bool TryDecodePacket(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer buffer, out Packet packet) { if (!buffer.IsReadable(2)) { packet = null; return(false); } byte signature = buffer.ReadByte(); if (!TryDecodeRemainingLength(buffer, out int remainingLength) || !buffer.IsReadable(remainingLength)) { packet = null; return(false); } packet = DecodePacketInternal(buffer, signature, ref remainingLength); if (remainingLength > 0) { throw new DecoderException($"Declared remaining length is bigger than packet data size by {remainingLength}."); } return(true); }
bool TryDecodePacket(IByteBuffer buffer, IChannelHandlerContext context, out Packet packet) { if (!buffer.IsReadable(2)) // packet consists of at least 2 bytes { packet = null; return(false); } int signature = buffer.ReadByte(); if (!TryDecodeRemainingLength(buffer, out var remainingLength) || !buffer.IsReadable(remainingLength)) { packet = null; return(false); } packet = DecodePacketInternal(buffer, signature, ref remainingLength, context); if (remainingLength > 0) { ThrowHelper.ThrowDecoderException_DeclaredRemainingLen(remainingLength); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Decodes a game packet from the client. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { while (input.ReadableBytes > 0 && input.IsReadable()) { switch (State) { case PacketDecoderState.PACKET_ID: id = (input.ReadByte() /* - isaac.val()*/) & 0xff; if (id >= PacketConstants.PACKET_SIZES.Length || id < 0) { break; } Checkpoint(PacketDecoderState.PACKET_SIZE); break; case PacketDecoderState.PACKET_SIZE: size = PacketConstants.PACKET_SIZES[id]; if (size < 0) { switch (size) { case -1: if (input.IsReadable()) { size = input.ReadByte() & 0xff; } break; case -2: if (input.ReadableBytes >= 2) { size = input.ReadUnsignedShort(); } break; default: size = input.ReadableBytes; break; } } Checkpoint(PacketDecoderState.PACKET_PAYLOAD); break; case PacketDecoderState.PACKET_PAYLOAD: if (input.ReadableBytes >= size) { if (size < 0) { return; } byte[] payload = new byte[size]; input.ReadBytes(payload, 0, size); output.Add(new GamePacketRequest(player, id, Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(payload))); } Checkpoint(PacketDecoderState.PACKET_ID); break; } } }
bool TryDecodePacket(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer buffer, out Packet packet) { if (!buffer.IsReadable(2)) { packet = null; return(false); } byte signature = buffer.ReadByte(); if (!TryDecodeRemainingLength(buffer, out int remainingLength) || !buffer.IsReadable(remainingLength)) { packet = null; return(false); } var fixedHeader = new FixedHeader(signature, remainingLength); switch (fixedHeader.PacketType) { case PacketType.CONNECT: packet = new ConnectPacket(); break; case PacketType.CONNACK: packet = new ConnAckPacket(); break; case PacketType.DISCONNECT: packet = new DisconnectPacket(); break; case PacketType.PINGREQ: packet = new PingReqPacket(); break; case PacketType.PINGRESP: packet = new PingRespPacket(); break; case PacketType.PUBACK: packet = new PubAckPacket(); break; case PacketType.PUBCOMP: packet = new PubCompPacket(); break; case PacketType.PUBLISH: packet = new PublishPacket(); break; case PacketType.PUBREC: packet = new PubRecPacket(); break; case PacketType.PUBREL: packet = new PubRelPacket(); break; case PacketType.SUBSCRIBE: packet = new SubscribePacket(); break; case PacketType.SUBACK: packet = new SubAckPacket(); break; case PacketType.UNSUBSCRIBE: packet = new UnsubscribePacket(); break; case PacketType.UNSUBACK: packet = new UnsubscribePacket(); break; default: throw new DecoderException("Unsupported Message Type"); } packet.FixedHeader = fixedHeader; packet.Decode(buffer); return(true); }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { if (input.ReadableBytes > 0 && input.IsReadable()) { input.MarkReaderIndex(); int opcode = input.ReadByte(); Log.Logger.Debug("File Request: Opcode: {0}", opcode); if (opcode is 0 or 1) { if (input.ReadableBytes < 3) { input.ResetReaderIndex(); return; } int index = input.ReadByte(); int file = input.ReadUnsignedShort(); bool priority = opcode == 1; Log.Logger.Debug("File Request: Index: {0}, File: {1} Priority: {2}", index, file, priority); _ = context.Channel.WriteAndFlushAsync(new JS5Request(index, file, priority, _encryptionKey)); } else if (opcode is 2 or 3 or 6) { input.SkipBytes(3); }
