/// <summary> /// Encapsulates the <paramref name="operation" /> in the necessary start and stop operation constructs. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="menuText">The menu text.</param> /// <param name="workspace">The workspace you wish to edit and this workspace must be represented in the focus map.</param> /// <param name="operation">The delegate that performs the operation.</param> /// <param name="error">The error handling action that occurred during commit when true is returned the error has been /// handled.</param> /// <returns> /// Returns a <see cref="bool" /> representing <c>true</c> when the operation completes. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">source;An edit operation is already started.</exception> public static bool PerformOperation(this IEditor source, string menuText, IWorkspace workspace, Func <bool> operation, Func <COMException, bool> error) { if (source == null || source.Map == null) { return(false); } source.StartEditing(workspace); source.StartOperation(); source.Map.DelayDrawing(true); bool saveEdits = false; bool editOperation = true; try { saveEdits = operation(); } catch (Exception) { source.AbortOperation(); editOperation = false; throw; } finally { if (editOperation) { if (saveEdits) { source.StopOperation(menuText); } else { source.AbortOperation(); } } try { source.StopEditing(saveEdits); } catch (COMException com) { if (!error(com)) { throw; } source.StopEditing(saveEdits); } finally { source.Map.DelayDrawing(false); } } return(saveEdits); }
private void AbortEdits(bool bUseNonVersionedDelete, IEditor pEd, IWorkspace pWS) { clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } else { if (pEd != null) { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.AbortOperation(); } } } }
private static bool CreateSingle(ref IApplication app, ref IEditor editor, IFeature pointFeature, IFeatureLayer matchLineFLayer, IFeatureLayer targetLineFLayer, IEditTemplate targetLineEditTemplate, List<pointAlongSettings> pointAlongLayers, bool startAtMain, bool deleteExistingLines, FromToField[] fromToPairs, double doglegDistance, bool DistAsPercent, double tolerenceForDelete, bool store, bool SearchOnLayer, int searchDistance, double angle, bool checkSelection) { IFeature lineFeature = null; IPoint thisPoint = null; IPoint turnPoint = null; IPoint toPoint = null; ICurve mainCurve = null; IPolyline polyline = null; IFeature pFeat = null; try { // Get closest main to point1 thisPoint = (IPoint)pointFeature.ShapeCopy; lineFeature = Globals.GetClosestFeature(thisPoint, matchLineFLayer, Convert.ToDouble(searchDistance), SearchOnLayer, checkSelection); // (_app.Document as IMxDocument).FocusMap.ClearSelection(); if (lineFeature != null) { //Delete any existing lateral lines at this location if (deleteExistingLines) { DeleteExistingFeatures(pointFeature, targetLineFLayer, pointAlongLayers, tolerenceForDelete); } //Determine To and Turn Points mainCurve = lineFeature.ShapeCopy as ICurve; CreateToAndTurnPoints(mainCurve, thisPoint, out toPoint, out turnPoint, doglegDistance, DistAsPercent); //Create the new line polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPointsNewTurn(thisPoint, turnPoint, toPoint, ref matchLineFLayer, ref lineFeature, SearchOnLayer, angle, editor.Map.SpatialReference); //If requested, store pipe id in the point StorePipeInfoPointFeature(lineFeature, pointFeature, fromToPairs, store); if (polyline.Length > 0) { if (startAtMain) polyline.ReverseOrientation(); if (targetLineEditTemplate != null) { pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true); } else { pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true); } if (pFeat == null) { editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } //Globals.SetFlowDirection(pFeat, targetLineFLayer); try { if (pFeat != null) { Globals.ValidateFeature(pFeat); pFeat.Store(); } //if (pFeat is INetworkFeature) //{ // INetworkFeature pNF = (INetworkFeature)pFeat; // pNF.Connect(); //} } catch (Exception ex) { // MessageBox.Show("The Feature could not be stored, this is typically because the layer has Z and the geometric network was not created to honors, you need to drop the network and recreate it with Z's enabled\n" + ex.Message); } //Old Way //IFeature pFeat = CreateLineFeature(targetLineFLayer, newPolyLine, targetLineValue, targetLineFieldName, targetLineSubtype); //Optionally, create new point along line // int idx = 0; if (pointAlongLayers != null) { foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers) { if (pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer != null) Globals.AddPointAlongLineWithIntersect(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectSide); else Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate); // idx++; } } //Globals.SetFlowDirection(pFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap); //try //{ // if (pFeat != null) // { // // Globals.ValidateFeature(pFeat); // pFeat.Store(); // } // //if (pFeat is INetworkFeature) // //{ // // INetworkFeature pNF = (INetworkFeature)pFeat; // // pNF.Connect(); // //} //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // // MessageBox.Show("The Feature could not be stored, this is typically because the layer has Z and the geometric network was not created to honors, you need to drop the network and recreate it with Z's enabled\n" + ex.Message); //} return true; //AddPointAlongLine(newPolyLine as ICurve, targetPointFLayer, targetPointDistance, targetPointDistanceIsPercent, targetPointSubtype, targetPointValue, targetPointFieldName); } else { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_6")); return false; } } else { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5a") + matchLineFLayer.Name + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5b") + searchDistance + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5c")); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsLbl_3") + "\n" + ex.Message, ex.Source); return false; } finally { lineFeature = null; thisPoint = null; turnPoint = null; toPoint = null; mainCurve = null; polyline = null; pFeat = null; } }
protected override void OnClick() { #region Prepare for editing IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("This command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Parcels"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } else { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again."); return; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFParcelLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFPointLayer, out CFLineLayer, out CFParcelLayers, out CFControlLayer, out CFLinePointLayer))) { return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric } //bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; //ICadastralFabricLayer pCFLayer = null; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pParcelsTable = null; ITable pLinesTable = null; ITable pLinePtsTable = null; ITable pPointsTable = null; pParcelsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); pLinesTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); pLinePtsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); pPointsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); #endregion dlgChangeParcelHistory pChangeHistoryDialog = new dlgChangeParcelHistory(); // ******** Display the dialog ********* DialogResult pDialogResult = pChangeHistoryDialog.ShowDialog(); if (pDialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } //************************ #region Get Selection //Get the selection of parcels IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd; IEnumGSParcels pEnumGSParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels;// need to get the parcels before trying to get the parcel count: BUG workaround IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = null; try { int iParcelCount = pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount; bool m_bShowProgressor = (iParcelCount > 10); if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); m_pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); m_pStepProgressor = m_pProgressorDialogFact.Create(m_pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)m_pStepProgressor; m_pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iParcelCount * 14; //(estimate 7 lines per parcel, 4 pts per parcel) m_pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Initializing..."; } #endregion #region Get Parcel History Fields //Get the parcel table history fields //SystemStart, SystemEnd, LegalStart, LegalEnd, Historic int iParcSysStartDate = pParcelsTable.FindField("systemstartdate"); int iParcSysEndDate = pParcelsTable.FindField("systemenddate"); int iParcLegalStartDate = pParcelsTable.FindField("legalstartdate"); int iParcLegalEndDate = pParcelsTable.FindField("legalenddate"); int iParcHistorical = pParcelsTable.FindField("historical"); //Add the OIDs of all the selected parcels into a new feature IDSet //Need a Lookup for the History information Dictionary <int, string> ParcelToHistory_DICT = new Dictionary <int, string>(); List <string> sOIDList = new List <string>(); sOIDList.Add(""); int tokenLimit = 995; bool bCont = true; int j = 0; int iCounter = 0; m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSetClass(); pEnumGSParcels.Reset(); IGSParcel pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); while (pGSParcel != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (m_bShowProgressor) { bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); if (iCounter <= tokenLimit) { if (sOIDList[j].Trim() == "") { sOIDList[j] = Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); } else { sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + "," + Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); } iCounter++; } else {//maximum tokens reached iCounter = 0; //set up the next OIDList j++; sOIDList.Add(""); sOIDList[j] = Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); } //add to the lookup IGSAttributes pGSParcelAttributes = (IGSAttributes)pGSParcel; object pObj = pGSParcelAttributes.GetProperty("systemstartdate"); string sSystemStartParcel = ""; if (pObj != null) { sSystemStartParcel = pObj.ToString(); } pObj = pGSParcelAttributes.GetProperty("systemenddate"); string sSystemEndParcel = ""; if (pObj != null) { sSystemEndParcel = pObj.ToString(); } string sLegalStartParcel = pGSParcel.LegalStartDate.ToString(); string sLegalEndParcel = pGSParcel.LegalEndDate.ToString(); string sHistorical = pGSParcel.Historical.ToString(); ParcelToHistory_DICT.Add(pGSParcel.DatabaseId, sSystemStartParcel + "," + sSystemEndParcel + "," + sLegalStartParcel + "," + sLegalEndParcel + "," + sHistorical); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pGSParcel); //garbage collection pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { m_pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnumGSParcels); //garbage collection #endregion #region Confirm Edit Locks bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersioned = false; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersioned)) { return; } //if we're in an enterprise then test for edit locks string sTime = ""; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); pJob.Name = sTime; pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; pJob.Description = "Delete selected parcels"; try { Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); } catch (COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } m_pStepProgressor = null; if (!(pProgressorDialog == null)) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } pProgressorDialog = null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pJob); if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pJob); } ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime; ILongArray pLocksInConflict = null; ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null; ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass(); FabricUTILS.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, m_pStepProgressor); if (m_bShowProgressor && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels..."; } try { pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict); } catch (COMException pCOMEx) { if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS || pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED) { MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels."); // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } else { MessageBox.Show(pCOMEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode)); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pSoftLcksInConflict); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pParcelsToLock); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLocksInConflict); } #endregion string sParcelSysEndDate = pParcelsTable.Fields.get_Field(iParcSysEndDate).Name; string sParcelLegalStartDate = pParcelsTable.Fields.get_Field(iParcLegalStartDate).Name; string sParcelLegalEndDate = pParcelsTable.Fields.get_Field(iParcLegalEndDate).Name; string sParcelHistoric = pParcelsTable.Fields.get_Field(iParcHistorical).Name; if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Updating parcel history..."; } pEd.StartOperation(); #region The Edit //make change to parcels bool bSuccess = false; ICursor pCurs = null; IQueryFilter pQuFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pQuFilter.SubFields = pParcelsTable.OIDFieldName + "," + sParcelLegalEndDate + "," + sParcelLegalStartDate + "," + sParcelSysEndDate + "," + sParcelHistoric; bool bSystemEndDate_Clear = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkSystemEndDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optClearSEDate.Checked; bool bLegalStDate_Clear = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkLegalStartDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optClearLSDate.Checked; bool bLegalEndDate_Clear = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkLegalEndDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optClearLEDate.Checked; bool bSystemEndDate_Set = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkSystemEndDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optChooseSEDate.Checked; bool bLegalStDate_Set = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkLegalStartDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optChooseLSDate.Checked; bool bLegalEndDate_Set = pChangeHistoryDialog.chkLegalEndDate.Checked && pChangeHistoryDialog.optChooseLEDate.Checked; List <bool> bHistory = new List <bool>(); bHistory.Add(bSystemEndDate_Clear); bHistory.Add(bLegalStDate_Clear); bHistory.Add(bLegalEndDate_Clear); bHistory.Add(bSystemEndDate_Set); bHistory.Add(bLegalStDate_Set); bHistory.Add(bLegalEndDate_Set); List <string> sDates = new List <string>(); sDates.Add(pChangeHistoryDialog.dtSEDatePicker.Text); sDates.Add(pChangeHistoryDialog.dtLSDatePicker.Text); sDates.Add(pChangeHistoryDialog.dtLEDatePicker.Text); pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pLinesTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pParcelsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pPointsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //release safety-catch foreach (string sInClause in sOIDList) { if (sInClause.Trim() == "") { continue; } pQuFilter.WhereClause = pParcelsTable.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + sInClause + ")"; pCurs = pParcelsTable.Update(pQuFilter, false); bSuccess = FabricUTILS.ChangeDatesOnTableMulti(pCurs, bHistory, sDates, bUseNonVersioned, ParcelToHistory_DICT, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { FabricUTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } else { pEd.AbortOperation(); } //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly return; } } //make change to points and lines if (!FabricUTILS.UpdateHistoryOnLines(pLinesTable, pPointsTable, iParcelCount, pCadFabric, sOIDList, ParcelToHistory_DICT, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel)) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { FabricUTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } else { pEd.AbortOperation(); } } else { pEd.StopOperation("Change Parcel History"); } #endregion //now refresh the map layers RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFParcelLayers, CFPointLayer, CFLineLayer, CFControlLayer, CFLinePointLayer); } catch (Exception ex) { pEd.AbortOperation(); MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message); } finally { if (!(pProgressorDialog == null)) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //set safety back on pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); //set safety back on pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); //set safety back on } }
