public override void Start() { base.Start(); woodpecker = FindObjectOfType <Woodpecker>(); hummingbird = FindObjectOfType <Hummingbird>(); penguin = FindObjectOfType <Penguin>(); }
public override void perform(Controller c) { Hummingbird bird = State.cast <Hummingbird> (c); PatrolNode n = bird.getPatrolTarget(); bird.facePoint(n.transform.position, bird.getTurnSpeed() * Time.deltaTime); }
public HSeed(Controller c) : base(c) { Hummingbird h = State.cast <Hummingbird>(c); currentNode = h.patrolStart; defaultState = h.defaultState; pursuitTarget = h.pursuitTarget; }
public override bool check(Controller c) { Hummingbird bird = State.cast <Hummingbird> (c); PatrolNode p = bird.getPatrolTarget(); return(Vector3.Angle(bird.transform.position - p.transform.position, -bird.transform.up) < tolerance); }
public override bool check(Controller c) { Hummingbird bird = State.cast <Hummingbird> (c); RaycastHit2D[] hits; hits = Physics2D.CircleCastAll(c.transform.position, bird.getSightRange(),, 0f, bird.getTargetMask()); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { Entity e = hits [i].collider.GetComponent <Entity> (); if (e != null && e.getFaction() == Entity.Faction.player) { Vector3 dir = (hits [i].collider.transform.position + (Vector3)hits [i].collider.offset) - c.transform.position; if (Vector3.Angle(dir, c.transform.up) < bird.getFOV() / 2f) { RaycastHit2D wallCheck; float dist = Vector2.Distance(c.transform.position, hits [i].collider.transform.position + (Vector3)hits [i].collider.offset); bool saveQHT = Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers; Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers = false; wallCheck = Physics2D.Raycast(c.transform.position, dir, dist, bird.getObstMask()); Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers = saveQHT; if (wallCheck.collider == null || wallCheck.collider.isTrigger) { bird.setPursuitTarget(hits [i].collider.transform); bird.setInPursuit(true); return(true); } } Vector3 centerDir = hits [i].collider.transform.position - c.transform.position; if (Vector3.Angle(centerDir, c.transform.up) < bird.getFOV() / 2f) { RaycastHit2D wallCheck; float dist = Vector2.Distance(c.transform.position, hits [i].collider.transform.position); bool saveQHT = Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers; Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers = false; wallCheck = Physics2D.Raycast(c.transform.position, centerDir, dist, bird.getObstMask()); Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers = saveQHT; if (wallCheck.collider == null || wallCheck.collider.isTrigger) { bird.setPursuitTarget(hits [i].collider.transform); bird.setInPursuit(true); return(true); } } } } bird.setInPursuit(false); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the zoo class and configures it as the Como Zoo. /// </summary> private void CreateComoZoo() { // Create an instance of the Zoo class. this.comoZoo = new Zoo("Como Zoo", 1000, 4, 0.75m, 15.00m, 3640.25m, new Employee("Sam", 42), new Employee("Flora", 98), 3); // Add money to the animal snack machine. this.comoZoo.AnimalSnackMachine.AddMoney(42.75m); // Define an animal variable. Animal animal; // Create Dolly. animal = new Dingo("Dolly", 4, 35.3); // Make Dolly pregnant. animal.MakePregnant(); // Add Dolly to the zoo's animal list. this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create Dixie. animal = new Dingo("Dixie", 3, 33.8); // Make Dixie pregnant. animal.MakePregnant(); // Add Dixie to the zoo's animal list. this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create Patty. animal = new Platypus("Patty", 2, 15.5); // Make Patty pregnant. animal.MakePregnant(); // Add Patty to the zoo's animal list. this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create Harold. animal = new Hummingbird("Harold", 1, 0.5); // Add Harold to the zoo's animal list. this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a guest. Guest guest = new Guest("Greg", 44, 150.35m, "Brown"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); // Create a guest. guest = new Guest("Darla", 11, 25.25m, "Salmon"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); }
/// <summary> /// The button that births an aniaml. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void birthAnimalButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Create a new bird. Animal bird = new Hummingbird("Jeffery", 23, 23, Gender.Male); // Make the bird pregnant. Then reprodudce. Lay egg. bird.MakePregnant(); IReproducer baby = bird.Reproduce(); // Create a new dingo, and make the dingo reproduce. Animal dude = new Dingo("jim", 32, 23, Gender.Male); IReproducer babyTwo = dude.Reproduce(); }
public override void perform(Controller c) { Hummingbird bird = State.cast <Hummingbird> (c); source = c.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); c.facePoint(bird.getPursuitTarget().position, bird.getTurnSpeed() * Time.deltaTime); float moveDist = c.getSelf().getMovespeed() * Time.deltaTime; c.transform.Translate( (bird.getPursuitTarget().position - c.transform.position).normalized * moveDist, Space.World); if (Vector3.Distance(c.transform.position, bird.getPursuitTarget().position) < killDistance) { bird.getPursuitTarget().GetComponent <Entity>().onDeath(); if (source != null) { source.PlayOneShot(AudioLibrary.inst.hummingBirdAttacking); } } }
public HasUnconvertableConstuctorParameter(Hummingbird hummingbird) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the zoo class and configures it as the Como Zoo. /// </summary> private void CreateComoZoo() { // Create an instance of the Zoo class. this.comoZoo = new Zoo("Como Zoo", 1000, 4, 0.75m, 15.00m, 3640.25m, new Employee("Sam", 42), new Employee("Flora", 98), 3); // Add money to the animal snack machine. this.comoZoo.AnimalSnackMachine.AddMoney(42.75m); // Define an animal variable. Animal animal; // Create a new Dingo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Dingo("Dolly", 4, 35.3); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new Dingo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Dingo("Dixie", 3, 33.8); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new platypus and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Platypus("Patty", 2, 15.5); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new Hummingbird and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Hummingbird("Harold", 1, 0.5); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new chimp and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Chimpanzee("Noah", 12, 500); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new eagle and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Eagle("Tracy", 300, 10); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new kangaroo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Kangaroo("Jeff", 25, 30); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new ostrich and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Ostrich("Jake", 40, 200); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new shark and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Shark("Max", 23, 185); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new squirrel and them to the list. animal = new Squirrel("Matt", 21, 200); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a guest. Guest guest = new Guest("Greg", 44, 150.35m, "Brown"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); // Create a guest. guest = new Guest("Darla", 11, 25.25m, "Salmon"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); }
public void FeedTheBirds(Hummingbird bird) { WhichMethod = "Hummingbird"; }
public override void perform(Controller c) { Hummingbird bird = State.cast <Hummingbird> (c); bird.nextPatrolNode(); }