private async Task Client_MessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> arg1, SocketMessage arg2, ISocketMessageChannel arg3) { if (arg3 == null) { return; } if (arg2.EditedTimestamp == null) { return; } if (arg3.GetType() == typeof(SocketDMChannel)) { return; } var oldmess = await arg1.GetOrDownloadAsync(); GuildSetup setup; using (var db = new DatabaseContext()) { setup = db.GuildSetups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GuildId == (arg3 as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.Id); var message = db.LoggedMessages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MessageId == oldmess.Id); message.IsEdited = true; message.Edits.Add(arg2.Content, arg2.EditedTimestamp.Value.DateTime); db.SaveChanges(); if (db.GuildStarringSetups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GuildId == (arg3 as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.Id)?.StarboardChannelId == arg3.Id) { return; } } if (setup?.EditChannelId == 0) { return; } if (arg2.Content == "") { return; } await(arg3 as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.GetTextChannel(setup.EditChannelId).SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = $"A message has been edited in {arg3.Name}!", Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder> { new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = "Before:", Value = $"```{oldmess.Content}```" }, { new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = "After:", Value = $"```{arg2.Content}```" } } }, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = $"Author: {arg2.Author.Username}", IconUrl = arg2.Author.GetAvatarUrl() }, ThumbnailUrl = arg2.Author.GetAvatarUrl(), Color = new Color(178, 224, 40), Timestamp = arg2.EditedTimestamp }.WithUrl("")); }
public bool isAdmin(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { if (channel.GetType() == typeof(SocketDMChannel)) { if ((server.GetUser(user.Id).GuildPermissions.Administrator || Admins.Contains(user.Id.ToString()))) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (channel.GetType() == typeof(SocketTextChannel)) { var stc = (SocketTextChannel)channel; if (stc.Guild == null || server == null) { Console.WriteLine("isAdmin check with one server being null!"); return(false); } if (stc.Guild.Id != server.Id) { return(false); } if (server.GetUser(user.Id).GuildPermissions.Administrator) { return(true); } if (Admins.Contains(user.Id.ToString())) { return(true); } return(false); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got isAdmin check on channel type " + channel.GetType() + " this is atm unhandled"); return(false); } }
private static async Task OnMessageDeleted(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { if (channel.GetType() != typeof(SocketTextChannel)) { return; } SocketGuild guild = ((SocketTextChannel)channel).Guild; OliveGuild.GuildSetting setting = OliveGuild.Get(guild.Id).Setting; if (!setting.EnabledCategories.Contains(RequireCategoryEnable.CategoryType.Log) || !setting.LogChannelId.HasValue) { return; } SocketTextChannel c = guild.GetTextChannel(setting.LogChannelId.Value); EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "메시지 삭제", Color = new Color(255, 0, 0), Description = $"<#{channel.Id}> 채널에서 메시지({cache.Id})가 삭제됐어요\n", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToKST() }; if (cache.HasValue) { emb.WithAuthor($"{cache.Value.Author.Username}#{cache.Value.Author.Discriminator} ({cache.Value.Author.Id})", cache.Value.Author.GetAvatar()); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cache.Value.Content)) { emb.Description += "\n내용이 비어있어요"; } else { emb.AddField("내용", cache.Value.Content.Slice(512, out bool isApplied), true); if (isApplied) { await c.SendFileAsync(cache.Value.Content.ToStream(), "before.txt", ""); } } } else { emb.WithAuthor("알 수 없음"); emb.Description += "\n내용이 캐시에 저장되지 않았어요"; } await c.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build()); }
public Command GetCommand(ISocketMessageChannel channel, User user, string[] args, string commandName) { commandName = "PikBot.Commands." + commandName + "Command"; Type commandType = Type.GetType(commandName, true); Type[] paramTypes = new Type[] { channel.GetType(), user.GetType(), args.GetType() }; ConstructorInfo constructor = commandType.GetConstructor( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, paramTypes, null); Object obj = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { channel, user, args }); if (obj is Command) { return((Command)obj); } else { return(null); } }