protected override void OnClick() { //go get a traverse file // Display .Net dialog for File selection. OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); // Set File Filter openFileDialog.Filter = "Cadastral XML file (*.xml)|*.xml"; // Enable multi-select openFileDialog.Multiselect = true; // Don't need to Show Help openFileDialog.ShowHelp = false; // Set Dialog Title openFileDialog.Title = "Append Cadastral XML files"; openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2; // Display Open File Dialog if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { openFileDialog = null; return; } //Get the cadastral editor ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension"); ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; IEditor pEd = ArcMap.Editor; ITrackCancel pTrkCan = new CancelTracker(); // Create and display the Progress Dialog IProgressDialogFactory pProDlgFact = new ProgressDialogFactory(); IProgressDialog2 pProDlg = pProDlgFact.Create(pTrkCan, 0) as IProgressDialog2; //Set the properties of the Progress Dialog pProDlg.CancelEnabled = true; pProDlg.Description = " "; pProDlg.Title = "Append"; pProDlg.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe; string sCopiedCadastralXMLFile = ""; try { ICadastralJob CadaJob; bool bJobExists = false; //used to trap for the special error message condition of existing job pEd.StartOperation(); #region workaround for setting Projection ICadastralJob CadaJobTemp; bJobExists = false; if (!CreateCadastralJob(pCadFabric, "TEMPJOB", out CadaJobTemp, true, ref bJobExists)) { if (!bJobExists) // if the create job failed for some other reason than it already exists, then bail out. { MessageBox.Show("Job could not be created."); return; } } //do an extract to set the spatial reference: bug workaround ((ICadastralFabric3)pCadFabric).ExtractCadastralPacket(CadaJobTemp.Name, ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap.SpatialReference as IProjectedCoordinateSystem, null, true); #endregion //make a temporary file for the edited cadastral XML that is used for the fabric update string sTempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); sCopiedCadastralXMLFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(sTempPath, "LastUpdatedCadastralXMLAppendedFromBatch.xml"); int iFileCount = 0; int iTotalFiles = openFileDialog.FileNames.GetLength(0); List <string> lstPlans = new List <string>(); #region get all plan names for all files foreach (String CadastralXMLPath in openFileDialog.FileNames) { TextReader tr = null; try { tr = new StreamReader(CadastralXMLPath); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } // string[] sFileLine = new string[0]; //define as dynamic array string sLine = ""; int iCount = 0; bool bInPlanData = false; bool bInParcel = false; //fill the array with the lines from the file while (sLine != null) { sLine = tr.ReadLine(); try { if (sLine.Trim().Length >= 1) //test for empty lines { if (!bInParcel && !bInPlanData) { bInPlanData = sLine.Contains("<plan>"); } if (bInPlanData && sLine.Contains("<name>") && sLine.Contains("</name>")) { string sPlanName = sLine.Replace("<name>", "").Replace("</name>", "").Replace("\t", "").Trim(); if (!lstPlans.Contains(sPlanName)) { lstPlans.Add(sPlanName); } bInPlanData = false; } } iCount++; } catch { } } tr.Close(); //close the file and release resources } string sInClause = ""; foreach (string sPlan in lstPlans) { sInClause += "'" + sPlan + "'" + ","; } sInClause = sInClause.Remove(sInClause.LastIndexOf(","), 1); ITable pPlansTable = pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPlans); int iNameFld = pPlansTable.FindField("Name"); IQueryFilter pQuFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pQuFilter.WhereClause = "NAME IN (" + sInClause + ")"; ICursor pCur = pPlansTable.Search(pQuFilter, false); List <string> lstPlanReplace = new List <string>(); IRow pPlan = pCur.NextRow(); while (pPlan != null) { lstPlanReplace.Add("<name>" + (string)pPlan.Value[iNameFld] + "</name>\n\t\t<oID>" + pPlan.OID.ToString() + "</oID>"); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPlan); pPlan = pCur.NextRow(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCur); #endregion foreach (String CadastralXMLPath in openFileDialog.FileNames) { if (!pTrkCan.Continue()) { pEd.AbortOperation(); return; } //rename ALL oID tags so that they're ignored. This indicates that these are to be treated as NEW parcels coming in. ReplaceInFile(CadastralXMLPath, sCopiedCadastralXMLFile, "oID>", "old_xxX>"); foreach (string sPlanTag in lstPlanReplace) { string sFirstPart = sPlanTag.Substring(0, sPlanTag.IndexOf("\n")); ReplaceInFile(sCopiedCadastralXMLFile, sCopiedCadastralXMLFile, sFirstPart, sPlanTag); } //TEST ONLY //ReplaceInFile(CadastralXMLPath, sCopiedCadastralXMLFile, "oID>", "oID>"); //IF using PostCadastralPacket the points are not all merged. If using PostCadastralPacket, then a merge-point workaround would be to analyze coordinates //of incoming file and if any are identical to existing fabric coordinates, then make the oID tag match //the oID of the existing point in the target fabric. This will trigger point merging of identical points when using PostCadastralPacket. //code below uses InsertCadastralPacket and so point merging is handled. IXMLStream pStream = new XMLStream(); pStream.LoadFromFile(sCopiedCadastralXMLFile); IFIDSet pFIDSet = null;//new FIDSet(); DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; string sJobName = Convert.ToString(localNow) + "_" + (iFileCount++).ToString(); // note the create option is to NOT write job to fabric and is in-memory only initially, and then the InsertCadastralPacket will create and store the job in the fabric // IF using PostCadastralPacket, then this option should be set to true, so that the job already exists in the fabric. // Also, when using PostCadastralPacket, you can continue to use the same Target job, and a new one is not needed for each iteration. // With InsertCadastralPacket a job is created for each call when new parcels are being created. if (!CreateCadastralJob(pCadFabric, sJobName, out CadaJob, false, ref bJobExists)) { pEd.AbortOperation(); return; } pProDlg.Description = "File: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(CadastralXMLPath) + " (" + iFileCount.ToString() + " of " + iTotalFiles.ToString() + ")"; //(pCadFabric as ICadastralFabric3).PostCadastralPacket(pStream, pTrkCan, esriCadastralPacketSetting.esriCadastralPacketNoSetting, ref pFIDSet); (pCadFabric as ICadastralFabric3).InsertCadastralPacket(CadaJob, pStream, pTrkCan, esriCadastralPacketSetting.esriCadastralPacketNoSetting, ref pFIDSet); //int setCnt = pFIDSet.Count(); } RefreshFabricLayers(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap, pCadFabric); pEd.StopOperation("Append " + iFileCount.ToString() + " cadastral XML files"); } catch (Exception ex) { pEd.AbortOperation(); COMException c_Ex; int errorCode = 0; if (ex is COMException) { c_Ex = (COMException)ex; errorCode = c_Ex.ErrorCode; } if (errorCodeDict.ContainsKey(errorCode)) { MessageBox.Show(errorCodeDict[errorCode], "Append files"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.HResult.ToString(), "Append files"); } } finally { if (sCopiedCadastralXMLFile != string.Empty) { File.Delete(sCopiedCadastralXMLFile); } if (pProDlg != null) { pProDlg.HideDialog(); } } }
void IEditTask.OnFinishSketch() { if (m_editSketch == null) { return; } bool HasCutPolygons = false; //Change the cursor to be hourglass shape. System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { //Get the geometry that performs the cut from the edit sketch. IGeometry cutGeometry = m_editSketch.Geometry; //The sketch geometry is simplified to deal with a multi-part sketch as well //as the case where the sketch loops back over itself. ITopologicalOperator2 topoOperator = cutGeometry as ITopologicalOperator2; topoOperator.IsKnownSimple_2 = false; topoOperator.Simplify(); //Get ready to invalidate the features. IInvalidArea refreshArea = new InvalidAreaClass(); refreshArea.Add(cutGeometry.Envelope); //Create the spatial filter to search for features in the target feature class. //The spatial relationship we care about is whether the interior of the line //intesects the interior of the polygon. ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); spatialFilter.Geometry = m_editSketch.Geometry; spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; //Find the polygon features that cross the sketch. IFeatureClass featureClass = m_editLayer.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass; IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(spatialFilter, false); //Only do work if there are features that intersect the edit sketch. IFeature origFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); if (origFeature != null) { //Check the first feature to see if it is ZAware and if it needs to make the //cut geometry ZAware. IZAware zAware = origFeature.Shape as IZAware; if (zAware.ZAware) { zAware = cutGeometry as IZAware; zAware.ZAware = true; } //The result selection set will be the new features created. This means //we need to add the currently selected features to the refresh area so //they are correctly invalidated. if (m_editor.SelectionCount > 0) { IEnumFeature selectedFeatures = m_editor.EditSelection; selectedFeatures.Reset(); IFeature selectedFeature = selectedFeatures.Next(); while (selectedFeature != null) { refreshArea.Add(selectedFeature); selectedFeature = selectedFeatures.Next(); } } //Initialize the selection set for the new features. IFeatureSelection featureSelect = m_editLayer.CurrentLayer as IFeatureSelection; featureSelect.Clear(); //Cache the new features created. ISelectionSet selectionSet = featureSelect.SelectionSet; //Start an edit operation so we can have undo/redo. m_editor.StartOperation(); //Cycle through the features, cutting with the sketch. while (origFeature != null) { try { //Add the feature to the invalidate object. refreshArea.Add(origFeature); //Split the feature. Use the IFeatureEdit::Split method which ensures //the attributes are correctly dealt with. IFeatureEdit featureEdit = origFeature as IFeatureEdit; //Set to hold the new features that are created by the Split. ISet newFeaturesSet = featureEdit.Split(cutGeometry); //New features have been created, loop through the set and flash //each feature and get it's OID for the final selection set. if (newFeaturesSet != null) { newFeaturesSet.Reset(); //A list to hold the selected features' OIDs. List <int> iOIDList = new List <int>(); for (int featureCount = 0; featureCount < newFeaturesSet.Count; featureCount++) { HasCutPolygons = true; //Flash the new features. IFeature newFeature = newFeaturesSet.Next() as IFeature; FlashGeometry(newFeature.Shape, m_editor.Display); //Add the feature to the new selection set iOIDList.Add(newFeature.OID); } int[] iOIDArray = iOIDList.ToArray(); selectionSet.AddList(newFeaturesSet.Count, ref iOIDArray[0]); } } catch (COMException) { } finally { //Continue to work on the next feature if it fails to split the current one. origFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); } } //If any polygons were cut, invalidate the display and stop the edit operation. if (HasCutPolygons) { //Clear the map's selection. m_mxDoc.FocusMap.ClearSelection(); //Select the new features. featureSelect.SelectionSet = selectionSet; //Refresh the display. refreshArea.Display = m_editor.Display; refreshArea.Invalidate((short)esriScreenCache.esriAllScreenCaches); //Complete the edit operation. m_editor.StopOperation("Cut Polygons Without Selection"); //As we changed the selection set, the map has no idea we did this. //Fire the event to inform others the selection has changed. featureSelect.SelectionChanged(); } else { m_editor.AbortOperation(); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to perform the cut task.\n" + e.ToString()); //In the event of an error, abort the operation. m_editor.AbortOperation(); } finally { //Change the cursor shape to default. System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IFeature pAttributeFeature = default(IFeature); ISubtypes pSubtypes = default(ISubtypes); ArrayList colAttributes = null; IFeature pCurFeature = default(IFeature); IFeature pNewFeature = default(IFeature); IGeometry pCurGeom = default(IGeometry); IGeometry pTmpGeom = default(IGeometry); ITopologicalOperator5 pTopoOperator = default(ITopologicalOperator5); IRowSubtypes pOutRSType = default(IRowSubtypes); IFields pFlds = default(IFields); IField pFld = default(IField); IDomain pDomain = default(IDomain); IGeometryCollection pGeomColl = default(IGeometryCollection); IInvalidArea pRefresh = null; IComplexEdgeFeature pCEF = null; IMap pMap = null; try { long lGTotalVal = 0; int lSubTypeCode = 0; string strOID = null; int intOID = -1; int i, j; //Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass //The Next button doesn't get enabled until at least 1 FC is selected, but just in case... if (lstMergeFeatures.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("SlctOneFtr")); return; } //For Next loop which iterates through the array populating colSelClasses //This is for when I implement selecting multiple feature classes from the listbox.... for (i = 0; i <= lstMergeFeatures.Items.Count - 1; i++) { if (lstMergeFeatures.Items[i].Selected) { strOID = lstMergeFeatures.Items[i].Text; intOID = Convert.ToInt32(strOID); break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } if (strOID == null) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("SlctMainFtr")); return; } //Get the field values of the selected feature for use later pAttributeFeature = (IFeature)m_colFeatures[strOID]; colAttributes = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < pAttributeFeature.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { colAttributes.Add(pAttributeFeature.get_Value(i).ToString()); } pSubtypes = (ISubtypes)m_FeatLay.FeatureClass; if (pSubtypes.HasSubtype) { lSubTypeCode = (int)pAttributeFeature.get_Value(pSubtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex); } else { lSubTypeCode = 0; } //If the features being merged and the target layer are the same FC and if that FC has subtypes, get the subtype code of the selected feature or target layer //If not, get the default //pSubtypes = m_pFC; //if pSubtypes.HasSubtype Then // lSubTypeCode = m_lSubtype //End If //start edit operation m_editor.StartOperation(); //pEnumFeature = m_pEditor.EditSelection //pEnumFeature.Reset //create a new feature to be the merge feature //pNFC = m_pFC 'QI //Create the new feature pNewFeature = m_FeatLay.FeatureClass.CreateFeature(); //create the new geometry. //initialize the default values for the new feature pOutRSType = (IRowSubtypes)pNewFeature; //Set the RowSubtypes to the NewFeature //if (lSubTypeCode <> 0 ) pOutRSType.SubtypeCode = lSubTypeCode; //If there's a subtype code, set it //End If pOutRSType.InitDefaultValues(); //Init the Default values for the feature pFlds = m_FeatLay.FeatureClass.Fields; //Loop until we've gone through all the selected features (pCurFeature) i = 0; IList <MergeSplitFlds> pFldsNames = new List <MergeSplitFlds>(); if (m_Config != null) { if (m_Config.Count > 0) { if (m_Config[0] != null) { if (m_Config[0].Fields != null) { foreach (A4LGSharedFunctions.Field FldNam in m_Config[0].Fields) { int idx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pFlds, FldNam.Name); if (idx > -1) { try { pFldsNames.Add(new MergeSplitFlds(FldNam.Name, idx, "", FldNam.MergeRule, FldNam.SplitRule)); } catch { } } } } } } } foreach (string ky in m_colFeatures.Keys) { //} //for (i = 0; i < m_colFeatures.Count; i++) //{ pCurFeature = (IFeature)m_colFeatures[ky]; if (pFldsNames != null) { foreach (MergeSplitFlds FldNam in pFldsNames) { string testVal = pCurFeature.get_Value(FldNam.FieldIndex).ToString(); //if (Globals.IsNumeric(testVal)) //{ // FldNam.Value = FldNam.Value + Convert.ToDouble(testVal); //} switch (FldNam.MergeType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (FldNam.Value == "") { FldNam.Value = testVal; } else { if (Convert.ToDouble(FldNam.Value) < Convert.ToDouble(testVal)) { FldNam.Value = testVal; } } break; case "MIN": if (FldNam.Value == "") { FldNam.Value = testVal; } else { if (Convert.ToDouble(FldNam.Value) > Convert.ToDouble(testVal)) { FldNam.Value = testVal; } } break; case "SUM": if (FldNam.Value == "") { FldNam.Value = testVal; } else { FldNam.Value += Convert.ToDouble(FldNam.Value) + Convert.ToDouble(testVal); } break; case "AVERAGE": if (FldNam.Value == "") { FldNam.Value = testVal; } else { FldNam.Value += Convert.ToDouble(FldNam.Value) + Convert.ToDouble(testVal); } FldNam.AvgCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (FldNam.Value.Contains(testVal.