public void FinishUUC(GameState state) { if (this.TypeEnum == Creation.CreationType.Universe && state.Statistic.HasStartedUniverseChallenge && this.count > 0) { state.Statistic.HasStartedUniverseChallenge = false; if (state.Statistic.FastestUUCallenge <= 0 || state.Statistic.FastestUUCallenge > state.Statistic.TimeAfterUUCStarted) { state.Statistic.FastestUUCallenge = state.Statistic.TimeAfterUUCStarted; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestUUCallenge, (int)(state.Statistic.FastestUUCallenge.ToLong() / 1000L), false); } state.Statistic.TimeAfterUUCStarted = 0; Statistic expr_C6 = state.Statistic; expr_C6.UniverseChallengesFinished = ++expr_C6.UniverseChallengesFinished; if (state.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel < 50) { Planet expr_F8 = state.HomePlanet; expr_F8.UpgradeLevel = ++expr_F8.UpgradeLevel; GuiBase.ShowToast("Ultimate Universe Challenge finished! Your Planet level increased by 1."); } else { GuiBase.ShowToast("Ultimate Universe Challenge finished! But your Planet level is already maxed."); } } }
private void SetAdCompleted(object returnValue) { App.AdOpened = false; State2 expr_10 = App.State.Ext; expr_10.AdPoints = ++expr_10.AdPoints; App.State.Ext.AdsWatched++; App.State.Ext.TotalAdsWatched++; GuiBase.ShowToast("Thank you, you received 1 Ad point!"); }
public static GameState LoadGameState(string filename) { if (App.CurrentPlattform == Plattform.Steam) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return null; } string str = Application.dataPath + "\\Saves\\"; if (!"ManualSave.txt".Equals(filename)) { str = Application.persistentDataPath + "\\ItRtG_Steam_\\"; } if (!filename.Contains(".txt")) { filename += ".txt"; } string text = str + filename; GameState gameState = Storage.FromCompressedString(Storage.LoadFile(text)); if (gameState == null || (gameState.Clones.Count == 0 && gameState.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated == 0)) { text = Application.persistentDataPath + "\\ItRtG_Steam_\\" + filename; gameState = Storage.FromCompressedString(Storage.LoadFile(text)); } if (gameState == null || (gameState.Clones.Count == 0 && gameState.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated == 0)) { text = Application.dataPath + "\\Saves\\" + filename; gameState = Storage.FromCompressedString(Storage.LoadFile(text)); } Log.Info("Game loaded from: " + text); if (App.State != null && !App.State.SteamId.Equals(gameState.SteamId) && App.State.KongUserIdLong == 0L) { Log.Error("This save is not a valid save!"); GuiBase.ShowToast("This save is not a valid save!"); Storage.SaveGameState(gameState, "SaveWrongSteamId"); return null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameState.SteamId) && !filename.Equals("AutoSave.txt")) { Log.Error("This save is not a valid save!"); GuiBase.ShowToast("This save is not a valid save!"); Storage.SaveGameState(gameState, "SaveInvalidSteamId"); return null; } return gameState; } else { if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(filename)) { return Storage.FromCompressedString(PlayerPrefs.GetString(filename)); } return null; } }
public void AddNeededClones() { this.RemoveAllClones(); CDouble clonesNeeded = this.ClonesNeeded; CDouble availableClones = App.State.GetAvailableClones(false); if (availableClones >= clonesNeeded) { App.State.Clones.UseShadowClones(clonesNeeded); this.ShadowClones += clonesNeeded; this.ShouldUpdateText = true; } else { GuiBase.ShowToast("You need " + clonesNeeded.GuiText + " clones!"); } }
public void GetAttacked(CDouble attackPower, long millisecs) { int value = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100); CDouble cDouble = new CDouble(); if (value <= App.State.Crits.CriticalPercent(App.State.GameSettings.TBSEyesIsMirrored)) { attackPower = attackPower * App.State.Crits.CriticalDamage / 100; cDouble = attackPower / 5000 * millisecs; } else { cDouble = (attackPower - this.Defense) / 5000 * millisecs; } this.DamageSec = cDouble * 33; if (cDouble > 0) { this.CurrentHealth -= cDouble; } if (this.CurrentHealth <= 0) { if (App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated < this.Level + 28) { App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated = this.Level + 28; } App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower++; App.State.HomePlanet.BaalPower += this.Level; GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by 1, you also received " + this.Level + " Baal Power!"); App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); this.IsFighting = false; GodUi.EnableCreating(); Statistic expr_1AF = App.State.Statistic; expr_1AF.TotalGodsDefeated = ++expr_1AF.TotalGodsDefeated; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.GodsDefeated, App.State.Statistic.TotalGodsDefeated.ToInt(), false); Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.HighestGodDefeated, App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated.ToInt(), false); this.IncreaseLevel(); } Log.Info("CurrentHealth: " + this.CurrentHealth); }
public Crystal Upgrade(GameState state, CDouble moduleLevel, CDouble count) { if (count > this.Count) { count = this.Count; } int num = this.UpgradeChance(state, moduleLevel, false).ToInt(); CDouble crystalsAfterUpgrade = this.GetCrystalsAfterUpgrade(state, moduleLevel, count); this.Count -= count; this.Count.Round(); if (crystalsAfterUpgrade == 0) { GuiBase.ShowToast("You failed to upgrade any crystal!"); } return(new Crystal { Type = this.Type, Count = crystalsAfterUpgrade, Level = this.Level + 1 }); }
