public static string HelmToSvg( MoleculeMx mol) { string svg = mol.SvgString; if (mol.PrimaryFormat == MoleculeFormat.Helm && Lex.IsDefined(mol.SvgString)) { return(svg); } string helm = mol.HelmString; svg = HelmControl.GetSvg(helm); return(svg); }
/// <summary> /// Format Helm-based structure for Html output /// </summary> /// <param name="mol"></param> /// <param name="destRect"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <returns></returns> string FormatBiopolymerStructureHtml( MoleculeMx mol, Rectangle destRect, int width, int r) { string source, molfil, html, shtml, fname, txt, txt2, str, hdisp, rntxt, html_end; int width2, pixWidth, pixHeight, height, rc, i1; bool useChimeString = false; // must use molfile format for .Net 4.0 with Draw 4.0 MolCount++; string objId = "Mol" + MolCount; //double scaleUp = (SS.I.GraphicsColumnZoom / 100.0) * 1.2; // do graphics scaleup plus a bit double scaleUp = 1.2; // extra scaleup pixWidth = (int)(width / 1000.0 * GraphicsMx.LogicalPixelsX * scaleUp); height = (int)(width * .67); if (destRect.Height > height) { height = destRect.Height; } pixHeight = (int)(height / 1000.0 * GraphicsMx.LogicalPixelsY * scaleUp); string helm = mol.HelmString; string svg = ""; if (Lex.IsDefined(helm)) { svg = HelmControl.GetSvg(mol.HelmString); } html = "E <td>" + svg + "</td>\t"; Tb.Lines[r] += html; /* finish up & put in buffer */ return(html); }
/// <summary> /// Scale and translate structure and format into buffer /// </summary> /// <param name="mol">The structure</param> /// <param name="cellStyle">Style/conditional formatting to apply to cell</param> /// <param name="commandChar">Command character to use in buffer</param> /// <param name="x">Coordinate of left side of structure</param> /// <param name="width">Width of molecule box in milliinches</param> /// <param name="r">Row in buffer to put on. If less than 0 then return formatted data</param> /// <param name="heightInLines">number of lines used</param> public FormattedFieldInfo FormatStructure( MoleculeMx mol, CellStyleMx cellStyle, char commandChar, int x, int width, int r, ResultsField rfld = null, DataRowMx dataRow = null) { Rectangle destRect, boundingRect; int height; // formatted height in milliinches bool markBoundaries; int fixedHeight; Bitmap bm; Font font; string txt, molfile, molString = "", svg, cid = null; int translateType, desiredBondLength = 100; int pixWidth = 0, pixHeight = 0; bool debug = DataTableManager.DebugDetails; if (debug) { DebugLog.Message("=============================== FormattingStructure ==============================="); } PerformanceTimer pt = PT.Start("FormatStructure"); Stopwatch swTotal = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { MoleculeFormat initialCsType = mol.PrimaryFormat; string initialCsValue = mol.PrimaryValue; QueryColumn qc = (rfld != null) ? rfld.QueryColumn : null; FormattedFieldInfo ffi = new FormattedFieldInfo(); if (dataRow != null) // get any cid in row { int ki = DataTableManager.DefaultKeyValueVoPos; if (ki < dataRow.Length) { cid = dataRow[ki] as string; } } //DebugLog.Message("FormatStructure " + cid); //if (!Rf.Grid) x = x; // debug /////////////////////////////////// // Highlight structure /////////////////////////////////// if (StructureHighlightPssc != null) { ParsedStructureCriteria pssc = StructureHighlightPssc; // Hilight substructure search match if (pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.Substructure || // regular SSS pssc.SearchTypeUnion == StructureSearchType.Substructure) // handles related search for just SSS to get hilighting { if (HighlightStructureMatches) { try { mol = StrMatcher.HighlightMatchingSubstructure(mol); if (DebugMx.False) // debug { //string highlightChildren = mol.MolLib.HighlightChildren; //Color highlightColor = mol.MolLib.HighlightColor; if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tHilight", sw); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } } if (AlignStructureToQuery) { try { mol = StrMatcher.AlignToMatchingSubstructure(mol); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tOrient", sw); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } } } // Hilight SmallWorld structure match else if (pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld) // Hilight SmallWorld structure search results { if (SmallWorldDepictions == null) { SmallWorldDepictions = new SmallWorldDepictions(); } SmallWorldPredefinedParameters swp = pssc.SmallWorldParameters; //DebugLog.Message("Depict " + cid + ", Hilight " + swp.Highlight + ", Align " + swp.Align); // + "\r\n" + new StackTrace(true)); if ((swp.Highlight || swp.Align) & Lex.IsDefined(cid)) // call depiction for these { svg = SmallWorldDepictions.GetDepiction(cid, swp.Highlight, swp.Align); if (Lex.IsDefined(svg)) // have depiction? { { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = SvgUtil.GetBitmapFromSvgXml(svg, pixWidth); ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting info and chem structure return(ffi); } } else if (svg == null) // start retrieval of this decpiction type & fall through to get default structure initially { SmallWorldDepictions.StartDepictionRetrieval(Qm, StructureHighlightQc, swp.Highlight, swp.Align); } else { } // tried to get it but failed, fall through to get basic structure } } else if (mol.AltFormDefined("Svg")) // svg form exist (e.g. SmallWorld or "related" structure search)? { svg = mol.SvgString; if (Lex.IsDefined(svg)) { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = SvgUtil.GetBitmapFromSvgXml(svg, pixWidth); ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting info and chem structure return(ffi); } } } /////////////////////////////////// // Handle each output device /////////////////////////////////// ffi.HeightInLines = 1; // min of 1 line if (Rf.SdFile) { FormatSdfileStructure(mol); return(null); } int pageHeight = 11000; if (Rf.PageMargins != null) { pageHeight = Rf.PageMargins.Top + Rf.PageHeight + Rf.PageMargins.Bottom; } if (Rf.Excel || Rf.Word) { translateType = 2; } else { translateType = 0; } if (!Rf.FixedHeightStructures) { fixedHeight = 0; // not fixed height } else if (Rf.Excel || Rf.Word) { fixedHeight = 1; // always fixed height } else { fixedHeight = 2; // fixed height unless need to expand } if (Rf.Word && Rf.FixedHeightStructures) { markBoundaries = true; } else { markBoundaries = false; } destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, width * 4 / 5); // default dest rect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tempory fake generation of HELM & associatedimage for biopolymer testing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (MoleculeMx.HelmEnabled == DebugMx.False) // artificially generate helm molecules // MoleculeMx.SetMoleculeToTestHelmString(mol.GetCorpId().ToString(), mol); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of tempory fake generation of HELM & associatedimage for biopolymer testing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool fitStructure = true; if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { if (Rf.Grid) // special scale for grid { double scale = (float)width / MoleculeMx.StandardBoxWidth; desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange((int)(MoleculeMx.StandardBondLength * scale)); //desiredBondLength = (int)(ChemicalStructure.StandardBondLength * (Rf.PageScale / 100.0)); desiredBondLength = (int)(desiredBondLength * 90.0 / 100.0); // scale down a bit for grid if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLength1", sw); } } else // set desired bond length based on page scaling { float scale = (float)width / MoleculeMx.StandardBoxWidth; desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange((int)(MoleculeMx.StandardBondLength * scale)); //desiredBondLength = (int)(ChemicalStructure.StandardBondLength * (Rf.PageScale / 100.0)); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLength2", sw); } } if (desiredBondLength < 1) { desiredBondLength = 1; } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tBeforeFit", sw); } if (fitStructure) { mol.CdkMol.FitStructureIntoRectangle // scale and translate structure into supplied rectangle. (ref destRect, desiredBondLength, translateType, fixedHeight, markBoundaries, pageHeight, out boundingRect); } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tFitStructure", sw); } ffi.HeightInLines = (int)(destRect.Height / Rf.LineHeight + 1); // lines needed } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { if (mol.PrimaryFormat == MoleculeFormat.Helm && Rf.Excel) { svg = HelmControl.GetSvg(mol.HelmString); float inchWidth = width / 1000.0f; // convert width milliinches to inches Svg.SvgDocument svgDoc = SvgUtil.AdjustSvgDocumentToFitContent(svg, inchWidth, Svg.SvgUnitType.Inch); RectangleF svgbb = svgDoc.Bounds; float ar = svgbb.Width / svgbb.Height; // aspect ratio of svg bounding box height = (int)(width / ar); // height in milliinches ffi.HeightInLines = (int)(height / Rf.LineHeight) + 1; // lines needed destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); } } ////////////////////////// /// Output to Grid ////////////////////////// if (Rf.Grid) { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(destRect.Width); pixHeight = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(destRect.Height); if (cellStyle == null) { if (Qm == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid == null) { font = new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f); } else { font = new Font(Qm.MoleculeGrid.Font, FontStyle.Underline); } cellStyle = new CellStyleMx(font, Color.Blue, Color.Empty); } if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) // molfile type molecule { if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tBeforeGetDisplayPreferences", sw); } DisplayPreferences dp = mol.GetDisplayPreferences(); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tGetDisplayPreferences", sw); } //desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange(desiredBondLength); // be sure bond len within allowed range //if (debug) DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLengthToValidRange", sw); //dp.StandardBondLength = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToDecipoints(desiredBondLength); bm = mol.CdkMol.GetFixedHeightMoleculeBitmap(pixWidth, pixHeight, dp, cellStyle, mol.Caption); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tGetBitmap", sw); } } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) // Output HELM image for biopolymer { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = HelmConverter.HelmToBitmap(mol, pixWidth); } else { bm = new Bitmap(1, 1); } ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting & structure ffi.FormattedText = "Formatted"; // indicate formatted (could save structure string but not needed and avoids possible conversion overhead) return(ffi); } ////////////////////////// /// Output to Html ////////////////////////// else if (Rf.Html) { if (r >= 0) { AssureTbFree(0, r + ffi.HeightInLines - 1); } if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { FormatChemStructureHtml(mol, destRect, width, r); } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { FormatBiopolymerStructureHtml(mol, destRect, width, r); } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tFormatHtmlStructure", sw); } ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap; ffi.FormattedText = mol.FormattedText; return(ffi); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Other format, store Smiles or Helm & any cellStyle in buffer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else { if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { if (Rf.ExportStructureFormat == ExportStructureFormat.Smiles) { molString = mol.GetSmilesString(); } else { molString = mol.GetChimeString(); // use Chime if not smiles } } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { molString = mol.PrimaryValue; // usually Helm but could be sequence } txt = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", x, width, destRect.Left, destRect.Top, destRect.Right, destRect.Bottom, molString); if (cellStyle != null) // apply style to cell? { txt += " <CellStyle " + cellStyle.Serialize() + ">"; } txt = commandChar + " " + txt + "\t"; if (r >= 0) { AssureTbFree(0, r + ffi.HeightInLines - 1); Tb.Lines[r] += txt; // put in buffer } else { return(new FormattedFieldInfo(txt)); // just return formatting } } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLog.Message(DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex)); return(null); } finally { pt.Update(); int formatCount = pt.Count; //ClientLog.Message(pt.ToString() + ", " + cs.GetMolHeader()[2]); // + ", " + new StackTrace(true)); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tTotalTime", swTotal); } } }
/// <summary> /// Sync the Mobius CorpMoltable replicate used to retrieve Smiles /// Syntax: UpdateCorpDbMoltableMx [ ByDateRange | ByCorpIdRange | LoadMissing | <singleCorpId>] /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string UpdateCorpDbMoltableMx( string args) { DateTime moleculeDateTime = DateTime.MinValue; double mw; string msg = "", sql = "", maxCorpIdSql, mf = "", chime = "", smiles = "", checkPointDate = "", helm = "", sequence = "", svg = ""; object[][] pva = null; int pvaCount = 0, CorpId, lowCorpId = 0, highCorpId = 0, srcMaxCorpId = 0; int SelectChunkSize = 20; // small chunks int InsertBufferSize = 10; //int SelectChunkSize = 100000; // big chunks //int InsertBufferSize = 1000; // Select data from corp_moltable by CorpId range const string SelectByCorpIdRange = @" SELECT m.corp_nbr, chime(m.ctab), m.molformula, m.molweight, null molsmiles, s.helm_txt, s.sequence_txt, m.molecule_date FROM corp_owner.corp_moltable m, corp_owner.corp_substance s where m.corp_nbr > 0 and s.corp_nbr = m.corp_nbr and (s.status_code is null or s.status_code = 'A') ORDER BY corp_nbr"; // Select data from corp_moltable by date range comparing to corp_moltable_mx const string SelectByDateRange = @" select m.corp_nbr, chime(m.ctab), m.molformula, m.molweight, null molsmiles, s.helm_txt, s.sequence_txt, m.molecule_date, m2.molecule_date from corp_owner.corp_moltable m, corp_owner.corp_substance s, corp_moltable_mx m2 where m.molecule_date > to_date('1-jan-1900 000000','DD-MON-YYYY HH24MISS') and s.corp_nbr = M.CORP_NBR and (s.status_code is null or s.status_code = 'A') and m2.corp_nbr (+) = m.corp_nbr and m2.molecule_date (+) != m.molecule_date order by m.molecule_date" ; // Select for missing smiles strings, ex: Update CorpDbMoltableMx LoadMissing mx.molecule_date > '1-jan-2014' const string SelectMissingSmilesFix = @" select /* check for CorpIds in corp_moltable not in corp_moltable_mx */ corp_nbr, chime(ctab), molformula, molweight, null molsmiles, helm_txt, sequence_txt, molecule_date from ( select m.*, s.helm_txt, s.sequence_txt, mx.molsmiles molsmiles_mx from corp_owner.corp_moltable m, corp_owner.corp_substance s, corp_moltable_mx mx where s.corp_nbr = M.CORP_NBR and (s.status_code is null or s.status_code = 'A') and mx.corp_nbr (+) = m.corp_nbr and 1=1 /* condition to substitute */ ) m where molsmiles_mx is null /* extra condition */ order by corp_nbr" ; // Insert missing helm info const string SelectMissingHelmFix = @" select /* check for CorpIds in corp_moltable not in corp_moltable_mx */ corp_nbr, chime(ctab), molformula, molweight, null molsmiles, helm_txt, sequence_txt, molecule_date from ( select m.