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (FldNam.Value.Contains(ConcatDelim + testVal.ToString())) { } else { if (FldNam.Value == "") { FldNam.Value = testVal.ToString(); } else { FldNam.Value += ConcatDelim + testVal.ToString(); } } break; default: break; } } } //get the geometry of the current feature, if it's the first feature, set it to pTmpGeom //Otherwise, pTmpGeom is already set so Union the Geom of this feature with pTmpGeom //And set that equal to the new pTmpGeom...... pCurGeom = pCurFeature.ShapeCopy; if (i == 0) { pTmpGeom = pCurGeom; pTopoOperator = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator5)pTmpGeom; pTopoOperator.IsKnownSimple_2 = false; //051710 pTopoOperator.Simplify(); // 051710 } else { //Simplify the just obtained OtherPolyLine pTopoOperator = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator5)pCurGeom;//051710 pTopoOperator.IsKnownSimple_2 = false; pTopoOperator.Simplify(); //Reset the pTopoOp to pNewPolyLine in prep for the union pTopoOperator = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator5)pTmpGeom; pTmpGeom = pTopoOperator.Union(pCurGeom); //Simplify the resulting New Line pTopoOperator = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator5)pTmpGeom; pTopoOperator.IsKnownSimple_2 = false; pTopoOperator.Simplify(); //pTopoOperator = (ITopologicalOperator5)pTmpGeom; //pTopoOperator.Simplify(); //pOutputGeometry = pTopoOperator.Union(pCurGeom); //pTopoOperator.Simplify(); //pTmpGeom = pOutputGeometry; //pTopoOperator.SimplifyAsFeature(); //pOutputGeometry = pTopoOperator.UnionEx(pCurGeom,true); //pTopoOperator.SimplifyAsFeature(); //pTmpGeom = pOutputGeometry; //pTopoOperator.Simplify(); //pOutputGeometry = pTopoOperator.Union(pCurGeom); //pTmpGeom = pOutputGeometry; } //now go through each field, if it has a domain associated with it, then evaluate the merge policy... //If not domain, then grab the value from the selected feature for (j = 0; j < pFlds.FieldCount; j++) { pFld = pFlds.get_Field(j); pDomain = pSubtypes.get_Domain(lSubTypeCode, pFld.Name); if (pDomain != null && pFld.DefaultValue != null) { if (pDomain.MergePolicy == esriMergePolicyType.esriMPTSumValues) { //if (lCount == 1) // pNewFeature.set_Value(j, pCurFeature.get_Value(j)); //else if (pNewFeature.get_Value(j) != null && pCurFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString()) && Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j) + (double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j)); } else if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j)); } else if (Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j)); } } else if (pNewFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j)); } } else if (pCurFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j)); } } else { } } else if (pDomain.MergePolicy == esriMergePolicyType.esriMPTAreaWeighted) { if (pNewFeature.get_Value(j) != null && pCurFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString()) && Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (Double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j) + ((Double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j) * (Globals.GetGeometryLength(pCurFeature) / lGTotalVal))); } else if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (Double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j) * (Globals.GetGeometryLength(pCurFeature) / lGTotalVal)); } else if (Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (Double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j) * (Globals.GetGeometryLength(pCurFeature) / lGTotalVal)); } } else if (pNewFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pNewFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (Double)pNewFeature.get_Value(j) * (Globals.GetGeometryLength(pCurFeature) / lGTotalVal)); } } else if (pCurFeature.get_Value(j) != null) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(pCurFeature.get_Value(j).ToString())) { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, (Double)pCurFeature.get_Value(j) * (Globals.GetGeometryLength(pCurFeature) / lGTotalVal)); } } else { } } else if (pCurFeature.OID == pAttributeFeature.OID) { try { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, pCurFeature.get_Value(j)); } catch { } } } else if (pCurFeature.OID == intOID) { //Set the field values from the selected feature; ignore Subtype, non-editable and Shape field if (pFld.Editable == true && pSubtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex != j && m_FeatLay.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName.ToUpper() != pFld.Name.ToUpper()) { //if (colAttributes[j] != null) //{ try { pNewFeature.set_Value(j, colAttributes[j]); } catch { } // } } } } pCurFeature.Delete(); //delete the feature i++; } //Check if the merged geometry is multi-part. If so, raise an error and abort //Multipart geometries are not supported in the geometric network. pGeomColl = (IGeometryCollection)pTmpGeom; if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount > 1) { m_editor.AbortOperation(); MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("SlctOneFtr"), A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorOn") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_4")); this.Close(); return; } pNewFeature.Shape = pTmpGeom; pNewFeature.Store(); if (m_FeatLay.FeatureClass.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge) { pCEF = (IComplexEdgeFeature)pNewFeature; pCEF.ConnectAtIntermediateVertices(); } if (chkMergeElevationData.Checked) { if (pFldsNames != null) { foreach (MergeSplitFlds FldNam in pFldsNames) { if (FldNam.MergeType.ToUpper() == "Average".ToUpper()) { FldNam.Value = (Convert.ToDouble(FldNam.Value) / FldNam.AvgCount).ToString(); } try { pNewFeature.set_Value(FldNam.FieldIndex, FldNam.Value); } catch { } } } } //finish edit operation m_editor.StopOperation(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_4")); //refresh features pRefresh = new InvalidArea(); pRefresh.Display = m_editor.Display; pRefresh.Add(pNewFeature); pRefresh.Invalidate(-2); // 'select new feature pMap = m_editor.Map; pMap.ClearSelection(); pMap.SelectFeature((ILayer)m_FeatLay, pNewFeature); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.ToString().ToString().Contains("Key cannot be null")) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorOn") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_5") + "\r\n" + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_6")); } else { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorOn") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_5") + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } try { //finish edit operation m_editor.StopOperation(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MergeOprt_4")); } catch { } this.Close(); } finally { pAttributeFeature = null; pSubtypes = null; colAttributes = null; pCurFeature = null; pNewFeature = null; pCurGeom = null; pTmpGeom = null; pTopoOperator = null; pOutRSType = null; pFlds = null; pFld = null; pDomain = null; pGeomColl = null; pRefresh = null; pCEF = null; pMap = null; } }
protected override void OnClick() { IEditor m_pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension"); if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing first, and try again.", "Start Editing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } IArray PolygonLyrArr; IMap pMap = m_pEd.Map; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the workspace you're editing.\r\nPlease re-start editing on a workspace with a fabric, and try again.", "No Fabric found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } Utilities Utils = new Utilities(); if (!Utils.GetFabricSubLayers(pMap, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels, out PolygonLyrArr)) { return; } //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Area Calculation does not work when the parcel is open.\r\nPlease close the parcel and try again.", "Calculate Stated Area", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; CalcStatedAreaDLG CalcStatedArea = new CalcStatedAreaDLG(); bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedEdit = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pParcelsTable = null; IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); var pTool = ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool; try { IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)PolygonLyrArr.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!Utils.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, m_pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedEdit)) { return; } ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd; IEnumGSParcels pEnumGSParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels;// need to get the parcels before trying to get the parcel count: BUG workaround IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; if (pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount == 0 && pSelSet.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some fabric parcels and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool = null; //Display the dialog DialogResult pDialogResult = CalcStatedArea.ShowDialog(); if (pDialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } m_bShowProgressor = (pSelSet.Count > 10) || pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount > 10; if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); m_pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); m_pStepProgressor = m_pProgressorDialogFact.Create(m_pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)m_pStepProgressor; m_pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount * 3; //(3 runs through the selection) m_pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); string sPref; string sSuff; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); //====== need to do this for all the parcel sublayers in the map that are part of the target fabric //pEnumGSParcels should take care of this automatically //but need to do this for line sublayer if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting parcel data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected parcels into a new feature IDSet int tokenLimit = 995; List <int> oidList = new List <int>(); Dictionary <int, string> dict_ParcelSelection2CalculatedArea = new Dictionary <int, string>(); pParcelsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); pEnumGSParcels.Reset(); IGSParcel pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); while (pGSParcel != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { break; } } int iDBId = pGSParcel.DatabaseId; if (!oidList.Contains(iDBId)) { oidList.Add(iDBId); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pGSParcel); //garbage collection pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { m_pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnumGSParcels); //garbage collection if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { return; } } string sSuffixUnit = CalcStatedArea.txtSuffix.Text; int iAreaPrec = (int)CalcStatedArea.numDecPlaces.Value; double dSqMPerUnit = 1; if (CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.FindStringExact("Acres") == CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.SelectedIndex) { dSqMPerUnit = 4046.86; } if (CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.FindStringExact("Hectares") == CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.SelectedIndex) { dSqMPerUnit = 10000; } if (CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.FindStringExact("Square Feet") == CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.SelectedIndex) { dSqMPerUnit = 0.09290304; } if (CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.FindStringExact("Square Feet US") == CalcStatedArea.cboAreaUnit.SelectedIndex) { dSqMPerUnit = 0.09290341; } if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Computing areas..."; } List <string> sInClauseList0 = null; m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); if (oidList.Count() > 0) { sInClauseList0 = Utils.InClauseFromOIDsList(oidList, tokenLimit); foreach (string sInClause in sInClauseList0) { m_pQF.WhereClause = pParcelsTable.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + sInClause + ")"; CalculateStatedArea(m_pQF, pParcelsTable, pCadEd, m_pEd.Map.SpatialReference, dSqMPerUnit, sSuffixUnit, iAreaPrec, ref dict_ParcelSelection2CalculatedArea, m_pTrackCancel); if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { return; } } } } else { return; } if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { return; } } #region Create Cadastral Job //string sTime = ""; //if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) //{ // //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. // DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; // sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); // ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); // pJob.Name = sTime; // pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; // pJob.Description = "Interpolate Z values on selected features"; // try // { // Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); // } // catch (COMException ex) // { // if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) // { // MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); // } // return; // } //} #endregion //ILongArray pTempParcelsLongArray = new LongArrayClass(); //List<int> lstParcelChanges = Utils.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pTempParcelsLongArray, ref pParcelIds, m_pStepProgressor); if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { m_pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { m_pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again m_pEd.StartOperation(); } } if (bUseNonVersionedEdit) { if (!Utils.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { return; } } //ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; //pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pParcelsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); int idxParcelStatedArea = pParcelsTable.FindField("STATEDAREA"); string ParcelStatedAreaFieldName = pParcelsTable.Fields.get_Field(idxParcelStatedArea).Name; if (m_bShowProgressor) { // pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Updating parcel areas..."; } IRow pTheFeatRow = null; ICursor pUpdateCursor = null; foreach (string sInClause in sInClauseList0) { m_pQF.WhereClause = pParcelsTable.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + sInClause + ")"; if (bUseNonVersionedEdit) { ITableWrite pTableWr = (ITableWrite)pParcelsTable; //used for unversioned table pUpdateCursor = pTableWr.UpdateRows(m_pQF, false); } else { pUpdateCursor = pParcelsTable.Update(m_pQF, false); } pTheFeatRow = pUpdateCursor.NextRow(); while (pTheFeatRow != null) { string sAreaString = dict_ParcelSelection2CalculatedArea[pTheFeatRow.OID]; pTheFeatRow.set_Value(idxParcelStatedArea, sAreaString); pTheFeatRow.Store(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pTheFeatRow); //garbage collection if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { break; } } pTheFeatRow = pUpdateCursor.NextRow(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pUpdateCursor); //garbage collection if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (!m_pTrackCancel.Continue()) { break; } } } m_pEd.StopOperation("Calculate Stated Area"); //pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels);//set fields back to read-only } catch (Exception ex) { if (m_pEd != null) { AbortEdits(bIsUnVersioned, m_pEd, pWS); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool = pTool; m_pStepProgressor = null; m_pTrackCancel = null; if (pProgressorDialog != null) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } RefreshMap(pActiveView, PolygonLyrArr); ICadastralExtensionManager pCExMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager)pCadEd; IParcelPropertiesWindow2 pPropW = (IParcelPropertiesWindow2)pCExMan.ParcelPropertiesWindow; pPropW.RefreshAll(); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } // refresh the attributes dialog ISelectionEvents pSelEvents = (ISelectionEvents)m_pEd.Map; pSelEvents.SelectionChanged(); if (bUseNonVersionedEdit) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; PolygonLyrArr = null; } if (pMouseCursor != null) { pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } } }
private void AbortEdits(bool bUseNonVersionedDelete, IEditor pEd, IWorkspace pWS) { clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) FabricUTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); else { if (pEd != null) { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) pEd.AbortOperation(); } } }
