialize(inputOptions); var commandLineExecutionEngine = ioc.Resolve <RunnerExecutionEngine>(); testReports = commandLineExecutionEngine.Run(); } catch (TinyIoCResolutionException tinyIoCResolutionException) { if (options.IsRequestingDebug) { throw; } throw ResolveNonTinyIocException(tinyIoCResolutionException); } if (testReports.FinalResult == RunCompletedState.Failure) { Environment.ExitCode = ExitFailed; } else { Environment.ExitCode = ExitSucceeded; } } catch (AddressAccessDeniedException addressAccessDeniedException) { Environment.ExitCode = ExitFailed; var helpMessage = @" Cannot run StatLight. The current account does not have the correct privilages. Exception: {0} Try: (the following two steps that should allow StatLight to start a web server on the requested port) 1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator. 2. Enter the following command in the command prompt. netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8887/ user=DOMAIN\user ".FormatWith(addressAccessDeniedException.Message); WriteErrorToConsole(helpMessage, "Error"); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) { HandleKnownError(fileNotFoundException); } catch (StatLightException statLightException) { HandleKnownError(statLightException); } catch (Exception exception) { HandleUnknownError(exception); } } }