private void reenterLabClient() { if (Session["UserID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB(); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Message: clientID = "); int[] labIds = new int[1]; message.Append(btnReenter.CommandArgument + " "); iLabParser parser = new iLabParser(); long expid = Convert.ToInt64(btnReenter.CommandArgument); LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"])); if (client.clientID > 0) { if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT) { iLabProperties properties = new iLabProperties(); properties.Add("sb",ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent); long[] coupIDs = InternalDataDB.RetrieveExperimentCouponIDs(expid); Coupon coupon = brokerDB.GetIssuedCoupon(coupIDs[0]); if(coupon != null) properties.Add("op", coupon); // construct the redirect query ProcessAgentInfo lsInfo = getLabServer(client.clientID,effectiveGroupID); if(lsInfo != null) properties.Add("ls",lsInfo); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(client.loaderScript.Trim()); // Add the return url to the redirect if (url.ToString().IndexOf("?") == -1) url.Append('?'); else url.Append('&'); url.Append("sb_url="); url.Append(Utilities.ExportUrlPath(Request.Url)); string targetURL = parser.Parse(url,properties,true); // Now open the lab within the current Window/frame Response.Redirect(targetURL, true); } } }
/// <summary> /// Should handle all requests to launch a lab, produces a releative URL or error message /// and a status code which are returned in the IntTag. This does not make use of the 'Context'. /// This should only be called after the original request has been authorized since the /// user is assummed to have been authenticated and authorized. /// </summary> /// <param name="opCoupon">An initial operationCoupon</param> /// <param name="clientID"></param> /// <param name="labServerID"></param> /// <param name="groupID">specified by SCO, may not be the users group</param> /// <param name="userID"></param> /// <returns>A negative value for errrors or a bitmapped value indicating what should be done with the result.tag</returns> public IntTag ProcessLaunchClientRequest(Coupon opCoupon, int clientID, int labServerID, int groupID, int userID, int userTZ //, string authorityUrl, long duration, int autoStart ) { int effectiveGroupID = -1; int userGroupID = -1; string groupName = null; string effectiveGroupName = null; string userName = null; DateTime startExecution =DateTime.MinValue; long duration = -1L; ProcessAgentInfo labServer = null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(clientID); iLabParser parser = new iLabParser(); IntTag result = new IntTag(-1, "Access Denied"); if (client == null) { result.tag = "LabClient was not found"; return result; } userName = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserName(userID); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)){ result.tag = "User was not found"; return result; } // Check if user is a member of the specified group List<int> allGroups = new List<int>(AdministrativeAPI.ListGroupIDsForUserRecursively(userID)); if(!allGroups.Contains(groupID)){ result.tag = "User does not have access to the specified group"; return result; } //TODO int qualID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID); int[] clientGroups = AuthorizationAPI.FindGrants(-1, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, qualID); // Find the users actual group and run as that group List<int> userGroups = new List<int>(AdministrativeAPI.ListGroupIDsForUser(userID)); if (userGroups.Count == 1) { groupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(userGroups[0]); } else if (userGroups.Count > 1) { } //TODO This does not seem to be working effectiveGroupID = AuthorizationAPI.GetEffectiveGroupID(groupID, clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType); if (effectiveGroupID == groupID) { effectiveGroupName = groupName; } else if (effectiveGroupID > 0) { effectiveGroupName = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupName(effectiveGroupID); } ProcessAgentInfo[] paInfos = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServersForClient(clientID); if (paInfos != null && paInfos.Length > 0) { labServer = paInfos[0]; } if (client.needsScheduling) { Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = null; if (opCoupon != null) { // First check for an Allow Execution Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = RetrieveTicket( opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION); } if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket == null) { // Try for a reservation int ussId = FindProcessAgentIdForClient(client.