public void InseramProfesori() { using (var context = new EducatieIncluzivaDBContext()) { const string parola = "parola"; const string nume = "nume"; const string prenume = "prenume"; const string mail = "*****@*****.**"; const string imageUrlForTest = "C:\\Users\\vlad.mirel\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\EduIncluziva(1)\\EduIncluziva_01\\EduIncluziva\\Pictures\\Profesori\\Test\\testpic1.jpg"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var random = new Random(); int rand = random.Next(0, _numeLicee.Length); string name = _numeLicee[rand]; HighSchool highSchool = _resourcesRepository.GetHighSchoolByName(name); var teacher = new Teacher( parola + i.ToString(), nume + i.ToString(), prenume + i.ToString(), mail + i.ToString(), highSchool, imageUrlForTest, "Bio test in care punem si liceul " + highSchool); context.Teachers.Add(teacher); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void InseramElevi() { using (var context = new EducatieIncluzivaDBContext()) { string parola = "parola"; string nume = "nume"; string prenume = "prenume"; string mail = "*****@*****.**"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Random random = new Random(); int rand = random.Next(0, _numeLicee.Length); string name = _numeLicee[rand]; HighSchool highSchool = _resourcesRepository.GetHighSchoolByName(name); Student student = new Student(parola + i.ToString(), nume + i.ToString(), prenume + i.ToString(), mail + i.ToString(), highSchool); context.Students.Add(student); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult RegisterElevi(ElevRegisterModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ResourcesRepository rr = new ResourcesRepository(); HighSchool hs = rr.GetHighSchoolByName(model.ScoalaDeProvenienta); Student elev = new Student(model.Parola, model.Nume, model.Prenume, model.Mail, hs); //User user = new User(model.Parola, model.Nume, model.Prenume, model.Mail); using (var db = new EducatieIncluzivaDBContext()) { //db.Useri.Add(user); db.Entry(hs).State = EntityState.Unchanged; db.Students.Add(elev); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Mail, false /* createPersistentCookie */); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View()); }
public void TestAddStudent_AddOneStudentTwoTimes() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Student student = new Student("asd", 10000); school.AddStudent(student); school.AddStudent(student); }
public void SetProperStartYear_WhenTheObjectIsConstructed() { var name = "Thomas Jefferson"; var startYear = 2018; var highSchool = new HighSchool(name, startYear); Assert.AreEqual(startYear, highSchool.StartYear); }
public void TestAddCourse() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Course course = new Course(); school.AddCourse(course); Assert.AreEqual(1, school.Courses.Count); }
public void CreateInstance_When_CorrectParamatersArePassed() { var name = "Thomas Jefferson"; var startYear = 2018; var highSchool = new HighSchool(name, startYear); Assert.IsNotNull(highSchool); }
public void TestAddStudent() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Student student = new Student("asd", 10000); school.AddStudent(student); Assert.AreEqual(1, school.Students.Count); }
public async Task <HighSchool> Get(Guid Id) { if (Id == Guid.Empty) { return(null); } HighSchool HighSchool = await UOW.HighSchoolRepository.Get(Id); return(HighSchool); }
public ActionResult CautaUtilizator(UserInfoModel userInfoModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ResourcesRepository rr = new ResourcesRepository(); HighSchool highSchool = rr.GetHighSchoolByName("Liceu1"); rr.UpdateUser(userInfoModel.Parola, userInfoModel.Nume, userInfoModel.Prenume, userInfoModel.Mail, highSchool); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public void TestRemoveStudent() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Student student1 = new Student("asd", 10000); Student student2 = new Student("qwe", 10001); school.AddStudent(student1); school.AddStudent(student2); school.RemoveStudent(student1); Assert.AreEqual(student2, school.Students[0]); }
