private void updateGamepad()
        if (SnapsEngine.GetRightGamepad())
            paddle.X = paddle.X + XPaddleSpeed;

        if (SnapsEngine.GetLeftGamepad())
            paddle.X = paddle.X - XPaddleSpeed;

        if (SnapsEngine.GetFireGamepad())
            paddle.CenterX = ball.CenterX;

        if (paddle.Left < 0)
            // Trying to move off the left edge - pull the pad back
            paddle.Left = 0;

        if (paddle.Right > SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth)
            // Trying to move off the right edge - pull the pad back
            paddle.Right = SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth;

        // Handle collisions with the ball

        if (paddle.IntersectsWith(ball))
            if (YBallSpeed > 0)
                // ball is going down, make it bounce off the bat
                // and go up
                YBallSpeed = -YBallSpeed;

                // Make a noise

                // increase the score
                score = score + 1;

                // move the paddle up the screen
                paddle.Y = paddle.Y - 5;

    public void StartProgram()
        SnapsEngine.StartGameEngine(fullScreen: false, framesPerSecond: 60);

        ImageSprite ball = new ImageSprite(imageURL: "ms-appx:///Images/ball.png");

        double ballWidth = SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth / 20.0;

        double XBallSpeed = 10;
        double YBallSpeed = 10;

        ImageSprite paddle = new ImageSprite(imageURL: "ms-appx:///Images/paddle.png");
        double paddleWidth = SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth / 10.0;
        paddle.Bottom = SnapsEngine.GameViewportHeight - 10;
        paddle.CenterX = SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth / 2;
        double XPaddleSpeed = 15;

        while (true)
            // update the ball position according to the speed
            ball.X = ball.X + XBallSpeed;
            ball.Y = ball.Y + YBallSpeed;

            if (ball.Left < 0)
                // ball is going off the left hand edge
                if (XBallSpeed < 0)
                    // ball is moving to the left 
                    // because the speed is negative
                    // make it "bounce" back into the viewport
                    // make the speed positive
                    XBallSpeed = -XBallSpeed;

            if (ball.Right > SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth)
                // ball is going off the right hand edge
                if (XBallSpeed > 0)
                    // ball is moving to the right
                    // because the speed is positive
                    // make it "bounce" back into the viewport
                    // make the speed negative
                    XBallSpeed = -XBallSpeed;

            if (ball.Bottom > SnapsEngine.GameViewportHeight)
                // ball is going off the bottom edge
                if (YBallSpeed > 0)
                    // ball is moving down the screen
                    // because the speed is positive
                    // make it bounce back into the viewport
                    // make the speed negative
                    YBallSpeed = -YBallSpeed;

            if (ball.Top < 0)
                // ball is going off the top edge
                if (YBallSpeed < 0)
                    // ball is up down the screen
                    // because the speed is negative
                    // make it bounce back into the viewport
                    // make the speed positive
                    YBallSpeed = -YBallSpeed;

            // Now update the gamepad

            if (SnapsEngine.GetRightGamepad())
                paddle.X = paddle.X + XPaddleSpeed;

            if (SnapsEngine.GetLeftGamepad())
                paddle.X = paddle.X - XPaddleSpeed;

            if (paddle.Left < 0)
                // Trying to move off the left edge - pull the pad back
                paddle.Left = 0;

            if (paddle.Right > SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth)
                // Trying to move off the right edge - pull the pad back
                paddle.Right = SnapsEngine.GameViewportWidth;

            // Handle collisions with the ball

            if (paddle.IntersectsWith(ball))
                if (YBallSpeed > 0)
                    // ball is going down, make it bounce off the bat
                    // and go up
                    YBallSpeed = -YBallSpeed;