public void Read(IImageStream stream) { stream.Position = 0; Language = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); LanguageVendor = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); DocumentType = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); CheckSumAlgorithmId = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); var len = stream.ReadInt32(); if (stream.ReadUInt32() != 0) throw new PdbException("Unexpected value"); CheckSum = stream.ReadBytes(len); }
static bool ParseIVTBlob(IImageStream stream, long end, out string publicKeyString) { publicKeyString = null; if (stream.Position + 2 > end) { return(false); } if (stream.ReadUInt16() != 1) { return(false); } if (!stream.ReadCompressedUInt32(out uint len) || stream.Position + len >= end) { return(false); } var bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)len); var s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); const string PublicKeyPattern = "PublicKey="; int index = s.IndexOf(PublicKeyPattern, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (index >= 0) { publicKeyString = s.Substring(index + PublicKeyPattern.Length).Trim(); } return(true); }
void Populate(IImageStream reader) { reader.Position = 1; while (reader.Position < reader.Length) { uint offset = (uint)reader.Position; uint len; if (!reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(out len)) { if (offset == reader.Position) { reader.Position++; } continue; } if (len == 0 || reader.Position + len > reader.Length) { continue; } var data = reader.ReadBytes((int)len); if (!cachedDict.ContainsKey(data)) { cachedDict[data] = offset; } } }
public void Read(IImageStream stream) { stream.Position = 0; Language = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); LanguageVendor = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); DocumentType = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); CheckSumAlgorithmId = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(0x10)); var len = stream.ReadInt32(); if (stream.ReadUInt32() != 0) { throw new PdbException("Unexpected value"); } CheckSum = stream.ReadBytes(len); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">PE file reader pointing to the start of this section</param> /// <param name="verify">Verify section</param> /// <exception cref="BadImageFormatException">Thrown if verification fails</exception> public ImageSectionHeader(IImageStream reader, bool verify) { SetStartOffset(reader); = reader.ReadBytes(8); this.virtualSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.virtualAddress = (RVA)reader.ReadUInt32(); this.sizeOfRawData = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.pointerToRawData = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.pointerToRelocations = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.pointerToLinenumbers = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.numberOfRelocations = reader.ReadUInt16(); this.numberOfLinenumbers = reader.ReadUInt16(); this.characteristics = reader.ReadUInt32(); SetEndoffset(reader); displayName = ToString(name); }
void Populate(IImageStream reader) { reader.Position = 1; while (reader.Position < reader.Length) { uint offset = (uint)reader.Position; uint len; if (!reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(out len)) { if (offset == reader.Position) reader.Position++; continue; } if (len == 0 || reader.Position + len > reader.Length) continue; var data = reader.ReadBytes((int)len); if (!cachedDict.ContainsKey(data)) cachedDict[data] = offset; } }
UTF8String ReadUTF8String() { if (reader.ReadByte() == 0xFF) { return(null); } reader.Position--; uint len; if (!reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(out len)) { throw new CABlobParserException("Could not read compressed UInt32"); } if (len == 0) { return(UTF8String.Empty); } return(new UTF8String(reader.ReadBytes((int)len))); }
void ReadInternal(IImageStream stream) { stream.Position = 0; string sig = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(30)); if (sig != "Microsoft C/C++ MSF 7.00\r\n\u001ADS\0") { throw new PdbException("Invalid signature"); } stream.Position += 2; uint pageSize = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint fpm = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint pageCount = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint rootSize = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); var numOfRootPages = RoundUpDiv(rootSize, pageSize); var numOfPtrPages = RoundUpDiv(numOfRootPages * 4, pageSize); if (pageCount * pageSize != stream.Length) { throw new PdbException("File size mismatch"); } var pages = new IImageStream[pageCount]; try { FileOffset offset = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { pages[i] = stream.Create(offset, pageSize); offset += pageSize; } var rootPages = new IImageStream[numOfRootPages]; int pageIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfPtrPages && pageIndex < numOfRootPages; i++) { var ptrPage = pages[stream.ReadUInt32()]; ptrPage.Position = 0; for (; ptrPage.Position < ptrPage.Length && pageIndex < numOfRootPages; pageIndex++) { rootPages[pageIndex] = pages[ptrPage.ReadUInt32()]; } } ReadRootDirectory(new MsfStream(rootPages, rootSize), pages, pageSize); } finally { foreach (var page in pages) { if (page != null) { page.Dispose(); } } } ReadNames(); ReadStringTable(); var tokenMapStream = ReadModules(); documents = new Dictionary <string, DbiDocument>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var module in modules) { if (IsValidStreamIndex(module.StreamId)) { module.LoadFunctions(this, streams[module.StreamId].Content); } } if (IsValidStreamIndex(tokenMapStream ?? STREAM_INVALID_INDEX)) { ApplyRidMap(streams[tokenMapStream.Value].Content); } functions = new Dictionary <uint, DbiFunction>(); foreach (var module in modules) { foreach (var func in module.Functions) { functions.Add(func.Token, func); } } }