*, s.helm_txt, s.sequence_txt, mx.molsmiles molsmiles_mx from corp_owner.corp_moltable m, corp_owner.corp_substance s, corp_moltable_mx mx where s.corp_nbr = M.CORP_NBR and (s.status_code is null or s.status_code = 'A') and mx.corp_nbr (+) = m.corp_nbr and 1=1 /* condition to substitute */ ) m where length(helm_txt) > 0 /* extra condition */ order by corp_nbr" ; // Secondary "large" structure table (~5k mols) const string SelectLargeMols = @" select corp_nbr, to_clob(molstructure), to_clob(molformula), molweight, molsmiles, null helm_txt, null sequence_txt, molecule_date from (select corp_srl_nbr corp_nbr, 'CompoundId=' || corp_srl_nbr molstructure, null ctab, mlclr_frml_txt molformula, mlclr_wgt molweight, null molsmiles, null molecule_date from rdm_owner.rdm_sbstnc where rdw_src_cd = 'LRG'" ; // Insert statement const string InsertSql = @" insert into mbs_owner.corp_moltable_mx ( corp_nbr, molstructure, molformula, molweight, molsmiles, molecule_date) values (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5)" ; // Build select sql bool byDateRange = false, byCorpIdRange = false, missingFix = true, deleteExisting = true; string missingFixCriteria = ""; if (Lex.IsUndefined(args) || Lex.Eq(args, "ByDateRange")) { byDateRange = true; } else if (Lex.Eq(args, "ByCorpIdRange")) { byCorpIdRange = true; Progress.Show("Getting range of CorpIds to insert..."); maxCorpIdSql = "select max(corp_nbr) from corp_owner.corp_moltable"; // get highest CorpId in source db srcMaxCorpId = SelectSingleValueDao.SelectInt(maxCorpIdSql); if (srcMaxCorpId < 0) { srcMaxCorpId = 0; } maxCorpIdSql = "select max(corp_nbr) from mbs_owner.corp_moltable_mx"; // get highest CorpId in dest db highCorpId = SelectSingleValueDao.SelectInt(maxCorpIdSql); if (highCorpId < 0) { highCorpId = 0; } } else if (Lex.StartsWith(args, "LoadMissing")) { missingFix = true; if (args.Contains(" ")) { missingFixCriteria = args.Substring(10).Trim(); } } else if (int.TryParse(args, out srcMaxCorpId)) // single CorpId { byCorpIdRange = true; highCorpId = srcMaxCorpId - 1; // say 1 less is the max we have } else { return("Syntax: UpdateCorpDbMoltableMx [ ByDateRange | ByCorpIdRange | LoadMissing | <singleCorpId>]"); } Log("UpdateCorpDbMoltableMx started: " + args); int readCount = 0, insCount = 0, insertCount = 0, updateCount = 0, undefinedStructures = 0, smilesSuccess = 0, smilesFails = 0, helmStructures = 0; List <string> CorpIdList = new List <string>(); for (int chunk = 1; ; chunk++) // loop over chunks { if (byDateRange) // single chunk { if (chunk > 1) { break; // break 2nd time through } checkPointDate = UserObjectDao.GetUserParameter("MOBIUS", "UpdateCorpDbMoltableMxCheckpointDate", "01-sep-2013 000000"); //UserObjectDao.SetUserParameter("MOBIUS", "UpdateCorpDbMoltableMxCheckpointDate", checkPointDate); sql = Lex.Replace(SelectByDateRange, "1-jan-1900 000000", checkPointDate); msg = "Reading where date >= " + checkPointDate; } else if (byCorpIdRange) // by CorpId range { if (highCorpId >= srcMaxCorpId) { break; // done } lowCorpId = highCorpId + 1; // start of next chunk highCorpId = lowCorpId + SelectChunkSize; if (highCorpId >= srcMaxCorpId) { highCorpId = srcMaxCorpId; } sql = Lex.Replace(SelectByCorpIdRange, "corp_nbr > 0", "corp_nbr between " + lowCorpId + " and " + highCorpId); msg = "Reading: " + lowCorpId + " to " + highCorpId + ", Reads: " + readCount + ", Inserts: " + insertCount; } else if (missingFix) { if (chunk > 1) { break; // break 2nd time through } sql = SelectMissingHelmFix; if (Lex.IsDefined(missingFixCriteria)) // substitute any criteria { sql = Lex.Replace(sql, "1=1", missingFixCriteria); } msg = "Fixing missing data"; } Progress.Show(msg); DbCommandMx readCmd = new DbCommandMx(); readCmd.