bool BaseProcessIGCMessage() { if (!_BASEIGCChannel.HasPendingMessage) { return(false); } Echo("Base Response"); var igcMessage = _BASEIGCChannel.AcceptMessage(); string sMessage = (string)igcMessage.Data; string[] aMessage = sMessage.Trim().Split(':'); double x1, y1, z1; int iOffset = 0; string sName = aMessage[iOffset++]; long id = 0; long.TryParse(aMessage[iOffset++], out id); x1 = Convert.ToDouble(aMessage[iOffset++]); y1 = Convert.ToDouble(aMessage[iOffset++]); z1 = Convert.ToDouble(aMessage[iOffset++]); Vector3D vPosition = new Vector3D(x1, y1, z1); bool bJumpCapable = stringToBool(aMessage[iOffset++]); BaseAdd(id, sName, vPosition, bJumpCapable); return(false); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if (updateSource.Equals(UpdateType.IGC)) { while (broadcast_listener.HasPendingMessage) { var message = broadcast_listener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Tag == broadcast_tag) { string action = message.Data.ToString(); if (action == "start") { float velocity = 0.1f; if (piston.Velocity == 0) { piston.Velocity = velocity; } else if (piston.Velocity == velocity) { piston.Velocity = velocity - (velocity * 2); } } else if (action == "halt") { piston.Velocity = 0f;; } else if (action == "drill") { drill.Enabled = !drill.Enabled; } } } } }
void HandleMessage() { while (directiveListener.HasPendingMessage) { var directive = GreedleDirective.FromJSON(JSON.Parse(directiveListener.AcceptMessage().As <string>())); switch (directive.type) { case GreedleDirective.DirectiveType.Respond: IGC.SendBroadcastMessage( "greedle_response", JSON.Stringify(GreedleResponse.ToJSON(new GreedleResponse() { name = name, position = mainControl.GetPosition() })) ); break; case GreedleDirective.DirectiveType.Target: { if (directive.targetDirective.addressedTo == name) { Target(; } break; } } } }
void UpdatePriorities() { EnemyPriorityClearScratchpad.Clear(); foreach (var kvp in EnemyPrioritiesOverride) { if (!EnemyPrioritiesKeepSet.Contains(kvp.Key)) { EnemyPriorityClearScratchpad.Add(kvp.Key); } } foreach (var id in EnemyPriorityClearScratchpad) { EnemyPrioritiesOverride.Remove(id); } EnemyPrioritiesKeepSet.Clear(); while (PriorityListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = PriorityListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Source == CanonicalTimeSourceID) { EnemyPriorities = (ImmutableDictionary <long, int>)msg.Data; } } }
void UpdateIntelFromReports(TimeSpan timestamp) { List <IMyBroadcastListener> listeners = new List <IMyBroadcastListener>(); Context.IGC.GetBroadcastListeners(listeners); while (ReportListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = ReportListener.AcceptMessage(); foreach (var binding in IGCBindings) { var updateKey = binding.ReceiveAndUpdateFleetIntelligence(Context, msg.Data, IntelItems, Context.IGC.Me); if (updateKey.HasValue) { Timestamps[updateKey.Value] = timestamp; break; } } if (msg.Data is MyTuple <long, MyTuple <int, long, MyTuple <MyTuple <Vector3D, Vector3D, double>, MyTuple <string, long, float, int>, MyTuple <int, string, int, int, Vector3I>, MyTuple <long, int> > > > ) { var unpacked = (MyTuple <long, MyTuple <int, long, MyTuple <MyTuple <Vector3D, Vector3D, double>, MyTuple <string, long, float, int>, MyTuple <int, string, int, int, Vector3I>, MyTuple <long, int> > > >)(msg.Data); } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateType) { while (hangarBroadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage igc_message = hangarBroadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); ShipIGC ship_igc; if (shipIGCs.ContainsKey(igc_message.Source)) { ship_igc = shipIGCs[igc_message.Source]; } else { ship_igc = new ShipIGC(igc_message.Source, IGC); shipIGCs.Add(igc_message.Source, ship_igc); } try { string igc_message_data = igc_message.As <string>(); if (igc_message_data != null) { shipCommands.Parse(igc_message_data, ship_igc); } } catch (Exception e) { Echo(e.ToString()); } } }
public void Process(string callbackString = "") { List<Action<MyIGCMessage>> callbacks; foreach (var kv in this.listeners) { string channel = kv.Key; IMyBroadcastListener listener = kv.Value; if (listener.HasPendingMessage && this.handlers.TryGetValue(channel, out callbacks)) { while (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage msg = listener.AcceptMessage(); foreach (Action<MyIGCMessage> handle in callbacks) { handle(msg); } } } } if (this.unicastListener != null) { if (this.unicastListener.HasPendingMessage) { while (this.unicastListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage msg = this.unicastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (this.unicastHandlers.TryGetValue(msg.Tag, out