public static async Task SendImageAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, Image finalQR, string msg = "") { const string fn = "tmp.png"; finalQR.Save(fn, ImageFormat.Png); await channel.SendFileAsync(fn, msg).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public static async Task <IUserMessage> SendImageAsync(ISocketMessageChannel channel, string imageUrl) { var memoryStream = await FetchImage(imageUrl); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"{imageUrl}")); }
public static async Task SendPKMAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, PKM pkm, string msg = "") { var tmp = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(pkm.FileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(tmp, pkm.DecryptedPartyData); await channel.SendFileAsync(tmp, msg).ConfigureAwait(false); File.Delete(tmp); }
public async Task NotifyAboutLevelAsync(SocketGuildUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel, long level) { using (var badge = await _img.GetLevelUpBadgeAsync(user.Nickname ?? user.Username, level, user.GetAvatarUrl(), user.Roles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Position).First().Color)) { using (var badgeStream = badge.ToPngStream()) { await channel.SendFileAsync(badgeStream, $"{user.Id}.png"); } } }
private async Task SendRandomDragon(List <string> tags, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { string dragonPath = await dragonManager.GetRandomDragonByTagsAsync(tags); if (dragonPath == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync("Didn't found any one Dragon that match tags :c Try different or less tags"); return; } await channel.SendFileAsync(dragonPath, "owo"); }
public static async Task SendSourceAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, MessageStructure message) { if (!message.CanSend) throw new ArgumentException("The MessageStructure specified does not contains any valid fields that can send."); if (message.FilePath.Exists()) { await channel.SendFileAsync(message.FilePath, message.Text, embed: message.Embed); return; } await channel.SendMessageAsync(message.Text, false, message.Embed); }
internal override async Task <ResponseSentArgs> Respond(ISocketMessageChannel channel) { RestUserMessage msg; if (ImageAttachmentFilePath == null) { msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : CreateDiscordEmbed()); } else { msg = await channel.SendFileAsync(ImageAttachmentFilePath, embed : CreateDiscordEmbed()); } return(new ResponseSentArgs(msg)); }
public static async void SendSpoilerLog(string SpoilerLog, string LogName, ISocketMessageChannel FoundChannel) { // Wait 20 minutes then write the file to a temp file to send it off System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)); string fileName = LogName; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, SpoilerLog); await FoundChannel.SendFileAsync(fileName); // Cleanup if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } }
// Show the welcome message private async Task ShowWelcomeMessage(SocketGuildUser userJoining) { var server = await _servers.GetServer(userJoining.Guild); if (server.WelcomeUsers) { _logger.LogInformation("Showing welcome message for {user} in {server}", userJoining.Username, userJoining.Guild.Name); var channelId = server.WelcomeChannel; if (channelId == 0) { return; } ISocketMessageChannel channel = userJoining.Guild.GetTextChannel(channelId); if (channel == null) { await _servers.ClearWelcomeChannel(userJoining.Guild.Id); return; } var welcomeMessages = await _welcomeMessageRepository.GetWelcomeMessagesByServerId(userJoining.Guild.Id); if (welcomeMessages.Count < 1) { await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{userJoining.Mention} {_settings.WelcomeMessage}"); } else { var message = welcomeMessages.RandomItem().Message; message = message.Replace("{username}", userJoining.Username); message = message.Replace("{mention}", userJoining.Mention); await channel.SendMessageAsync(message); } var background = await _servers.GetBackground(userJoining.Guild.Id); var memoryStream = await _bannerImageService.CreateImage(userJoining, background); memoryStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"{userJoining.Username}.png"); } }
private void WebSocketClient_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) { try { //Log.OutputLine(string.Format("Web socket[{0}] received a {1} message: {2} ",this.conversionid, e.IsPing?"Ping":(e.IsText?"Text":"Binary"), e.Data)); var activitySet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActivitySet>(e.Data); if (activitySet == null || activitySet.Activities == null) { return; } var activities = from x in activitySet.Activities where x.From.Id == BotId select x; ISocketMessageChannel channel = Program.GetDiscordSocketChannel(ChannelId); foreach (Activity activity in activities) { Log.OutputLine(string.Format("Bot response to conversion{0} channel{1}: {2}", conversionid, ChannelId, GetMessageText(activity))); if (null != channel) { channel.SendMessageAsync(GetMessageText(activity)); Thread.Sleep(20); } if (activity.Attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (Microsoft.Bot.Connector.DirectLine.Attachment att in activity.Attachments) { if ("application/" == att.ContentType) { RenderHeroCard(att); } else if (IsImage(att.ContentType)) { // Send image to DiscordApp. channel.SendFileAsync(att.ContentUrl); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputLine(ex.ToString()); //ConnectToConversion(true); } }
