public DataSet GetDataSet(string storedProcName, List <DbParameter> inputParameters, ServerTypes serverType)
            // checks for stored procedure name
            // if not specified then throw exception
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storedProcName))
                throw new MissingMemberException("Stored procedure name not specified.");

            // create instance of data access factory
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // create connection object for database access.
            string         connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(serverType);
            IDbConnection  connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);
            IDbTransaction transaction      = null;
            DataSet        result           = new DataSet();

                transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                // create custom accessor instance
                ICustomDataAccessor customAccessor = factory.CreateCustomAccessor <ICustomDataAccessor>(transaction);

                result = customAccessor.GetDataSet(storedProcName, inputParameters);
                transaction = null;
            catch (SqlException sx)
                if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.DATA_MISMATCH_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new DataMismatchException(sx.Message, sx);
                    throw sx;
                // if transaction exits then rollback transaction
                if (transaction != null)

                // close connection if it is open
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Generic data retrieval method for datasets, It fill result to typed dataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Typed dataset that should implement IDataSet interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="typedDataSet">
        ///     Typed dataset instance, stored procedure name property
        ///     of this instance should have valid data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A typed dataset instance, filled with query execution result.
        /// </returns>
        public T GetDataSet <T>(T typedDataSet) where T : DataSet, IDataSet
            // checks for stored procedure name in given dataset,
            // if not specified then throw exception
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typedDataSet.StoredProcedureName))
                throw new MissingMemberException("Stored procedure name not specified in given dataset instance");

            // create instance of data access factory
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // create connection object for database access.
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(typedDataSet.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);


                // create custom accessor instance
                ICustomDataAccessor customAccessor = factory.CreateCustomAccessor <ICustomDataAccessor>(connection);

                // call generic get method.
                typedDataSet = customAccessor.GetDataSet <T>(typedDataSet);
                // close connection if it is open
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Save data in the data set in persistent storage, it use table valued
        ///     data type functionality SQL Server 2008.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Typed dataset that should implement IDataSet interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="typedDataSet">
        ///     Typed dataset instance, stored procedure name property
        ///     of this instance should have valid data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Returns number of rows affected
        /// </returns>
        public T InsertSelectSQLTableType <T>(T typedDataSet, T outputTypedDataSet) where T : DataSet, IDataSet, ISQLTableType
            // checks for stored procedure name in given dataset,
            // if not specified then throw exception
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typedDataSet.StoredProcedureName))
                throw new MissingMemberException("Stored procedure name not specified in given dataset instance");

            // create instance of data access factory
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // create connection object for database access.
            string         connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(typedDataSet.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection  connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);
            IDbTransaction transaction      = null;

                transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                // create custom accessor instance
                ICustomDataAccessor customAccessor = factory.CreateCustomAccessor <ICustomDataAccessor>(transaction);

                // call generic get method.
                outputTypedDataSet = customAccessor.InsertSelectSQLTableType <T>(typedDataSet, outputTypedDataSet);
                transaction = null;
            catch (SqlException sx)
                if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.TIMESTAMP_MISMATCH_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new TimeStampMismatchException(sx.Message, sx);
                else if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.HAZMAT_PACKET_NOT_RECEIVED_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new CarrierPacketNotAvailableException(sx.Message, sx);
                else if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.CARRIER_CODE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new CarrierCodeAlreadyExistException(sx.Message, sx);
                else if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.CARRIER_INSURANCE_EXPIRED_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new CarrierInsuranceExpiredException(sx.Message, sx);
                    throw sx;
                // if transaction exits then rollback transaction
                if (transaction != null)

                // close connection if it is open
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
