            public bool WithinSamePlane(ImageVector vector, double tolerance = 0.0)
                if (tolerance == 0.0)
                    tolerance = vectorTolerance;

                //if both our points have length zero then we are on the same plane as our slopes are NaN
                if (Length == 0.0 && vector.Length == 0.0)

                //If all of the X values are the same or all of the Y values are the same then we must be in the same plane
                if (MatchFour(Sx, Ex, vector.Sx, vector.Ex))
                if (MatchFour(Sy, Ey, vector.Sy, vector.Ey))

                //Check for diagonal vectors
                //If our slope and intercept are both valid numbers and the same within the tolerance these vectors are considered in the same plane as each other
                bool range1 = TestRange(Slope, vector.Slope * (1.0 - tolerance), vector.Slope * (1.0 + tolerance));
                bool range2 = TestRange(Intercept, vector.Intercept * (1.0 - tolerance), vector.Intercept * (1.0 + tolerance));

                return(range1 && range2);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Converts the current ImageCube to a Bitmap object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="redIndex">The band index representing Red channel</param>
        /// <param name="greenIndex">The band index representing Green channel</param>
        /// <param name="blueIndex">The band index representing Blue channel</param>
        /// <returns>A bitmap of the current ImageCube</returns>
        public Bitmap ToBitmap(int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex)
            int[, ,] triBandImageVector = NormalizeImageVectorForDisplay(redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex);
            Bitmap     inputImage          = new Bitmap(ImageVector.GetLength(0), ImageVector.GetLength(1));
            FastBitmap currentTRIBandImage = new FastBitmap(inputImage);

            for (int i = 0; i < inputImage.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < inputImage.Height; j++)
                    currentTRIBandImage.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(triBandImageVector[i, j, 0], triBandImageVector[i, j, 1], triBandImageVector[i, j, 2]));
 /// <summary>
 /// Used internally to find the max. and min. values of the band.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="colorBandIndex">The band index</param>
 /// <returns>an array of 2 values , [0]: min value, [1]: Max. value</returns>
 private double[] RangeValuesFor(int colorBandIndex)
     double[] maxValue = new double[2];
     Parallel.For(0, ImageVector.GetLength(0), i =>
                  //for (int i = 0; i < ImageVector.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < ImageVector.GetLength(1); j++)
             if (maxValue[0] < ImageVector[i, j, colorBandIndex])
                 maxValue[0] = ImageVector[i, j, colorBandIndex];
             if (maxValue[1] > ImageVector[i, j, colorBandIndex])
                 maxValue[1] = ImageVector[i, j, colorBandIndex];
        /// <summary>
        /// Used interrnally to normalize the image vector for RGB display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="redIndex">The band index representing Red channel</param>
        /// <param name="greenIndex">The band index representing Green channel</param>
        /// <param name="blueIndex">The band index representing Blue channel</param>
        /// <returns>3-dimentional normalized image ready for display</returns>
        private int[, ,] NormalizeImageVectorForDisplay(int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex)
            int[, ,] triBandImageVector = new int[ImageVector.GetLength(0), ImageVector.GetLength(1), 3];
            double[] redmaxValue   = RangeValuesFor(redIndex);
            double[] greenmaxValue = RangeValuesFor(greenIndex);
            double[] bluemaxValue  = RangeValuesFor(blueIndex);
            int redRange   = (int)(redmaxValue[0] - redmaxValue[1]);
            int greenRange = (int)(greenmaxValue[0] - greenmaxValue[1]);
            int blueRange  = (int)(bluemaxValue[0] - bluemaxValue[1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageVector.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ImageVector.GetLength(1); j++)
                    triBandImageVector[i, j, 0] = (int)(ImageVector[i, j, redIndex] * 255d / redmaxValue[0]);
                    triBandImageVector[i, j, 1] = (int)(ImageVector[i, j, greenIndex] * 255d / greenmaxValue[0]);
                    triBandImageVector[i, j, 2] = (int)(ImageVector[i, j, blueIndex] * 255d / bluemaxValue[0]);
        public void ExtendVerticies()
            for (int i = 0; i < imageVectors.Count; i++)
                if (!imageVectors[i].Alive)

                for (int j = 0; j < imageVectors.Count; j++)
                    if (!imageVectors[j].Alive || (i == j))
                    //If we are not within the same plane however a set of our vertexs are adjacent, then extend the appropriate vector.
                    if (!imageVectors[i].WithinSamePlane(imageVectors[j]))
                        String prevJVector = imageVectors[j].ToString();