public async Task <bool> Update(HighSchool highSchool) { await tFContext.HighSchool.Where(t => t.Id.Equals(highSchool.Id)).UpdateFromQueryAsync(t => new HighSchoolDAO { Id = highSchool.Id, Code = highSchool.Code, Name = highSchool.Name, ProvinceId = highSchool.ProvinceId }); return(true); }
public void InsertInitialHighSchools() { using (var context = new EducatieIncluzivaDBContext()) { foreach (var numeLiceu in _numeLicee) { var highSchool = new HighSchool(); highSchool.Nume = numeLiceu; highSchool.HighSchoolId = Guid.NewGuid(); context.HighSchools.Add(highSchool); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <HighSchool> Get(Guid Id) { HighSchool HighSchool = await tFContext.HighSchool.Where(p => p.Id.Equals(Id)).Select(p => new HighSchool { Id = p.Id, Code = p.Code, Name = p.Name, ProvinceId = p.ProvinceId, ProvinceCode = p.Province.Code, ProvinceName = p.Province.Name }).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); return(HighSchool); }
public async Task <bool> Create(HighSchool highSchool) { HighSchoolDAO HighSchoolDAO = new HighSchoolDAO { Id = highSchool.Id, Code = highSchool.Code, Name = highSchool.Name, ProvinceId = highSchool.ProvinceId, }; tFContext.HighSchool.Add(HighSchoolDAO); await tFContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true); }
public async Task <HighSchool> Get(Guid Id) { HighSchool HighSchool = await tFContext.HighSchool.Where(h => h.Id.Equals(Id)).Select(h => new HighSchool { Id = h.Id, Code = h.Code, Name = h.Name, ProvinceId = h.ProvinceId, ProvinceCode = h.Province.Code, ProvinceName = h.Province.Name, Address = h.Address, }).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); return(HighSchool); }
public void UpdateUser(string parola, string nume, string prenume, string mail, HighSchool scoalaDeProvenienta) { using (var context = new EducatieIncluzivaDBContext()) { var theUser = this.GetUserByMail(mail); theUser.Parola = parola == null ? theUser.Parola : parola; theUser.Nume = nume == null ? theUser.Nume : nume; theUser.Prenume = prenume == null ? theUser.Prenume : prenume; theUser.Mail = mail == null ? theUser.Mail : mail; theUser.ScoalaDeProvenienta = (scoalaDeProvenienta == theUser.ScoalaDeProvenienta) ? theUser.ScoalaDeProvenienta : scoalaDeProvenienta; context.Users.Attach(theUser); context.Entry(theUser).State = EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <HighSchoolDTO> GetHighSchool([FromBody] HighSchoolDTO highSchoolDTO) { if (highSchoolDTO == null) { highSchoolDTO = new HighSchoolDTO(); } var highSchool = new HighSchool { Id = highSchoolDTO.Id }; highSchool = await HighSchoolService.Get(highSchool.Id); return(highSchool == null ? null : new HighSchoolDTO { Id = highSchool.Id, Code = highSchool.Code, Name = highSchool.Name, ProvinceId = highSchool.ProvinceId, }); }
public void RefreshHighSchoolsProperty() { HighSchools.Clear(); try { HighSchool item0 = new HighSchool { Id = 0, Name = string.Empty }; HighSchools.Add(item0); DbContext.HighSchools.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList().ForEach(x => HighSchools.Add(x)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HighSchools)); } catch (EntityException e) { OnEntityException(e); } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { OnDbEntityValidationException(e); } }
public void RefreshHighSchoolsForSearchProperty() { HighSchools.Clear(); try { HighSchool item0 = new HighSchool { Id = 0, Name = DafaultConstant.DefaultHighSchool }; HighSchoolsForSearch.Add(item0); DbContext.HighSchools.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList().ForEach(x => HighSchoolsForSearch.Add(x)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HighSchoolsForSearch)); } catch (EntityException e) { OnEntityException(e); } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { OnDbEntityValidationException(e); } }