/// <exception cref="MalformedMessageException">Exception is thrown in case of invalid packet length</exception> private static LengthDetails DecodeLength(IByteBuffer buf) { Int32 length = 0, multiplier = 1; Int32 bytesUsed = 0; Byte enc = 0; do { if (multiplier > 128 * 128 * 128) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Encoded length exceeds maximum of 268435455 bytes"); } if (!buf.IsReadable()) { return(new LengthDetails(0, 0)); } enc = buf.ReadByte(); length += (enc & 0x7f) * multiplier; multiplier *= 128; bytesUsed++; }while ((enc & 0x80) != 0); return(new LengthDetails(length, bytesUsed)); }
private bool TryDecodePacket(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer buffer, out Packet packet) { if (!buffer.IsReadable(2)) { packet = default; return(false); } FixedHeader fixedHeader = default; fixedHeader.Decode(buffer); packet = fixedHeader.PacketType switch { PacketType.CONNECT => new ConnectPacket(), PacketType.CONNACK => new ConnAckPacket(), PacketType.DISCONNECT => new DisconnectPacket(), PacketType.PINGREQ => new PingReqPacket(), PacketType.PINGRESP => new PingRespPacket(), PacketType.PUBACK => new PubAckPacket(), PacketType.PUBCOMP => new PubCompPacket(), PacketType.PUBLISH => new PublishPacket(), PacketType.PUBREC => new PubRecPacket(), PacketType.PUBREL => new PubRelPacket(), PacketType.SUBSCRIBE => new SubscribePacket(), PacketType.SUBACK => new SubAckPacket(), PacketType.UNSUBSCRIBE => new UnsubscribePacket(), PacketType.UNSUBACK => new UnsubscribePacket(), _ => throw new DecoderException("Unsupported Message Type"), }; packet.FixedHeader = fixedHeader; packet.Decode(buffer); return(true); }
public IByteBuffer Cumulate(IByteBufferAllocator alloc, IByteBuffer cumulation, IByteBuffer input) { if (!cumulation.IsReadable() && input.IsContiguous) { // If cumulation is empty and input buffer is contiguous, use it directly _ = cumulation.Release(); return(input); } try { int required = input.ReadableBytes; if (required > cumulation.MaxWritableBytes || (required > cumulation.MaxFastWritableBytes && cumulation.ReferenceCount > 1) || cumulation.IsReadOnly) { // Expand cumulation (by replacing it) under the following conditions: // - cumulation cannot be resized to accommodate the additional data // - cumulation can be expanded with a reallocation operation to accommodate but the buffer is // assumed to be shared (e.g. refCnt() > 1) and the reallocation may not be safe. return(ExpandCumulation(alloc, cumulation, input)); } _ = cumulation.WriteBytes(input, input.ReaderIndex, required); _ = input.SetReaderIndex(input.WriterIndex); return(cumulation); } finally { // We must release in in all cases as otherwise it may produce a leak if writeBytes(...) throw // for whatever release (for example because of OutOfMemoryError) _ = input.Release(); } }
/// <summary> /// Decodes the handshake. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { if (!input.IsReadable()) { return; } HandshakeType type = Handshake.GetHandshakeType(input.ReadByte()); if (type == HandshakeType.NONE) { return; } switch (type) { case HandshakeType.UPDATE_CONNECTION: int version = input.ReadInt(); output.Add(new HandshakeRequest(version)); break; case HandshakeType.LOGIN_CONNECTION: context.Channel.WriteAndFlushAsync(new HandshakeResponse(type, ConnectionMessage.SUCCESSFUL)); break; } }
static void EncodePublishMessage(DataWriter writer, PublishPacket packet) { IByteBuffer payload = packet.Payload ?? Unpooled.Empty; string topicName = packet.TopicName; // Util.ValidateTopicName(topicName); byte[] topicNameBytes = EncodeStringInUtf8(topicName); int variableHeaderBufferSize = STRING_SIZE_LENGTH + topicNameBytes.Length + (packet.QualityOfService > QualityOfService.AtMostOnce ? PACKET_ID_LENGTH : 0); int payloadBufferSize = payload.ReadableBytes; int variablePartSize = variableHeaderBufferSize + payloadBufferSize; writer.WriteByte(CalculateFirstByteOfFixedHeader(packet)); WriteVariableLengthInt(writer, variablePartSize); writer.WriteInt16((short)topicNameBytes.Length); writer.WriteBytes(topicNameBytes); if (packet.QualityOfService > QualityOfService.AtMostOnce) { writer.WriteInt16((short)packet.PacketId); } if (payload.IsReadable()) { var payloadBytes = new byte[payload.ReadableBytes]; payload.ReadBytes(payloadBytes); writer.WriteBytes(payloadBytes); } }