private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { // capture all the naughty eggplants if (reaction.Emote.Name == "🍆") { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount((SocketUser)reaction.User); account.EP += 1; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); } if (Global.MessageIdToTrack[0].Contains(reaction.MessageId)) { string[] checklist = { "👋" }; if (checklist.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { RestUserMessage msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync(":eggplant::sweat_drops:"); Global.MessageIdToTrack[1].Add(msg.Id); } } if (Global.MessageIdToTrack[1].Contains(reaction.MessageId)) { string[] checklist = { "👋" }; if (checklist.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { RestUserMessage msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync(":eggplant::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:"); Global.MessageIdToTrack[2].Add(msg.Id); } } if (Global.MessageIdToTrack[2].Contains(reaction.MessageId)) { string[] checklist = { "👋" }; if (checklist.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { await channel.SendFileAsync("Resources/emotes/" + "judge.png"); await channel.SendMessageAsync("GOD IS WATCHING"); } } }
private static async Task SendLogToChannelAsync(ISocketMessageChannel channel, string id) { var file = Path.Combine("Logs", id + ".txt"); if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = Path.Combine("Logs", "Archive", id + ".txt"); } if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = Path.Combine("Logs", "Failed", id + ".txt"); } if (File.Exists(file)) { await channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); try { await DecksiteApi.UploadLogAsync(int.Parse(id)); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{id}/"); } catch (Exception e) { var contents = File.ReadAllLines(file); var caption = $"Format={contents[0]}, Comment=\"{contents[1]}\", Players=[{contents[3]}]"; await channel.SendFileAsync(file, caption); Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't upload to logsite, {e}"); } } else { await channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Could not find log for MatchID {id}"); } }
public async Task NotifyAboutLevelAsync(SocketGuildUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel, long level) { using (var badge = await _img.GetLevelUpBadgeAsync(user.Nickname ?? user.Username, level, user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? "", user.Roles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Position).First().Color)) { using (var badgeStream = badge.ToPngStream()) { await channel.SendFileAsync(badgeStream, $"{user.Id}.png"); } } using (var dba = new Database.AnalyticsContext(_config)) { dba.UsersData.Add(new Database.Models.Analytics.UserAnalytics { Value = level, UserId = user.Id, GuildId = user.Guild.Id, MeasureDate = DateTime.Now, Type = Database.Models.Analytics.UserAnalyticsEventType.Level }); dba.SaveChanges(); } }
public static async void RenderImage(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { RestUserMessage loader = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, LoadingMessage().Build()); var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user); string username = Shorten_Long_Strings(user.Username, 32); //Establish other variables of the user's data string level = $"{account.Level}"; int total_exp = account.Total_Exp; string pmedals = $"{account.P_Medals}"; string proficiency_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ProficiencyRankTitle(account.Proficiency_Rank); string diligence_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.DiligenceRankTitle(account.Diligence_Rank); string expression_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ExpressionRankTitle(account.Expression_Rank); //Determine the Next Exp value int next_exp = 0; if (account.Level != 99) { next_exp = Core.LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1) - account.Total_Exp; } Bitmap base_template = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height); Bitmap chara_bg = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Decor//Decor_TMS_Tiki_1//chara_bg.png"); Bitmap ui_overlay = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Decor//Decor_TMS_Tiki_1//ui_overlay.png"); using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_template)) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; graphics.DrawImage(chara_bg, 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(ui_overlay, 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(RenderFont(user, account), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(RenderLevelProgressBar(user), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(CombineSocialStatRankBitmaps(account), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); if (account.Level_Resets > 0) { graphics.DrawImage(RenderPrestigeCounter(account.Level_Resets), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); } } MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); base_template.