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs arg) { IFeatureLayer pPointLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pLineLayer = null; IArray pParcelLayers = null; IFeatureLayer pControlLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pLinePointLayer = null; double dXYTol = 0.003; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); //first get the extension UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { FabricUTILS.ExecuteCommand(m_CommUID); MessageBox.Show("This tool cannot be used when there is an open parcel, construction, or job.\r\nPlease complete or discard the open items, and try again."); return; } ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } else { FabricUTILS.ExecuteCommand(m_CommUID); MessageBox.Show("This tool works on a parcel fabric in an edit session.\r\nPlease start editing and try again."); return; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap, out pCadFabric)) { FabricUTILS.ExecuteCommand(m_CommUID); MessageBox.Show("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IGeoDataset pGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)pCadFabric; ISpatialReferenceTolerance pSpatRefTol = (ISpatialReferenceTolerance)pGeoDS.SpatialReference; if (pSpatRefTol.XYToleranceValid == esriSRToleranceEnum.esriSRToleranceOK) { dXYTol = pSpatRefTol.XYTolerance; } IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = null; ISpatialFilter pSpatFilt = null; //spatial filter query hinging off the dragged rectangle selection IQueryFilter pQuFilter = null; //used for the non-spatial query for radial lines, as they have no geometry IRubberBand2 pRubberRect = null; IGeometryBag pGeomBag = null; ITopologicalOperator5 pUnionedPolyine = null; IPolygon pBufferedToolSelectGeometry = null; //geometry used to search for parents IFIDSet pLineFIDs = null; //the FIDSet used to collect the lines that'll be deleted IFIDSet pPointFIDs = null; // the FIDSet used to collect the points that'll be deleted IFIDSet pLinePointFIDs = null; // the FIDSet used to collect the line-points that'll be deleted List <int> pDeletedLinesPoints = new List <int>(); //list used to stage the ids for points that are referenced by lines List <int> pUsedPoints = new List <int>(); //list used to collect pointids that are referenced by existing lines List <int> CtrPointIDList = new List <int>(); //list for collecting the ids of center points List <int> pParcelsList = new List <int>(); //used only to avoid adding duplicates to IN clause string for, based on ties to radial lines List <int> pOrphanPointsList = new List <int>(); //list of orphan points defined from radial ines List <int> pPointsInsideBoxList = new List <int>(); //list of parcels that exist and that intersect the drag-box List <string> sFromToPair = new List <string>(); //list of from/to pairs for manging line points List <int> pLineToParcelIDRef = new List <int>(); //list of parcel id refs stored on lines IInvalidArea3 pInvArea = null; IFeatureClass pLines = null; IFeatureClass pPoints = null; IFeatureClass pParcels = null; IFeatureClass pLinePoints = null; IWorkspace pWS = null; try { #region define the rubber envelope geometry pRubberRect = new RubberEnvelopeClass(); IGeometry ToolSelectEnvelope = pRubberRect.TrackNew(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay, null); if (ToolSelectEnvelope == null) { return; } ISegmentCollection pSegmentColl = new PolygonClass(); pSegmentColl.SetRectangle(ToolSelectEnvelope.Envelope); IPolygon ToolSelectGeometry = (IPolygon)pSegmentColl; if (pCadFabric == null) { return; } pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); #endregion FabricUTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap, pCadFabric, out pPointLayer, out pLineLayer, out pParcelLayers, out pControlLayer, out pLinePointLayer); #region get tables and field indexes pLines = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); pPoints = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); pParcels = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); pLinePoints = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); string sPref = ""; string sSuff = ""; int iCtrPtFldIDX = pLines.FindField("CENTERPOINTID"); int iFromPtFldIDX = pLines.FindField("FROMPOINTID"); int iToPtFldIDX = pLines.FindField("TOPOINTID"); int iCatFldIDX = pLines.FindField("CATEGORY"); int iParcelIDX = pLines.FindField("PARCELID"); int iDistanceIDX = pLines.FindField("DISTANCE"); pWS = pLines.FeatureDataset.Workspace; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); pSpatFilt = new SpatialFilterClass(); pSpatFilt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; pSpatFilt.Geometry = ToolSelectGeometry; #endregion #region center point //need to make sure that center points are correctly handled for cases where the center point //is inside the select box, but the curve itself is not. The following is used to build an //IN CLAUSE for All the center points that are found within the tool's select geometry. int iIsCtrPtIDX = pPoints.FindField("CENTERPOINT"); int iCount = 0; int iCntCtrPoint = 0; string sCtrPntIDList1 = ""; IFeatureCursor pFeatCursPoints = pPoints.Search(pSpatFilt, false); IFeature pFeat7 = pFeatCursPoints.NextFeature(); while (pFeat7 != null) { iCount++; int iVal = -1; object Attr_val = pFeat7.get_Value(iIsCtrPtIDX); if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value) { iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat7.get_Value(iIsCtrPtIDX)); } if (iVal == 1) { if (sCtrPntIDList1.Trim() == "") { sCtrPntIDList1 += pFeat7.OID.ToString(); } else { sCtrPntIDList1 += "," + pFeat7.OID.ToString(); } iCntCtrPoint++; } pPointsInsideBoxList.Add(pFeat7.OID); //used to check for orphan linepoints pOrphanPointsList.Add(pFeat7.OID); //this gets whittled down till only "pure" orphan points remain Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat7); pFeat7 = pFeatCursPoints.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursPoints); #endregion #region create convex hull of lines //get the lines that intersect the search box and build a //polygon search geometry being the convex hull of those lines. IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false); pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeomColl = (IGeometryCollection)pGeomBag; IFeature pFeat1 = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature(); m_sDebug = "Add lines to Geometry Collection."; string sParcelRefOnLines = ""; object missing = Type.Missing; while (pFeat1 != null) { int iVal = (int)pFeat1.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX); string sFromTo = iVal.ToString() + ":"; if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal)) //Does this need to be done...will remove fail if it's not there? { pOrphanPointsList.Remove(iVal); //does this need to be in the if block? } iVal = (int)pFeat1.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX); sFromTo += iVal.ToString(); if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal)) { pOrphanPointsList.Remove(iVal); } sFromToPair.Add(sFromTo); pGeomColl.AddGeometry(pFeat1.ShapeCopy, missing, missing); if (sParcelRefOnLines.Trim() == "") { sParcelRefOnLines = pFeat1.get_Value(iParcelIDX).ToString(); } else { sParcelRefOnLines += "," + pFeat1.get_Value(iParcelIDX).ToString(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat1); pFeat1 = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursLines); #endregion #region Add Center Points for curves outside map extent if (iCntCtrPoint > 999) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine + "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 center points returned.)"); } //If there is no line geometry found, and there are also no points found, then nothing to do... if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount == 0 && iCount == 0) { return; } //Radial lines have no geometry so there is a special treatment for those; //that special treatment takes two forms, //1. if a circular arc is selected and it turns out that it is an orphan line, then we //need to take down its radial lines, and its center point as well. //2. if a center point is selected, we need to check if it's an orphan, by searching for its parent. //The parent parcel can easily be well beyond the query rectangle, so the original //search rectangle is buffered by the largest found radius distance, to make sure that all //parent parcels are "find-able." //The radial lines themselves are also needed; Get the radial lines from the Center Points //CtrPt is always TO point, so find lines CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINT IN () string sRadialLineListParcelID = ""; string sRadialLinesID = ""; string sRadialLinePoints = ""; double dRadiusBuff = 0; pQuFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); //Find all the radial lines based on the search query if (sCtrPntIDList1.Trim() != "") { pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + ")"; //add all the *references* to Parcel ids for the radial lines, //and add the ID's of the lines IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines8 = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); IFeature pFeat8 = pFeatCursLines8.NextFeature(); while (pFeat8 != null) { object Attr_val = pFeat8.get_Value(iDistanceIDX); double dVal = 0; if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value) { dVal = Convert.ToDouble(Attr_val); } dRadiusBuff = dRadiusBuff > dVal ? dRadiusBuff : dVal; int iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat8.get_Value(iParcelIDX)); if (!pParcelsList.Contains(iVal)) { if (sRadialLineListParcelID.Trim() == "") { sRadialLineListParcelID += Convert.ToString(iVal); } else { sRadialLineListParcelID += "," + Convert.ToString(iVal); } } pParcelsList.Add(iVal); //pOrphanPointsList is used for "Pure Orphan point" detection //meaning that these are points that do not have ANY line, not even an orphan line. iVal = (int)pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX); if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal)) { pOrphanPointsList.Remove(iVal); } iVal = (int)pFeat8.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX); if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal)) { pOrphanPointsList.Remove(iVal); } if (sRadialLinesID.Trim() == "") { sRadialLinesID += Convert.ToString(iVal); } else { sRadialLinesID += "," + Convert.ToString(iVal); } //Add from point to list if (sRadialLinePoints.Trim() == "") { sRadialLinePoints += Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX)); } else { sRadialLinePoints += "," + Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX)); } //Add To point to list sRadialLinePoints += "," + Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX)); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat8); pFeat8 = pFeatCursLines8.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursLines8); //create a polygon goeometry that is a buffer of the selection rectangle expanded //to the greatest radius of all the radial lines found. ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)ToolSelectGeometry; pBufferedToolSelectGeometry = topologicalOperator.Buffer(dRadiusBuff) as IPolygon; } else { pQuFilter.WhereClause = ""; } #endregion #region OrphanLines if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount != 0) { pUnionedPolyine = new PolylineClass(); pUnionedPolyine.ConstructUnion((IEnumGeometry)pGeomBag); ITopologicalOperator pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pUnionedPolyine; IGeometry pConvexHull = pTopoOp.ConvexHull(); //With this convex hull, do a small buffer, //theis search geometry is used as a spatial query on the parcel polygons //and also on the parcel lines, to build IN Clauses pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pConvexHull; IGeometry pBufferedConvexHull = pTopoOp.Buffer(10 * dXYTol); if (pBufferedToolSelectGeometry != null) { pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pBufferedToolSelectGeometry; IGeometry pUnionPolygon = pTopoOp.Union(pBufferedConvexHull); pSpatFilt.Geometry = pUnionPolygon; } else { pSpatFilt.Geometry = pBufferedConvexHull; } } else { if (pQuFilter.WhereClause.Trim() == "" && pBufferedToolSelectGeometry == null) { pSpatFilt.Geometry = ToolSelectGeometry; } else { pSpatFilt.Geometry = pBufferedToolSelectGeometry; } } IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass(); pColor.RGB = System.Drawing.Color.Blue.ToArgb(); IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay; FabricUTILS.FlashGeometry(pSpatFilt.Geometry, pScreenDisplay, pColor, 5, 100); pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial; m_sDebug = "Searching Parcels table."; pInvArea = new InvalidAreaClass(); IFeatureCursor pFeatCursParcels = pParcels.Search(pSpatFilt, false); IFeature pFeat2 = pFeatCursParcels.NextFeature(); string sParcelIDList = ""; iCount = 0; //create the "NOT IN" CLAUSE for parcels that exist in the DB and that are within the search area //Will be used as a search on lines to get the Orphan Lines while (pFeat2 != null) { iCount++; if (sParcelIDList.Trim() == "") { sParcelIDList += pFeat2.OID.ToString(); } else { sParcelIDList += "," + pFeat2.OID.ToString(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat2); if (iCount > 999) { break; } pFeat2 = pFeatCursParcels.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursParcels); //if we have more than 999 in clause tokens, there will be problems on Oracle. //Since this is an interactive tool, we expect it not to be used on a large amount of data. //for this reason, the following message is displayed if more than 999 parcels are returned in this query. //TODO: for the future this can be made to work on larger sets of data. if (iCount > 999) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine + "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 parcels returned.)"); } m_sDebug = "Building the used points list."; //This first pass contains all references to points found within the parent parcel search buffer //Later, points are removed from this list IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLargerLineSet = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false); IFeature pFeat3 = pFeatCursLargerLineSet.NextFeature(); while (pFeat3 != null) { iCount++; object Attr_val = pFeat3.get_Value(iCtrPtFldIDX); if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value) { pUsedPoints.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Attr_val)); //add center point } int iVal = (int)pFeat3.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX); pUsedPoints.Add(iVal);//add from point iVal = (int)pFeat3.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX); pUsedPoints.Add(iVal);//add to point Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat3); pFeat3 = pFeatCursLargerLineSet.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursLargerLineSet); //pUsedPoints list is at this stage, references to points for all lines found within the search area. //use the IN clause of the parcel ids to search for lines within //the original search box, and that are also orphans that do not have a parent parcel. pSpatFilt.WhereClause = ""; pSpatFilt.Geometry = ToolSelectGeometry; pSpatFilt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial; IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = null; if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount == 0) { if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length > 0 && sCtrPntIDList1.Trim().Length > 0) { pQuFilter.WhereClause = "(PARCELID NOT IN (" + sParcelIDList + ")) AND (CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + "))"; pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); } else if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length == 0 && sCtrPntIDList1.Trim().Length > 0) { pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + ")"; pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); } } else {//do a spatial query if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length > 0) { pSpatFilt.WhereClause = "PARCELID NOT IN (" + sParcelIDList + ")"; } else { pSpatFilt.WhereClause = ""; } pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false); } m_sDebug = "Collecting lines to be deleted."; //start collecting the lines that need to be deleted iCount = 0; int iCtrPointCount = 0; string sCtrPointIDList = ""; string sLineParcelIDReference = ""; //Feature cursor is lines that are NOT IN the ParcelIDList if (pFeatCursor != null) { pLineFIDs = new FIDSetClass(); IFeature pFeat4 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); while (pFeat4 != null) { iCount++; pLineFIDs.Add(pFeat4.OID); int iParcRef = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat4.get_Value(iParcelIDX)); if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() == "") { sLineParcelIDReference = iParcRef.ToString(); } else { if (!pLineToParcelIDRef.Contains(iParcRef)) { sLineParcelIDReference += "," + iParcRef.ToString(); } } pLineToParcelIDRef.Add(iParcRef); pInvArea.Add((IObject)pFeat4); //now for this line, get it's points //first add the center point reference if there is one object Attr_val = pFeat4.get_Value(iCtrPtFldIDX); if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value) { iCtrPointCount++; int iCtrPointID = Convert.ToInt32(Attr_val); pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iCtrPointID); //add this line's center point pUsedPoints.Remove(iCtrPointID); if (sCtrPointIDList.Trim() == "") { sCtrPointIDList = iCtrPointID.ToString(); } else { if (CtrPointIDList.Contains(iCtrPointID)) { iCtrPointCount--; } else { sCtrPointIDList += "," + iCtrPointID.ToString(); } } CtrPointIDList.Add(iCtrPointID);//to keep track of repeats } //and also add the FROM and TO point references if they exist int iVal = (int)pFeat4.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX); pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iVal);//add FROM point if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0) { pUsedPoints.Remove(iVal); } iVal = (int)pFeat4.