public void EstimateResponseInfo()
            IEncoder guessedEncoder = null;

            //Only use an encoder to determine extension/mime-type when it's an image extension or when we've set process = always.
            if (ProcessingIndicated)
                guessedEncoder = conf.GetImageBuilder().EncoderProvider.GetEncoder(new ResizeSettings(this.RewrittenInstructions), this.RewrittenVirtualPath);
                if (guessedEncoder == null)
                    throw new ImageProcessingException("Image Resizer: No image encoder was found for the request.");

            //Determine the file extension for the caching system to use if we aren't processing the image
            //Use the existing one if is an image extension. If not, use "unknown".
            // We don't want to suggest writing .exe or .aspx files to the cache!
            string fallbackExtension = PathUtils.GetFullExtension(RewrittenVirtualPath).TrimStart('.');

            if (!conf.IsAcceptedImageType(RewrittenVirtualPath))
                fallbackExtension = "unknown";

            //Determine the mime-type if we aren't processing the image.
            string fallbackContentType = "application/octet-stream";

            //Support JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF mime-types. Otherwise use "application/octet-stream".
            //We can't set it to null - it will default to text/html
            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat recognizedExtension = DefaultEncoder.GetImageFormatFromExtension(fallbackExtension);
            if (recognizedExtension != null)
                fallbackContentType = DefaultEncoder.GetContentTypeFromImageFormat(recognizedExtension);

            EstimatedContentType   = ProcessingIndicated ? guessedEncoder.MimeType : fallbackContentType;
            EstimatedFileExtension = ProcessingIndicated ? guessedEncoder.Extension : fallbackExtension;

            Performance.GlobalPerf.Singleton.IncrementCounter("module_response_ext_" + EstimatedFileExtension);