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); try { await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"status_{user.Id}_{DateTime.UtcNow}.png"); } catch (Exception ex) { _ = ErrorHandling.Scene_Upload_Failed(user, channel); Console.WriteLine(ex); memoryStream.Dispose(); await loader.DeleteAsync(); return; } memoryStream.Dispose(); await loader.DeleteAsync(); }
public static async void RenderImage(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { // Send a loading message while the status screen gets made RestUserMessage loader = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, LoadingMessage().Build()); try { var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user); string username = Shorten_Long_Strings(user.Username, 24); //Establish other variables of the user's data string level = $"{account.Level}"; int total_exp = account.Total_Exp; string profile_picture = user.GetAvatarUrl(); string pmedals = $"{account.P_Medals}"; string proficiency_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ProficiencyRankTitle(account.Proficiency_Rank); string diligence_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.DiligenceRankTitle(account.Diligence_Rank); string expression_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ExpressionRankTitle(account.Expression_Rank); //Determine the Next Exp value int next_exp = 0; if (account.Level != 99) { next_exp = Core.LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1) - account.Total_Exp; } //If the user doesn't have a profile picture, use a default one if (profile_picture == null) { profile_picture = ""; } // Create a base bitmap to render all the elements on Bitmap base_template = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height); //Copy the status template to a bitmap Bitmap layer_1 = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Decor//Decor_TMS_GamePad_1//layer_1.png"); Bitmap layer_4 = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Decor//Decor_TMS_GamePad_1//layer_4.png"); //Use a graphics object to edit the bitmap using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_template)) { //Set text rendering to have antialiasing graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; // Create color and brush System.Drawing.Color tms_white = System.Drawing.Color.White; System.Drawing.Color tms_pink = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(233, 125, 174); System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3); System.Drawing.Color tms_green = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 207, 0); // Draw the first bitmap layer to the template graphics.DrawImage(layer_1, 0, 0, layer_1.Width, layer_1.Height); graphics.DrawImage(RenderLevelProgressBar(user), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); //Use a web client to download the user's profile picture and draw it to the template using (var wc = new WebClient()) { using (var imgStream = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(profile_picture))) { using (var objImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgStream)) { graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; graphics.DrawImage(objImage, 1610, 18, 288, 288); } } } graphics.DrawImage(RenderServerLocationLayer(channel), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(RenderRoleColorLayer(user), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(layer_4, 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(RenderFont(user, channel, account), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); graphics.DrawImage(CombineSocialStatRankBitmaps(account), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); if (account.Level_Resets > 0) { graphics.DrawImage(RenderPrestigeCounter(account.Level_Resets), 0, 0, template_width, template_height); } } //Save the bitmap to a data stream MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); base_template.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Send the image await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"status_{user.Id}_{DateTime.UtcNow}.png"); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { _ = ErrorHandling.Scene_Upload_Failed(user, channel); Console.WriteLine(ex); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); return; } }
