
        public static void ReadSoilDepthMap(string path)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    int mapValue = (int)pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue <= 0 || mapValue > 300)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Soil depth value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0, 300, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SoilDepth[site] = mapValue;
        public static void ReadWoodyDebrisFromMap(string path)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    int mapValue = (int)pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < minWoodyDebris || mapValue > maxWoodyDebris)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Down dead value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, minWoodyDebris, maxWoodyDebris, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.WoodyDebris[site].InitialMass = mapValue;
                        SiteVars.WoodyDebris[site].Mass        = mapValue;

        public static void ReadWiltingPointMap(string path)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 0.75)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Soil wilting point value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.00}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 0.75, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        if (mapValue > SiteVars.SoilFieldCapacity[site])
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Wilting Point {0} is greater than field capacity {1:0.0}.  Site_Row={2:0}, Site_Column={3:0}",
                                                          mapValue, SiteVars.SoilFieldCapacity[site], site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SoilWiltingPoint[site] = mapValue;

        public Band(Gdal.RasterBand band,
                    IInputRaster raster)
            : base(band)
            this.raster = raster;
            fromBytes   = new FromBytesMethod <T>(new U().FromBytes);

        public static void ReadSoilStormFlowMap(string path)
            if (PlugIn.StormFlowOverride > 0.0)
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    SiteVars.SoilStormFlowFraction[site] = PlugIn.StormFlowOverride;
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 1.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Soil storm flow value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 1.0, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SoilStormFlowFraction[site] = mapValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance using an input raster with ecoregion
        /// pixels.
        /// </summary>
        public InputGrid(IInputRaster <Pixel> raster,
                         IDataset ecoregions)
            : base(raster.Dimensions)
            this.raster     = raster;
            this.ecoregions = ecoregions;

            // Initialize pixel location so the next call to RowMajor.Next
            // will return upper-left location (1,1)
            this.pixelLocation = new Location(1, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// Path to the raster file that represents the map.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ecoregions">Dataset of ecoregions</param>
        public Map(string path,
                   IDataset ecoregions)
            this.path       = path;
            this.ecoregions = ecoregions;
            IInputRaster <Pixel> map = Util.Raster.Open <Pixel>(path);

            using (map) {
                this.metadata = map.Metadata;

        public static IInputRaster <T> Open <T>(string path)
            where T : IPixel, new()
            try {
                IInputRaster <T> raster = driver.Open <T>(path);
            catch (System.IO.IOException exc) {
                string mesg = string.Format("Error opening map \"{0}\"", path);
                throw new MultiLineException(mesg, exc);

        public static void ReadDeadWoodMaps(string surfacePath, string soilPath)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(surfacePath);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 50000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SurfDeadWood value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 50000.0, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Carbon     = mapValue * 0.47;
                        SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Nitrogen   = mapValue * 0.47 / 200.0; // 200 is a generic wood CN ratio
                        SiteVars.SurfaceStructural[site].Carbon   = SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Carbon * 0.85 * PlugIn.Parameters.InitialFineFuels;
                        SiteVars.SurfaceStructural[site].Nitrogen = SiteVars.SurfaceStructural[site].Carbon / OtherData.StructuralCN;
                        SiteVars.SurfaceMetabolic[site].Carbon    = SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Carbon * 0.15 * PlugIn.Parameters.InitialFineFuels;
                        SiteVars.SurfaceMetabolic[site].Nitrogen  = SiteVars.SurfaceMetabolic[site].Carbon / 10; // a generic metabolic CN ratio

            map = MakeDoubleMap(soilPath);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 50000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SoilDeadWood value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 50000.0, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SoilDeadWood[site].Carbon   = mapValue * 0.47;
                        SiteVars.SoilDeadWood[site].Nitrogen = mapValue * 0.47 / 200.0;  // 200 is a generic wood CN ratio

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// Path to the raster file that represents the map.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ecoregions">
        /// The dataset of ecoregions that are in the map.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rasterFactory">
        /// The raster factory to use to read the map.
        /// </param>
        public Map(string path,
                   IDataset ecoregions,
                   IRasterFactory rasterFactory)
            this.path          = path;
            this.ecoregions    = ecoregions;
            this.rasterFactory = rasterFactory;
            IInputRaster <Pixel> map = rasterFactory.OpenRaster <Pixel>(path);

            using (map) {
                this.metadata = map.Metadata;

        public static void ReadDeadWoodMaps(string surfacePath, string soilPath)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(surfacePath);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 50000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SurfDeadWood value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 50000.0);
                        SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Carbon   = mapValue * 0.47;
                        SiteVars.SurfaceDeadWood[site].Nitrogen = mapValue * 0.47 / 200.0;  // 200 is a generic wood CN ratio

            map = MakeDoubleMap(soilPath);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 50000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SoilDeadWood value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 50000.0);
                        SiteVars.SoilDeadWood[site].Carbon   = mapValue * 0.47;
                        SiteVars.SoilDeadWood[site].Nitrogen = mapValue * 0.47 / 200.0;  // 200 is a generic wood CN ratio

        public static void ReadWiltingPointMap(string path)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            //    map = PlugIn.ModelCore.OpenRaster<DoublePixel>(path);
            //catch (FileNotFoundException)
            //    string mesg = string.Format("Error: The file {0} does not exist", path);
            //    throw new System.ApplicationException(mesg);