public void Initialize(MisglbDbContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any applications if (context.Applications.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Applications exists."); return; // DB has been seeded } var applications = new Application[] { new Application { UserId = "111", AcademicYearStart = DateTime.Parse("2017-08-08"), AcademicYearEnd = DateTime.Parse("2018-01-08"), IsSummerApplication = false, ApplicationStatus = ApplicationStatus.Ongoing, LastName = "Garcia", FirstName = "Victor", // No nickname SSN = "04-12345", Gender = Gender.Male, DOB = DateTime.Parse("1989-08-07"), PlaceOfBirth = "Jaluit", Age = 28, HomeAtoll = "Jaluit", EbeyeKwajResOrLandOwner = false, MartialStatus = MartialStatus.Single, hasChildren = false, // No Children ParentMartialStatus = ParentsStatus.Married, DegreeSought = "M.A.", CollegeStanding = CollegeStanding.Senior, FieldOfStudy = "MIS", DateOfGraduation = DateTime.Parse("2012-05-01"), DateFinAidNeeded = DateTime.Parse("2017-11-01"), SavingsDividendsInterests = 0, EmploymentIncome = 0, SpouseIncome = 0, GovernmentSalary = 0, Compensation = 0, OthersResources = 0, ReceivedFinAidBefore = true, ReceivedFinAidBeforeDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"), EducationExpenseTermType = ExpenseType.One_Term, ExpenseTermSemesterSpecific = Semester.Spring, // no expensetermsemesterspecific TuitionType = TuitionType.NA, Tuition = 100.00m, Supplies = 100.00m, RoomAndBoardMonths = 4, RoomAndBoard = 100.00m, HealthInsurance = 100.00m, Miscellaneous = 100.00m, Transportation = 100.00m, Airfare = 100.00m, // total expenses automatically summed and set FinancialExpenseTermType = ExpenseType.Per_Academic_Year, // no financialtermsemesterspecific PellGrant = 0, CollegeScholarship = 0, OtherScholarship = 0, ParentalSupport = 0, // personalassets automatically set from assets OthersFinancial = 0, // totalfinancial auto summed and set // totalfinassistanceneeded auto summed and set HasFather = true, HasMother = true, HasGuardian = false }, new Application { UserId = "123", AcademicYearStart = DateTime.Parse("2017-08-08"), AcademicYearEnd = DateTime.Parse("2018-01-08"), IsSummerApplication = false, ApplicationStatus = ApplicationStatus.New, LastName = "Billy", FirstName = "Bob", // No nickname SSN = "04-11111", Gender = Gender.Male, DOB = DateTime.Parse("1989-09-07"), PlaceOfBirth = "Majuro", Age = 21, HomeAtoll = "Majuro", EbeyeKwajResOrLandOwner = false, MartialStatus = MartialStatus.Single, hasChildren = false, // No Children ParentMartialStatus = ParentsStatus.Married, DegreeSought = "B.A.", CollegeStanding = CollegeStanding.Freshman, DateFinAidNeeded = DateTime.Parse("2017-11-01"), SavingsDividendsInterests = 300.00M, EmploymentIncome = 0, SpouseIncome = 0, GovernmentSalary = 0, Compensation = 0, OthersResources = 0, ReceivedFinAidBefore = false, // receivedFinAidBeforeDate not needed EducationExpenseTermType = ExpenseType.Per_Academic_Year, // No ExpenseTermSemesterSpecific TuitionType = TuitionType.NA, Tuition = 100.00m, Supplies = 200.00M, RoomAndBoardMonths = 4, RoomAndBoard = 200.00M, HealthInsurance = 200.00M, Miscellaneous = 200.00M, Transportation = 200.00M, Airfare = 100.00M, // Total expenses automatically summed and set FinancialExpenseTermType = ExpenseType.Per_Academic_Year, // No FinancialTermSemesterSpecific PellGrant = 0, CollegeScholarship = 0, OtherScholarship = 0, ParentalSupport = 500.00M, // PersonalAssets automatically set from assets OthersFinancial = 0, // TotalFinancial auto summed and set // totalFinAssistanceNeeded auto summed and set HasFather = true, HasMother = true, HasGuardian = false, } }; foreach (Application a in applications) { context.Applications.Add(a); } context.SaveChanges(); List <Application> apps1 = new List <Application>(); apps1.Add(applications[0]); List <Application> apps2 = new List <Application>(); apps2.Add(applications[1]); // Current Contacts var currentContacts = new CurrentContact[] { new CurrentContact { Application = apps1, Country = "RMI", State_Atoll = "Majuro", Address = "PO Box 123", Zip = "96960", Phone = "6924562596", Email = "*****@*****.**" }, new CurrentContact { Application = apps2, Country = "RMI", State_Atoll = "Majuro", Address = "PO Box 111", Zip = "96960", Phone = "6924562596", Email = "*****@*****.