        private AppTimeMetric ProcessJob(object job)
            Socket fastAGISocket = null;

                fastAGISocket = (Socket)job;
                fastAGISocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.DontLinger, true);

                logger.Debug("fastagi connection from " + IPSocket.GetSocketString((IPEndPoint)fastAGISocket.RemoteEndPoint) + "(" + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ")");

                byte[] buffer    = new byte[2048];
                int    bytesRead = 1;

                // Caution - it could take the Asterisk server more than one socket send to get the all the request parameters sent.
                StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder();
                while (bytesRead > 0)
                    bytesRead = fastAGISocket.Receive(buffer, 0, 2048, SocketFlags.None);
                    request.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead));
                    logger.Debug(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead));

                    if (request.ToString() != null && (Regex.Match(request.ToString(), @"\n\n", RegexOptions.Singleline).Success || Regex.Match(request.ToString(), @"\r\n\r\n", RegexOptions.Singleline).Success))

                FastAGIRequest fastAGIRequest = new FastAGIRequest();
                return(fastAGIRequest.Run(fastAGISocket, request.ToString()));
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception FastAGIWorker ProcessJobEvent. " + excp.Message);
                return(new AppTimeMetric());
                if (fastAGISocket != null)
                        logger.Debug("connection closed.");
                    catch (Exception sockCkoseExcp)
                        logger.Error("Exception FastAGIQueueDaemon ProceesJob (closing AGI socket). " + sockCkoseExcp);
        public STUNServer(IPEndPoint primaryEndPoint, STUNSendMessageDelegate primarySend, IPEndPoint secondaryEndPoint, STUNSendMessageDelegate secondarySend)
            m_primaryEndPoint   = primaryEndPoint;
            m_primarySend       = primarySend;
            m_secondaryEndPoint = secondaryEndPoint;
            m_secondarySend     = secondarySend;

            m_primaryDiffPortSocket   = NetServices.CreateRandomUDPListener(m_primaryEndPoint.Address, out m_primaryDiffPortEndPoint);
            m_secondaryDiffPortSocket = NetServices.CreateRandomUDPListener(m_secondaryEndPoint.Address, out m_secondaryDiffPortEndPoint);

            logger.LogDebug("STUN Server additional sockets, primary=" + IPSocket.GetSocketString(m_primaryDiffPortEndPoint) + ", secondary=" + IPSocket.GetSocketString(m_secondaryDiffPortEndPoint) + ".");
        public void Start()
                logger.Debug("FastAGIDaemon Starting");

                if (m_agiServerIPAddress == null || m_agiServerIPAddress.Trim().Length == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not start FastAGI service as no listening IP address was specified.");
                else if (m_agiWorkerThreadsCount <= 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not start FastAGI service as the number of worker threads is zero.");

                IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(m_agiServerIPAddress), m_agiServerPort);

                logger.Debug("Starting FastAGI socket on " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(localEndPoint));

                m_fastAGIServer = new TcpListener(localEndPoint);
                m_fastAGIServer.Server.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.DontLinger, true);

                m_fastAGIQueueDaemon = new FastAGIQueueDaemon(m_queueAlertThreshold, m_queueMetricsFilePath, m_appMetricsFilePath, m_agiErrorAddress);
                m_fastAGIQueueDaemon.Start(m_agiWorkerThreadsCount, THREAD_NAME);

                while (!m_stopDaemon)
                    Socket     fastAGIClient = m_fastAGIServer.AcceptSocket();
                    IPEndPoint connEndPoint  = (IPEndPoint)fastAGIClient.RemoteEndPoint;

                    logger.Debug("new connection from " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(connEndPoint));


                logger.Debug("FastAGI Deamon Stopping.");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception FastAGIDaemon Start. " + excp.Message);
 public override void Send(IPEndPoint destinationEndPoint, byte[] buffer)
         if (destinationEndPoint == null)
             throw new ApplicationException("An empty destination was specified to Send in SIPUDPChannel.");
             string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
             m_sipConn.Send(buffer, buffer.Length, destinationEndPoint);
     catch (Exception excp)
         Logger.Logger.Error("Exception (" + excp.GetType().ToString() + ") SIPUDPChannel Send (sendto=>" +
                             IPSocket.GetSocketString(destinationEndPoint) + "). ->" + excp.Message);
         throw excp;
        public RTCPReportSampler(Guid rtpStreamId, uint syncSource, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint,
                                 UInt16 startSequenceNumber, DateTime startTime, long bytesReceived)
            m_rtpStreamId    = rtpStreamId;
            m_syncSource     = syncSource;
            m_remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;

            m_windowStartSeqNum      = startSequenceNumber;
            m_windowLastSeqNum       = startSequenceNumber;
            m_windowSecondLastSeqNum = startSequenceNumber;

            m_lastSampleTime = DateTime.Now;

            logger.Debug("New RTCP report created for " + syncSource + " for stream from " +
                         IPSocket.GetSocketString(remoteEndPoint) + ", start seq num=" + startSequenceNumber + ".");