callbacks)) { foreach (Action<MyIGCMessage> handle in callbacks) { handle(msg); } } } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { try { if ((updateSource & (UpdateType.Trigger | UpdateType.Terminal | UpdateType.Script)) != 0) { UpdateSettings(); if (argument.Contains("launch")) { var coord = argument.Replace("launch ", ""); MyWaypointInfo wp; if (MyWaypointInfo.TryParse(coord, out wp)) { LaunchMissiles(wp); } else { LogLine($"Invalid GPS coordinates \"{coord}\", cannot initiate launch."); } } else if (argument.Contains("abort")) { AbortMissiles(detonate: false); } else if (argument.Contains("detonate")) { AbortMissiles(detonate: true); } } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) != 0) { if (missileMsgListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = missileMsgListener.AcceptMessage(); LogLine($">: {msg.Data}"); } if (missileStatusListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = missileStatusListener.AcceptMessage(); statusLogger.OutputLine(msg.Data.ToString()); } messageHandler.Tick(); } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Update100) != 0) { if (this.directing && this.directorTurret.IsUnderControl) { var azimuth = this.directorTurret.Azimuth; var elev = this.directorTurret.Elevation; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogLine($"Launch main expection: {ex}\nStacktrace: \n{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
public Ship init() { Ship ship = new Ship(); = pb.EntityId; ship.type = "0"; ship.action = "NULL"; igc.SendBroadcastMessage <String>(listenerId, ship.encode()); if (broadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = broadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); Ship s = new Ship(); s.decode(message.Data.ToString()); return(s); } return(null); }
public void ListenToEveryIndirectMsg(string tag, Action <MyIGCMessage> reader) { IMyBroadcastListener l = p.IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(tag); while (l.HasPendingMessage) { reader(l.AcceptMessage()); } }
void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if (updateSource == UpdateType.Update1 || updateSource == UpdateType.Update10 || updateSource == UpdateType.Update100) { // Main code Clock.Update(); if (Clock.Runtime == startRuntime) { Echo("Starting."); Start(); } else if (startRuntime != -1) { Echo("Waiting to start:"); double sec = startDelay - Clock.GetSeconds(0); Echo(sec.ToString("0.0") + 's'); return; } Echo("Running."); Detect(); Echo("Has target: " + detected); Echo("Known location: " + lastEnemy.HasValue); double secSince = Clock.GetSeconds(contactTime); if (secSince > 0 && secSince < timeout) { Echo("Time since contact: " + secSince.ToString("0.00")); } Move(); } else if (updateSource == UpdateType.IGC) { if (helpListener != null && receiveHelpMsgs && !detected && helpListener.HasPendingMessage && !rc.IsAutoPilotEnabled) { MyIGCMessage msg = helpListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Data is Vector3D) { Vector3D pos = (Vector3D)msg.Data; double dist2 = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(rc.GetPosition(), pos); if (dist2 < replyToHelpRange * replyToHelpRange) { lastEnemy = null; GoTo(pos, "HelpCall"); } } } } else { Command(argument); } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if ( (updateSource & (UpdateType.Trigger | UpdateType.Terminal)) > 0 || // run by a terminal action (updateSource & (UpdateType.Mod)) > 0 || // script run by a mod (updateSource & (UpdateType.Script)) > 0 // this pb run by another script (PB) ) { // script was run because of an action if (argument != "") { // if we are given an argument, send it out over our broadcast channel IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(_broadCastTag, argument); Echo("Sending message:\n" + argument); } } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { // script was run because of incoming IGC message if (_myBroadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { var myIGCMessage = _myBroadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (myIGCMessage.Tag == _broadCastTag) { // This is our tag if (myIGCMessage.Data is string) { string lightName = myIGCMessage.Data.ToString(); IMyInteriorLight light; light = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lightName) as IMyInteriorLight; if (light == null) { Echo("Oh my! I couldn't find that block..."); Echo(lightName); return; } light.Enabled = !light.Enabled; Echo("I have toggled the light!"); } else // if(msg.Data is XXX) { // handle other data types here... } } else { // handle other tags here } } } }
