 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
     if (other.tag == "Exit" && hasKey == true)                   // If the player has the key and collides with the exit
         SavePrefs();                                             // save the stats, go to the loading screen, and
         Camera.main.GetComponent <LoadingScreen>().LoadScreen(); // increase the level
         GetComponent <Health>().SetCanBeDamaged(false);
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Level", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") + 1);
         Invoke("Restart", restartLevelDelay);
         enabled = false;
     else if (other.tag == "Feather")   // If the player collides with a feather, increase the feather count
         changeFeathers(1);             // and disable the feather object
     else if (other.tag == "Key")
         key.color = Color.white;            // If the player colides with the key, set the HUD to display the key
         hasKey    = true;                   // Allow the player to exit the level, play the open door animation
         other.gameObject.SetActive(false);  // and disable the key object
         GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Exit").GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("OpenDoor");
     else if (other.tag == "Speed_PowerUp" && this.moveTime <= 18f)
         this.moveTime++;                        // If the player collides with the speed power up, increase the move
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Speed", moveTime);  // time to speed the player up, save the speed in Player Prefs, and
         other.gameObject.SetActive(false);      // disable the orb
     else if (other.tag == "Damage_PowerUp") // If the player collides with the damage power up
         CloseHelper closeHelp = GetComponent <PlayerAttackClose>().invisibleProjectile.GetComponent <CloseHelper>();
         closeHelp.increaseDamage(1);       // Increase the damage of the close attack
         Helper rangeHelp = GetComponent <PlayerAttackDistance>().projectile.GetComponent <Helper>();
         rangeHelp.increaseDamage(1);       // Increase the damage of the ranged attack
         other.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Disable the orb
     else if (other.tag == "Health_PowerUp")
         hd.IncreaseMax(2);                 // If the player collides with the health power up, increase the health
         other.gameObject.SetActive(false); // by two and disable the orb