public void DisplayProductDetails(IServiceScope scope, ProductsController sut,
                                          LoadProductDetails input,
                                          ProductDetailsViewModel vm,
                                          ProductRecord record)
            scope  = _server.Services.CreateScope();
            record = new ProductRecord
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Price = 20,
                Title = "BDD TShirt"

            $"Given The system has an existing product record"
            .x(c => scope.Using(c).ServiceProvider.EnsureProductRecordExists(record));
            $"Given I have an instance ProductController"
            .x(() => sut = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <ProductsController>());
            $"And I have an input to load product details"
            .x(() => input = new LoadProductDetails
                Id = record.Id
            $"When I request to get product details"
            .x(async() => { vm = (await sut.Get(input)).ViewModel <ProductDetailsViewModel>(); });
            $"Then I should get a product viewmodel"
            .x(() => vm.ShouldNotBeNull());
            $"And I should see correct title of the product"
            .x(() => vm.Title.ShouldBe(record.Title));
            $"And I should see correct price of the product"
            .x(() => vm.PriceText.ShouldBe("$20.00"));
            $"And I should see discount offer to the product"
            .x(() => vm.DiscountText.ShouldBe("$1.00"));