public PegBoard Clone()
            var temp = new PegBoard();

            foreach (var hole in Holes.Select((x, i) => new { x.Filled, Index = i }))
                temp.Holes[hole.Index].Filled = hole.Filled;
            /// <summary>
            /// Converts the face to a SFA polygon.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="factory">The geometry factory used to produce the polygon.</param>
            /// <returns>The polygon geometry representing the face.</returns>
            public IPolygon ToGeometry(IGeometryFactory factory = null)
                if (factory == null)
                    factory = FactoryRegistry.GetFactory <IGeometryFactory>();

                return(factory.CreatePolygon(Vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Position),
                                             Holes.Select(hole => hole.Vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Position).Reverse())));
        private DirectionResponse MoveMarbles(Sides liftedSide)
            var newBoardState = new Board
                Size    = this.Size,
                Marbles = Marbles.Select(m => new Marble {
                    IsInHole = m.IsInHole, Number = m.Number, Position = new Position {
                        Row = m.Position.Row, Column = m.Position.Column
                Holes = Holes.Select(h => new Hole {
                    IsFilled = h.IsFilled, Number = h.Number, Position = new Position {
                        Row = h.Position.Row, Column = h.Position.Column
                Walls = this.Walls

            var lineMarbles = new List <Marble>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
                lineMarbles = newBoardState.GetMarblesInTheLine(i, liftedSide);     //in a row or column, depending on the direction
                for (int j = 0; j < lineMarbles.Count; j++)
                    int targetPosition = newBoardState.MarbleTargetPosition(lineMarbles, j, liftedSide);
                    while (MarbleDidNotGetTheDestination(lineMarbles[j].Position, targetPosition, liftedSide) && !lineMarbles[j].IsInHole)  //move till it either doesn't reach the destination or fell in its hole
                        if (newBoardState.FellInAnotherHole(lineMarbles[j]))    //wrong route, break the move
                            return(new DirectionResponse());
                        if (newBoardState.Marbles.All(m => m.IsInHole))         //solution found
                            return new DirectionResponse {
                                       Success = true, Finished = true, BoardState = newBoardState
            return(new DirectionResponse {
                Success = true, Finished = false, BoardState = newBoardState
        private Solution LiftBoard(Sides liftedSide, string moves)
            var newBoardState = new Board
                Size    = this.Size,
                Marbles = Marbles.Select(m => new Marble {
                    IsInHole = m.IsInHole, Number = m.Number, Position = new Position {
                        Row = m.Position.Row, Column = m.Position.Column
                Holes = Holes.Select(h => new Hole {
                    IsFilled = h.IsFilled, Number = h.Number, Position = new Position {
                        Row = h.Position.Row, Column = h.Position.Column
                Walls = this.Walls

            DirectionResponse response = newBoardState.MoveMarbles(liftedSide);

            if (response.Success && !newBoardState.BoardStateDidNotChange(response.BoardState))
                moves += liftedSide.ToString()[0];
                if (response.Finished)
                    return new Solution {
                               Success = true, Route = moves
                    bool marblesStateChanged = newBoardState.Marbles.Count(m => !m.IsInHole) != response.BoardState.Marbles.Count(m => !m.IsInHole);

                    return(newBoardState.FindRoute(moves, marblesStateChanged));
            return(new Solution {
                Route = moves += '*'
 internal List <Coordinate> GetCoordinates() => Holes.Select(element => element.Coordinate).ToList();