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection("prd123"); readCmd.PrepareUsingDefinedConnection(sql, null); DbDataReader rdr = readCmd.ExecuteReader(); DbCommandMx insertCmd = new DbCommandMx(); OracleDbType[] pta = new OracleDbType[6]; pta[0] = OracleDbType.Int32; // corp_nbr pta[1] = OracleDbType.Clob; // molstructure pta[2] = OracleDbType.Clob; // molformula pta[3] = OracleDbType.Double; // molweight pta[4] = OracleDbType.Clob; // smiles pta[5] = OracleDbType.Date; // molecule_date insertCmd.Prepare(InsertSql, pta); insertCmd.BeginTransaction(); // be sure we have a transaction going pva = DbCommandMx.NewObjectArrayArray(6, InsertBufferSize); // alloc insert row array object[] vo = new object[6]; while (true) { bool readOk = rdr.Read(); if (readOk) { rdr.GetValues(vo); CorpId = readCmd.GetInt(0); // corp_nbr vo[0] = CorpId; CorpIdList.Add(CorpId.ToString()); if (!readCmd.IsNull(1)) // molstructure { chime = readCmd.GetClob(1); chime = OracleMx.ClearStringIfExceedsMaxStringSize(chime); vo[1] = chime; } else { chime = ""; } if (!readCmd.IsNull(2)) // molformula { mf = readCmd.GetClob(2); mf = OracleMx.ClearStringIfExceedsMaxStringSize(mf); vo[2] = mf; } if (!readCmd.IsNull(3)) // molweight { mw = readCmd.GetDouble(3); vo[3] = mw; } if (Lex.IsDefined(chime)) // molsmiles - calculate from chime string { MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, chime); if (cs.AtomCount > 1) // need more than one atom { MoleculeMx cs2 = cs.ConvertTo(MoleculeFormat.Smiles); smiles = cs2.GetSmilesString(); if (Lex.IsDefined(smiles)) { smilesSuccess++; } else { Log("Smiles conversion failure for CorpId: " + CorpId); smilesFails++; } smiles = OracleMx.ClearStringIfExceedsMaxStringSize(smiles); vo[4] = smiles; } else { undefinedStructures++; } } else { undefinedStructures++; } if (!readCmd.IsNull(5)) { helm = readCmd.GetClob(5); if (Lex.IsDefined(helm)) { svg = HelmControl.GetSvg(helm); vo[1] = SvgUtil.CompressSvgString(svg); // store compressed svg in molstructure column for now helmStructures++; } } if (!readCmd.IsNull(6)) { sequence = readCmd.GetClob(6); if (Lex.IsDefined(sequence)) { // nothing yet } } moleculeDateTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (!readCmd.IsNull(7)) // molecule_date { moleculeDateTime = readCmd.GetDateTime(7); vo[5] = moleculeDateTime; } for (int pi = 0; pi < 6; pi++) // invert for insert { pva[pi][pvaCount] = vo[pi]; } if (Debug) { msg = String.Format("CorpId: {0}, mf: {1}, chime: {2}, smiles: {3}", CorpId.ToString(), mf.Length, chime.Length, smiles.Length); Log(msg); } pvaCount++; } if (pvaCount >= InsertBufferSize || (!readOk && pvaCount > 0)) // write if buffer full or at end { try { if (deleteExisting) { int delCount = DoDeletes(CorpIdList); updateCount += delCount; // count deletes as updates insertCount -= delCount; // subtract from inserts } CorpIdList.Clear(); insCount = insertCmd.ExecuteArrayNonReader(pva, ref pvaCount); insertCmd.Commit(); insertCmd.BeginTransaction(); insertCount += insCount; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } if (byDateRange) { string checkPointDate2 = String.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HHmmss}", moleculeDateTime); // format date time that will work with oracle UserObjectDao.SetUserParameter("MOBIUS", "UpdateCorpDbMoltableMxCheckpointDate", checkPointDate2); msg = "Processing where date >= " + checkPointDate + ", Reads: " + readCount + ", Inserts: " + insertCount + ", Updates: " + updateCount; } else if (byCorpIdRange) // CorpId range { msg = "Processing: " + lowCorpId + " to " + highCorpId + ", Reads: " + readCount + ", Inserts: " + insertCount; } else if (missingFix) { msg = "Fixing missing smiles, Updates: " + updateCount; } msg += String.Format(", Undefined structures: {0} , Smiles failures: {1}, Helms: {2}", undefinedStructures, smilesFails, helmStructures); Progress.Show(msg); } if (!readOk) { break; } readCount++; } readCmd.Dispose(); insertCmd.Dispose(); } // end for select chunk msg = "UpdateCorpDbMoltableMx - Inserts: " + insertCount + ", Updates: " + updateCount; msg += String.Format(", Undefined structures: {0} , Smiles failures: {1}, Helms: {2}", undefinedStructures, smilesFails, helmStructures); Log(msg); return(msg); }