void GetCommands(TimeSpan timestamp) { while (CommandListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = CommandListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Data is MyTuple <int, MyTuple <int, long>, int, int> ) { WaitingCommand = (MyTuple <int, MyTuple <int, long>, int, int>)msg.Data; WaitingCommandTimestamp = timestamp; TryAddTaskFromWaitingCommand(timestamp); } } }
void CheckForUpdates() { checkForUpdates++; while (responseListener.HasPendingMessage) { greedleResponsesCollected++; var response = GreedleResponse.FromJSON(JSON.SyncParse(responseListener.AcceptMessage().As <string>())); greedles.Add(new Greedle() { name =, position = response.position }); } DrawOutput(); }
void ReceivePriorityRequests() { while (PriorityRequestListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = PriorityRequestListener.AcceptMessage(); if (!(msg.Data is MyTuple <long, int>)) { continue; } MyTuple <long, int> unpacked = (MyTuple <long, int>)msg.Data; var newPriority = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(4, unpacked.Item2)); MasterEnemyPriorities[unpacked.Item1] = newPriority; } }
// Handle the available messages bool HandleMessages() { int incomingCount = 1; // keep a count of how many messages we've processed do { Echo("Message " + incomingCount.ToString()); // check broadcast first, then unicast bool bBroadcast = _bListener.HasPendingMessage; if (bBroadcast) { Echo("Broadcast"); } else { Echo("Unicast"); } var msg = _bListener.HasPendingMessage ? _bListener.AcceptMessage() : _uListener.AcceptMessage(); // information about the received message Echo("Received Message"); Echo(msg.ToString()); var src = msg.Source; Echo("Source=" + src.ToString()); Echo("Data=" + msg.Data); Echo("Tag=" + msg.Tag); // we could check to see if the source of the message is still reachable (destroyed, out of range, etc) // if(IGC.IsEndpointReachable(msg.Source)) {} // If we got a brodcast message, reply with a unicast message to the sender if (bBroadcast) { if (IGC.SendUnicastMessage <string>(msg.Source, UnicastTag, "Message received by:" + Me.EntityId.ToString())) { Echo("Response Sent"); } else { Echo("Error sending response"); } } Echo("----"); incomingCount++; } while (_bListener.HasPendingMessage || _uListener.HasPendingMessage); // Process all pending messages return(true); }
public void CheckPendingMessages() { while (uniComms.HasPendingMessage) { var message = uniComms.AcceptMessage(); ProcessUniCommsMessage(message); } while (keepaliveChann.HasPendingMessage) { var message = keepaliveChann.AcceptMessage(); ServerKeepAlive((long)message.Data); } }
private void ProcessMessages() { while (Listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage msg = Listener.AcceptMessage(); string data = msg.Data.ToString(); if (DroneID == 0) { CheckForID(data); } Echo(data); WriteOnScreen(data); } }
void HandleMessageInit() { if (!_initialized) { while (_turtleListenerInit.HasPendingMessage) { var vectorString = _turtleListenerInit.AcceptMessage(); string[] split = vectorString.Data.ToString().Split(';'); var name = split[0]; var data = split[1]; switch (name) { case "A": Vector3D.TryParse(data, out _basis[0]); _basis[1] = -_basis[0]; break; case "B": Vector3D.TryParse(data, out _basis[2]); _basis[3] = -_basis[2]; break; case "Up": Vector3D.TryParse(data, out _basis[4]); _basis[5] = -_basis[4]; break; case "Origin": Vector3D.TryParse(data, out _origin); break; default: _messageBuilder.AppendLine("_turtleListenerInit: Unknown"); break; } } if (VectorsValid()) { _initialized = true; _messageBuilder.AppendLine("Successfully oriented.\nInitialized."); _turtleListenerInit.DisableMessageCallback(); } else { _initialized = false; _messageBuilder.AppendLine("Could not orient.\nFailed to initialize."); } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(updateSource.ToString() + " arg:" + argument); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Data is string) { Echo(message.Data.ToString()); } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // Calculate and Output for informational purposes _runcount++; Echo(_runcount.ToString() + ":" + updateSource.ToString()); if ( (updateSource & (UpdateType.Trigger | UpdateType.Terminal)) > 0 || // run by a terminal action (updateSource & (UpdateType.Mod)) > 0 || // script run by a mod (updateSource & (UpdateType.Script)) > 0 // this pb run by another script (PB) ) { // script was run because of an action if (argument != "") { // if we are given an argument, send it out over our broadcast channel IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(_broadCastTag, argument); Echo("Sending message:\n" + argument); } } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { // script was run because of incoming IGC message while (_myBroadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage