// This method is the one actually responsible for executing each scenario in the workload
        // It includes error checking and retry attempts as well as controls for starting and stopping ETL tracing via ElevatorServer.exe
        private bool ExecuteWorkload(int iteration, string browser, string measureSetName, string wprProfileName, string tracingMode, bool overrideTimeout, bool usingTraceController, IElevatorClient elevatorClient)
            bool passSucceeded = false;

            for (int attemptNumber = 0; attemptNumber < _maxAttempts && !passSucceeded; attemptNumber++)
                int scenarioIndex = 0;

                if (attemptNumber > 0)
                    Logger.LogWriteLine("  Attempting again...");

                string workloadName = _workloadName;

                if (_enableScenarioTracing)
                    // Capturing a trace per each scenario of the workload. Append the scenario name and index to the workloadname for documentation purposes.
                    workloadName = _workloadName + "-0-" + _scenarios[0].ScenarioName;

                // Start tracing
                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.START_BROWSER} {browser} ITERATION {iteration} SCENARIO_NAME {workloadName} WPRPROFILE {wprProfileName} MODE {tracingMode}").Wait();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_executeScriptFileName))
                    // execute the selected script and pass "STARTSCENARIO"+<scenario>+<iteration>
                    ExecuteScript(_executeScriptFileName, $"STARTSCENARIO {_scenarios[0].ScenarioName} {iteration.ToString()}");

                if (usingTraceController)
                    Logger.LogWriteLine($"  Pausing {_e3RefreshDelaySeconds} seconds after starting the trace session to reduce interference.");

                    // E3 system aggregates energy data at regular intervals. For our test passes we use 10 second intervals. Waiting here for 12 seconds before continuing ensures
                    // that the browser energy data reported by E3 for this run is only for this run and does not bleed into any other runs.
                    Thread.Sleep(_e3RefreshDelaySeconds * 1000);

                Logger.LogWriteLine($" Launching Browser Driver: '{browser}'");
                ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.WorkloadStart(_workloadName, browser, wprProfileName, iteration, attemptNumber);

                using (var driver = RemoteWebDriverExtension.CreateDriverAndMaximize(browser, _clearBrowserCache, _enableVerboseLogging, _browserProfilePath, _extensionsPaths, _port, _hostName))
                    string currentScenarioName = "";
                        Stopwatch watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        bool      isFirstScenario = true;


                        foreach (var currentScenario in _scenarios)
                            if (_enableScenarioTracing && scenarioIndex > 0)
                                // Capturing a trace per each scenario of the workload.
                                // Stop and save the current trace session which is for the last scenario.
                                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.END_BROWSER} {browser}").Wait();

                                // let's just wait a few seconds before starting the next trace

                                // Append the scenario name and index to the workloadname for documentation purposes.
                                workloadName = _workloadName + "-" + scenarioIndex + "-" + currentScenario.ScenarioName;

                                // Start tracing for the current scenario
                                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.START_BROWSER} {browser} ITERATION {iteration} SCENARIO_NAME {workloadName} WPRPROFILE {wprProfileName} MODE {tracingMode}").Wait();

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_executeScriptFileName) && scenarioIndex > 0)
                                // execute the selected script and pass "ENDSCENARIO"
                                ExecuteScript(_executeScriptFileName, "ENDSCENARIO");

                                // execute the selected script and pass "STARTSCENARIO"+<scenario>+<iteration>
                                ExecuteScript(_executeScriptFileName, $"STARTSCENARIO {currentScenario.ScenarioName} {iteration.ToString()}");

                            // Save the name of the current scenarion in case an exception is thrown in which case the local variable 'currentScenario' will be lost
                            currentScenarioName = currentScenario.ScenarioName;


                            // We want every scenario to take the same amount of time total, even if there are changes in
                            // how long pages take to load. The biggest reason for this is so that you can measure energy
                            // or power and their ratios will be the same either way.
                            // So start by getting the current time.
                            var startTime = watch.Elapsed;