public async Task AssignLeagueFARoles(ISocketMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild) { int remaining = _latestValues.Where(x => x[0].ToString() != "").Count(); Dictionary <string, int> _assignedCounters = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.AssigningLeagueRoles(remaining, _assignedCounters)); await GetLatestValues().ConfigureAwait(false); string errorLog = ""; for (int row = 1; row < _latestValues.Count; row++) { var signup = _latestValues[row]; if (signup[(int)ColumnIDs.Discord].ToString() == "") { continue; } ulong discordId = ulong.Parse(signup[(int)ColumnIDs.Discord].ToString()); if (signup[(int)ColumnIDs.ApplicationStatus].ToString() != "Approved and Notified") { continue; } string league = signup[(int)ColumnIDs.League].ToString(); var user = await guild.GetUserAsync(discordId); if (user is null) { errorLog += $"{signup[(int)ColumnIDs.Name]}: User left Discord\r\n"; continue; } if (user.RoleIds.Any(x => x == 472145107056066580)) { league = "GM (Skipped)"; } if (_assignedCounters.ContainsKey(league)) { _assignedCounters[league]++; } else { _assignedCounters.Add(league, 1); } if (league == "GM (Skipped)") { continue; } try { } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("forbidden")) { errorLog += $"{signup[(int)ColumnIDs.Name]}: Permission Error\r\n"; } else { errorLog += $"{signup[(int)ColumnIDs.Name]}: {ex.Message}\r\n"; } } remaining--; if (row % 100 == 0) { await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.AssigningLeagueRoles(remaining, _assignedCounters) ); } await Task.Delay(1500); } await message.ModifyAsync( x => x.Embed = Embeds.AssigningLeagueRoles(remaining, _assignedCounters) ); if (errorLog.Length > 2000) { File.WriteAllText(@"./DiscordErrorLog.log", errorLog); await channel.SendFileAsync(@"./DiscordErrorLog.log", ""); } else { await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.ErrorLog(errorLog)).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
internal static async void RenderImage(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { RestUserMessage loader = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, LoadingMessage().Build()); // Place the bulk of the function in a try-catch block in case something fails and an error message needs to be sent try { // Grab the user's account information var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user); //Establish variables to write on the template string username = ""; //If the username is over 12 characters, replace the last parts with an ellipsis if (user.Username.Length > 12) { username = $"{username.Substring(0, 12)}..."; } else { username = $"{user.Username}"; } //Establish other variables of the user's data string level = $"{account.Level}"; string profile_picture = user.GetAvatarUrl(); string pmedals = $"{account.P_Medals}"; string proficiency_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ProficiencyRankTitle(account.Proficiency_Rank); string diligence_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.DiligenceRankTitle(account.Diligence_Rank); string expression_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ExpressionRankTitle(account.Expression_Rank); //Determine the Next Exp value int next_exp = 0; if (account.Level != 99) { next_exp = Core.LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1) - account.Total_Exp; } //If the user doesn't have a profile picture, use a default one if (profile_picture == null) { profile_picture = ""; } // Create a base bitmap to render all the elements on Bitmap p4_template = new Bitmap(1920, 1080); //Copy the P4 status background to a bitmap Bitmap base_layer = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P4//layer_1.png"); //Copy the P4 status info fields to a bitmap Bitmap info_layer = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P4//layer_2.png"); //Copy the plot point overlay to a bitmap Bitmap graph_overlay = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P4//layer_3.png"); //Copy the P-Medal icon to a bitmap Bitmap pmedal_icon = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P4//pmedal_icon.png"); //Use a graphics object to edit the bitmap using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p4_template)) { //Set text rendering to have antialiasing graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; // Draw the first bitmap layer to the template graphics.DrawImage(base_layer, 0, 0, base_layer.Width, base_layer.Height); //Draw the randomized elements to the template first graphics.DrawImage(RandomizeWaveAndWindow(), 0, 0, 1920, 1080); //Draw the information fields graphics.DrawImage(info_layer, 0, 0, 1920, 1080); //Using a font object, draw the user's username value to the template using (Font p4g_font = new Font("P4G", 37)) { graphics.DrawString(username, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, new Point(276, 139)); } //Create text