            //if (map.Dimensions != PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.Dimensions)
            //    string mesg = string.Format("Error: The input map {0} does not have the same dimension (row, column) as the ecoregions map", path);
            //    throw new System.ApplicationException(mesg);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 0.75)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Soil wilting point value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.00}. Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 0.75, site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        if (mapValue > SiteVars.SoilFieldCapacity[site])
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "Wilting Point {0} is greater than field capacity {1:0.0}.  Site_Row={3:0}, Site_Column={4:0}",
                                                          mapValue, SiteVars.SoilFieldCapacity[site], site.Location.Row, site.Location.Column);
                        SiteVars.SoilWiltingPoint[site] = mapValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the initial communities map, finds all unique site keys, and sets aside sites to process first and second
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessInitialCommunitiesMap(string initialCommunitiesMap,
                                                  Landis.Library.InitialCommunities.IDataset communities, ref List <ActiveSite> processFirst,
                                                  ref List <ActiveSite> processSecond)
            IInputRaster <uintPixel>      map        = ModelCore.OpenRaster <uintPixel>(initialCommunitiesMap);
            Dictionary <uint, ActiveSite> uniqueKeys = new Dictionary <uint, ActiveSite>();

            using (map)
                uintPixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    uint mapCode = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (!site.IsActive)

                    ActiveSite activeSite       = (ActiveSite)site;
                    var        initialCommunity = communities.Find(mapCode);
                    if (initialCommunity == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown map code for initial community: {0}", mapCode));

                    sitesAndCommunities.Add(activeSite, initialCommunity);
                    uint key = SiteCohorts.ComputeKey((ushort)initialCommunity.MapCode, Globals.ModelCore.Ecoregion[site].MapCode);

                    if (!uniqueKeys.ContainsKey(key))
                        uniqueKeys.Add(key, activeSite);

                    if (!allKeys.ContainsKey(activeSite))
                        allKeys.Add(activeSite, key);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a site variable with ecoregions.
        /// </summary>
        public ISiteVar <IEcoregion> CreateSiteVar(ILandscape landscape)
            ISiteVar <IEcoregion> siteVar = landscape.NewSiteVar <IEcoregion>();
            IInputRaster <Pixel>  map     = Util.Raster.Open <Pixel>(path);

            foreach (Site site in landscape.AllSites)
                Pixel pixel = map.ReadPixel();
                if (site.IsActive)
                    ushort mapCode = pixel.Band0;
                    siteVar[site] = ecoregions.Find(mapCode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a site variable with ecoregions.
        /// </summary>
        public ISiteVar <IEcoregion> CreateSiteVar(ILandscape landscape)
            ISiteVar <IEcoregion> siteVar = landscape.NewSiteVar <IEcoregion>();
            IInputRaster <Pixel>  map     = rasterFactory.OpenRaster <Pixel>(path);

            using (map) {
                foreach (Site site in landscape.AllSites)
                    Pixel pixel = map.ReadPixel();
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        ushort mapCode = pixel.Band0;
                        siteVar[site] = ecoregions.Find(mapCode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a fine-scale input map using majority rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">
        /// The input map to read.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="landscape">
        /// The landscape that the input map is associated with.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="initSiteMethod">
        /// The method that's called to process a map code for a site.
        /// </param>
        public static void ReadWithMajorityRule <TPixel>(IInputRaster <TPixel> map,
                                                         ILandscape landscape,
                                                         Delegates.InitializeSite initSiteMethod)
            where TPixel : SingleBandPixel <ushort>, new()
            BlockRowBuffer <IDictionary <ushort, int> > codeCountBuffer = GetCodeCountBuffer(landscape);
            Location lowerRight = new Location(landscape.BlockSize,

            foreach (Site site in landscape.AllSites)
                TPixel pixel = map.ReadPixel();
                if (site.IsActive)
                    ActiveSite activeSite = (ActiveSite)site;
                    ushort     mapCode    = pixel.Band0;
                    if (activeSite.SharesData)
                        // Increment the count for the current map code.
                        Location blockLocation = activeSite.BroadScaleLocation;
                        IDictionary <ushort, int> codeCounts = codeCountBuffer[blockLocation.Column];
                        int count;
                        codeCounts.TryGetValue(mapCode, out count);
                        codeCounts[mapCode] = count + 1;

                        if (activeSite.LocationInBlock == lowerRight)
                            // Last site in the block, so select one of
                            // map codes by majority rule.
                            ushort selectedMapCode = MajorityRule.SelectMapCode(codeCounts);
                            initSiteMethod(activeSite, selectedMapCode);
                        // Active site has a unique data index
                        initSiteMethod(activeSite, mapCode);
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running the example LANDIS-II extension...");