                            // The first scenario naviagates in the browser's new tab / welcome page.
                            // After that, scenarios open in their own tabs
                            if (!isFirstScenario && currentScenario.Tab == "new")

                            isFirstScenario = false;

                            Logger.LogWriteLine($"  Executing - Scenario: {currentScenario.ScenarioName}  Iteration: {iteration}  Attempt: {attemptNumber}  Browser: {browser}  MeasureSet: {measureSetName}");
                            ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioExecutionStart(browser, currentScenario.ScenarioName);

                            // Here, control is handed to the scenario to navigate, and do whatever it wants
                            currentScenario.Scenario.Run(driver, browser, _logins, _timer);

                            // When we get control back, we sleep for the remaining time for the scenario. This ensures
                            // the total time for a scenario is always the same
                            var runTime  = watch.Elapsed.Subtract(startTime);
                            var timeLeft = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(currentScenario.Duration).Subtract(runTime);

                            if (timeLeft < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0) && !overrideTimeout)
                                // Of course it's possible we don't get control back until after we were supposed to
                                // continue to the next scenario. In that case, invalidate the run by throwing.
                                Logger.LogWriteLine($"   !!! Scenario {currentScenario.ScenarioName} ran longer than expected! The browser ran for {runTime.TotalSeconds}s. The timeout for this scenario is {currentScenario.Duration}s.");
                                throw new Exception($"Scenario {currentScenario.ScenarioName} ran longer than expected! The browser ran for {runTime.TotalSeconds}s. The timeout for this scenario is {currentScenario.Duration}s.");
                            else if (!overrideTimeout)
                                ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioIdleStart(currentScenario.ScenarioName, timeLeft.TotalSeconds);
                                Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Scenario {currentScenario.ScenarioName} returned in {runTime.TotalSeconds} seconds. Sleep for remaining {timeLeft.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
                                ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioIdleStop(currentScenario.ScenarioName, timeLeft.TotalSeconds);

                            ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioExecutionStop(browser, currentScenario.ScenarioName);
                            Logger.LogWriteLine($"  Completed - Scenario: {currentScenario.ScenarioName}  Iteration: {iteration}  Attempt: {attemptNumber}  Browser: {browser}  MeasureSet: {measureSetName}");

                        passSucceeded = true;

                        Logger.LogWriteLine($" SUCCESS!  Completed Browser: {browser}  Iteration: {iteration}  Attempt: {attemptNumber}  MeasureSet: {measureSetName}");
                        ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.WorkloadStop(_workloadName, browser, wprProfileName, iteration, attemptNumber);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // If something goes wrong and we get an exception halfway through the scenario, we clean up
                        // and put everything back into a state where we can start the next iteration.

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_executeScriptFileName))
                            // execute the selected script and pass "FAIL"
                            ExecuteScript(_executeScriptFileName, "FAIL");

                            // Attempt to save the page source
                            string pageSourceFileName = string.Format("pageSource_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.html", browser, currentScenarioName, iteration, measureSetName, attemptNumber);
                            pageSourceFileName = Path.Combine(_etlPath, pageSourceFileName);
                            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pageSourceFileName, false))

                            // Attempt to save a screenshot
                            OpenQA.Selenium.Screenshot screenshot = driver.GetScreenshot();
                            string imageFileName = string.Format("screenshot_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.png", browser, currentScenarioName, iteration, measureSetName, attemptNumber);
                            imageFileName = Path.Combine(_etlPath, imageFileName);
                            screenshot.SaveAsFile(imageFileName, OpenQA.Selenium.ScreenshotImageFormat.Png);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // ignore this exception as we were just trying to see if we could get a screenshot and pagesource for the original exception.