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX); pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iVal);//add TO point if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0) { pUsedPoints.Remove(iVal); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat4); if (iCtrPointCount > 999) { break; } pFeat4 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursor); } if (iCtrPointCount > 999) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine + "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 center points returned.)"); } m_sDebug = "Adding orphan radial lines to list."; if (sCtrPointIDList.Trim().Length > 0) { //add the Radial lines at each end of the curves using the collected CtrPtIDs //CtrPt is always TO point, so find lines CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINT IN () pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPointIDList + ")"; pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); IFeature pFeat5 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); while (pFeat5 != null) { pLineFIDs.Add(pFeat5.OID); int iParcRef = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat5.get_Value(iParcelIDX)); pLineToParcelIDRef.Add(iParcRef); if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() == "") { sLineParcelIDReference = iParcRef.ToString(); } else { if (!pLineToParcelIDRef.Contains(iParcRef)) { sLineParcelIDReference += "," + iParcRef.ToString(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat5); pFeat5 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursor); } else { pQuFilter.WhereClause = ""; } //refine the DeletedLinesPoints list foreach (int i in pUsedPoints) { if (pDeletedLinesPoints.Contains(i)) { do { } while (pDeletedLinesPoints.Remove(i)); } } //add the points to a new FIDSet pPointFIDs = new FIDSetClass(); foreach (int i in pDeletedLinesPoints) { pPointFIDs.Add(i); } #endregion #region OrphanPoints //We already know which points to delete based on taking down the orphan lines. //We need to still add to the points FIDSet those points that are "pure" ophan points //as defined for the pOrphanPointsList variable. //and add the orphan points to the points FIDSet foreach (int i in pOrphanPointsList) { bool bFound = false; pPointFIDs.Find(i, out bFound); if (!bFound) { pPointFIDs.Add(i); } } #endregion #region orphan Line points //next check for orphan line-points //the line-point is deleted if there is no underlying point //or if the from and to point references do not exist. pSpatFilt.WhereClause = ""; pSpatFilt.Geometry = ToolSelectGeometry; IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLinePoints = pLinePoints.Search(pSpatFilt, false); IFeature pLPFeat = pFeatCursLinePoints.NextFeature(); int iLinePtPointIdIdx = pLinePoints.FindField("LINEPOINTID"); int iLinePtFromPtIdIdx = pLinePoints.FindField("FROMPOINTID"); int iLinePtToPtIdIdx = pLinePoints.FindField("TOPOINTID"); pLinePointFIDs = new FIDSetClass(); while (pLPFeat != null) { bool bExistsA = true; bool bExists1 = true; bool bExists2 = true; bool bExists3 = true; int iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtPointIdIdx); pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists1); if (!pPointsInsideBoxList.Contains(iVal)) { bExistsA = false; } iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtFromPtIdIdx); string sFrom = iVal.ToString(); pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists2); iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtToPtIdIdx); string sTo = iVal.ToString(); pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists3); int iOID = pLPFeat.OID; if (bExists1 || bExists2 || bExists3) { pLinePointFIDs.Add(iOID); } if (!sFromToPair.Contains(sFrom + ":" + sTo) && !sFromToPair.Contains(sTo + ":" + sFrom)) { pLinePointFIDs.Find(iOID, out bExists1); if (!bExists1) { pLinePointFIDs.Add(iOID); } } //if (!bExistsA || !bExistsB || !bExistsC) if (!bExistsA) { bool bFound = true; pLinePointFIDs.Find(iOID, out bFound); if (!bFound) { pLinePointFIDs.Add(iOID); } } pPointsInsideBoxList.Contains(iVal); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLPFeat); pLPFeat = pFeatCursLinePoints.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursLinePoints); #endregion #region Refine the lines that are on the delete list //next step is to refine and double-check to make sure that the lines that are on the delete list //do not have a parcel record somewhere else (not spatially connected to the line) (example unjoined, or bad geom) string sFreshlyFoundParcels = ""; if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() != "") { pQuFilter.WhereClause = sPref + pParcels.OIDFieldName + sSuff + " IN (" + sLineParcelIDReference + ")"; pFeatCursor = pParcels.Search(pQuFilter, false); IFeature pFeat6 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); while (pFeat6 != null) { int iOID = pFeat6.OID; if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() == "") { sFreshlyFoundParcels = iOID.ToString(); } else { sFreshlyFoundParcels += "," + iOID.ToString(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat6); pFeat6 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursor); if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() != "") { pQuFilter.WhereClause = "PARCELID IN (" + sFreshlyFoundParcels + ")"; pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); IFeature pFeat9 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); while (pFeat9 != null) { int iOID = pFeat9.OID; bool bIsHere = false; pLineFIDs.Delete(iOID); int iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat9.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX)); pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bIsHere); if (bIsHere) { pPointFIDs.Delete(iVal); } iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat9.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX)); pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bIsHere); if (bIsHere) { pPointFIDs.Delete(iVal); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeat9); pFeat9 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(pFeatCursor); } } #endregion #region Make sure the points on the delete list are not part of a construction //For post 10.0, Make sure the points on the delete list are not part of a construction if they are then null geometry //pQuFilter.WhereClause=pLines.LengthField.Name + " = 0 AND CATEGORY <> 4"; //IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines101 = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false); //this would open a new cursor and do a query on the entire #endregion #region report results and do edits dlgReport Report = new dlgReport(); //Display the dialog System.Drawing.Color BackColorNow = Report.textBox1.BackColor; if (iCount == 0 && pPointFIDs.Count() == 0 && pLinePointFIDs.Count() == 0) { Report.textBox1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; Report.textBox1.Text = "Selected area has no orphan lines or points."; } else { int iCount1 = 0; int iCount2 = 0; int iCount3 = 0; if (pLineFIDs != null) { iCount1 = pLineFIDs.Count(); } if (pPointFIDs != null) { iCount2 = pPointFIDs.Count(); } if (pLinePointFIDs != null) { iCount3 = pLinePointFIDs.Count(); } iCount = iCount1 + iCount2 + iCount3; if (iCount > 0) { pEd.StartOperation(); FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pLines, pLineFIDs, null, null); FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pPoints, pPointFIDs, null, null); if (pPointFIDs.Count() > 0) { //now need to update the control points associated with any deleted points. ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; ITable pControlTable = pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); int idxNameFldOnControl = pControlTable.FindField("POINTID"); string ControlNameFldName = pControlTable.Fields.get_Field(idxNameFldOnControl).Name; int i; List <int> pPointFIDList = new List <int>(); pPointFIDs.Reset(); pPointFIDs.Next(out i); while (i > -1) { pPointFIDList.Add(i); pPointFIDs.Next(out i); } List <string> InClausePointsNotConnectedToLines = FabricUTILS.InClauseFromOIDsList(pPointFIDList, 995); pQuFilter.WhereClause = ControlNameFldName + " IN (" + InClausePointsNotConnectedToLines[0] + ")"; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pControlTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch if (!FabricUTILS.ResetControlAssociations(pControlTable, pQuFilter, false)) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on pEd.AbortOperation(); return; } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on } pQuFilter.WhereClause = ""; FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pLinePoints, pLinePointFIDs, null, null); pEd.StopOperation("Delete " + iCount.ToString() + " orphans"); Report.textBox1.Text = "Deleted:"; if (iCount1 > 0) { Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount1.ToString() + " orphaned lines"; } if (iCount2 > 0) { Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount2.ToString() + " orphaned points"; } if (iCount3 > 0) { Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount3.ToString() + " orphaned line points"; } } if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() != "") { if (Report.textBox1.Text.Trim() != "") { Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine; } Report.textBox1.Text += "Info: Line(s) that you selected are not directly" + Environment.NewLine + "touching a parent parcel geometry. Check parcels with OIDs:" + sFreshlyFoundParcels; } } IArea pArea = (IArea)ToolSelectGeometry; if (pArea.Area > 0) { SetDialogLocationAtPoint(Report, pArea.Centroid); } DialogResult pDialogResult = Report.ShowDialog(); Report.textBox1.BackColor = BackColorNow; pInvArea.Display = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay; pInvArea.Invalidate((short)esriScreenCache.esriAllScreenCaches); if (pPointLayer != null) { ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, pPointLayer, ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { if (pEd != null) { pEd.AbortOperation(); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + m_sDebug, "Delete Orphans Tool"); this.OnDeactivate(); } #region Final Cleanup finally { pDeletedLinesPoints.Clear(); pDeletedLinesPoints = null; pUsedPoints.Clear(); pUsedPoints = null; CtrPointIDList.Clear(); CtrPointIDList = null; pParcelsList.Clear(); pParcelsList = null; pOrphanPointsList.Clear(); pOrphanPointsList = null; pPointsInsideBoxList.Clear(); pPointsInsideBoxList = null; pLineToParcelIDRef.Clear(); pLineToParcelIDRef = null; sFromToPair.Clear(); sFromToPair = null; FabricUTILS = null; } #endregion }
protected override void OnClick() { IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //get the plans UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); dlgEmptyPlansList pPlansListDialog = new dlgEmptyPlansList(); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) { //find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } ITable pPlansTable = null; if (pCadFabric != null) { pPlansTable = pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPlans); } else { return; } IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pPlansTable; IWorkspace pWS = pDS.Workspace; bool bIsFileBasedGDB; bool bIsUnVersioned; bool bUseNonVersionedEdit; if (!(FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedEdit))) { return; } IFIDSet pEmptyPlans = null; if (!FindEmptyPlans(pCadFabric, null, null, out pEmptyPlans)) { return; } //Fill the list on the dialog AddEmptyPlansToList(pCadFabric, pEmptyPlans, pPlansListDialog); //Display the dialog DialogResult pDialogResult = pPlansListDialog.ShowDialog(); if (pDialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } IArray array = (IArray)pPlansListDialog.checkedListBox1.Tag; IFIDSet pPlansToDelete = new FIDSetClass(); foreach (int checkedItemIndex in pPlansListDialog.checkedListBox1.CheckedIndices) { Int32 iPlansID = (Int32)array.get_Element(checkedItemIndex); if (iPlansID > -1) { pPlansToDelete.Add(iPlansID); } } if (bUseNonVersionedEdit) { FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pPlansTable, pPlansToDelete, null, null); } else { try { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pPlansTable, pPlansToDelete, null, null); pEd.StopOperation("Delete Empty Plans"); } catch (COMException ex) { MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(ex.ErrorCode)); pEd.AbortOperation(); } } }
protected override void OnClick() { m_bNoUpdates = false; m_sReport = "Direction Inverse Report:"; IEditor m_pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing first, and try again.", "Start Editing"); return; } UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete Parcels command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Parcels"); return; } try { IEditProperties2 pEditorProps2 = (IEditProperties2)m_pEd; IArray LineLyrArr; IMap pMap = m_pEd.Map; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; //ISpatialReference pSpatRef = m_pEd.Map.SpatialReference; //IProjectedCoordinateSystem2 pPCS = null; IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; //double dMetersPerUnit = 1; //if (pSpatRef == null) // ; //else if (pSpatRef is IProjectedCoordinateSystem2) //{ // pPCS = (IProjectedCoordinateSystem2)pSpatRef; // string sUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.Name; // if (sUnit.Contains("Foot") && sUnit.Contains("US")) // sUnit = "U.S. Feet"; // dMetersPerUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.MetersPerUnit; //} IAngularConverter pAngConv = new AngularConverterClass(); Utilities Utils = new Utilities(); if (!Utils.GetFabricSubLayers(pMap, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines, out LineLyrArr)) { return; } //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!Utils.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } List <int> lstLineIds = new List <int>(); IFeatureClass pFabricLinesFC = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); int idxParcelIDFld = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("ParcelID"); int idxCENTERPTID = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("CenterPointID"); int idxRADIUS = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("Radius"); bool bFieldsPresent = true; if (idxParcelIDFld == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (idxCENTERPTID == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (idxRADIUS == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (!bFieldsPresent) { MessageBox.Show("Fields missing."); return; } Dictionary <int, List <string> > dictLineToCurveNeighbourData = new Dictionary <int, List <string> >(); m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSet(); for (int i = 0; i < LineLyrArr.Count; i++) { IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = LineLyrArr.Element[i] as IFeatureSelection; ISelectionSet pSelSet = pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor); IFeature pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; while (pLineFeat != null) { if (!lstLineIds.Contains(pLineFeat.OID)) { IGeometry pGeom = pLineFeat.ShapeCopy; ISegmentCollection pSegColl = pGeom as ISegmentCollection; ISegment pSeg = null; if (pSegColl.SegmentCount == 1) { pSeg = pSegColl.get_Segment(0); } else { //todo: but for now, only deals with single segment short segments Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; continue; } //check geometry for circular arc if (pSeg is ICircularArc) { object dVal1 = pLineFeat.get_Value(idxRADIUS); object dVal2 = pLineFeat.get_Value(idxCENTERPTID); ICircularArc pCircArc = pSeg as ICircularArc; if (dVal1 != DBNull.Value && dVal2 != DBNull.Value) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; continue; } } //query near lines int iFoundTangent = 0; List <string> sCurveInfoFromNeighbours = new List <string>(); if (Utils.HasTangentCurveMatchFeatures(pFabricLinesFC, (IPolycurve)pGeom, "", 1.5, 0.033, 1, (pSeg.Length * 1.1), out iFoundTangent, ref sCurveInfoFromNeighbours)) { lstLineIds.Add(pLineFeat.OID); int j = (int)pLineFeat.get_Value(idxParcelIDFld); m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(j); dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Add(pLineFeat.OID, sCurveInfoFromNeighbours); } if (iFoundTangent == 1) //if there's only one tangent look further afield { int iFoundLinesCount = 0; int iFoundParallel = 0; if (Utils.HasParallelCurveMatchFeatures(pFabricLinesFC, (IPolycurve)pGeom, "", 1.5, 70, out iFoundLinesCount, out iFoundParallel, ref sCurveInfoFromNeighbours)) { if (!dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.ContainsKey(pLineFeat.OID)) { dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Add(pLineFeat.OID, sCurveInfoFromNeighbours); } } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); } #region line to curve candidate analysis if (lstLineIds.Count == 0) { return; } RefineToBestRadiusAndCenterPoint(dictLineToCurveNeighbourData); #endregion if (dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Count == 0) { return; } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = m_pEd.EditWorkspace; IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); if (!Utils.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, m_pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { return; } #region Create Cadastral Job string sTime = ""; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); pJob.Name = sTime; pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; pJob.Description = "Convert lines to curves"; try { Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); } catch (COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return; } } #endregion #region Test for Edit Locks ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric; //only need to get locks for parcels that have lines that are to be changed int[] pParcelIds = new int[m_pFIDSetParcels.Count()]; ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass(); Utils.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, ref pParcelIds, m_pStepProgressor); if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime; ILongArray pLocksInConflict = null; ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null; if (m_bShowProgressor && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels..."; } try { pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict); } catch (COMException pCOMEx) { if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS || pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED) { MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels."); // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } else { MessageBox.Show(pCOMEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode)); } return; } } #endregion if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { m_pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { m_pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again m_pEd.StartOperation(); } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!Utils.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { return; } } ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields((ITable)pFabricLinesFC, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); //release for edits m_pQF = new QueryFilter(); // m_pEd.StartOperation(); List <string> sInClauseList = Utils.InClauseFromOIDsList(lstLineIds, 995); foreach (string InClause in sInClauseList) { m_pQF.WhereClause = pFabricLinesFC.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + InClause + ")"; if (!UpdateCircularArcValues((ITable)pFabricLinesFC, m_pQF, bIsUnVersioned, dictLineToCurveNeighbourData)) { ; } } m_pEd.StopOperation("Insert missing circular arc information."); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); m_pEd.AbortOperation(); } finally { } }
