public void TestInitailize() { scope = AutofacContainer.GetLifetimeScope().Resolve <IServiceScope>(); target = scope.Resolve <IBaseObject>(); target.ID = Id; target.Name = Name; resolver = scope.Resolve <FatClientContractResolver>(); }
public void TestInitailize() { scope = AutofacContainer.GetLifetimeScope().Resolve <IServiceScope>(); target = scope.Resolve <IValidateObjectList>(); target.ID = Id; target.Name = Name; resolver = scope.Resolve <FatClientContractResolver>(); child = scope.Resolve <IValidateObject>(); child.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); child.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); target.Add(child); }
private string Serialize(object target) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = resolver, TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All, PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All, Converters = new List <JsonConverter>() { scope.Resolve <ListBaseCollectionConverter>() }, Formatting = Formatting.Indented })); }
public void FatClientEdit_Deserialize_Child() { var child = target.Child = scope.Resolve <IEditObject>(); child.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); child.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var json = Serialize(target); var newTarget = Deserialize(json); Assert.IsNotNull(newTarget.Child); Assert.AreEqual(child.ID, newTarget.Child.ID); Assert.AreEqual(child.Name, newTarget.Child.Name); }
public ObjectPortalBase(IServiceScope scope) { Scope = scope; // To find the static method this needs to be the concrete type var concreteType = scope.ConcreteType <T>() ?? throw new Exception($"Type {typeof(T).FullName} is not registered"); OperationManager = (IPortalOperationManager)scope.Resolve(typeof(IPortalOperationManager <>).MakeGenericType(concreteType)); }
public override async ValueTask OnFeature(IServiceScope scope, FeatureContext ctxt, Func <IServiceScope, FeatureContext, ValueTask> nextHandler) { // Create a browser. var browser = scope.Resolve <Browser>(); browser.Initialise(); await nextHandler(scope, ctxt); }
public PortalOperationManager(IServiceScope scope) { #if DEBUG if (typeof(T).IsInterface) { throw new Exception($"PortalOperationManager should be service type not interface. {typeof(T).FullName}"); } #endif RegisterPortalOperations(); Scope = scope; AuthorizationRuleManager = scope.Resolve <IAuthorizationRuleManager <T> >(); }
public void WebClientTests_Serialize_Child() { var child = target.Child = scope.Resolve <IBaseObject>(); child.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); child.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var json = Serialize(target); Assert.IsTrue(json.Contains(child.ID.ToString())); Assert.IsTrue(json.Contains(child.Name)); }
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType) { // use Autofac to create types that have been registered with it if (_container.IsRegistered(objectType)) { JsonObjectContract contract = base.CreateObjectContract(_container.ConcreteType(objectType)); contract.DefaultCreator = () => _container.Resolve(objectType); return(contract); } return(base.CreateObjectContract(objectType)); }
public static Browser Browser(this IServiceScope scope) { return(scope.Resolve <Browser>()); }
protected T Resolve <T>() { return(_testScope.Resolve <T>()); }