            Console.WriteLine("Ecoregion codes:");
            foreach (Site site in core.Landscape.AllSites)
                Console.Write("  {0}", core.EcoregionCodes[site]);
                if (site.Location.Column == core.Landscape.Columns)

            short[,] data = new short[90, 140];
            int        rows       = data.GetLength(0);
            int        columns    = data.GetLength(1);
            Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions(rows, columns);

            for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < columns; ++c)
                    data[r, c] = (short)((c * 100) + r);

            string rasterPath = "slope-aspect.img";

            using (IOutputRaster <SlopeAspectPixel> outputRaster = core.CreateRaster <SlopeAspectPixel>(rasterPath, dimensions))
                SlopeAspectPixel pixel = outputRaster.BufferPixel;
                for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
                    for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column)
                        pixel.Slope.Value  = (float)(data[row, column] / 100.0);
                        pixel.Aspect.Value = data[row, column];

            Console.WriteLine("Opening input raster \"{0}\":", rasterPath);
            // Have to use pixel with two float bands because GDAL allows only
            // one shared data type across all the raster bands when creating
            // a raster.
            // TO DO: Consider changing spatial library's API so that all the
            //        bands in an input or output raster have the same type.
            using (IInputRaster <SlopeAspectPixel_float> inputRaster = core.OpenRaster <SlopeAspectPixel_float>(rasterPath))
                Console.WriteLine("  Dimensions: {0}", inputRaster.Dimensions);

                SlopeAspectPixel_float pixel = inputRaster.BufferPixel;
                int slopeErrors  = 0;
                int aspectErrors = 0;
                for (int row = 1; row <= inputRaster.Dimensions.Rows; ++row)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= inputRaster.Dimensions.Columns; ++column)

                        // Check the actual slope and aspect values to expected values
                        float expectedSlope = (float)(data[row - 1, column - 1] / 100.0);
                        if (pixel.Slope.Value != expectedSlope)
                            Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) : expected Slope ({2}) not = actual Slope ({3})", row, column, expectedSlope, pixel.Slope.Value);
                        float expectedAspect = data[row - 1, column - 1];
                        if (pixel.Aspect.Value != expectedAspect)
                            Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) : expected Aspect ({2}) not = actual Aspect ({3})", row, column, expectedAspect, pixel.Aspect.Value);
                Console.WriteLine("# of mismatched slope values: {0}", slopeErrors);
                Console.WriteLine("# of mismatched aspect values: {0}", aspectErrors);

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the map as an input grid of ecoregion codes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For use in constructing a landscape.
        /// </remarks>
        public IInputGrid <EcoregionCode> OpenAsInputGrid()
            IInputRaster <Pixel> map = rasterFactory.OpenRaster <Pixel>(path);

            return(new InputGrid(map, ecoregions));
 public Byte(Gdal.RasterBand gdalBand,
             IInputRaster raster)
     : base(gdalBand, raster)
 public UShort(Gdal.RasterBand gdalBand,
               IInputRaster raster)
     : base(gdalBand, raster)

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the map as an input grid of boolean values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For use in constructing a landscape.
        /// </remarks>
        public IInputGrid <bool> OpenAsInputGrid()
            IInputRaster <Pixel> map = Util.Raster.Open <Pixel>(path);

            return(new InputGrid(map, ecoregions));
        public static void ReadSoilCNMaps(string path, string path2, string path3, string path4, string path5, string path6, string path7, string path8)
            IInputRaster <DoublePixel> map = MakeDoubleMap(path);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 10000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM1surf C value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 10000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM1surface[site].Carbon = mapValue;

            map = MakeDoubleMap(path2);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 500.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM1surf N value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 500.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM1surface[site].Nitrogen = mapValue;

            map = MakeDoubleMap(path3);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 10000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM1C value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 10000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM1soil[site].Carbon = mapValue;

            map = MakeDoubleMap(path4);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 500.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM1N value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 500.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM1soil[site].Nitrogen = mapValue;
            map = MakeDoubleMap(path5);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 20000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM2C value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 20000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM2[site].Carbon = mapValue;

            map = MakeDoubleMap(path6);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 1000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM2N value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 1000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM2[site].Nitrogen = mapValue;
            map = MakeDoubleMap(path7);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 30000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOM3C value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 20000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM3[site].Carbon = mapValue;

            map = MakeDoubleMap(path8);

            using (map)
                DoublePixel pixel = map.BufferPixel;
                foreach (Site site in PlugIn.ModelCore.Landscape.AllSites)
                    double mapValue = pixel.MapCode.Value;
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        if (mapValue < 0.0 || mapValue > 1000.0)
                            throw new InputValueException(mapValue.ToString(),
                                                          "SOm3N value {0} is not between {1:0.0} and {2:0.0}",
                                                          mapValue, 0.0, 1000.0);
                        SiteVars.SOM3[site].Nitrogen = mapValue;