protected override void OnClick() { IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete Parcels command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Parcels"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFParcelLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFPointLayer, out CFLineLayer, out CFParcelLayers, out CFControlLayer, out CFLinePointLayer))) { return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ICadastralFabricLayer pCFLayer = null; ITable pParcelsTable = null; ITable pLinesTable = null; ITable pLinePtsTable = null; ITable pPointsTable = null; ITable pControlTable = null; try { //Get the selection of parcels IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { return; } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCFLayer = new CadastralFabricLayerClass(); pCFLayer.CadastralFabric = pCadFabric; pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = pCFLayer;//NOTE: Need to set this back to NULL when done. } ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd; IEnumGSParcels pEnumGSParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels;// need to get the parcels before trying to get the parcel count: BUG workaround IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels = (pSelSet.Count > pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount); //used for bug workaround if (pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount == 0 && pSelSet.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some fabric parcels and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFParcelLayers = null; CFPointLayer = null; CFLineLayer = null; CFControlLayer = null; CFLinePointLayer = null; } return; } if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels) { m_bShowProgressor = (pSelSet.Count > 10); } else { m_bShowProgressor = (pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount > 10); } if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); m_pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); m_pStepProgressor = m_pProgressorDialogFact.Create(m_pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)m_pStepProgressor; m_pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels) { m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = pSelSet.Count * 18; //(estimate 7 lines per parcel, 4 pts per parcel, 3 line points per parcel, and there is a second loop on parcel list) } else { m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount * 18; //(estimate 7 lines per parcel, 4 pts per parcel, 3 line points per parcel, and there is a second loop on parcel list) } m_pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); string sPref; string sSuff; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); //====== need to do this for all the parcel sublayers in the map that are part of the target fabric if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting parcel data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected parcels into a new feature IDSet string[] sOIDList = { "(" }; int tokenLimit = 995; bool bCont = true; int j = 0; int iCounter = 0; m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSetClass(); //===================== start bug workaraound for 10.0 client =================== if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels) { ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected parcels IFeatureCursor pParcelFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor; IFeature pParcFeat = pParcelFeatCurs.NextFeature(); while (pParcFeat != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (m_bShowProgressor) { bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetParcels.Find(pParcFeat.OID, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(pParcFeat.OID); if (iCounter <= tokenLimit) { sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pParcFeat.OID) + ","; iCounter++; } else {//maximum tokens reached sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j].Trim(); iCounter = 0; //set up the next OIDList j++; FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDList, 1); sOIDList[j] = "("; sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pParcFeat.OID) + ","; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pParcFeat); //garbage collection pParcFeat = pParcelFeatCurs.NextFeature(); if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { m_pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection //===================== end bug workaraound for 10.0 client =================== } else //===the following code path is preferred====== { pEnumGSParcels.Reset(); IGSParcel pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); while (pGSParcel != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (m_bShowProgressor) { bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); if (iCounter <= tokenLimit) { sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId) + ","; iCounter++; } else {//maximum tokens reached sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j].Trim(); iCounter = 0; //set up the next OIDList j++; FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDList, 1); sOIDList[j] = "("; sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId) + ","; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pGSParcel); //garbage collection pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { m_pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnumGSParcels); //garbage collection } if (!bCont) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } string sTime = ""; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); pJob.Name = sTime; pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; pJob.Description = "Delete selected parcels"; try { Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); } catch (COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return; } } //if we're in an enterprise then test for edit locks ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime; ILongArray pLocksInConflict = null; ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null; ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass(); FabricUTILS.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, m_pStepProgressor); if (m_bShowProgressor && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels..."; } try { pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict); } catch (COMException pCOMEx) { if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS || pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED) { MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels."); // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } else { MessageBox.Show(pCOMEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode)); } return; } } //Build an IDSet of lines for the parcel to be deleted, and build an IDSet of the points for those lines m_pFIDSetLines = new FIDSetClass(); m_pFIDSetPoints = new FIDSetClass(); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { return; } } //first delete all the parcel records if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting parcels..."; } bool bSuccess = true; pParcelsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); pLinesTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); pLinePtsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); pPointsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); pControlTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pParcelsTable, m_pFIDSetParcels, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pParcelsTable, m_pFIDSetParcels, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); if (!bIsUnVersioned) { //check version and if the Cancel button was not clicked and we're higher than //version 10.0, then re-try the delete with the core delete command string sVersion = Application.ProductVersion; int iErrCode = FabricUTILS.LastErrorCode; if (!sVersion.StartsWith("10.0") && iErrCode == -2147217400) { FabricUTILS.ExecuteCommand("{B0A62C1C-7FAE-457A-AB25-A966B7254EF6}"); } } return; } //next need to use an in clause for lines, so ... string[] sPointOIDList = { "" }; int iCnt = 0; int iTokenCnt = 0; int iStepCnt = 1; //...for each item in the sOIDList array foreach (string inClause in sOIDList) { ICursor pLineCurs = FabricUTILS.GetCursorFromCommaSeparatedOIDList(pLinesTable, inClause, "PARCELID"); IRow pRow = pLineCurs.NextRow(); Int32 iFromPt = pLinesTable.Fields.FindField("FROMPOINTID"); Int32 iToPt = pLinesTable.Fields.FindField("TOPOINTID"); while (pRow != null) { if (iTokenCnt >= tokenLimit) { FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sPointOIDList, 1); iTokenCnt = 0; iCnt++; } m_pFIDSetLines.Add(pRow.OID); Int32 i = (Int32)pRow.get_Value(iFromPt); if (i > -1) { bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetPoints.Find(i, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetPoints.Add(i); sPointOIDList[iCnt] = sPointOIDList[iCnt] + Convert.ToString(i) + ","; iTokenCnt++; } } i = (Int32)pRow.get_Value(iToPt); if (i > -1) { bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetPoints.Find(i, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetPoints.Add(i); sPointOIDList[iCnt] = sPointOIDList[iCnt] + Convert.ToString(i) + ","; iTokenCnt++; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRow); //garbage collection pRow = pLineCurs.NextRow(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineCurs); //garbage collection //delete line records based on the selected parcels string sMessage = "Deleting lines..."; int iSetCnt = sOIDList.GetLength(0); if (iSetCnt > 1) { sMessage += "Step " + Convert.ToString(iStepCnt) + " of " + Convert.ToString(iSetCnt); } if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = sMessage; } if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinesTable, m_pFIDSetLines, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinesTable, m_pFIDSetLines, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } //delete the line points for the deleted parcels //build the list of the line points that need to be deleted. //IFeatureClass pFeatCLLinePoints = CFLinePointLayer.FeatureClass; string NewInClause = ""; //remove trailing comma if ((inClause.Substring(inClause.Length - 1, 1)) == ",") { NewInClause = inClause.Substring(0, inClause.Length - 1); } //m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + "parcelid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN " + NewInClause + ")"; m_pQF.WhereClause = "PARCELID IN " + NewInClause + ")"; ICursor pLinePointCurs = pLinePtsTable.Search(m_pQF, false); IRow pLinePointFeat = pLinePointCurs.NextRow(); //Build an IDSet of linepoints for parcels to be deleted IFIDSet pFIDSetLinePoints = new FIDSetClass(); while (pLinePointFeat != null) { pFIDSetLinePoints.Add(pLinePointFeat.OID); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointFeat); //garbage collection pLinePointFeat = pLinePointCurs.NextRow(); } //===========deletes linepoints associated with parcels iSetCnt = sOIDList.GetLength(0); sMessage = "Deleting line-points..."; if (iSetCnt > 1) { sMessage += "Step " + Convert.ToString(iStepCnt) + " of " + Convert.ToString(iSetCnt); } if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = sMessage; } if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinePtsTable, pFIDSetLinePoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinePtsTable, pFIDSetLinePoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); if (pLinePointCurs != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointCurs); //garbage } return; } ///////============================================== Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointCurs); //garbage iStepCnt++; } //now need to get points that should not be deleted, because they are used by lines that are not deleted. //first search for the remaining lines. Any that have from/to points that are in the point fidset are the points //that should stay IFIDSet pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom = new FIDSetClass(); IFIDSet pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo = new FIDSetClass(); if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Updating point delete list..."; } for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++) { //remove trailing comma if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == "")) { break; } if ((sPointOIDList[z].Substring(sPointOIDList[z].Length - 1, 1)) == ",") { sPointOIDList[z] = sPointOIDList[z].Substring(0, sPointOIDList[z].Length - 1); } } //string TheWhereClause = "(" + (sPref + "frompointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN ("; //UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "frompointid", // TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom); //TheWhereClause = "(" + (sPref + "topointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN ("; //UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "topointid", // TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo); string TheWhereClause = "(FROMPOINTID IN ("; UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "FROMPOINTID", TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom); TheWhereClause = "(TOPOINTID IN ("; UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "TOPOINTID", TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo); if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting points..."; } if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pPointsTable, m_pFIDSetPoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pPointsTable, m_pFIDSetPoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } //====Phase 2 of line-point delete. Remove the Line-points that no longer have underlying points. if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting line-points..."; } for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++) { if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == "")) { continue; } //remove line points where underlying points were deleted bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteByQuery(pWS, pLinePtsTable, pLinePtsTable.Fields.get_Field(pLinePtsTable.FindField("LinePointID")), sPointOIDList, !bIsUnVersioned, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } } //===== //Empty geometry on points that are floating points on unjoined parcels m_pEmptyGeoms = new FIDSetClass(); FabricUTILS.IntersectFIDSetCommonIDs(pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo, pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom, out m_pEmptyGeoms); ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pPointsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //release safety-catch if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.EmptyGeometries((IFeatureClass)pPointsTable, m_pEmptyGeoms); } else { FabricUTILS.EmptyGeometriesUnversioned(pWS, CFPointLayer.FeatureClass, m_pEmptyGeoms); } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints);//set safety back on if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Resetting control point associations..."; } for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++) { if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == "")) { break; } //cleanup associated control points, and associations where underlying points were deleted //m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + "pointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN (" + sPointOIDList[z] + ")"; m_pQF.WhereClause = "POINTID IN (" + sPointOIDList[z] + ")"; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pControlTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch if (!FabricUTILS.ResetControlAssociations(pControlTable, m_pQF, bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on } } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.StopEditing(pWS); } if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.StopOperation("Delete parcels"); } //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly if (pFeatSel != null && bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels) { pFeatSel.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } if (pEd != null) { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.AbortOperation(); } } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFParcelLayers, CFPointLayer, CFLineLayer, CFControlLayer, CFLinePointLayer); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } if (pMouseCursor != null) { pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } m_pStepProgressor = null; if (!(pProgressorDialog == null)) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } pProgressorDialog = null; if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFParcelLayers = null; CFPointLayer = null; CFLineLayer = null; CFControlLayer = null; CFLinePointLayer = null; } } }