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER); if (ussId > 0) { ProcessAgent uss = GetProcessAgent(ussId); // check for current reservation //create a collection & redeemTicket string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow, userName, userID, groupName, client.clientGuid); Coupon redeemCoupon = CreateCoupon(); AddTicket(redeemCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload); UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy(); OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader(); = redeemCoupon; ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl; ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op; Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, userName, labServer.agentGuid, client.clientGuid); if (reservation != null) { // create the allowExecution Ticket DateTime start = reservation.Start; duration = reservation.Duration; string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload( start, duration, effectiveGroupName,client.clientGuid); DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; allowExperimentExecutionTicket = AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload); } } } if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket != null) { XmlDocument payload = new XmlDocument(); payload.LoadXml(allowExperimentExecutionTicket.payload); startExecution = DateUtil.ParseUtc(payload.GetElementsByTagName("startExecution")[0].InnerText); duration = Int64.Parse(payload.GetElementsByTagName("duration")[0].InnerText); } else{ // No current scheduled reservations = -8; result.tag = "Go to USS"; return result; } } else // Not Scheduled { } /////////////////////////// if (labServer != null) { if (client.IsReentrant) { long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(userID, effectiveGroupID, labServer.agentId,client.clientID); foreach (long id in ids) { InternalDataDB.CloseExperiment(id, StorageStatus.CLOSED_USER); } } TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); // 1. Create Coupon for ExperimentCollection Coupon expCoupon = CreateCoupon(); iLabProperties properties = new iLabProperties(); properties.Add("sb", ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent); properties.Add("ls", labServer); properties.Add("op", expCoupon); DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; duration = 7L * 24L * 60L * 60L; // default is one week RecipeExecutor executor = null; string redirectURL = null; //Create a redeemSession ticket for the experiment //payload includes username and current group name & client id. string sessionPayload = factory.createRedeemSessionPayload(userID, groupID, clientID, userName, groupName); // SB is the redeemer, ticket type : session_identifcation, no expiration time, payload,SB as sponsor ID, redeemer(SB) coupon AddTicket(expCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, duration, sessionPayload); // AdministrativeAPI.ModifyUserSession(Convert.ToInt64(Session["SessionID"]), groupID, clientID, Session.SessionID); if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT) { // execute the "interactive experiment execution recipe executor = RecipeExecutor.Instance(); // loaderScript not parsed in Recipe redirectURL = executor.ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(expCoupon, labServer, client, start, duration, userTZ, userID, effectiveGroupID, effectiveGroupName); //Do not add the returnURL // Parse & check that the default auth tokens are added result.tag = parser.Parse(redirectURL, properties, true); = LabClient.INTERACTIVE_BIT | LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT; } else if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET) { // execute the "interactive experiment execution recipe executor = RecipeExecutor.Instance(); // loaderScript not parsed in Recipe redirectURL = executor.ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(expCoupon, labServer, client, start, duration, userTZ, userID, effectiveGroupID, effectiveGroupName); // Applets do not use default query string parameters, parameters must be in the loader script result.tag = parser.Parse(redirectURL, properties); = LabClient.INTERACTIVE_BIT | LabClient.APPLET_BIT; //string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '" // + "applet.aspx" + @"'</script>"; //Page.RegisterStartupScript("ReloadFrame", jScript); } // Support for Batch 6.1 Lab Clients else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT) { // use the Loader script for Batch experiments, for now check for default properties result.tag = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties,true); = LabClient.BATCH_BIT | LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT; } // use the Loader script for Batch experiments else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET) { // Do not append defaults result.tag = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties); = LabClient.BATCH_BIT | LabClient.APPLET_BIT; } } // labserver != null else { buf.Append(" LabServer = null"); } Logger.WriteLine(buf.ToString()); //////////////// return result; }