**" } }; foreach (CurrentContact c in currentContacts) { context.Contacts.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); // Permanent Contacts var permanentContacts = new PermanentContact[] { new PermanentContact { Application = apps1, Country = "RMI", State_Atoll = "Majuro", Address = "PO Box 123", Zip = "96960", Phone = "6924562596" }, new PermanentContact { Application = apps2, Country = "RMI", State_Atoll = "Majuro", Address = "PO Box 111", Zip = "96960", Phone = "6924562596" } }; foreach (PermanentContact p in permanentContacts) { context.Contacts.Add(p); } context.SaveChanges(); // Emergency Contacts var emergencyContacts = new EmergencyContact[] { new EmergencyContact { Application = applications[0], LastName = "Garcia", FirstName = "Leilani", Phone = "6924560277", Email = "*****@*****.**", Relationship = "Mother" }, new EmergencyContact { Application = applications[1], LastName = "Jane", FirstName = "Sue", Phone = "6924560277", Email = "*****@*****.**", Relationship = "Mother" } }; foreach (EmergencyContact e in emergencyContacts) { context.EmergencyContact.Add(e); } context.SaveChanges(); // Fathers var fathers = new Father[] { new Father { Application = apps1, FirstName = "Victor", LastName = "Garcia Sr.", Alive = true, Age = 60, // no Employer AnnualIncome = 0 }, new Father { Application = apps2, FirstName = "Ken", LastName = "Joe", Alive = true, Age = 60, // no Employer AnnualIncome = 0 } }; foreach (Father f in fathers) { context.Parents.Add(f); } context.SaveChanges(); // Mothers var mothers = new Mother[] { new Mother { Application = apps1, FirstName = "Lelani", LastName = "Garcia", Alive = true, Age = 50, Employer = "Polaris", AnnualIncome = 3000.00M }, new Mother { Application = apps2, FirstName = "Sara", LastName = "Joe", Alive = true, Age = 50, Employer = "KK", AnnualIncome = 3000.00M } }; foreach (Mother m in mothers) { context.Parents.Add(m); } context.SaveChanges(); //Current Colleges var currentColleges = new CurrentCollege[] { new CurrentCollege { Name = "UH - Manoa", Country = "US", State_Atoll = "HI", Address = "123 St.", Zip = "96822", Application = apps1 }, new CurrentCollege { Name = "Chaminade", Country = "US", State_Atoll = "HI", Address = "123 St.", Zip = "96822", Application = apps2 } }; foreach (CurrentCollege c in currentColleges) { context.Schools.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); //Prior Collegs var priorColleges = new PriorCollege[] { new PriorCollege { Application = apps1, Name = "UMN Duluth", Country = "US", State_Atoll = "MN", Address = "123 St.", Zip = "56751", DegreeObtained = "B.A.A" } }; foreach (PriorCollege p in priorColleges) { context.Schools.Add(p); } context.SaveChanges(); // High Schools var highSchools = new HighSchool[] { new HighSchool { Application = apps1, Name = "Roseau High School", Country = "US", State_Atoll = "MN", Address = "123 St.", Zip = "56751", HighSchoolStartDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"), HighSchoolEndDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-05-01"), HighSchoolGradDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-05-01") }, new HighSchool { Application = apps2, Name = "Baptist HS", Country = "RMI", State_Atoll = "Majuro", Address = "123 St.", Zip = "96960", HighSchoolStartDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"), HighSchoolEndDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-05-01"), HighSchoolGradDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-05-01") } }; foreach (HighSchool h in highSchools) { context.Schools.Add(h); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public Student(string parola, string nume, string prenume, string mail, HighSchool scoalaDeProvenienta) : base(parola, nume, prenume, mail, scoalaDeProvenienta) { Role = ElevRole; }
public void TestHighSchool_CoursesEqualsZero() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Assert.AreEqual(0, school.Courses.Count); }
public void TestHighSchool_StudentEqualsZero() { HighSchool school = new HighSchool(); Assert.AreEqual(0, school.Students.Count); }