protected override void OnClick() { bool bShowProgressor = false; IStepProgressor pStepProgressor = null; //Create a CancelTracker. ITrackCancel pTrackCancel = null; IProgressDialogFactory pProgressorDialogFact; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete linepoint command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected LinePoints"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFLinePointLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetLinePointLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFLinePointLayers))) { return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pLinePointTable = null; try { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } } IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { return; } //loop through each linepoint layer and //Get the selection of linepoints int iCnt = 0; int iTotalSelectionCount = 0; for (; iCnt < CFLinePointLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; iTotalSelectionCount += pSelSet.Count; } if (iTotalSelectionCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some line points and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFLinePointLayers = null; } return; } bShowProgressor = (iTotalSelectionCount > 10); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); pStepProgressor = pProgressorDialogFact.Create(pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)pStepProgressor; pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iTotalSelectionCount; pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } //loop through each linepoint layer and //delete from its selection m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); iCnt = 0; for (; iCnt < CFLinePointLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; string sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); string sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting line point data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected linepoints into a new feature IDSet bool bCont = true; m_pFIDSetLinePoints = new FIDSetClass(); ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected line points IFeatureCursor pLinePointFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor; IFeature pLinePointFeat = pLinePointFeatCurs.NextFeature(); while (pLinePointFeat != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (bShowProgressor) { bCont = pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetLinePoints.Find(pLinePointFeat.OID, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetLinePoints.Add(pLinePointFeat.OID); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointFeat); //garbage collection pLinePointFeat = pLinePointFeatCurs.NextFeature(); if (bShowProgressor) { if (pStepProgressor.Position < pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection if (!bCont) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } } //delete all the line point records if (bShowProgressor) { pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting selected line points..."; } bool bSuccess = true; pLinePointTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinePointTable, m_pFIDSetLinePoints, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinePointTable, m_pFIDSetLinePoints, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.StopEditing(pWS); } if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.StopOperation("Delete Line Points"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFLinePointLayers); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } if (pProgressorDialog != null) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFLinePointLayers = null; } if (pMouseCursor != null) { pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } } }
protected override void OnClick() { IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pUID); IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IFeatureLayer CFPointLayer = null; IFeatureLayer CFLineLayer = null; IFeatureLayer CFControlLayer = null; IFeatureLayer CFLinePointLayer = null; IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; clsFabricUtils UTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!UTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFParcelLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(UTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFPointLayer, out CFLineLayer, out CFParcelLayers, out CFControlLayer, out CFLinePointLayer))) { return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersioned = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; try { //Get the selection of parcels IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!UTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersioned)) { return; } if (bUseNonVersioned) { ICadastralFabricLayer pCFLayer = new CadastralFabricLayerClass(); pCFLayer.CadastralFabric = pCadFabric; pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = pCFLayer;//NOTE: Need to set this back to NULL when done. } Hashtable FabLyrToFieldMap = new Hashtable(); DateChanger pDateChangerDialog = new DateChanger(); pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFabricClasses.Items.Clear(); string[] FieldStrArr = new string[CFParcelLayers.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < CFParcelLayers.Count; i++) { FieldStrArr[i] = ""; IFeatureLayer lyr = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(i); // ICadastralFabricLayer cflyr = CFParcelLayers.get_Element(i); pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFabricClasses.Items.Add(lyr.Name); IFields pFlds = lyr.FeatureClass.Fields; for (int j = 0; j < lyr.FeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount; j++) { IField pFld = lyr.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(j); if (pFld.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) { if (FieldStrArr[i].Trim() == "") { FieldStrArr[i] = pFld.Name; } else { FieldStrArr[i] += "," + pFld.Name; } } } FabLyrToFieldMap.Add(i, FieldStrArr[i]); } pDateChangerDialog.FieldMap = FabLyrToFieldMap; pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFabricClasses.SelectedIndex = 0; // ******** Display the dialog ********* DialogResult pDialogResult = pDateChangerDialog.ShowDialog(); if (pDialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } //************************ //*** get the choices from the dialog IFeatureLayer flyr = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFabricClasses.SelectedIndex); int iDateFld = flyr.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFields.Text); if (pDateChangerDialog.radioButton2.Checked) { IField pFld = flyr.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iDateFld); if (!pFld.IsNullable) { MessageBox.Show("The field you selected does not allow NULL values, and must have a date." + Environment.NewLine + "Please try again using the date option, or using a different date field.", "Field does not Allow Null", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } } ICadastralFabricSubLayer pSubLyr = (ICadastralFabricSubLayer)flyr; bool bLines = false; bool bParcels = false; if (pSubLyr.CadastralTableType == esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines) { bLines = true; } if (pSubLyr.CadastralTableType == esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels) { bParcels = true; } //find out if there is a selection for the chosen layer bool ChosenLayerHasSelection = false; IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = null; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = null; ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = null; IEnumGSParcels pEnumGSParcels = null; int iFeatureCnt = 0; pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)flyr; if (pFeatSel != null) { pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ChosenLayerHasSelection = (pSelSet.Count > 0); iFeatureCnt = pSelSet.Count; } //**** if (iFeatureCnt == 0) { if (MessageBox.Show("There are no features selected in the " + flyr.Name + " layer." + Environment.NewLine + "Click OK to Change dates for ALL features in the layer.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else { pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd; //** TODO: this enum should be based on the selected points, lines, or line-points pEnumGSParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels;// need to get the parcels before trying to get the parcel count: BUG workaround //*** } if (iFeatureCnt == 0) { m_pCursor = (ICursor)flyr.FeatureClass.Search(null, false); ITable pTable = (ITable)flyr.FeatureClass; iFeatureCnt = pTable.RowCount(null); } m_bShowProgressor = (iFeatureCnt > 10); if (m_bShowProgressor) { m_pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); m_pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); m_pStepProgressor = m_pProgressorDialogFact.Create(m_pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)m_pStepProgressor; m_pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iFeatureCnt; m_pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); string sPref; string sSuff; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); //====== need to do this for all the parcel sublayers in the map that are part of the target fabric if (m_bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting data..."; } bool bCont = true; m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSetClass(); if (ChosenLayerHasSelection && bParcels && !bIsUnVersioned) { //if there is a selection add the OIDs of all the selected parcels into a new feature IDSet pEnumGSParcels.Reset(); IGSParcel pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); while (pGSParcel != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (m_bShowProgressor) { bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(pGSParcel.DatabaseId); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pGSParcel); //garbage collection pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next(); //} if (m_bShowProgressor) { if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { m_pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } } if ((!ChosenLayerHasSelection && bParcels && !bIsUnVersioned) || (!ChosenLayerHasSelection && bLines && !bIsUnVersioned)) { IRow pRow = m_pCursor.NextRow(); while (pRow != null) { m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(pRow.OID); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRow); pRow = m_pCursor.NextRow(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(m_pCursor); } if (bLines && ChosenLayerHasSelection && !bIsUnVersioned) { pSelSet.Search(null, false, out m_pCursor); IRow pRow = m_pCursor.NextRow(); int iFld = m_pCursor.FindField("PARCELID"); while (pRow != null) { m_pFIDSetParcels.Add((int)pRow.get_Value(iFld)); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRow); pRow = m_pCursor.NextRow(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(m_pCursor); } //========================================================= if (!bCont) { //Since I'm using update cursor need to clear the cadastral selection pCadaSel.SelectedParcels = null; //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly return; } string sTime = ""; if (!bIsUnVersioned) { //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); pJob.Name = sTime; pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; pJob.Description = "Change Date on selected parcels"; try { Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); } catch (COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } m_pStepProgressor = null; if (!(pProgressorDialog == null)) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } pProgressorDialog = null; if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } } //if we're in an enterprise then test for edit locks ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric; if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime; ILongArray pLocksInConflict = null; ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null; ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass(); UTILS.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, m_pStepProgressor); if (m_pStepProgressor != null && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels..."; } try { pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict); } catch (COMException pCOMEx) { if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels."); // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFParcelLayers, CFPointLayer, CFLineLayer, CFControlLayer, CFLinePointLayer); } else { MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode)); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } } //Now... start the edit. Start an edit operation. if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.StartOperation(); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { if (!UTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bUseNonVersioned)) { if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } } //Change all the date records if (m_pStepProgressor != null) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Changing dates..."; } bool bSuccess = true; ITable Table2Edit = (ITable)flyr.FeatureClass; ITableWrite pTableWr = (ITableWrite)Table2Edit; if (ChosenLayerHasSelection) { //TODO: Selection based update does not work on unversioned tables //need to change this code to create an update cursor from the selection, //including code for tokens > 995 pSelSet.Update(null, false, out m_pCursor); } else { if (bUseNonVersioned) { m_pCursor = pTableWr.UpdateRows(null, false); } else { m_pCursor = Table2Edit.Update(null, false); } } ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; if (bLines) { pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(Table2Edit, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); //release safety-catch } else if (bParcels) { pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(Table2Edit, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); //release safety-catch } else { pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(Table2Edit, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(Table2Edit, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(Table2Edit, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); //release safety-catch } if (pDateChangerDialog.radioButton2.Checked) { bSuccess = UTILS.ChangeDatesOnTable(m_pCursor, pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFields.Text, "", bUseNonVersioned, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } else { bSuccess = UTILS.ChangeDatesOnTable(m_pCursor, pDateChangerDialog.cboBoxFields.Text, pDateChangerDialog.dateTimePicker1.Text, bUseNonVersioned, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { if (!bIsUnVersioned) { pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { UTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } else { pEd.AbortOperation(); } //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly return; } if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.StopOperation("Change Date"); } if (bUseNonVersioned) { UTILS.StopEditing(pWS); } if (bParcels) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); } else if (bLines) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); } else { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); //release safety-catch } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message); if (bUseNonVersioned) { UTILS.AbortEditing(pWS); } else { pEd.AbortOperation(); } } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFParcelLayers, CFPointLayer, CFLineLayer, CFControlLayer, CFLinePointLayer); if (bUseNonVersioned) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFParcelLayers = null; CFPointLayer = null; CFLineLayer = null; CFControlLayer = null; CFLinePointLayer = null; } m_pStepProgressor = null; if (!(pProgressorDialog == null)) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } pProgressorDialog = null; } }