                        Logger.LogWriteLine("------ EXCEPTION caught while trying to run scenario! ------------------------------------");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Iteration:   {iteration}");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Measure Set: {measureSetName}");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Browser:     {browser}");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Attempt:     {attemptNumber}");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Scenario:    {currentScenarioName}");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine($"    Exception:   {ex.ToString()}");

                        if (usingTraceController)
                            Logger.LogWriteLine("   Trace has been discarded");

                        if (usingTraceController)
                            Logger.LogWriteLine($"  Pausing {_e3RefreshDelaySeconds} seconds before stopping the trace session to reduce interference.");

                            // E3 system aggregates energy data at regular intervals. For our test passes we use 10 second intervals. Waiting here for 12 seconds before continuing ensures
                            // that the browser energy data reported by E3 for this run is only for this run and does not bleed into any other runs.
                            Thread.Sleep(_e3RefreshDelaySeconds * 1000);

            if (passSucceeded)
                // Stop tracing
                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.END_BROWSER} {browser}").Wait();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_executeScriptFileName))
                    // execute the selected script and pass "ENDSCENARIO"
                    ExecuteScript(_executeScriptFileName, "ENDSCENARIO");
                Logger.LogWriteLine($"!!! Failed to successfully complete iteration {iteration} with browser '{browser}' after {_maxAttempts} attempts!");
                throw new Exception($"!!! Failed to successfully complete iteration {iteration} with browser '{browser}' after {_maxAttempts} attempts!");

        // This method is the one actually responsible for executing each scenario in the workload
        // It includes error checking and retry attempts as well as controls for starting and stopping ETL tracing via ElevatorServer.exe
        private bool ExecuteWorkload(int iteration, string browser, string measureSetName, string wprProfileName, string tracingMode, bool overrideTimeout, bool usingTraceController, IElevatorClient elevatorClient)
            Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format(" ExecuteWorkload for {0} seconds - measureset {1}  iteration {2} wprProfileName {3} tracingMode {4}", _baselineCaptureSeconds, measureSetName, iteration, wprProfileName, tracingMode));

            bool passSucceeded = false;

            for (int attemptNumber = 0; attemptNumber < _maxAttempts && !passSucceeded; attemptNumber++)
                int scenarioIndex = 0;

                if (attemptNumber > 0)
                    Logger.LogWriteLine("  Attempting again...");

                string workloadName = _workloadName;

                if (_enableScenarioTracing)
                    // Capturing a trace per each scenario of the workload. Append the scenario name and index to the workloadname for documentation purposes.
                    workloadName = _workloadName + "-0-" + _scenarios[0].ScenarioName;

                var workloadDuration = _pauseAfterBrowserStart;
                foreach (WorkloadScenario s in _scenarios)
                    workloadDuration += s.Duration;
                if (_enableScenarioTracing)
                    workloadDuration += _pauseBetweenScenariosRun * _scenarios.Count;

                // Start tracing
                if (_disableWpr)
                    tracingMode = "DISABLED";
                if (!_enableScenarioTracing) // To skip tracing browser start
                    elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.START_BROWSER} {browser} ITERATION {iteration} SCENARIO_NAME {workloadName} WPRPROFILE {wprProfileName} MODE {tracingMode} DURATION {workloadDuration + _e3RefreshDelaySeconds}").Wait();

                if (usingTraceController)
                    Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("  Pausing {0} seconds after starting the trace session to reduce interference.", _e3RefreshDelaySeconds));

                    // E3 system aggregates energy data at regular intervals. For our test passes we use 10 second intervals. Waiting here for 12 seconds before continuing ensures
                    // that the browser energy data reported by E3 for this run is only for this run and does not bleed into any other runs.
                    Thread.Sleep(_e3RefreshDelaySeconds * 1000);

                Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format(" Launching Browser Driver: '{0}'", browser));
                ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.WorkloadStart(_workloadName, browser, wprProfileName, iteration, attemptNumber);

                using (var driver = RemoteWebDriverExtension.CreateDriverAndMaximize(browser, _clearBrowserCache,
                                                                                     _enableVerboseLogging, _browserProfilePath, _extensionsPaths, _port, _hostName,
                                                                                     _enableBrowserTracing, _windowMode, _broArgs))
                    Logger.LogWriteLine($"  Pause {_pauseAfterBrowserStart} seconds after browser start to reduce interference");
                    Thread.Sleep(_pauseAfterBrowserStart * 1000);

                    string currentScenarioName = "";
                        Stopwatch watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        bool      isFirstScenario = true;