                        //Only update the vector if we are making it longer in the same plane
                        if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy))
                            ImageVector newVector = new ImageVector(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey);
                            if ((newVector.Length > imageVectors[j].Length) && (newVector.Slope == imageVectors[j].Slope) && (newVector.Intercept == imageVectors[j].Intercept))
                                imageVectors[j] = newVector;
                                Console.WriteLine("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevJVector + " to:         " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey))
                            ImageVector newVector = new ImageVector(imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy, imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy);
                            if ((newVector.Length > imageVectors[j].Length) && (newVector.Slope == imageVectors[j].Slope) && (newVector.Intercept == imageVectors[j].Intercept))
                                imageVectors[j] = newVector;
                                Console.WriteLine("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevJVector + " to:         " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy))
                            ImageVector newVector = new ImageVector(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey);
                            if ((newVector.Length > imageVectors[j].Length) && (newVector.Slope == imageVectors[j].Slope) && (newVector.Intercept == imageVectors[j].Intercept))
                                imageVectors[j] = newVector;
                                Console.WriteLine("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevJVector + " to:         " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey))
                            ImageVector newVector = new ImageVector(imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy, imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey);
                            if ((newVector.Length > imageVectors[j].Length) && (newVector.Slope == imageVectors[j].Slope) && (newVector.Intercept == imageVectors[j].Intercept))
                                imageVectors[j] = newVector;
                                Console.WriteLine("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevJVector + " to:         " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
        public void JoinVectors()
            for (int i = 0; i < imageVectors.Count; i++)
                if (!imageVectors[i].Alive)

                for (int j = 0; j < imageVectors.Count; j++)
                    ImageVector ivec = imageVectors[i];
                    ImageVector jvec = imageVectors[j];
                    if (!imageVectors[j].Alive || (i == j))
                    //if vector has a start or end position within 1 unit of us and it is in the same plane, then join the vectors
                    if (imageVectors[i].WithinSamePlane(imageVectors[j]))
                        //if v.Sx,Sy is adjacent to n.Sx,Sy OR
                        //if v.Sx,Sy is adjacent to n.Ex,Ey OR
                        //if v.Ex,Ey is adjacent to n.Sx,Sy OR
                        //if v.Ex,Ey is adjacent to n.Ex,Ey OR
                        //Join the vectors by updating the vector and deleting the neighbor
                        Console.WriteLine("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " in the same plane");
                        String prevVector = imageVectors[i].ToString();
                        if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy))
                            imageVectors[i].Update(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey);
                            imageVectors[j].Alive = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("1 i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevVector + " to:          " + imageVectors[i].ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Removed vector " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey))
                            imageVectors[i].Update(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy);
                            imageVectors[j].Alive = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("2 i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevVector + " to:          " + imageVectors[i].ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Removed vector " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy))
                            imageVectors[i].Update(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey);
                            imageVectors[j].Alive = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("3 i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevVector + " to:          " + imageVectors[i].ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Removed vector " + imageVectors[j].ToString());
                        else if (PointsAreAdjacent(imageVectors[i].Ex, imageVectors[i].Ey, imageVectors[j].Ex, imageVectors[j].Ey))
                            imageVectors[i].Update(imageVectors[i].Sx, imageVectors[i].Sy, imageVectors[j].Sx, imageVectors[j].Sy);
                            imageVectors[j].Alive = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("4 i: " + i + " j: " + j + " Updated vector " + prevVector + " to:          " + imageVectors[i].ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Removed vector " + imageVectors[j].ToString());

            //Delete the dead vectors
            var newVectors = new List <ImageVector>();

            foreach (ImageVector vector in imageVectors)
                if (vector.Alive)
            imageVectors = newVectors;