protected override void OnClick() { bool bShowProgressor = false; IStepProgressor pStepProgressor = null; //Create a CancelTracker. ITrackCancel pTrackCancel = null; IProgressDialogFactory pProgressorDialogFact; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete Control command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Control"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFControlLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetControlLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFControlLayers))) { return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pPointsTable = null; ITable pControlTable = null; try { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } } IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { return; } //loop through each control layer and //Get the selection of control int iCnt = 0; int iTotalSelectionCount = 0; for (; iCnt < CFControlLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; iTotalSelectionCount += pSelSet.Count; } if (iTotalSelectionCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some fabric control points and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFControlLayers = null; } return; } bShowProgressor = (iTotalSelectionCount > 10); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); pStepProgressor = pProgressorDialogFact.Create(pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)pStepProgressor; pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iTotalSelectionCount * 2; //(runs through selection twice) pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } //loop through each control layer and //delete from its selection m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); iCnt = 0; for (; iCnt < CFControlLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; string sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); string sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting Control point data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected control points into a new feature IDSet string[] sOIDListPoints = { "(" }; int tokenLimit = 995; //int tokenLimit = 5; //temp for testing bool bCont = true; int j = 0; int iCounter = 0; m_pFIDSetControl = new FIDSetClass(); ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected control points IFeatureCursor pControlFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor; IFeature pControlFeat = pControlFeatCurs.NextFeature(); int iPointID = pControlFeatCurs.FindField("POINTID"); while (pControlFeat != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (bShowProgressor) { bCont = pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) { break; } } bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetControl.Find(pControlFeat.OID, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetControl.Add(pControlFeat.OID); object obj = pControlFeat.get_Value(iPointID); if (iCounter <= tokenLimit) { //if the PointID is not null add it to a query string as well if (obj != DBNull.Value) { sOIDListPoints[j] += Convert.ToString(obj) + ","; } iCounter++; } else {//maximum tokens reached //set up the next OIDList sOIDListPoints[j] = sOIDListPoints[j].Trim(); iCounter = 0; j++; FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDListPoints, 1); sOIDListPoints[j] = "("; if (obj != DBNull.Value) { sOIDListPoints[j] += Convert.ToString(obj) + ","; } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pControlFeat); //garbage collection pControlFeat = pControlFeatCurs.NextFeature(); if (bShowProgressor) { if (pStepProgressor.Position < pStepProgressor.MaxRange) { pStepProgressor.Step(); } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection if (!bCont) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; } return; } } //first delete all the control point records if (bShowProgressor) { pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting control points..."; } bool bSuccess = true; pPointsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); pControlTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pControlTable, m_pFIDSetControl, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pControlTable, m_pFIDSetControl, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); } if (!bSuccess) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } //next need to use an in clause to update the points, ... ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; //...for each item in the sOIDListPoints array foreach (string inClause in sOIDListPoints) { string sClause = inClause.Trim().TrimEnd(','); if (sClause.EndsWith("(")) { continue; } if (sClause.Length < 3) { continue; } pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pPointsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + pPointsTable.OIDFieldName + sSuff).Trim() + " IN " + sClause + ")"; if (!FabricUTILS.ResetPointAssociations(pPointsTable, m_pQF, bIsUnVersioned)) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); return; } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { FabricUTILS.StopEditing(pWS); } if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pEd.StopOperation("Delete Control Points"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFControlLayers); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } if (pProgressorDialog != null) { pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFControlLayers = null; } if (pMouseCursor != null) { pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } } }
protected override void OnClick() { // **SAMPLE CODE NOTE** // the following code show the mechanics of creating a new parcel using the ICadastralMapEdit interface // there is no user interface to enter parcel record data, and the parcel line records are hard -coded // for the purposes of this sample code. The center of the map extent is used as the point of beginning // for the parcel. ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension"); IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd; IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again."); return; } try { ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd; bool bStartedWithPacketOpen = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen; if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.StartOperation(); } //1. Start map edit session ICadastralMapEdit pCadMapEdit = (ICadastralMapEdit)pCadEd; pCadMapEdit.StartMapEdit(esriMapEditType.esriMEEmpty, "NewParcel", false); //2. Get job packet ICadastralPacket pCadaPacket = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket; //3. Create Plan (new) string sPlanName = "My New Plan"; //first check to ensure plan is not already in the database. IGSPlan pGSPlan = FindFabricPlanByName(sPlanName, pCadEd); if (pGSPlan == null) { //if plan is null, it was not found and can be created pGSPlan = new GSPlanClass(); // 3.a set values pGSPlan.Accuracy = 4; pGSPlan.Name = sPlanName; } //3.b Add the plan to the job packet ICadastralPlan pCadaPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadaPacket; pCadaPlan.AddPlan(pGSPlan); //4. Create Parcel ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel = (ICadastralParcel)pCadaPacket; IGSParcel pNewGSParcel = new GSParcelClass(); //Make sure that any extended attributes on the parcel have their default values set IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)pNewGSParcel; if (pGSAttributes != null) { ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)pParcEditorMan; pCadaObjSetup.AddExtendedAttributes(pGSAttributes); pCadaObjSetup.SetDefaultValues(pGSAttributes); } //4a. Add the parcel to the packet. (do this before addlines) // - This will enable us to Acquire the parcel ID, // - Having the parcel attached to the packet allows InsertLine to function. pCadaParcel.AddParcel(pNewGSParcel); pNewGSParcel.Lot = "NewParcel"; pNewGSParcel.Type = 7; //4b. Set Plan (created above) IGSPlan thePlan = pCadaPlan.GetPlan(sPlanName); pNewGSParcel.Plan = thePlan; //4c. Insert GSLines (from new) into GSParcel //4d. To bypass join, you can create GSPoints and assign those point IDs to the GSLines. ICadastralPoints pCadaPoints = (ICadastralPoints)pCadaPacket; IMetricUnitConverter pMetricUnitConv = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadEd; //Set up the initial start point, POB //This sample code starts from the middle of the map, and defines 4 lines of a parcel //The first course is a straight line, the other 3 courses are circular arcs IArea pArea = (IArea)ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent; IPoint pPt1 = pArea.Centroid; IZAware pZAw = (IZAware)pPt1; pZAw.ZAware = true; pPt1.Z = 0; //defaulting to 0 //Convert the point into metric units, and get a new (in-mem) point id IGSPoint pGSPointFrom = pMetricUnitConv.SetGSPoint(pPt1); pCadaPoints.AddPoint(pGSPointFrom); int iID1 = pGSPointFrom.Id; int index = 0; //++++++++++++ Course 1 ++++++++++++++ int iID2 = -1; //From, Direction (NAz Radians), Distance (map's projection units), Radius IGSLine pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1, iID1, 0, 100, 0, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID2); //Add the line to the new parcel if (pGSLine != null) { pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine); } //++++++++++++ Course 2 ++++++++++++++ int iID3 = -1; pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1, iID2, (Math.PI / 2), 100, -80, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID3); if (pGSLine != null) { pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine); } //++++++++++++ Course 3 ++++++++++++++ int iID4 = -1; pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1, iID3, Math.PI, 100, 80, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID4); if (pGSLine != null) { pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine); } //++++++++++++ Course 4 ++++++++++++++ //close back to point of beginning int i = -1; pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1, iID4, (3 * Math.PI / 2), 100, 200, -1, -1, -1, false, out i); pGSLine.ToPoint = iID1; //closing the traverse back to the POB if (pGSLine != null) { pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine); } //Add radial lines for circular curves pNewGSParcel.AddRadialLines(); // 4.e then set join=true on the parcel. pNewGSParcel.Joined = true; //let the packet know that a change has been made pCadPacketMan.SetPacketModified(true); //save the new parcel try { pCadMapEdit.StopMapEdit(true); } catch { if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.AbortOperation(); } return; } if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.StopOperation("New Parcel"); } pCadPacketMan.PartialRefresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
protected override void OnClick() { IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriEditor.Editor"); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again."); return; } ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension"); IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd; ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd; try { ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd; bool bStartedWithPacketOpen = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen; if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.StartOperation(); } //1. Start map edit session ICadastralMapEdit pCadMapEdit = (ICadastralMapEdit)pCadEd; pCadMapEdit.StartMapEdit(esriMapEditType.esriMEParcelSelection, "Merge Parcel", false); //2. Get job packet ICadastralPacket pCadaPacket = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket; //3. Create Plan (new) string sPlanName = "My New Plan"; //first check to ensure plan is not already in the database. IGSPlan pGSPlan = FindFabricPlanByName(sPlanName, pCadEd); ICadastralPlan pCadaPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadaPacket; if (pGSPlan == null) { //if plan is null, it was not found and can be created pGSPlan = new GSPlanClass(); // 3.a set values pGSPlan.Accuracy = 4; pGSPlan.Name = sPlanName; pGSPlan.DirectionFormat = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing; pGSPlan.AngleUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds; pGSPlan.AreaUnits = esriCadastralAreaUnits.esriCAUAcre; pGSPlan.Description = "My Test Plan for Merge"; pGSPlan.DistanceUnits = esriCadastralDistanceUnits.esriCDUFoot; } //3.b Add the plan to the job packet pCadaPlan.AddPlan(pGSPlan); ICadastralPoints pCadaPoints = (ICadastralPoints)pCadaPacket; IConstructParcelFunctions3 constrParcelFunctions = new ParcelFunctions() as IConstructParcelFunctions3; IEnumGSParcels selectedParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels; //get selected parcels AFTER calling ::StartMapEdit to get the in-mem packet representation. IGSParcel gsParcel = constrParcelFunctions.MergeParcels(pGSPlan, pCadaPoints, selectedParcels, pCadaPacket); gsParcel.Type = 7; //7 = Tax parcel in the Local Government Information Model gsParcel.Lot = "My Merged Tax Parcel"; ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)pParcEditorMan; //Make sure that any extended attributes on the new merged parcel have their default values set IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)gsParcel; pCadaObjSetup.AddExtendedAttributes(pGSAttributes); pCadaObjSetup.SetDefaultValues(pGSAttributes); ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel = (ICadastralParcel)pCadaPacket; pCadaParcel.AddParcel(gsParcel); //set the original parcels to historic selectedParcels.Reset(); IGSParcel selParcel = selectedParcels.Next(); while (selParcel != null) { selParcel.Historical = true; //set SystemEndDate pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)selParcel; if (pGSAttributes != null) { pGSAttributes.SetProperty("systemenddate", DateTime.Now); } selParcel = selectedParcels.Next(); } try { pCadMapEdit.StopMapEdit(true); } catch { if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.AbortOperation(); } return; } if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen) { pEd.StopOperation("Merge Parcel"); } pCadPacketMan.PartialRefresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { pEd.AbortOperation(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void RunManualRules() { ICursor cursor = null; IFeatureCursor fCursor = null; bool ran = false; try { //Get list of editable layers IEditor editor = _editor; IEditLayers eLayers = (IEditLayers)editor; long lastOID = -1; string lastLay = ""; if (_editor.EditState != esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { return; } IMap map = editor.Map; IActiveView activeView = map as IActiveView; IStandaloneTable stTable; ITableSelection tableSel; IStandaloneTableCollection stTableColl = (IStandaloneTableCollection)map; long rowCount = stTableColl.StandaloneTableCount; long rowSelCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stTableColl.StandaloneTableCount; i++) { stTable = stTableColl.get_StandaloneTable(i); tableSel = (ITableSelection)stTable; if (tableSel.SelectionSet != null) { rowSelCount = rowSelCount + tableSel.SelectionSet.Count; } } long featCount = map.SelectionCount; int totalCount = (Convert.ToInt32(rowSelCount) + Convert.ToInt32(featCount)); if (totalCount >= 1) { editor.StartOperation(); if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to apply attribute assistant manual rules for the selected " + totalCount + " rows and features?", "Confirm", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { ran = true; //bool test = false; //Get list of feature layers UID geoFeatureLayerID = new UIDClass(); geoFeatureLayerID.Value = "{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E}"; IEnumLayer enumLayer = map.get_Layers(((ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID)geoFeatureLayerID), true); IFeatureLayer fLayer; IFeatureSelection fSel; ILayer layer; // Step through each geofeature layer in the map enumLayer.Reset(); // Create an edit operation enabling undo/redo try { while ((layer = enumLayer.Next()) != null) { // Verify that this is a valid, visible layer and that this layer is editable fLayer = (IFeatureLayer)layer; if (fLayer.Valid && eLayers.IsEditable(fLayer))//fLayer.Visible && { // Verify that this layer has selected features IFeatureClass fc = fLayer.FeatureClass; fSel = (IFeatureSelection)fLayer; if ((fc != null) && (fSel.SelectionSet.Count > 0)) { // test = true; fSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, false, out cursor); fCursor = cursor as IFeatureCursor; IFeature feat; while ((feat = (IFeature)fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { lastLay = fLayer.Name; lastOID = feat.OID; IObject pObj = feat as IObject; AAState.FeatureManual(pObj); feat.Store(); } if (feat != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(feat); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { editor.AbortOperation(); ran = false; MessageBox.Show("RunManualRules\n" + ex.Message + " \n" + lastLay + ": " + lastOID, ex.Source); return; } finally { //try //{ // // Stop the edit operation // editor.StopOperation("Run Manual Rules - Features"); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ } } try { for (int i = 0; i < stTableColl.StandaloneTableCount; i++) { stTable = stTableColl.get_StandaloneTable(i); tableSel = (ITableSelection)stTable; if (tableSel.SelectionSet != null) { if (tableSel.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { tableSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, false, out cursor); IRow pRow; while ((pRow = (IRow)cursor.NextRow()) != null) { lastOID = pRow.OID; lastLay = stTable.Name; IObject pObj = pRow as IObject; AAState.FeatureManual(pObj); pRow.Store(); } if (pRow != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRow); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { editor.AbortOperation(); MessageBox.Show("RunManualRules\n" + ex.Message + " \n" + lastLay + ": " + lastOID, ex.Source); ran = false; return; } finally { //try //{ // Stop the edit operation // editor.StopOperation("Run Manual Rules - Features"); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ } } try { editor.StopOperation("Run Manual Rules - Features"); } catch { } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select some features or rows to run this process."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " \n" + "RunManualRules", ex.Source); ran = false; return; } finally { if (ran) { MessageBox.Show("Process has completed successfully"); } if (cursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); } if (fCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); } } }