            RTPReceiveRecord measurement =
                new RTPReceiveRecord(startTime, startSequenceNumber, bytesReceived, 0, true, false);

            m_rcvdSeqNums.Add(startSequenceNumber, measurement);
 public void Send(IPEndPoint destinationEndPoint, byte[] buffer, int length)
         if (destinationEndPoint == null)
             throw new ApplicationException("An empty destination was specified to Send in SIPUDPChannel.");
             if (m_udpClient != null && m_udpClient.Client != null)
                 m_udpClient.Send(buffer, length, destinationEndPoint);
     catch (Exception excp)
         logger.Error("Exception (" + excp.GetType().ToString() + ") UDPListener Send (sendto=>" +
                      IPSocket.GetSocketString(destinationEndPoint) + "). " + excp.Message);
         throw excp;
        public virtual void Send(IPEndPoint destinationEndPoint, byte[] buffer)
                if (destinationEndPoint == null)
                    logger.LogError("An empty destination was specified to Send in STUNListener.");

                m_stunConn.Send(buffer, buffer.Length, destinationEndPoint);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                logger.LogWarning("The STUNListener was not accessible when attempting to send a message to, " +
                                  IPSocket.GetSocketString(destinationEndPoint) + ".");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception (" + excp.GetType().ToString() + ") STUNListener Send (sendto=>" +
                                IPSocket.GetSocketString(destinationEndPoint) + "). " + excp.Message);
        private void Send()
                int       payloadSize = RTPPacketSendSize;
                RTPPacket rtpPacket   = new RTPPacket(RTPPacketSendSize);
                byte[]    rtpBytes    = rtpPacket.GetBytes();

                RTPHeader rtpHeader = new RTPHeader();
                rtpHeader.SequenceNumber = (UInt16)65000;  //Convert.ToUInt16(Crypto.GetRandomInt(0, UInt16.MaxValue));
                uint   sendTimestamp     = uint.MaxValue - 5000;
                uint   lastSendTimestamp = sendTimestamp;
                UInt16 lastSeqNum        = 0;

                logger.Debug("RTP send stream starting to " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(m_streamEndPoint) + " with payload size " + payloadSize + " bytes.");

                Sending            = true;
                m_startRTPSendTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                m_lastRTPSentTime  = DateTime.MinValue;
                m_sampleStartSeqNo = rtpHeader.SequenceNumber;

                DateTime lastRTPSendAttempt = DateTime.Now;

                while (m_udpListener != null && !StopListening)
                    // This may be changed by the listener so it needs to be set each iteration.
                    IPEndPoint dstEndPoint = m_streamEndPoint;

                    //logger.Info("Sending RTP packet to " + dstEndPoint.Address + ":"  + dstEndPoint.Port);

                    if (payloadSize != m_rtpPacketSendSize)
                        payloadSize = m_rtpPacketSendSize;
                        logger.Info("Changing RTP payload to " + payloadSize);
                        rtpPacket = new RTPPacket(RTP_HEADER_SIZE + m_rtpPacketSendSize);
                        rtpBytes  = rtpPacket.GetBytes();

                        if (m_startRTPSendTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                            m_startRTPSendTime  = DateTime.Now;
                            rtpHeader.MarkerBit = 0;

                            logger.Debug("RTPSink Send SyncSource=" + rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource + ".");
                            lastSendTimestamp = sendTimestamp;
                            double milliSinceLastSend = DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPSentTime).TotalMilliseconds;
                            sendTimestamp = Convert.ToUInt32((lastSendTimestamp + (milliSinceLastSend * TIMESTAMP_FACTOR)) % uint.MaxValue);

                            if (lastSendTimestamp > sendTimestamp)
                                logger.Error("RTP Sender previous timestamp (" + lastSendTimestamp + ") > timestamp (" + sendTimestamp + ") ms since last send=" + milliSinceLastSend + ", lastseqnum=" + lastSeqNum + ", seqnum=" + rtpHeader.SequenceNumber + ".");