boxes to place the user's level and P-Medal values in Rectangle level_box = new Rectangle(70, 84, 210, 100); Rectangle pmedal_box = new Rectangle(50, 180, 210, 100); Rectangle next_exp_box = new Rectangle(575, 222, 1000, 100); //Create new colors to shade the level and P-Medal values with System.Drawing.Color level_color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 247, 130); System.Drawing.Color pmedal_color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(225, 108, 1); //Create new brushes so that the colors can be used on a font object SolidBrush level_brush = new SolidBrush(level_color); SolidBrush pmedal_brush = new SolidBrush(pmedal_color); //Using a font object, draw the user's level value to the template using (Font p4g_stats_font = new Font("P4G Stats", 68)) { //Format the string so that its placement is on the right side of the text box StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; graphics.DrawString(level, p4g_stats_font, level_brush, level_box, stringFormat); } //Draw P-Medal text and graphic information within this font object using (Font p4g_stats_font = new Font("P4G Stats", 48)) { //Format the string so that its placement is on the right side of the text box StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; //If the user's P-Medal count has 2 or less digits, draw the P-Medal icon in a specific place if (pmedals.Length <= 2) { graphics.DrawImage(pmedal_icon, 85, 189, 72, 52); } //Else, if the user's P-Medal count has 3 digits, draw the P-Medal icon in a different place else if (pmedals.Length == 3) { graphics.DrawImage(pmedal_icon, 55, 189, 72, 52); } //Draw the user's P-Medal value to the screen graphics.DrawString(pmedals, p4g_stats_font, pmedal_brush, pmedal_box, stringFormat); } //Draw the user's next EXP value to the template within this font object using (Font p4g_stats_font = new Font("P4G Stats", 47)) { //Format the string so that its placement is on the left side of the text box StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; graphics.DrawString($"{next_exp}", p4g_stats_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, next_exp_box, stringFormat); } //Create text boxes to draw the social link rank titles Rectangle proficiency_title_box = new Rectangle(1163, 233, 309, 53); Rectangle diligence_title_box = new Rectangle(834, 860, 309, 53); Rectangle expression_title_box = new Rectangle(1493, 859, 309, 53); //Draw the rank titles onto the template using (Font p4g_font = new Font("P4G", 31)) { //Format the strings so that their placements are at the center of the text boxes StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; graphics.DrawString(proficiency_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, proficiency_title_box, stringFormat); graphics.DrawString(diligence_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, diligence_title_box, stringFormat); graphics.DrawString(expression_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, expression_title_box, stringFormat); } //Create points that define radar chart Point proficiency_point = ProficiencyGraphPoint(account.Proficiency_Rank); Point diligence_point = DiligenceGraphPoint(account.Diligence_Rank); Point expression_point = ExpressionGraphPoint(account.Expression_Rank); //Create rectangles for large endpoints that emphasize where the radar points are Rectangle proficiency_endpoint = ProficiencyEndpoint(account.Proficiency_Rank); Rectangle diligence_endpoint = DiligenceEndpoint(account.Diligence_Rank); Rectangle expression_endpoint = ExpressionEndpoint(account.Expression_Rank); //Create a color for the radar chart SolidBrush orangeBrush = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Orange); //Bind radar chart points Point[] curvePoints = { proficiency_point, diligence_point, expression_point }; //Draw radar chart to screen graphics.FillPolygon(orangeBrush, curvePoints); //Draw the plot point overlay to the template graphics.DrawImage(graph_overlay, 0, 0, 1920, 1080); //Create a black pen to draw large endpoints over the plot point overlay System.Drawing.Pen blackPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, 10); //Draw the large endpoints to the template graphics.DrawEllipse(blackPen, proficiency_endpoint); graphics.DrawEllipse(blackPen, diligence_endpoint); graphics.DrawEllipse(blackPen, expression_endpoint); //Use a web client to download the user's profile picture and draw it to the template using (var wc = new WebClient()) { using (var imgStream = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(profile_picture))) { using (var objImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgStream)) { graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; graphics.DrawImage(objImage, 250, 447, 440, 440); } } } // If the user has ever reset their level, render a prestige counter to the template if (account.Level_Resets > 0) { graphics.DrawImage(RenderPrestigeCounter(account.Level_Resets), 0, 0, 1920, 1080); } } //Save the bitmap to a data stream MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); p4_template.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Send the image await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"status_{user.Id}_{DateTime.UtcNow}.png"); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Send an error message to the user _ = ErrorHandling.Scene_Upload_Failed(user, channel); Console.WriteLine(ex); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); return; } }