public void Read(RecursionCounter counter, IImageStream stream, uint scopeEnd) { if (!counter.Increment()) { throw new PdbException("Scopes too deep"); } while (stream.Position < scopeEnd) { var size = stream.ReadUInt16(); var begin = stream.Position; var end = begin + size; var type = (SymbolType)stream.ReadUInt16(); DbiScope child = null; uint? childEnd = null; string name; switch (type) { case SymbolType.S_BLOCK32: { stream.Position += 4; childEnd = stream.ReadUInt32(); var len = stream.ReadUInt32(); var addr = PdbAddress.ReadAddress(stream); name = PdbReader.ReadCString(stream); child = new DbiScope(name, addr.Offset, len); break; } case SymbolType.S_UNAMESPACE: Namespaces.Add(new DbiNamespace(PdbReader.ReadCString(stream))); break; case SymbolType.S_MANSLOT: { var variable = new DbiVariable(); variable.Read(stream); Variables.Add(variable); break; } case SymbolType.S_OEM: if (stream.Position + 20 > end) { break; } if (!ReadAndCompareBytes(stream, end, dotNetOemGuid)) { Debug.Fail("Unknown OEM record GUID, not .NET GUID"); break; } stream.Position += 4; // typeIndex or 0 name = ReadUnicodeString(stream, end); Debug.Assert(name != null); if (name == null) { break; } var data = stream.ReadBytes((int)(end - stream.Position)); if (oemInfos == null) { oemInfos = new List <OemInfo>(1); } oemInfos.Add(new OemInfo(name, data)); break; case SymbolType.S_MANCONSTANT: uint signatureToken = stream.ReadUInt32(); object value; if (!NumericReader.TryReadNumeric(stream, end, out value)) { break; } name = PdbReader.ReadCString(stream); if (constants == null) { constants = new List <ConstantInfo>(); } constants.Add(new ConstantInfo(name, signatureToken, value)); break; case SymbolType.S_END: break; default: Debug.Write("Unknown symbol type: " + type); break; } stream.Position = end; if (child != null) { child.Read(counter, stream, childEnd.Value); Children.Add(child); child = null; } } counter.Decrement(); if (stream.Position != scopeEnd) { Debugger.Break(); } }
public byte[] OffsetReadBytes(uint offset, int size) { peStream.Position = offset; return(peStream.ReadBytes(size)); }
public static bool TryReadNumeric(IImageStream stream, long end, out object value) { value = null; if (stream.Position + 2 > end) { return(false); } var numLeaf = (NumericLeaf)stream.ReadUInt16(); if (numLeaf < NumericLeaf.LF_NUMERIC) { value = (short)numLeaf; return(true); } switch (numLeaf) { case NumericLeaf.LF_CHAR: if (stream.Position > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadSByte(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_SHORT: if (stream.Position + 2 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadInt16(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_USHORT: if (stream.Position + 2 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadUInt16(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_LONG: if (stream.Position + 4 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadInt32(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_ULONG: if (stream.Position + 4 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadUInt32(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_REAL32: if (stream.Position + 4 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadSingle(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_REAL64: if (stream.Position + 8 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadDouble(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_QUADWORD: if (stream.Position + 8 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadInt64(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_UQUADWORD: if (stream.Position + 8 > end) { return(false); } value = stream.ReadUInt64(); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_VARSTRING: if (stream.Position + 2 > end) { return(false); } int varStrLen = stream.ReadUInt16(); if (stream.Position + varStrLen > end) { return(false); } value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(varStrLen)); return(true); case NumericLeaf.LF_VARIANT: if (stream.Position + 0x10 > end) { return(false); } int v0 = stream.ReadInt32(); int v1 = stream.ReadInt32(); int v2 = stream.ReadInt32(); int v3 = stream.ReadInt32(); byte scale = (byte)(v0 >> 16); if (scale <= 28) { value = new decimal(v2, v3, v1, v0 < 0, scale); } else { value = null; } return(true); default: return(false); } }
void ReadInternal(IImageStream stream) { stream.Position = 0; string sig = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(30)); if (sig != "Microsoft C/C++ MSF 7.00\r\n\u001ADS\0") throw new PdbException("Invalid signature"); stream.Position += 2; uint pageSize = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint fpm = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint pageCount = stream.ReadUInt32(); uint rootSize = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); var numOfRootPages = RoundUpDiv(rootSize, pageSize); var numOfPtrPages = RoundUpDiv(numOfRootPages * 4, pageSize); if (pageCount * pageSize != stream.Length) throw new PdbException("File size mismatch"); var pages = new IImageStream[pageCount]; try { FileOffset offset = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { pages[i] = stream.Create(offset, pageSize); offset += pageSize; } var rootPages = new IImageStream[numOfRootPages]; int pageIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfPtrPages && pageIndex < numOfRootPages; i++) { var ptrPage = pages[stream.ReadUInt32()]; ptrPage.Position = 0; for (; ptrPage.Position < ptrPage.Length && pageIndex < numOfRootPages; pageIndex++) rootPages[pageIndex] = pages[ptrPage.ReadUInt32()]; } ReadRootDirectory(new MsfStream(rootPages, rootSize), pages, pageSize); } finally { foreach (var page in pages) { if (page != null) page.Dispose(); } } ReadNames(); ReadStringTable(); var tokenMapStream = ReadModules(); documents = new Dictionary<string, DbiDocument>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var module in modules) if (IsValidStreamIndex(module.StreamId)) module.LoadFunctions(this, streams[module.StreamId].Content); if (IsValidStreamIndex(tokenMapStream ?? STREAM_INVALID_INDEX)) ApplyRidMap(streams[tokenMapStream.Value].Content); functions = new Dictionary<uint, DbiFunction>(); foreach (var module in modules) foreach (var func in module.Functions) { functions.Add(func.Token, func); } }