                            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPSentTime).TotalMilliseconds > 75)
                                logger.Debug("delayed send: " + rtpHeader.SequenceNumber + ", time since last send " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPSentTime).TotalMilliseconds + "ms.");

                        rtpHeader.Timestamp = sendTimestamp;
                        byte[] rtpHeaderBytes = rtpHeader.GetBytes();
                        Array.Copy(rtpHeaderBytes, 0, rtpBytes, 0, rtpHeaderBytes.Length);

                        // Send RTP packets and any extra channels required to emulate mutliple calls.
                        for (int channelCount = 0; channelCount < m_channels; channelCount++)
                            //logger.Debug("Send rtp getting wallclock timestamp for " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff"));
                            //DateTime sendTime = DateTime.Now;
                            //rtpHeader.Timestamp = RTPHeader.GetWallclockUTCStamp(sendTime);
                            //logger.Debug(rtpHeader.SequenceNumber + "," + rtpHeader.Timestamp);

                            m_udpListener.Send(rtpBytes, rtpBytes.Length, dstEndPoint);
                            m_lastRTPSentTime = DateTime.Now;

                            m_bytesSent += rtpBytes.Length;

                            if (m_packetsSent % 500 == 0)
                                logger.Debug("Total packets sent to " + dstEndPoint.ToString() + " " + m_packetsSent + ", bytes " + NumberFormatter.ToSIByteFormat(m_bytesSent, 2) + ".");

                            //sendLogger.Info(m_lastRTPSentTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff") + "," + m_lastRTPSentTime.Subtract(m_startRTPSendTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString("0") + "," + rtpHeader.SequenceNumber + "," + rtpBytes.Length);

                            //sendLogger.Info(rtpHeader.SequenceNumber + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff"));

                            if (DataSent != null)
                                    DataSent(m_streamId, rtpBytes, dstEndPoint);
                                catch (Exception excp)
                                    logger.Error("Exception RTPSink DataSent. " + excp.Message);

                            lastSeqNum = rtpHeader.SequenceNumber;
                            if (rtpHeader.SequenceNumber == UInt16.MaxValue)
                                //logger.Debug("RTPSink looping  the sequence number in sample.");
                                rtpHeader.SequenceNumber = 0;
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception RTP Send. " + excp.GetType() + ". " + excp.Message);

                        if (excp.GetType() == typeof(SocketException))
                            logger.Error("socket exception errorcode=" + ((SocketException)excp).ErrorCode + ".");

                        logger.Warn("Remote socket closed on send. Last RTP recevied " + m_lastRTPReceivedTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ", last RTP successfull send " + m_lastRTPSentTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ".");


                    #region Check for whether the stream has timed out on a send or receive and if so shut down the stream.

                    double noRTPRcvdDuration = (m_lastRTPReceivedTime != DateTime.MinValue) ? DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPReceivedTime).TotalSeconds : 0;
                    double noRTPSentDuration = (m_lastRTPSentTime != DateTime.MinValue) ? DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPSentTime).TotalSeconds : 0;
                    double testDuration      = DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_startRTPSendTime).TotalSeconds;

                    if ((
                            noRTPRcvdDuration > NO_RTP_TIMEOUT ||
                            noRTPSentDuration > NO_RTP_TIMEOUT ||
                            (m_lastRTPReceivedTime == DateTime.MinValue && testDuration > NO_RTP_TIMEOUT)) && // If the test request comes from a private or unreachable IP address then no RTP will ever be received.
                        logger.Warn("Disconnecting RTP stream on " + m_localEndPoint.Address.ToString() + ":" + m_localEndPoint.Port + " due to not being able to send any RTP for " + NO_RTP_TIMEOUT + "s.");
                        StopListening = true;

                    // Shutdown the socket even if there is still RTP but the stay alive limit has been exceeded.
                    if (RTPMaxStayAlive > 0 && DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_startRTPSendTime).TotalSeconds > RTPMaxStayAlive)
                        logger.Warn("Shutting down RTPSink due to passing RTPMaxStayAlive time.");
                        StopListening = true;

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception Send RTPSink: " + excp.Message);
                #region Shut down socket.


                if (SenderClosed != null)
                        SenderClosed(m_streamId, m_callDescriptorId);
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception RTPSink SenderClosed. " + excp.Message);

        private void Listen()
                UdpClient udpSvr = m_udpListener;

                if (udpSvr == null)
                    logger.Error("The UDP server was not correctly initialised in the RTP sink when attempting to start the listener, the RTP stream has not been intialised.");
                    logger.Debug("RTP Listener now listening on " + m_localEndPoint.Address + ":" + m_localEndPoint.Port + ".");

                IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                byte[]     rcvdBytes      = null;

                m_startRTPReceiveTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                m_lastRTPReceivedTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime previousRTPReceiveTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                uint     previousTimestamp      = 0;
                UInt16   sequenceNumber         = 0;
                UInt16   previousSeqNum         = 0;
                uint     senderSendSpacing      = 0;
                uint     lastSenderSendSpacing  = 0;

                while (!StopListening)
                    rcvdBytes = null;

                        rcvdBytes = udpSvr.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);
                        //logger.Warn("Remote socket closed on receive. Last RTP received " + m_lastRTPReceivedTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ", last RTP successfull send " +  m_lastRTPSentTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ".");

                    if (rcvdBytes != null && rcvdBytes.Length > 0)
                        // Check whether this is an RTCP report.
                        UInt16 firstWord = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rcvdBytes, 0);
                        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                            firstWord = NetConvert.DoReverseEndian(firstWord);

                        ushort packetType = 0;
                        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                            packetType = Convert.ToUInt16(firstWord & 0x00ff);

                        if (packetType == RTCPHeader.RTCP_PACKET_TYPE)
                            logger.Debug("RTP Listener received remote RTCP report from " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                RTCPPacket       rtcpPacket       = new RTCPPacket(rcvdBytes);
                                RTCPReportPacket rtcpReportPacket = new RTCPReportPacket(rtcpPacket.Reports);

                                if (RTCPReportReceived != null)
                                    RTCPReportReceived(this, rtcpReportPacket);
                            catch (Exception rtcpExcp)
                                logger.Error("Exception processing remote RTCP report. " + rtcpExcp.Message);


                        // Channel statistics.
                        DateTime rtpReceiveTime = DateTime.Now;
                        if (m_startRTPReceiveTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                            m_startRTPReceiveTime = rtpReceiveTime;
                            //m_sampleStartTime = rtpReceiveTime;
                        previousRTPReceiveTime = new DateTime(m_lastRTPReceivedTime.Ticks);
                        m_lastRTPReceivedTime  = rtpReceiveTime;
                        m_bytesReceived += rcvdBytes.Length;

                        previousSeqNum = sequenceNumber;

                        // This stops the thread running the ListenerTimeout method from deciding the strema has recieved no RTP and therefore should be shutdown.

                        // Let whoever has subscribed that an RTP packet has been received.
                        if (DataReceived != null)
                                DataReceived(m_streamId, rcvdBytes, remoteEndPoint);
                            catch (Exception excp)
                                logger.Error("Exception RTPSink DataReceived. " + excp.Message);

                        if (m_packetsReceived % 500 == 0)
                            logger.Debug("Total packets received from " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + " " + m_packetsReceived + ", bytes " + NumberFormatter.ToSIByteFormat(m_bytesReceived, 2) + ".");

                            RTPPacket rtpPacket  = new RTPPacket(rcvdBytes);
                            uint      syncSource = rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource;
                            uint      timestamp  = rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp;
                            sequenceNumber = rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber;

                            //logger.Debug("seqno=" + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", timestamp=" + timestamp);

                            if (previousRTPReceiveTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                                //uint senderSendSpacing = rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp - previousTimestamp;
                                // Need to cope with cases where the timestamp has looped, if this timestamp is < last timesatmp and there is a large difference in them then it's because the timestamp counter has looped.
                                lastSenderSendSpacing = senderSendSpacing;
                                senderSendSpacing     = (Math.Abs(timestamp - previousTimestamp) > (uint.MaxValue / 2)) ? timestamp + uint.MaxValue - previousTimestamp : timestamp - previousTimestamp;

                                if (previousTimestamp > timestamp)
                                    logger.Error("BUG: Listener previous timestamp (" + previousTimestamp + ") > timestamp (" + timestamp + "), last seq num=" + previousSeqNum + ", seqnum=" + sequenceNumber + ".");

                                    // Cover for this bug until it's nailed down.
                                    senderSendSpacing = lastSenderSendSpacing;

                                double senderSpacingMilliseconds = (double)senderSendSpacing / (double)TIMESTAMP_FACTOR;
                                double interarrivalReceiveTime   = m_lastRTPReceivedTime.Subtract(previousRTPReceiveTime).TotalMilliseconds;

                                #region RTCP reporting.