public async Task PostSuperChat(ISocketMessageChannel channel, ulong fromId, ulong toId, int amount, string message, IDMChannel fromDmChannel, IDMChannel toDmChannel) { var fromMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == fromId); if (fromMember == null) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("VetCoin 登録者以外はSuperChatを送信できません"); return; } var fromAmount = CoreService.CalcAmount(fromMember); if (fromAmount < amount) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"VEC残高が不足しています。({fromAmount}VEC)"); return; } if (amount < 100) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"送金下限は100VECです。それ未満は送れません"); return; } if (amount > 50000) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"送金上限は50000VECです。それ以上は送れません"); return; } var toMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == toId); if (toMember == null) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("VetCoin 登録者以外へはSuperChatを送信できません"); return; //toMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == 287434171570192384); } try { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($@"{toMember.Name}へ{amount}VEC 送金しました"); await toDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($@"{fromMember.Name}から{amount}VEC をもらいました(SuperChat)"); DbContext.CoinTransactions.Add(new CoinTransaction { SendeVetMemberId = fromMember.Id, Amount = amount, RecivedVetMemberId = toMember.Id, Text = message, TransactionType = CoinTransactionType.SuperChat, }); await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("システムトラブルの可能性があります。開発者に問い合わせをお願いします。"); return; } try { var imageMs = await CreateImage(fromMember, toMember, amount); await channel.SendFileAsync(imageMs, $"Send{amount}.png", message); } catch { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("システムトラブルの可能性があります。開発者に問い合わせをお願いします。(送金は成功しています)"); } }
internal override async Task <ResponseSentArgs> Respond(ISocketMessageChannel channel) { RestUserMessage msg = await channel.SendFileAsync(filePath, content); return(new ResponseSentArgs(msg)); }
public static async void MessagePassed(SocketMessage message) { // Validate that this is a valid settings string var resp = RunPython("--output_settings --convert_settings --settings_string " + message.Content.Replace("<@!782757480887091260>", "").Trim()); if (resp.Item1) { // Parse the spoiler log JObject Settings = JObject.Parse(resp.Item2); // Update some defaults Settings["compress_rom"] = "Patch"; Settings["create_spoiler"] = true; Settings["create_cosmetics_log"] = false; // Create a temp settings file string fileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(OoTDirectory) + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, Settings.ToString()); // Generate a seed using our settings file var GeneratedSeedResponse = RunPython("--settings " + fileName); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } // Find the channels set by the config files ISocketMessageChannel FoundChannel = null; ISocketMessageChannel SpoilerChannel = null; var chan = message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel; foreach (var gchan in chan.Guild.Channels) { if (gchan.Name.ToLower() == Channel.ToLower()) { FoundChannel = gchan as ISocketMessageChannel; } if (gchan.Name.ToLower() == SpoilChannel.ToLower()) { SpoilerChannel = gchan as ISocketMessageChannel; } } if (FoundChannel != null) { // Parse the spoiler log for related settings var SpoilerInfo = GetSpoilerInfo(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.GetDirectoryName(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4) + @"/" + GeneratedSeedResponse.Item3)); string BuiltMessage = ""; // Create the message to send BuiltMessage += "**Seed Posted by**: `" + message.Author + "`\n"; if (SpoilerInfo.Item2 != null) { BuiltMessage += "**Settings String**: `" + SpoilerInfo.Item4 + "`\n"; BuiltMessage += "**Version**: `" + SpoilerInfo.Item5 + "`\n"; BuiltMessage += "**Seed Settings**: ```" + SpoilerInfo.Item1 + "```"; } BuiltMessage += "\nWas this a good seed? Vote using thumbs up or down. You can abstain from voting."; BuiltMessage += "\nYou can patch your OoT file at:"; var sentmessage = await FoundChannel.SendMessageAsync(BuiltMessage); // Send the rest of the data await FoundChannel.SendFileAsync(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4); await sentmessage.AddReactionsAsync(new[] { new Emoji("👍"), new Emoji("👎") }); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Seed info has been posted to #seed-info"); // Read in the spoiler log into memory so we don't store it on disk var SpoilerText = File.ReadAllText(Path.GetDirectoryName(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4) + @"/" + GeneratedSeedResponse.Item3); _ = Task.Run(() => SendSpoilerLog(SpoilerText, GeneratedSeedResponse.Item3, SpoilerChannel)); // Cleanup the files if (File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4) + @"/" + GeneratedSeedResponse.Item3)) { File.