                        foreach (var currentScenario in _scenarios)
                            // Set up scenario environment

                            if (_enableScenarioTracing)
                                // Capturing a trace per each scenario of the workload.
                                // Stop and save the current trace session which is for the last scenario.
                                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.END_BROWSER} {browser}").Wait();

                                // let's just wait a few seconds before starting the next trace
                                Thread.Sleep(_pauseBetweenScenariosRun * 1000);

                                // Append the scenario name and index to the workloadname for documentation purposes.
                                workloadName = _workloadName + "-" + scenarioIndex + "-" + currentScenario.ScenarioName;

                                // Start tracing for the current scenario
                                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.START_BROWSER} {browser} ITERATION {iteration} SCENARIO_NAME {workloadName} WPRPROFILE {wprProfileName} MODE {tracingMode} DURATION {currentScenario.Duration}").Wait();

                            // Save the name of the current scenarion in case an exception is thrown in which case the local variable 'currentScenario' will be lost
                            currentScenarioName = currentScenario.ScenarioName;


                            // We want every scenario to take the same amount of time total, even if there are changes in
                            // how long pages take to load. The biggest reason for this is so that you can measure energy
                            // or power and their ratios will be the same either way.
                            // So start by getting the current time.
                            var startTime = watch.Elapsed;

                            // The first scenario naviagates in the browser's new tab / welcome page.
                            // After that, scenarios open in their own tabs
                            if (!isFirstScenario && currentScenario.Tab == "new")

                            isFirstScenario = false;

                            Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("  Executing - Scenario: {0}  Iteration: {1}  Attempt: {2}  Browser: {3}  MeasureSet: {4}", currentScenario.ScenarioName, iteration, attemptNumber, browser, measureSetName));
                            ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioExecutionStart(browser, currentScenario.ScenarioName);

                            CancellationTokenSource ctx = null;
                            Task <List <OpenQA.Selenium.LogEntry> > browserTraceDumpTask = null;
                            // Start polling chromedriver for logs
                            if (_enableBrowserTracing && (browser == "chrome" || browser == "chromium" || browser == "yabro" || browser == "brodefault"))
                                if (_enableScenarioTracing)
                                    RemoteWebDriverExtension.FlushChromeDriverLogs(driver); // Drop browser traces recorded before scenario run
                                ctx = new CancellationTokenSource();
                                browserTraceDumpTask = RemoteWebDriverExtension.GetChromeDriverLogs(driver, ctx);

                            // Here, control is handed to the scenario to navigate, and do whatever it wants
                            currentScenario.Scenario.Run(driver, browser, _logins, _timer);

                            // When we get control back, we sleep for the remaining time for the scenario. This ensures
                            // the total time for a scenario is always the same
                            var runTime  = watch.Elapsed.Subtract(startTime);
                            var timeLeft = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(currentScenario.Duration).Subtract(runTime);

                            if (timeLeft < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0) && !overrideTimeout)
                                // Of course it's possible we don't get control back until after we were supposed to
                                // continue to the next scenario. In that case, invalidate the run by throwing.
                                Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("   !!! Scenario {0} ran longer than expected! The browser ran for {1}s. The timeout for this scenario is {2}s.", currentScenario.ScenarioName, runTime.TotalSeconds, currentScenario.Duration));
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Scenario {0} ran longer than expected! The browser ran for {1}s. The timeout for this scenario is {2}s.", currentScenario.ScenarioName, runTime.TotalSeconds, currentScenario.Duration));
                            else if (!overrideTimeout)
                                Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Scenario {0} returned in {1} seconds. Sleep for remaining {2} seconds.", currentScenario.ScenarioName, runTime.TotalSeconds, timeLeft.TotalSeconds));
                                driver.Wait(timeLeft.TotalSeconds, "ScenarioWait");

                            // wait same amount of seconds to avoid overlapping of tracing with Scenario TearDown
                            Thread.Sleep(_pauseBetweenScenariosRun * 1000);