                                if (m_rtcpSampler == null)
                                    //resultsLogger.Info("First Packet: " + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + "," + m_arrivalTime.ToString("HH:mm:fff"));

                                    m_rtcpSampler = new RTCPReportSampler(m_streamId, syncSource, remoteEndPoint, rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber, m_lastRTPReceivedTime, rcvdBytes.Length);
                                    m_rtcpSampler.RTCPReportReady += new RTCPSampleReadyDelegate(m_rtcpSampler_RTCPReportReady);
                                    //m_receiverReports[syncSource].RecordRTPReceive(rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber, sendTime, rtpReceiveTime, rcvdBytes.Length);
                                    // Transit time is calculated by knowing that the sender sent a packet at a certain time after the last send and the receiver received a pakcet a certain time after the last receive.
                                    // The difference in these two times is the jitter present. The transit time can change with each transimission and as this methid relies on two sends two packet
                                    // arrivals to calculate the transit time it's not going to be perfect (you'd need synchronised NTP clocks at each end to be able to be accurate).
                                    // However if used tor an average calculation it should be pretty close.
                                    //double transitTime = Math.Abs(interarrivalReceiveTime - senderSpacingMilliseconds);
                                    uint jitter = (interarrivalReceiveTime - senderSpacingMilliseconds > 0) ? Convert.ToUInt32(interarrivalReceiveTime - senderSpacingMilliseconds) : 0;

                                    if (jitter > 75)
                                        logger.Debug("seqno=" + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", timestmap=" + timestamp + ", ts-prev=" + previousTimestamp + ", receive spacing=" + interarrivalReceiveTime + ", send spacing=" + senderSpacingMilliseconds + ", jitter=" + jitter);
                                        //logger.Debug("seqno=" + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", receive spacing=" + interarrivalReceiveTime + ", timestamp=" + timestamp + ", transit time=" + transitTime);

                                    m_rtcpSampler.RecordRTPReceive(m_lastRTPReceivedTime, rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber, rcvdBytes.Length, jitter);

                                logger.Debug("RTPSink Listen SyncSource=" + rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource + ".");

                            previousTimestamp = timestamp;
                        catch (Exception excp)
                            logger.Error("Received data was not a valid RTP packet. " + excp.Message);

                        #region Switching endpoint if required to cope with NAT.

                        // If a packet is recieved from an endpoint that wasn't expected treat the stream as being NATted and switch the endpoint to the socket on the NAT server.
                            if (m_streamEndPoint != null && m_streamEndPoint.Address != null && remoteEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.Address != null && (m_streamEndPoint.Address.ToString() != remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || m_streamEndPoint.Port != remoteEndPoint.Port))
                                logger.Debug("Expecting RTP on " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(m_streamEndPoint) + " but received on " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(remoteEndPoint) + ", now sending to " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(remoteEndPoint) + ".");
                                m_streamEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;

                                if (RemoteEndPointChanged != null)
                                        RemoteEndPointChanged(m_streamId, remoteEndPoint);
                                    catch (Exception changeExcp)
                                        logger.Error("Exception RTPListener Changing Remote EndPoint. " + changeExcp.Message);
                        catch (Exception setSendExcp)
                            logger.Error("Exception RTPListener setting SendTo Socket. " + setSendExcp.Message);

                    else if (!StopListening) // Empty packet was received possibly indicating connection closure so check for timeout.
                        double noRTPRcvdDuration = (m_lastRTPReceivedTime != DateTime.MinValue) ? DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPReceivedTime).TotalSeconds : 0;
                        double noRTPSentDuration = (m_lastRTPSentTime != DateTime.MinValue) ? DateTime.Now.Subtract(m_lastRTPSentTime).TotalSeconds : 0;

                        //logger.Warn("Remote socket closed on receive on " + m_localEndPoint.Address.ToString() + ":" + + m_localEndPoint.Port + ", reinitialising. No rtp for " + noRTPRcvdDuration + "s. last rtp " + m_lastRTPReceivedTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ".");

                        // If this check is not done then the stream will never time out if it doesn't receive the first packet.
                        if (m_lastRTPReceivedTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                            m_lastRTPReceivedTime = DateTime.Now;

                        remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                        if ((noRTPRcvdDuration > NO_RTP_TIMEOUT || noRTPSentDuration > NO_RTP_TIMEOUT) && StopIfNoData)
                            logger.Warn("Disconnecting RTP listener on " + m_localEndPoint.ToString() + " due to not being able to send or receive any RTP for " + NO_RTP_TIMEOUT + "s.");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception Listen RTPSink: " + excp.Message);
                #region Shut down socket.


                if (ListenerClosed != null)
                        ListenerClosed(m_streamId, m_callDescriptorId);
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception RTPSink ListenerClosed. " + excp.Message);