public static bool TryReadVarInt32(this IByteBuffer buffer, out int result) { buffer.MarkReaderIndex(); var numBytes = (byte)0; result = 0; byte read; do { if (!buffer.IsReadable()) { buffer.ResetReaderIndex(); return(false); } read = buffer.ReadByte(); var value = read & VarIntContentMask; result |= value << (VarIntContentBytesCount * numBytes); numBytes++; if (numBytes <= VarInt32MaxBytes) { continue; } buffer.ResetReaderIndex(); return(false); } while ((read & VarIntIndexMask) != 0); return(true); }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, IByteBuffer buffer, List <object> output) { if (!buffer.IsReadable()) { return; } var id = buffer.ReadByte(); var handshakeType = (HandshakeType)id; _logger.Debug("Incoming Handshake Decoder Opcode: {0} Type: {1}", id, handshakeType); switch (handshakeType) { case HandshakeType.ServiceGame: ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddLast(nameof(LoginEncoder), _loginEncoder); ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddAfter(nameof(LoginEncoder), nameof(LoginDecoder), _loginDecoder); break; //case HandshakeType.SERVICE_UPDATE: // ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddFirst("updateEncoder", new UpdateEncoder()); // ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddBefore("handler", "updateDecoder", new UpdateDecoder()); // var buf = ctx.Allocator.Buffer(8).WriteLong(0); // ctx.Channel.WriteAndFlushAsync(buf); // break; default: _logger.Information("Unexpected handshake request received: {0}", id); return; } ctx.Channel.Pipeline.Remove(this); output.Add(handshakeType); }
/// <summary> /// Decodes a file update. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { if (!input.IsReadable() || input.ReadableBytes < 4) { return; } UpdateType type = Update.GetUpdateType(input.ReadByte() & 0xff); if (type == UpdateType.NONE) { input.SkipBytes(3); return; } switch (type) { case UpdateType.LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATE: case UpdateType.HIGH_PRIORITY_UPDATE: int index = input.ReadByte() & 0xff; int archive = input.ReadUnsignedShort(); output.Add(new UpdateRequest(index, archive, type == UpdateType.HIGH_PRIORITY_UPDATE)); break; case UpdateType.ENCRYPTION_UPDATE: input.SkipBytes(3); break; } }
public IMessage CreateMessage(string address, IByteBuffer payload) { var message = new IotHubClientMessage(new Message(payload.IsReadable() ? new ReadOnlyByteBufferStream(payload, false) : null), payload); message.Address = address; return(message); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> public override void ChannelRead(IChannelHandlerContext context, object message) { IByteBuffer buffer = message as IByteBuffer; try { if (buffer.IsReadable()) { var fun = buffer.ReadByte(); if (DataArrived != null) { var vdd = DataArrived(context, fun, buffer); if (vdd != null && vdd.ReferenceCount > 0) { Write(context, vdd); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerService.Service.Warn("Socket Service", ex.Message); } base.ChannelRead(context, message); }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { while (input.IsReadable()) { output.Add(decoder.DecodeRequest(input)); } }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, IByteBuffer buffer, List <object> output) { if (!buffer.IsReadable()) { return; } var id = buffer.ReadByte(); var handshakeType = (HandshakeType)id; _logger.Debug("Incoming Handshake Decoder Opcode: {0} Type: {1}", id, handshakeType); switch (handshakeType) { case HandshakeType.ServiceGame: ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddLast(nameof(LoginEncoder), _loginEncoder); ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddAfter(nameof(LoginEncoder), nameof(LoginDecoder), _loginDecoder); break; case HandshakeType.ServiceUpdate: int version = buffer.ReadInt(); ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddLast(nameof(JS5Decoder), _jS5Decoder); ctx.Channel.Pipeline.AddLast(nameof(JS5Encoder), _jS5Encoder); //Really should do version checking _ = ctx.Channel.WriteAndFlushAsync(ctx.Allocator.Buffer(1).WriteByte((int)FourSevenFourLoginStatus.StatusExchangeData)); break; default: _logger.Information("Unexpected handshake request received: {0}", id); return; } ctx.Channel.Pipeline.Remove(this); output.Add(handshakeType); }