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4) + @"/" + GeneratedSeedResponse.Item3); } if (File.Exists(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4)) { File.Delete(GeneratedSeedResponse.Item4); } } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("seed-info Channel does not exist."); } } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("That is not a valid settings string."); } }
public async Task PostSuperChat(ISocketMessageChannel channel, ulong fromId, ulong toId, int amount, string message, IDMChannel fromDmChannel, IDMChannel toDmChannel) { var fromMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == fromId); if (fromMember == null) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("VetCoin 登録者以外はSuperChatを送信できません"); return; } var fromAmount = CoreService.CalcAmount(fromMember); if (fromAmount < amount) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit}残高が不足しています。({fromAmount}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit})"); return; } if (amount < StaticSettings.SuperChatLowLimit) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"送金下限は{StaticSettings.SuperChatLowLimit}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit}です。それ未満は送れません"); return; } if (amount > StaticSettings.SuperChatHeightLimit) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($"送金上限は{StaticSettings.SuperChatHeightLimit}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit}です。それ以上は送れません"); return; } var toMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == toId); if (toMember == null) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("VetCoin 登録者以外へはSuperChatを送信できません"); return; //toMember = DbContext.VetMembers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DiscordId == 287434171570192384); } var toAmount = CoreService.CalcAmount(toMember); if (toMember.Id == fromMember.Id) { //念のため同一人物の対応 toAmount -= amount; fromAmount += amount; } try { if (fromDmChannel != null) { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($@"SuperChat:{toMember.Name}へ{amount}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit} 送金しました [{fromAmount - amount}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit}]"); } if (toDmChannel != null) { await toDmChannel.SendMessageAsync($@"SuperChat:{fromMember.Name}から{amount}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit} をもらいました [{toAmount + amount}{StaticSettings.CurrenryUnit}]"); } DbContext.CoinTransactions.Add(new CoinTransaction { SendeVetMemberId = fromMember.Id, Amount = amount, RecivedVetMemberId = toMember.Id, Text = message, TransactionType = CoinTransactionType.SuperChat, }); await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("システムトラブルの可能性があります。開発者に問い合わせをお願いします。"); return; } try { var imageMs = await CreateImage(fromMember, toMember, amount); await channel.SendFileAsync(imageMs, $"Send{amount}.png", message); } catch { await fromDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("システムトラブルの可能性があります。開発者に問い合わせをお願いします。(送金は成功しています)"); } }
public async Task <RestUserMessage> SendImage(ISocketMessageChannel channel, DownloadedImage image, string additionalText) { return(await channel.SendFileAsync(image.ImageData, image.Filename, string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalText)?null : additionalText.Trim())); }
internal static async void RenderImage(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { // Send a loading message while the status screen gets made RestUserMessage loader = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, LoadingMessage().Build()); // Place the bulk of the function in a try-catch block in case something fails and an error message needs to be sent try { //Grab the user's account information var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user); //Establish variables to write on the template string username = ""; //If the username is over 12 characters, replace the last parts with an ellipsis if (user.Username.Length > 12) { username = $"{username.Substring(0, 12)}..."; } else { username = $"{user.Username}"; } //Establish other variables of the user's data string level = $"{account.Level}"; int total_exp = account.Total_Exp; string profile_picture = user.GetAvatarUrl(); string pmedals = $"{account.P_Medals}"; string proficiency_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ProficiencyRankTitle(account.Proficiency_Rank); string