public static bool IsTileIncludedInYourKingdom(HexTile hexTile) { if (!hexTile.isCity) { return(true); } else { if (hexTile.GetComponent <CityTileTest>().cityAttributes.kingdomTile == null) { return(true); } else { CityTileTest otherCity = hexTile.GetComponent <CityTileTest>(); if ( == { return(true); } else { if (targetCity.kingdomTile.kingdom.cities.Contains(otherCity)) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } } } return(true); }
public void ChangeColorClientRpc(int r, int q, int life) { HexTile currentHex = map.tileArray[r, q]; if (life == 2) { currentHex.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = currentHex.color2life; } else if (life == 1) { currentHex.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = currentHex.color1life; } }
void Start() { Hexes = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, HexTile>(); Renderer hex = HexPrefab.GetComponent <Renderer>(); hexWidth = hex.bounds.size.x; hexHeight = hex.bounds.size.y; Build(); }
public void TestCombatPathfinding() { Utilities.targetCity = targetHexTile.GetComponent <CityTileTest> ().cityAttributes; List <Tile> path = GetPath(startingHexTile.tile, targetHexTile.tile, PATHFINDING_MODE.COMBAT).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { path [i].hexTile.SetTileColor(; } }
public bool IsCoastal() { HexTile neighbor = null; foreach (HexCoordinate hc in Directions) { neighbor = GetNeighbor(hc); if (neighbor && neighbor.GetComponent <HexTile>().IsWater) { CoastalTile = true; return(true); } } CoastalTile = false; return(false); }
// This method moves our current tile to the new one public void MoveTile(HexTile hexTile) { if (activeTile) { activeTile.GetComponent <HexTile>().isActive = false; // deactivate our current tile (so other players could move to it later) hexTile.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Util.ResourceSprites[0]; // set the tiles visual sprite to be desert (barren) } hexTile.isActive = true; // set our new tile to be active activeTile = hexTile; // set our current tile to be the new tile transform.position = hexTile.transform.position; // move our piece to the new tile soundController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Music").GetComponent <SoundController>(); // play the sound associated with the resource type of that tile if (soundController) { soundController.PlayMovePieceSound(); } }
void Build() { Spaces = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, bool>(); for (int x = -Size; x <= Size; x++) { for (int y = -Size; y <= Size; y++) { Vector2Int point = new Vector2Int(x, y); if (InMap(point, Size)) { HexTile hex = Instantiate(HexPrefab); hex.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Colour; Vector3Int v3i = ConvertToVector3(point); hex.transform.position = GetWorldPosition(v3i); hex.Coordinates = v3i; Hexes[v3i] = hex; // Added bits around altitude and humidity Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(x, y); float altitude = Noise.Generate2DNoiseValue(v2, altitudeSeed1) + Noise.Generate2DNoiseValue(v2, altitudeSeed2); float humidity = Noise.Generate2DNoiseValue(v2, humiditySeed1) + Noise.Generate2DNoiseValue(v2, humiditySeed2); hex.altitude = altitude; if (altitude < mapPresets.seaLevel) { Spaces[v3i] = false; } else { Spaces[v3i] = true; } hex.humidity = humidity; hex.ColourSwitch(mapPresets); } } } GenerateWitchBase(new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0)); }
void OnSelectSpaceship(HexTile tile) { // bool valid = BuildingsManager.GetInstance().CanBuild(spaceship, platform.coordinate); bool valid = true; if (valid) { _selectedTile = tile; if (!_selectionIndicator) { _selectionIndicator = GameObject.Instantiate(selectionIndicatorPrefab, tile.transform.position, tile.transform.rotation); } _selectionIndicator.transform.position = tile.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0); _selectionIndicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = tile.GetComponent <Renderer>().material; _selectionIndicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_OutlineWidth", 1.2f); } else { UIManager.Message("Cannot build here"); } }
public void CreateTerrain() { Clear(); Terrain terrain = GetComponent <Terrain>(); width = (int)((terrain.terrainData.size.x - 2 * border) / _tileSize); height = (int)((terrain.terrainData.size.z - 2 * border) / (0.866025404f * _tileSize)); tiles = new HexTile[width * height]; tileWidth = instance._tileSize; tileHeight = 0.75f * instance._tileSize / 0.866025404f; tileHalfWidth = instance._tileSize / 2.0f; tileC = tileHeight / 4.0f; tileM = tileC / tileHalfWidth; float scale = _tileSize / (hexTextureWidth / 100.0f); int indexCounter = 0; for (int z = 0; z < height; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < width - (z % 2); x++) { HexTile hexTile = Instantiate(hexTilePrefab); Vector3 tilePosition = new Vector3(border + 0.5f * _tileSize + _tileSize * x + 0.5f * _tileSize * (z % 2), 0.0f, z * _tileSize * 0.866025404f + border + 0.5f * _tileSize * (1.0f / 0.866025404f)); hexTile.x = x; hexTile.y = z; hexTile.index = indexCounter++; hexTile.transform.SetParent(transform); hexTile.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); hexTile.transform.localPosition = tilePosition; hexTile.gameObject.isStatic = true; hexTile.GetComponent <LineHexagon>().thickness = lineThickness; hexTile.GetComponent <LineHexagon>().scale = _tileSize; hexTile.GetComponent <LineHexagon>().CreateMesh(); // hexTile.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; Ray tileRay = new Ray(hexTile.transform.position + sampleHeight * Vector3.up, Vector3.down); int layer_mask = LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain"); RaycastHit info; if (Physics.Raycast(tileRay, out info, 1000.0f, layer_mask)) { hexTile.transform.position = new Vector3(hexTile.transform.position.x, terrain.transform.position.y + sampleHeight - info.distance, hexTile.transform.position.z); } else { hexTile.isOccluded = true; } // hexTile.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = spriteHexTileSolid; tiles[z * width + x] = hexTile; } } findNeighbors(); DisableOccluded(); }
public void Infect(HexTile hexTile) { hexTile.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", infectionColor); }