myIGCMessage = _myBroadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (myIGCMessage.Tag == _broadCastTag) { // This is our tag if (myIGCMessage.Data is string) { string str = myIGCMessage.Data.ToString(); Echo("Received IGC Public Message"); Echo("Tag=" + myIGCMessage.Tag); Echo("Data=" + myIGCMessage.Data.ToString()); Echo("Source=" + myIGCMessage.Source.ToString("X")); } else // if(msg.Data is XXX) { // handle other data types here... } } else { // handle other tags here } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(updateSource.ToString() + " arg:" + argument); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Data is string) { Echo(message.Data.ToString()); // отправляем ответное сообщение IGC.SendUnicastMessage <string>(message.Source, TAG, "result message"); } } } }
public void HandleMessage() { //handle broadcasts: while (_myBroadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { var myIGCMessage = _myBroadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (myIGCMessage.Tag == _recallRequestTag) { var data = myIGCMessage.Data.ToString(); var data_parts = data.Split(';'); var arg = data_parts[0]; long sourceGrid = 0; long.TryParse(data_parts[1], out sourceGrid); parent_program.shipIOHandler.Echo("Broadcast received. This ship has been ordered to dock."); var arg_test = parent_program.FindHomeLocation(arg); if (arg_test != null && sourceGrid != parent_program.Me.CubeGrid.EntityId) { parent_program.Main(arg, UpdateType.Script); } } } // handle unicasts: var bFoundMessages = false; do { bFoundMessages = false; if (_myUnicastListener.HasPendingMessage) { bFoundMessages = true; var msg = _myUnicastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Tag == _responseTag) { ParsePositionalResponse(msg.Data.ToString()); } //parent_program.shipIOHandler.Echo("Unicast received. Data: " + .ToString()); //parent_program.shipIOHandler.Echo("Tag: " + msg.Tag.ToString()); } } while (bFoundMessages); }
void GetSyncMessages(TimeSpan timestamp) { while (SyncListener.HasPendingMessage) { var msg = SyncListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Source == CanonicalTimeSourceID) { IGCBindings.ForEach(binding => binding.ReceiveAndUpdateFleetIntelligenceSyncPackage(Context, msg.Data, IntelItems, ref KeyScratchpad, CanonicalTimeSourceID)); } } foreach (var key in KeyScratchpad) { Timestamps[key] = timestamp; } KeyScratchpad.Clear(); }
void GetTimeMessage(TimeSpan timestamp) { if (timestamp == TimeSpan.Zero) { return; } MyIGCMessage?msg = null; while (TimeListener.HasPendingMessage) { msg = TimeListener.AcceptMessage(); } if (msg != null) { var tMsg = (MyIGCMessage)msg; if (tMsg.Data is MyTuple <double, int, long> ) { var unpacked = (MyTuple <double, int, long>)tMsg.Data; if (unpacked.Item2 > CanonicalTimeSourceRank || (unpacked.Item2 == CanonicalTimeSourceRank && unpacked.Item3 > CanonicalTimeSourceID)) { CanonicalTimeSourceRank = unpacked.Item2; CanonicalTimeSourceID = unpacked.Item3; } if (CanonicalTimeSourceID == unpacked.Item3) { CanonicalTimeDiff = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(unpacked.Item1 + kOneTick) - timestamp; } if (unpacked.Item2 > HighestRank || (unpacked.Item2 == HighestRank && unpacked.Item3 > HighestRankID)) { HighestRank = unpacked.Item2; HighestRankID = unpacked.Item3; if (IsMaster) { Demote(HighestRankID, HighestRank); } } } } }
void ProcessHangarRequests(TimeSpan timestamp) { while (HangarListener.HasPendingMessage) { var data = HangarListener.AcceptMessage().Data; if (!(data is MyTuple <long, long, int>)) { return; } var unpacked = (MyTuple <long, long, int>)data; Hangar hangar; if (!HangarsDict.TryGetValue(unpacked.Item2, out hangar)) { return; } hangar.TakeRequest(unpacked.Item1, (HangarRequest)unpacked.Item3, timestamp); } }
public void OnUpdateFrame(string arguments, UpdateType updateSource) { if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) == UpdateType.IGC) { while (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); MyTuple <long, string, MatrixD, float> packet = message.As <MyTuple <long, string, MatrixD, float> >(); if (destinations.ContainsKey(packet.Item1)) { destinations[packet.Item1].id = packet.Item1; destinations[packet.Item1].name = packet.Item2; destinations[packet.Item1].matrix = packet.Item3; destinations[packet.Item1].size = packet.Item4; } else { destinations.Add(packet.Item1, new Destination { id = packet.Item1, name = packet.Item2, matrix = packet.Item3, size = packet.Item4 }); } } } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Trigger) == UpdateType.Trigger) { HandleMenu(arguments); } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Trigger) == UpdateType.Trigger || (updateSource & UpdateType.Terminal) == UpdateType.Terminal) { commands.Execute(arguments); } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Update10) == UpdateType.Update10) { OnFlightUpdateFrame(); } OnUpdateInfoFrame(); debug.WriteText(menu.Draw(this)); }