private void launchLabClient(int c_id) { if (Session["UserID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } int userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Message: clientID = "); message.Append(btnLaunchLab.CommandArgument + " "); LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(c_id); iLabParser parser = new iLabParser(); if (client != null) { // [GeneralTicketing] get lab servers metadata from lab server ids ProcessAgentInfo labServer = getLabServer(client.clientID, effectiveGroupID); if (labServer != null) { if (client.IsReentrant) { long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), effectiveGroupID, labServer.agentId, lc.clientID); foreach (long id in ids) { InternalDataDB.CloseExperiment(id, StorageStatus.CLOSED_USER); } } TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); // 1. Create Coupon for ExperimentCollection Coupon coupon = issuer.CreateCoupon(); iLabProperties properties = new iLabProperties(); properties.Add("sb", ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent); properties.Add("ls", labServer); properties.Add("op", coupon); Session["ClientID"] = client.clientID; DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; long duration = 7L * 24L * 60L * 60L; // default is one week //Check for Scheduling: //The scheduling Ticket should exist and been parsed into the session if (lc.needsScheduling) { start = DateUtil.ParseUtc(Session["StartExecution"].ToString()); duration = Convert.ToInt64(Session["Duration"]); } //payload includes username and current group name & client id. string sessionPayload = factory.createRedeemSessionPayload(userID, Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]), (string)Session["UserName"], (string)Session["GroupName"]); // SB is the redeemer, ticket type : session_identifcation, no expiration time, payload,SB as sponsor ID, redeemer(SB) coupon issuer.AddTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, duration, sessionPayload); AdministrativeAPI.ModifyUserSession(Convert.ToInt64(Session["SessionID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]), client.clientID, Session.SessionID); if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT) { // execute the "experiment execution recipe RecipeExecutor executor = RecipeExecutor.Instance(); string redirectURL = null; // loaderScript not parsed in Recipe redirectURL = executor.ExecuteExperimentExecutionRecipe(coupon, labServer, client, start, duration, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]), userID, effectiveGroupID, effectiveGroupName); // Add the return url to the redirect if (redirectURL.IndexOf("?") == -1) redirectURL += "?"; else redirectURL += "&"; redirectURL += "sb_url=" + Utilities.ExportUrlPath(Request.Url); // Parse & check that the default auth tokens are added string tmpUrl = parser.Parse(redirectURL, properties, true); // Now open the lab within the current Window/frame Response.Redirect(tmpUrl, true); } else if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET) { // Note: Currently Interactive applets // use the Loader script for Batch experiments // Applets do not use default query string parameters, parametes must be in the loader script Session["LoaderScript"] = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties); Session.Remove("RedirectURL"); string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '" + "applet.aspx" + @"'</script>"; Page.RegisterStartupScript("ReloadFrame", jScript); } // Support for Batch 6.1 Lab Clients else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT) { // use the Loader script for Batch experiments //use ticketing & redirect to url in loader script // [GeneralTicketing] retrieve static process agent corresponding to the first // association lab server */ // New comments: The HTML Client is not a static process agent, so we don't search for that at the moment. // Presumably when the interactive SB is merged with the batched, this should check for a static process agent. // - CV, 7/22/05 { Session.Remove("LoaderScript"); /* This is the original batch-redirect using a pop-up */ // check that the default auth tokens are added string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'> ('" + parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties, true) + "')</script>"; Page.RegisterStartupScript("HTML Client", jScript); /* This is the batch-redirect with a simple redirect, this may not work as we need to preserve session-state */ //string redirectURL = lc.loaderScript + "?couponID=" + coupon.couponId + "&passkey=" + coupon.passkey; //Response.Redirect(redirectURL,true); } } // use the Loader script for Batch experiments else if (client.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET) { // Do not append defaults Session["LoaderScript"] = parser.Parse(client.loaderScript, properties); Session.Remove("RedirectURL"); string jScript = @"<script language='javascript'>parent.theapplet.location.href = '" + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + @"/applet.aspx" + @"'</script>"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ReloadFrame", jScript); } } // labserver != null } else { message.Append(" LabServer = null"); } //lblDebug.Text = message.ToString(); Logger.WriteLine(message.ToString()); }