                            // Tear down scenario environment
                            // wait for TearDown
                            // Thread.Sleep(_pauseBetweenScenariosRun * 1000);

                            // Stop polling chromedriver logs
                            if (ctx != null)
                                string browserTraceFile = Path.Combine(_etlPath, $"{browser}_{currentScenario.ScenarioName}_{iteration}_trace_DATE_DATE.json");
                                var    browserLogs      = browserTraceDumpTask.Result;
                                RemoteWebDriverExtension.DumpChromeDriverLogs(browserTraceFile, browserLogs);

                            SaveBenchmarkResult(currentScenario.Scenario, browser, _etlPath);

                            ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.ScenarioExecutionStop(browser, currentScenario.ScenarioName);
                            Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("  Completed - Scenario: {0}  Iteration: {1}  Attempt: {2}  Browser: {3}  MeasureSet: {4}", currentScenario.ScenarioName, iteration, attemptNumber, browser, measureSetName, runTime.TotalSeconds));
                        if (_infiniteLoop)
                            var tabs = driver.WindowHandles;

                            foreach (var tab in tabs)
                                if (tabs[0] != tab)
                            goto InfiniteLoop;

                        Logger.LogWriteLine("  Wait 3s before closing browser for finishing all measurements");

                        passSucceeded = true;

                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format(" SUCCESS!  Completed Browser: {0}  Iteration: {1}  Attempt: {2}  MeasureSet: {3}", browser, iteration, attemptNumber, measureSetName));
                        ScenarioEventSourceProvider.EventLog.WorkloadStop(_workloadName, browser, wprProfileName, iteration, attemptNumber);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // If something goes wrong and we get an exception halfway through the scenario, we clean up
                        // and put everything back into a state where we can start the next iteration.

                            // Attempt to save the page source
                            string pageSourceFileName = string.Format("pageSource_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.html", browser, currentScenarioName, iteration, measureSetName, attemptNumber);
                            pageSourceFileName = Path.Combine(_etlPath, pageSourceFileName);
                            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pageSourceFileName, false))

                            // Attempt to save a screenshot
                            OpenQA.Selenium.Screenshot screenshot = driver.GetScreenshot();
                            string imageFileName = string.Format("screenshot_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.png", browser, currentScenarioName, iteration, measureSetName, attemptNumber);
                            imageFileName = Path.Combine(_etlPath, imageFileName);
                            screenshot.SaveAsFile(imageFileName, OpenQA.Selenium.ScreenshotImageFormat.Png);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // ignore this exception as we were just trying to see if we could get a screenshot and pagesource for the original exception.

                        Logger.LogWriteLine("------ EXCEPTION caught while trying to run scenario! ------------------------------------");
                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Iteration:   {0}", iteration));
                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Measure Set: {0}", measureSetName));
                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Browser:     {0}", browser));
                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Attempt:     {0}", attemptNumber));
                        Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("    Scenario:    {0}", currentScenarioName));
                        Logger.LogWriteLine("    Exception:   " + ex.ToString());

                        if (usingTraceController)
                            Logger.LogWriteLine("   Trace has been discarded");

                        if (usingTraceController)
                            Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("  Pausing {0} seconds before stopping the trace session to reduce interference.", _e3RefreshDelaySeconds));

                            // E3 system aggregates energy data at regular intervals. For our test passes we use 10 second intervals. Waiting here for 12 seconds before continuing ensures
                            // that the browser energy data reported by E3 for this run is only for this run and does not bleed into any other runs.
                            Thread.Sleep(_e3RefreshDelaySeconds * 1000);

            if (passSucceeded)
                // Stop tracing
                elevatorClient.SendControllerMessageAsync($"{Elevator.Commands.END_BROWSER} {browser}").Wait();
                Logger.LogWriteLine(string.Format("!!! Failed to successfully complete iteration {0} with browser '{1}' after {2} attempts!", iteration, browser, _maxAttempts));
                throw new Exception(string.Format("!!! Failed to successfully complete iteration {0} with browser '{1}' after {2} attempts!", iteration, browser, _maxAttempts));
