public PostAuthorizeResult PostAuthorize()
            conf.FirePostAuthorizeRequest(sender as IHttpModule, context);


            //Allow handlers of the above event to change filePath/pathinfo so we can successfully test the extension
            string originalPath = conf.PreRewritePath;

            //Trim fake extensions so IsAcceptedImageType will work properly
            string filePath = conf.TrimFakeExtensions(originalPath);

            //Is this an image request? Checks the file extension for .jpg, .png, .tiff, etc.
            if (!(conf.SkipFileTypeCheck || conf.IsAcceptedImageType(filePath)))

            //Copy the querystring so we can mod it to death without messing up other stuff.
            NameValueCollection queryCopy = new NameValueCollection(conf.ModifiedQueryString);


            //Call URL rewriting events
            UrlEventArgs ue = new UrlEventArgs(filePath, queryCopy);

            conf.FireRewritingEvents(sender, context, ue);

            //Pull data back out of event object, resolving app-relative paths
            RewrittenVirtualPath  = PathUtils.ResolveAppRelativeAssumeAppRelative(ue.VirtualPath);
            RewrittenQuery        = ue.QueryString;
            RewrittenInstructions = new Instructions(RewrittenQuery);

            //Store the modified querystring in request for use by VirtualPathProviders during URL Authorization
            conf.ModifiedQueryString = RewrittenQuery;

            RewrittenVirtualPathIsAcceptedImageType = conf.IsAcceptedImageType(RewrittenVirtualPath);
            RewrittenQueryHasDirective = conf.HasPipelineDirective(RewrittenQuery);
            RewrittenMappedPath        = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(RewrittenVirtualPath);

            ProcessingIndicated = false;
            CachingIndicated    = false;

            if (RewrittenQueryHasDirective)
                //By default, we process it if is both (a) a recognized image extension, and (b) has a resizing directive (not just 'cache').
                //Check for resize directive by removing ('non-resizing' items from the current querystring)
                ProcessingIndicated = RewrittenInstructions.Process == ProcessWhen.Always ||
                                      ((RewrittenInstructions.Process == ProcessWhen.Default || RewrittenInstructions.Process == null) &&
                                       RewrittenVirtualPathIsAcceptedImageType &&
                                       conf.HasPipelineDirective(RewrittenInstructions.Exclude("cache", "process", "useresizingpipeline", "404", "404.filterMode", "404.except")));

                CachingIndicated = RewrittenInstructions.Cache == ServerCacheMode.Always ||
                                   ((RewrittenInstructions.Cache == ServerCacheMode.Default || RewrittenInstructions.Cache == null) && ProcessingIndicated);

                //Resolve the 'cache' setting to 'no' unless we want it cache. TODO: Understand this better
                if (!CachingIndicated)
                    RewrittenInstructions.Cache = ServerCacheMode.No;


            if (RewrittenQueryHasDirective || conf.AuthorizeAllImages)
                var authEvent = new UrlAuthorizationEventArgs(RewrittenVirtualPath, new NameValueCollection(RewrittenQuery), true);

                //Allow user code to deny access, but not modify the URL or querystring.
                conf.FireAuthorizeImage(sender, context, authEvent);

                if (!authEvent.AllowAccess)