static void EncodePublishMessage(IByteBufferAllocator bufferAllocator, PublishPacket packet, List <object> output) { IByteBuffer payload = packet.Payload ?? Unpooled.Empty; string topicName = packet.TopicName; Util.ValidateTopicName(topicName); byte[] topicNameBytes = EncodeStringInUtf8(topicName); int variableHeaderBufferSize = StringSizeLength + topicNameBytes.Length + (packet.QualityOfService > QualityOfService.AtMostOnce ? PacketIdLength : 0); int payloadBufferSize = payload.ReadableBytes; int variablePartSize = variableHeaderBufferSize + payloadBufferSize; int fixedHeaderBufferSize = 1 + MaxVariableLength; IByteBuffer buf = bufferAllocator.Buffer(fixedHeaderBufferSize + variablePartSize); buf.WriteByte(CalculateFirstByteOfFixedHeader(packet)); WriteVariableLengthInt(buf, variablePartSize); buf.WriteShort(topicNameBytes.Length); buf.WriteBytes(topicNameBytes); if (packet.QualityOfService > QualityOfService.AtMostOnce) { buf.WriteShort(packet.PacketId); } output.Add(buf); if (payload.IsReadable()) { output.Add(payload.Retain()); } }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { // pass bytes to SslStream through input -> trigger HandleSslStreamRead. After this call sslStreamReadBuffer may or may not have bytes to read this.mediationStream.AcceptBytes(input); if (!this.EnsureAuthenticated()) { return; } IByteBuffer readBuffer = this.sslStreamReadBuffer; if (readBuffer == null) { this.sslStreamReadBuffer = readBuffer = context.Channel.Allocator.Buffer(ReadBufferSize); this.ScheduleSslStreamRead(); } if (readBuffer.IsReadable()) { // SslStream parsed at least one full frame and completed read request // Pass the buffer to a next handler in pipeline output.Add(readBuffer); this.sslStreamReadBuffer = null; } }
public void WrapSingleMedium() { IByteBuffer buffer = CopyMedium(42); Assert.Equal(3, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadMedium()); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); }
public void WrapSingleInt() { IByteBuffer buffer = CopyInt(42); //Assert.Equal(4, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadInt()); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); }
public static byte SafeReadByte(this IByteBuffer byteBuffer) { if (byteBuffer.IsReadable()) { return(byteBuffer.ReadByte()); } return(byte.MinValue); }
public void WrapSingleShort() { IByteBuffer buffer = CopyShort(42); Assert.Equal(2, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadShort()); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); }
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { if (!input.IsReadable()) { return; } var bytes = new byte[input.ReadableBytes]; input.ReadBytes(bytes); var type = bytes[0]; switch (type) { case 43: output.Add(new Debug(bytes)); break; case 65: output.Add(new LoginAccepted(bytes)); break; case 74: output.Add(new LoginRejected(bytes)); break; case 83: output.Add(new SequencedData(bytes, true)); break; case 72: output.Add(new ServerHeartbeat(bytes)); break; case 90: output.Add(new EndOfSession(bytes)); break; case 76: output.Add(new LoginRequest(bytes)); break; case 85: output.Add(new UnsequencedData(bytes, true)); break; case 82: output.Add(new ClientHeartbeat(bytes)); break; case 79: output.Add(new LogoutRequest(bytes)); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Is called one last time when the <see cref="IChannelHandlerContext"/> goes in-active. Which means the /// <see cref="ChannelInactive(IChannelHandlerContext)"/> was triggered. /// /// By default this will just call <see cref="Decode(IChannelHandlerContext, IByteBuffer, List{object})"/> but sub-classes may /// override this for some special cleanup operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> protected virtual void DecodeLast(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { if (input.IsReadable()) { // Only call decode() if there is something left in the buffer to decode. // See Decode(context, input, output); } }