public AutoConnectionDispatcher(MyGridProgram program, CommandLine command, MyIni ini, Action <string> logger, IProcessManager manager) { this.logger = logger; this.manager = manager; // Station level initialization this.stationName = ini.GetThrow(INI_GENERAL_SECTION, INI_NAME_KEY).ToString(); this.referenceName = ini.GetThrow(INI_GENERAL_SECTION, INI_REFERENCE_KEY).ToString(); IMyTerminalBlock reference = program.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(this.referenceName); if (reference == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find reference block '{this.referenceName}'"); } this.igc = program.IGC; this.transformer = new CoordinatesTransformer(reference, manager); this.log("initializing"); // Connectors initialization var sections = new List <string>(); ini.GetSections(sections); foreach (string sectionName in sections.Where(s => s.StartsWith(AutoConnector.IniConnectorPrefix))) { var connector = new AutoConnector(this.stationName, sectionName, program, this.logger, this.transformer, ini); this.autoConnectors.Add(new AutoConnectionServer(ini, this.igc, connector, manager, this.logger)); } this.log($"has {this.autoConnectors.Count} auto connectors"); this.registerCommands(command, program); IMyBroadcastListener listener = this.igc.RegisterBroadcastListener("StationConnectionRequests"); this.manager.Spawn(p => { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage msg = listener.AcceptMessage(); command.StartCmd($"{msg.As<string>()} {msg.Source}", CommandTrigger.Antenna); } }, "ac-dispatcher"); this.manager.AddOnSave(save); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (universalListener != null && universalListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = universalListener.AcceptMessage(); List <IMyTextPanel> panels = new List <IMyTextPanel>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(panels); if (panels.Count > 0) { panels[0].WriteText(message.Tag + " " + message.Source + " " + message.Data + "\n", false); } } } else { universalListener = IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(argument); universalListener.SetMessageCallback(); Echo("CURRENT LISTENING CODE: " + argument); } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if ((updateSource & (UpdateType.Script | UpdateType.Terminal | UpdateType.Trigger)) > 0) { string[] args = argument.ToLower().Split(' '); if (args.Length > 0) { switch (args[0]) { case "reg": if (!AEGISUseRadarData) { content = ""; return; } if (Radar_Controller == null && !SetRadarController()) { break; } content = Radar_Controller.CustomData; break; case "terminate": case "off": case "quit": case "stop": Function(false); break; case "on": case "start": Function(true); break; case "aegis": if (args.Length < 2) { AEGISUseRadarData = !AEGISUseRadarData; } else { switch (args[1]) { case "on": case "up": case "true": if (!AEGISIsOnline) { Function(true); } AEGISUseRadarData = true; break; case "off": case "down": case "false": AEGISUseRadarData = false; break; case "terminate": Function(false); break; } } break; } } } else if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (AEGISListener != null && AEGISListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = AEGISListener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Tag.Equals(MY_PREFIX)) { string data = (string)message.Data; string[] bits = data.Split(';'); if (bits.Length <= 0) { return; } switch (bits[0].ToUpper()) { case "BOOM": long id; if (bits.Length > 1 && long.TryParse(bits[1], out id)) { AMTargets.Remove(id); } break; } } } return; } else { string status; ParseTurretData(Me.CustomData); Me.CustomData = ""; if (AEGISIsOnline && AEGISUseRadarData) { status = "AEGIS online."; } else if (AEGISIsOnline && !AEGISUseRadarData) { status = "AEGIS in passive mode."; } else { status = "AEGIS offline"; } status += string.Format("\nTracking {0} object{1} {2}", CGTargets.Count, CGTargets.Count == 1? "":"s", ProgressShower()); if (AEGISTargetsNeutrals) { status += "\nincluding neutral targets."; } status += "\n\n" + GetTurretStatus(); if (content.Length > 0 && AEGISUseRadarData) { ProcessData(content + GetGenericTargettingData()); ticksWOOrders = 0; content = ""; Output(status); } else { if (ticksWOOrders >= 10 || !AEGISUseRadarData) { ProcessData(GetGenericTargettingData()); Output(status); } else { ticksWOOrders++; } } if (timeNo++ >= 600) { timeNo = 0; GetMeTheTurrets(); } ProcessJobs(); } }