diligence_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.DiligenceRankTitle(account.Diligence_Rank); string expression_title = Core.LevelSystem.SocialStats.ExpressionRankTitle(account.Expression_Rank); //Determine the Next Exp value int next_exp = 0; if (account.Level != 99) { next_exp = Core.LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1) - account.Total_Exp; } //If the user doesn't have a profile picture, use a default one if (profile_picture == null) { profile_picture = ""; } // Create a base bitmap to render all the elements on Bitmap p3_template = new Bitmap(1920, 1080); //Copy the P3 status template to a bitmap Bitmap base_layer = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P3//p3_template.png"); //Copy the EXP bar to a bitmap Bitmap exp_bar = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//Profile//StatusScreens//Default//P3//exp_bar.png"); //Copy the rank bar to a bitmap Bitmap rank_bar = RankBarBitmap(); //Use a graphics object to edit the bitmap using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p3_template)) { //Set text rendering to have antialiasing graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; // Create color and brush System.Drawing.Color dark_blue = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(9, 57, 107); System.Drawing.Color light_blue = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(31, 116, 204); SolidBrush dark_blue_brush = new SolidBrush(dark_blue); SolidBrush light_blue_brush = new SolidBrush(light_blue); // Draw the first bitmap layer to the template graphics.DrawImage(base_layer, 0, 0, base_layer.Width, base_layer.Height); // Draw the rank titles to the bitmap. using (Font p4g_font = new Font("P4G", 37)) { graphics.DrawString(proficiency_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, new Point(348, 141)); graphics.DrawString(diligence_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, new Point(348, 280)); graphics.DrawString(expression_title, p4g_font, System.Drawing.Brushes.White, new Point(348, 411)); } //Draw PLV text using (Font street = new Font("Street Corner Extend", 25)) { graphics.DrawString("PLV", street, dark_blue_brush, new Point(190, 613)); } //Draw level number using (Font street = new Font("Street Corner Extend", 32)) { graphics.DrawString(level, street, dark_blue_brush, new Point(307, 613)); } //Draw username using (Font p4g_font = new Font("P4G", 34)) { graphics.DrawString(username, p4g_font, dark_blue_brush, new Point(492, 610)); } //Draw "Total EXP" & "Next EXP" text, plus total EXP value using (Font street = new Font("Street Corner Extend", 28)) { graphics.DrawString("TOTAL EXP", street, dark_blue_brush, new Point(237, 817)); graphics.DrawString("NEXT EXP", street, dark_blue_brush, new Point(190, 681)); Rectangle box1 = new Rectangle(550, 817, 362, 46); StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; graphics.DrawString($"{total_exp}", street, dark_blue_brush, box1, stringFormat); } //Draw P-Medal value using (Font street = new Font("Street Corner Extend", 31)) { Rectangle box1 = new Rectangle(817, 743, 190, 42); StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; graphics.DrawString(pmedals, street, light_blue_brush, box1, stringFormat); } //Draw ranks for Proficiency for (int i = 0; i < account.Proficiency_Rank; i++) { graphics.DrawImage(rank_bar, 355 + (94 * i), 123, 87, 14); } //Draw ranks for Diligence for (int i = 0; i < account.Diligence_Rank; i++) { graphics.DrawImage(rank_bar, 355 + (94 * i), 261, 87, 14); } //Draw ranks for Expression for (int i = 0; i < account.Expression_Rank; i++) { graphics.DrawImage(rank_bar, 355 + (94 * i), 393, 87, 14); } // Draw a bitmap where the proper Next EXP progress bar overlaps with the exp_bar decorative image graphics.DrawImage(KeepPixelOverlap(RenderProgressBar(user), exp_bar), 0, 0, 1920, 1080); //Use a web client to download the user's profile picture and draw it to the template using (var wc = new WebClient()) { using (var imgStream = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(profile_picture))) { using (var objImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgStream)) { graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; graphics.DrawImage(objImage, 1239, 240, 600, 600); } } } // If the user has ever reset their level, render a prestige counter to the template if (account.Level_Resets > 0) { graphics.DrawImage(RenderPrestigeCounter(account.Level_Resets), 0, 0, 1920, 1080); } } //Save the bitmap to a data stream MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); p3_template.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Send the image await channel.SendFileAsync(memoryStream, $"status_{user.Id}_{DateTime.UtcNow}.png"); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { _ = ErrorHandling.Scene_Upload_Failed(user, channel); Console.WriteLine(ex); //Delete the loading message await loader.DeleteAsync(); return; } }