protected override async Task ProcessDiscardClickedAsync() { if (_mainGame !.SingleInfo !.MainHandList.Count == 0 && _mainGame.SingleInfo.DefenseList.Count == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("There are no cards from hand or defense list. Therfore; should have disabled the pile"); } if (_mainGame.SingleInfo.DefensePile !.HandList.HasSelectedObject() == true) { if (_mainGame.SingleInfo.DefenseList.All(items => items.IsSelected == false)) { await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync("If you choose one card from defense, you must choose all cards"); return; } if (_mainGame.BasicData !.MultiPlayer == true) { await _mainGame.Network !.SendAllAsync("throwawaydefense"); } await _mainGame !.ThrowAwayDefenseCardsAsync(); return; } if (_mainGame.BasicData !.MultiPlayer == true) { await _mainGame.Network !.SendAllAsync("throwawayallcardsfromhand"); } await _mainGame !.ThrowAwayAllCardsFromHandAsync(); }