		public virtual void CancelEdit()
			if (mLabelEdit != null)
				//Remove event handlers
				mLabelEdit.Complete -= new EventHandler(mLabelEdit_Complete);
				mLabelEdit.Cancel -= new EventHandler(mLabelEdit_Complete);

				mLabelEdit.Visible = false;
				this.Controls.Remove(mLabelEdit as System.Windows.Forms.Control);
				mLabelEdit = null; 
		public virtual ILabelEdit StartEdit(Label label)
			if (label == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Label may not be null.");
			if (label.Parent == null) throw new ModelException("Label cannot have null parent.");
			if (label.Parent.Container == null) throw new ModelException("Label Parent container cannot be null.");
			if (! (label.Parent is ILabelContainer)) throw new ModelException("Label Parent container must be an ILabelContainer object.");
			if (mLabelEdit != null) return mLabelEdit;

			//Set up control
			mLabelEdit = Runtime.CreateLabelEdit();
			if (! (mLabelEdit is System.Windows.Forms.Control)) throw new ModelException("Label editor does not inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Control.");

			System.Windows.Forms.Control labelEdit = (System.Windows.Forms.Control) mLabelEdit;

			mLabel = label;

			//Set up location and size 
			Element parent = label.Parent;
			ILabelContainer container = (ILabelContainer) parent;
			PointF location = container.GetLabelLocation();
			SizeF size = container.GetLabelSize();

			//Offset the location for the container
			location = new PointF(location.X + parent.Rectangle.X + parent.Container.Offset.X,location.Y + parent.Rectangle.Y + parent.Container.Offset.Y);

			//Adjust the location and size to screen co-ordinates and pixels according to scale and units
			location = new PointF(location.X *  Render.ScaleFactor, location.Y * Render.ScaleFactor);
			location = new PointF(location.X + DisplayRectangle.X,location.Y + DisplayRectangle.Y);
			size = new SizeF(size.Width * Render.ScaleFactor, size.Height * Render.ScaleFactor);

			//Adjust the location if the model is paged
			if (Paged) location = new PointF(location.X + RenderPaged.PagedOffset.X, location.Y + RenderPaged.PagedOffset.Y);

			labelEdit.Location = Point.Round(location);
			labelEdit.Size = Size.Round(size);
			labelEdit.Font = label.Font;
			labelEdit.Text = label.Text;
			if (label is TextLabel)	mLabelEdit.StringFormat = ((TextLabel) label).GetStringFormat();
			labelEdit.ForeColor = label.Color;
			labelEdit.BackColor = Color.White;
			mLabelEdit.Zoom = Zoom;

			//Set autosize causing correct size
			if (parent is Link) mLabelEdit.AutoSize = Editing.AutoSizeMode.Horizontal;

			//Set event handlers
			mLabelEdit.Complete += new EventHandler(mLabelEdit_Complete);
			mLabelEdit.Cancel += new EventHandler(mLabelEdit_Complete);

			labelEdit.Visible = true;

			return mLabelEdit;