private async Task CheckInitThread(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { var usr = await arg2.GetUserAsync(arg3.UserId); if (usr.IsBot) { return; } if (arg2.GetType() != typeof(SocketDMChannel)) { if (closingState.Keys.Any(x => x.Key == arg2.Id)) { var o = closingState.First(x => x.Key.Key == arg2.Id); var m = await arg2.GetMessageAsync(o.Key.Value); if (arg3.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("❌"))) { o.Value.Stop(); o.Value.Dispose(); closingState.Remove(o.Key); await m.DeleteAsync(); } } else if (WelcomeMessages.Contains(arg3.MessageId)) { if (arg3.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("❌"))) { var m = await arg2.GetMessageAsync(arg3.MessageId); await m.DeleteAsync(); } if (arg3.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("✅"))) { var ticket = CurrentTickets.Find(x => x.TicketChannel == arg2.Id); var m = await arg2.GetMessageAsync(arg3.MessageId); var dmchan = await client.GetUser(ticket.UserID).GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); var gusr = usr as SocketGuildUser; await m.DeleteAsync(); string tmsg = $"**[Staff] {(gusr.Nickname == null ? usr.ToString() : gusr.Nickname)}** - Hello! Swiss001 Support! How May I help you?"; await arg2.SendMessageAsync(tmsg); await dmchan.SendMessageAsync(tmsg); } } return; } var msg = await client.Rest.GetDMChannelAsync(arg2.Id).Result.GetMessageAsync(arg1.Id); if (isValidSetup(msg)) { //checkmark if (arg3.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("✅"))) { if (client.GetGuild(Global.SwissGuildId).Users.Any(x => x.Id == usr.Id)) { if (BlockedUsers.Any(x => x == usr.Id)) { await arg2.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "You are blocked!", Description = "Looks like your blocked from creating support tickets :/", Color = Color.Red }.Build()); await msg.DeleteAsync(); return; } else { await msg.DeleteAsync(); var tmpmsg = await arg2.SendMessageAsync("**Creating support ticket with the staff team...**"); RestDMChannel rChan = (RestDMChannel)await client.Rest.GetDMChannelAsync(arg2.Id); var msgs = await rChan.GetMessagesAsync(arg1.Id, Direction.Before, 1).FlattenAsync(); await CreateNewTicket(arg2, usr, msgs.First().Content); await tmpmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Congrats! You are now talking with staff!", Description = "Please note staff **Can** take moderation action for anything you say in a ticket. The same rules apply as the server.\n_This ticket may also be archived and used for training purposes._", Color = Color.Green }.Build()); } } else { await usr.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Sorry... :(", Description = "The staff team does not accept tickets from users who are not in the server.", Color = Color.Red }.Build()); } } else if (arg3.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("❌"))) // xmark { await msg.DeleteAsync(); } } }
public static async Task OnMessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cache, SocketMessage msg, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { if (channel.GetType() != typeof(SocketTextChannel)) { return; } SocketGuild guild = ((SocketTextChannel)channel).Guild; OliveGuild.GuildSetting setting = OliveGuild.Get(guild.Id).Setting; if (!setting.EnabledCategories.Contains(RequireCategoryEnable.CategoryType.Log) || !setting.LogChannelId.HasValue) { return; } SocketTextChannel c = guild.GetTextChannel(setting.LogChannelId.Value); EmbedBuilder emb = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "메시지 수정", Color = new Color(255, 255, 0), Description = $"<#{channel.Id}> 채널에서 [메시지]({msg.GetJumpUrl()})가 수정됐어요\n", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToKST() }; emb.WithAuthor(msg.Author); if (cache.HasValue) { if (cache.Value.Content == msg.Content) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cache.Value.Content)) { emb.Description += "\n수정 전 내용이 비어있어요"; } else { emb.AddField("수정 전 내용", cache.Value.Content.Slice(512, out bool isApplied), true); if (isApplied) { await c.SendFileAsync(msg.Content.ToStream(), "before.txt", ""); } } } else { emb.Description += "\n수정 전 내용은 캐시에 저장되지 않았어요"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.Content)) { emb.Description += "\n수정 후 내용이 비어있어요"; } else { emb.AddField("수정 후 내용", msg.Content.Slice(512, out bool isApplied), true); if (isApplied) { await c.SendFileAsync(msg.Content.ToStream(), "after.txt", ""); } } await c.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build()); }