protected virtual void CallDecode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { Contract.Requires(context != null); Contract.Requires(input != null); Contract.Requires(output != null); try { while (input.IsReadable()) { int initialOutputCount = output.Count; int oldInputLength = input.ReadableBytes; this.Decode(context, input, output); // Check if this handler was removed before continuing the loop. // If it was removed, it is not safe to continue to operate on the buffer. // // See if (context.Removed) { break; } if (initialOutputCount == output.Count) { // no outgoing messages have been produced if (oldInputLength == input.ReadableBytes) { break; } else { continue; } } if (oldInputLength == input.ReadableBytes) { throw new DecoderException($"{this.GetType().Name}.Decode() did not read anything but decoded a message."); } if (this.SingleDecode) { break; } } } catch (DecoderException) { throw; } catch (Exception cause) { throw new DecoderException(cause); } }
public void WrapSingleDouble() { IEqualityComparer <double> comparer = new ApproximateComparer(0.01); IByteBuffer buffer = CopyDouble(42); Assert.Equal(8, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadDouble(), comparer); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); }
public void WrapSingleFloat() { IEqualityComparer <float> comparer = new ApproximateComparer(0.01); IByteBuffer buffer = CopyFloat(42); Assert.Equal(4, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadFloat(), comparer); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); }
public void WrapSingleLong() { IByteBuffer buffer = CopyLong(42); Assert.Equal(8, buffer.Capacity); Assert.Equal(42, buffer.ReadLong()); Assert.False(buffer.IsReadable()); buffer.Release(); }
protected override void DecodeLast(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List <object> output) { base.DecodeLast(context, input, output); if (SharedConstants.False < (uint)Volatile.Read(ref _resetRequested)) { // If a reset was requested by decodeLast() we need to do it now otherwise we may produce a // LastHttpContent while there was already one. ResetNow(); } // Handle the last unfinished message. if (_message is object) { bool chunked = HttpUtil.IsTransferEncodingChunked(_message); if (_currentState == State.ReadVariableLengthContent && !input.IsReadable() && !chunked) { // End of connection. output.Add(EmptyLastHttpContent.Default); ResetNow(); return; } if (_currentState == State.ReadHeader) { // If we are still in the state of reading headers we need to create a new invalid message that // signals that the connection was closed before we received the headers. output.Add(InvalidMessage(Unpooled.Empty, new PrematureChannelClosureException("Connection closed before received headers"))); ResetNow(); return; } // Check if the closure of the connection signifies the end of the content. bool prematureClosure; if (IsDecodingRequest() || chunked) { // The last request did not wait for a response. prematureClosure = true; } else { // Compare the length of the received content and the 'Content-Length' header. // If the 'Content-Length' header is absent, the length of the content is determined by the end of the // connection, so it is perfectly fine. prematureClosure = ContentLength() > 0; } if (!prematureClosure) { output.Add(EmptyLastHttpContent.Default); } ResetNow(); } }
void HandleReadException(IChannelPipeline pipeline, IByteBuffer byteBuf, Exception cause, bool close) { if (byteBuf != null) { if (byteBuf.IsReadable()) { this.Channel.ReadPending = false; pipeline.FireChannelRead(byteBuf); } else { byteBuf.Release(); } } pipeline.FireChannelReadComplete(); pipeline.FireExceptionCaught(cause); if (close || cause is SocketException) { this.CloseOnRead(); } }
protected virtual void CallDecode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List<object> output) { try { while (input.IsReadable()) { int initialOutputCount = output.Count; int oldInputLength = input.ReadableBytes; this.Decode(context, input, output); // Check if this handler was removed before continuing the loop. // If it was removed, it is not safe to continue to operate on the buffer. // // See if (context.Removed) { break; } if (initialOutputCount == output.Count) { // no outgoing messages have been produced if (oldInputLength == input.ReadableBytes) { break; } else { continue; } } if (oldInputLength == input.ReadableBytes) { throw new DecoderException(string.Format("{0}.Decode() did not read anything but decoded a message.", this.GetType().Name)); } if (this.SingleDecode) { break; } } } catch (DecoderException) { throw; } catch (Exception cause) { throw new DecoderException(cause); } }
