 public SIPEndPoint ToSIPEndPoint()
     if (IPSocket.IsIPSocket(Host) || IPSocket.IsIPAddress(Host))
         if (Host.IndexOf(":") != -1)
             return(new SIPEndPoint(Protocol, IPSocket.GetIPEndPoint(Host)));
             if (Protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                 return(new SIPEndPoint(Protocol, IPSocket.GetIPEndPoint(Host + ":" + m_defaultSIPTLSPort)));
                 return(new SIPEndPoint(Protocol, IPSocket.GetIPEndPoint(Host + ":" + m_defaultSIPPort)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Places an outgoing SIP call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The SIP URI to place a call to. The destination can be a full SIP URI in which case the all will
        /// be placed anonymously directly to that URI. Alternatively it can be just the user portion of a URI in which case it will
        /// be sent to the configured SIP server.</param>
        public void Call(MediaManager mediaManager, string destination)

            _mediaManager = mediaManager;

            // Determine if this is a direct anonymous call or whether it should be placed using the pre-configured SIP server account.
            SIPURI callURI     = null;
            string sipUsername = null;
            string sipPassword = null;
            string fromHeader  = null;

            if (destination.Contains("@") || m_sipServer == null)
                // Anonymous call direct to SIP server specified in the URI.
                callURI    = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(destination);
                fromHeader = (new SIPFromHeader(m_sipFromName, SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(SIPFromHeader.DEFAULT_FROM_URI), null)).ToString();
                // This call will use the pre-configured SIP account.
                callURI     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(destination + "@" + m_sipServer);
                sipUsername = m_sipUsername;
                sipPassword = m_sipPassword;
                fromHeader  = (new SIPFromHeader(m_sipFromName, new SIPURI(m_sipUsername, m_sipServer, null), null)).ToString();

            StatusMessage("Starting call to " + callURI.ToString() + ".");

            m_uac               = new SIPClientUserAgent(m_sipTransport, null, null, null, null);
            m_uac.CallTrying   += CallTrying;
            m_uac.CallRinging  += CallRinging;
            m_uac.CallAnswered += CallAnswered;
            m_uac.CallFailed   += CallFailed;

            // Get the SDP requesting that the public IP address be used if the host on the call destination is not a private IP address.
            SDP sdp = _mediaManager.GetSDP(!(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(callURI.Host) && IPSocket.IsPrivateAddress(callURI.Host)));

            SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor(sipUsername, sipPassword, callURI.ToString(), fromHeader, null, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, _sdpMimeContentType, sdp.ToString(), null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Places an outgoing SIP call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The SIP URI to place a call to. The destination can be a full SIP URI in which case the all will
        /// be placed anonymously directly to that URI. Alternatively it can be just the user portion of a URI in which case it will
        /// be sent to the configured SIP server.</param>
        public void Call(string destination)
            // Determine if this is a direct anonymous call or whether it should be placed using the pre-configured SIP server account.
            SIPURI callURI     = null;
            string sipUsername = null;
            string sipPassword = null;
            string fromHeader  = null;

            if (destination.Contains("@") || m_sipServer == null)
                // Anonymous call direct to SIP server specified in the URI.
                callURI = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(destination);
                // This call will use the pre-configured SIP account.
                callURI     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(destination + "@" + m_sipServer);
                sipUsername = m_sipUsername;
                sipPassword = m_sipPassword;
                fromHeader  = (new SIPFromHeader(m_sipFromName, new SIPURI(m_sipUsername, m_sipServer, null), null)).ToString();

            StatusMessage("Starting call to " + callURI.ToString() + ".");

            m_uac               = new SIPClientUserAgent(m_sipTransport, null, null, null, null);
            m_uac.CallTrying   += CallTrying;
            m_uac.CallRinging  += CallRinging;
            m_uac.CallAnswered += CallAnswered;
            m_uac.CallFailed   += CallFailed;

            _audioChannel = new AudioChannel();

            // Get the SDP requesting that the public IP address be used if the host on the call destination is not a private IP address.
            SDP sdp = _audioChannel.GetSDP(!(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(callURI.Host) && IPSocket.IsPrivateAddress(callURI.Host)));
            SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor(sipUsername, sipPassword, callURI.ToString(), fromHeader, null, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, SDP.SDP_MIME_CONTENTTYPE, sdp.ToString(), null);

        public void ParseTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            string host = null;
            int    port = 0;

            string endpoint = "localhost:5060";

            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "localhost", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld:5060";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "host.domain.tld", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::1]:5060";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]:5060";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "localhost";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "localhost", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "host.domain.tld", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::1]";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::1";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::ffff:127.0.0..1";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port));

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port));

            endpoint = "127.0.0..1";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "127.0.0.";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "328.0.0.1";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "\0";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");