public bool Equals(IByteBuffer buffer) => buffer != null && !buffer.IsReadable();
/// <summary> /// Skips the null bytes. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if successful, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> private static bool SkipNullBytes(IByteBuffer input) { while (input.IsReadable()) { if (input.GetByte(input.ReaderIndex) != 0xFF) return true; input.SkipBytes(1); } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Decodes the byte buffer and builds QuickBlockTransfer packets. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The handler context.</param> /// <param name="input">The input byte buffer from the socket.</param> /// <param name="output">The output packets.</param> protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List<object> output) { switch (State) { case DecoderState.ReSync: if (!input.IsReadable(QuickBlockV1BodySize + FrameSyncBytes)) break; PerformanceCounters.FrameSyncTotal.Increment(); if (!SynchronizeFrame(input)) break; State = DecoderState.StartFrame; goto case DecoderState.StartFrame; case DecoderState.StartFrame: if (!SkipNullBytes(input)) break; State = DecoderState.FrameType; goto case DecoderState.FrameType; case DecoderState.FrameType: if (!input.IsReadable(QuickBlockHeaderSize)) break; if (IsDataBlockHeader(input)) { State = DecoderState.BlockHeader; goto case DecoderState.BlockHeader; } if (IsServerList(input)) { PerformanceCounters.ServerListReceivedTotal.Increment(); State = DecoderState.ServerList; goto case DecoderState.ServerList; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown frame type"); case DecoderState.ServerList: var content = ReadString(input); if (content.Length == 0) break; context.FireUserEventTriggered(ParseServerList(content)); State = DecoderState.StartFrame; goto case DecoderState.StartFrame; case DecoderState.BlockHeader: Packet = ParsePacketHeader(input); PerformanceCounters.BlocksReceivedTotal.Increment(); if (Packet.Version == 2) PerformanceCounters.CompressedBlocksReceivedTotal.Increment(); State = DecoderState.BlockBody; goto case DecoderState.BlockBody; case DecoderState.BlockBody: if (!input.IsReadable(Packet.Length)) break; Packet.Content = ReadPacketBody(input, Packet.Length, Packet.Version); PerformanceCounters.BlocksProcessedPerSecond.Increment(); State = DecoderState.Validate; goto case DecoderState.Validate; case DecoderState.Validate: if (Packet.TotalBlocks <= 0 || Packet.BlockNumber <= 0) { PerformanceCounters.ChecksumErrorsTotal.Increment(); throw new InvalidDataException("Header block values out of range. " + Packet); } if (VerifyChecksum(Packet.Content, Packet.Checksum)) { ByteBlasterEventSource.Log.PacketCreated(Packet.ToString()); context.FireUserEventTriggered(Packet); } else { PerformanceCounters.ChecksumErrorsTotal.Increment(); throw new InvalidDataException("Block Checksum failed. " + Packet); } State = DecoderState.StartFrame; goto case DecoderState.StartFrame; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown Decoder State: " + State); } }
/// <summary> /// Synchronizes the frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if successful, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> private static bool SynchronizeFrame(IByteBuffer input) { var count = 0; while (input.IsReadable()) { count = (input.ReadByte() == 0xFF) ? count + 1 : 0; if (count >= FrameSyncBytes) return true; } ByteBlasterEventSource.Log.SynchronizationWarning(count); return false; }
static void ValidateDelimiter(IByteBuffer delimiter) { if (delimiter == null) throw new NullReferenceException("delimiter"); if (!delimiter.IsReadable()) throw new ArgumentException("empty delimiter"); }
public IMessage CreateMessage(string address, IByteBuffer payload) { var message = new IotHubClientMessage(new Message(payload.IsReadable() ? new ReadOnlyByteBufferStream(payload, false) : null), payload); message.Address = address; return message; }
public IMessage CreateMessage(string address, IByteBuffer payload) => new IotHubClientMessage(address, new Message(payload.IsReadable() ? new ReadOnlyByteBufferStream(payload, true) : null));
public int CompareTo(IByteBuffer buffer) => buffer.IsReadable() ? -1 : 0;