private void SetAdAbandoned(object returnValue) { App.AdOpened = false; GuiBase.ShowToast("The Ad was canceled, so sorry no reward."); }
public void GetReward(bool won) { bool flag = won; CDouble cDouble = 33; foreach (Fight current in App.State.AllFights) { if (current.IsAvailable) { cDouble *= 2; } } if (App.State.Generator != null && App.State.Generator.IsBuilt) { cDouble += App.State.Generator.DivinitySec; } cDouble *= 2; if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.endless && this.DefeatedEnemyCount > 0) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.DefeatedEnemyCount; i++) { num += i * 5; } cDouble *= num; if (this.DefeatedEnemyCount > App.State.Statistic.MostDefeatedShadowClones) { App.State.Statistic.MostDefeatedShadowClones = this.DefeatedEnemyCount; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.MostClonesDefeated, App.State.Statistic.MostDefeatedShadowClones.ToInt(), false); } flag = true; } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.gods && this.DefeatedEnemyCount > 0) { cDouble = cDouble * this.DefeatedEnemyCount * 2; flag = true; } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.jacky) { cDouble *= 100; if (App.State.AllMights.First((Might x) => x.TypeEnum == Might.MightType.physical_attack).Level >= 100 && won) { Pet pet = App.State.Ext.AllPets.First((Pet x) => x.TypeEnum == PetType.Mole); if (!pet.IsUnlocked) { BattleState.JackyLeeDefeated = true; pet.Unlock(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Contratulations, you just unlocked " + pet.Name + "!"); } } } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.cthulhu) { cDouble *= 150; } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.doppel) { cDouble *= 250; } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.developer && this.DefeatedEnemyCount > 0) { if (this.DefeatedEnemyCount == 1) { cDouble *= 300; } else { cDouble *= 1000; App.State.Statistic.CreatorBeaten = true; } flag = true; } if (flag) { App.State.Money += cDouble; this.BattleRewardText = "You received " + cDouble.ToGuiText(true) + " Divinity!"; } else { this.BattleRewardText = "You lost and got nothing."; } this.ResetSkillCoolDowns(false); }
public new void UpdateDuration(long ms) { foreach (GeneratorUpgrade current in this.Upgrades) { current.UpdateDuration(ms); } CDouble leftSide = 0; int num = 0; if (this.IsBuilt && this.ShadowCloneCount > 0) { Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == Creation.CreationType.Stone); if (creation != null) { CDouble rightSide = ms * (long)App.State.ClonesDifGenMod / 20L; CDouble cDouble = this.ShadowCloneCount * rightSide; if (creation.Count < cDouble) { cDouble = creation.Count; } CDouble cDouble2 = this.Capacity - this.FilledCapacity; CDouble cDouble3 = cDouble * creation.BuyCost; if (cDouble3 > cDouble2) { leftSide = cDouble3 - cDouble2; cDouble3 = cDouble2; } if (leftSide > 0) { cDouble -= leftSide / creation.BuyCost; num = (leftSide / 962500000).ToInt(); } this.FilledCapacity += cDouble3; creation.Count -= cDouble; } } if (this.FilledCapacity > 0) { CDouble cDouble4 = this.ConvertSec * ms / 1000; if (this.FilledCapacity > cDouble4) { this.FilledCapacity -= cDouble4; } else { cDouble4 = this.FilledCapacity; this.FilledCapacity = 0; } CDouble cDouble5 = cDouble4 * this.DivinityEachCapacity; this.DivinitySec = cDouble5 * 1000 / ms; if (num > 400) { num = 400; } cDouble5 = cDouble5 * (num + 100) / 100; this.DivinitySecWithWorker = cDouble5 * 1000 / ms; if (App.State.PremiumBoni.CrystalBonusDivinity > 0) { cDouble5 = cDouble5 * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.CrystalBonusDivinity) / 100; this.DivinitySecWithWorkerCrystal = cDouble5 * 1000 / ms; } App.State.Money += cDouble5; } else { this.DivinitySecWithWorker = 0; this.DivinitySec = 0; } if (this.ShadowCloneCount == 0 || this.IsBuilt) { return; } if (!this.IsPaid) { bool flag = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("You still need:\n"); using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator2 = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator2.Current; Creation creation2 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); if (!CreationCost.HasCreations(App.State, cost, App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForDivGen)) { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation2.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation2.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } } if (flag) { stringBuilder.Append("to build ").Append(this.Name).ToString(); if (!App.State.GameSettings.StickyClones) { GuiBase.ShowToast(stringBuilder.ToString()); App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } else { this.MissingItems = "\n\n" + stringBuilder.ToString(); } return; } using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator3 = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator3.Current; Creation creation3 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); creation3.Count -= cost.CountNeeded; } } this.IsPaid = true; } this.MissingItems = string.Empty; this.CurrentDuration += (ms * (long)this.ShadowCloneCount.ToInt() * (long)App.State.PremiumBoni.MonumentBuildTimeDivider * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.BuildingSpeedUpPercent(true)) / 100).ToLong(); Log.Info(string.Concat(new object[] { this.Name, ", Duration: ", this.CurrentDuration, " / ", this.DurationInMS(1) })); if (this.CurrentDuration > this.DurationInMS(1)) { this.IsPaid = false; this.CurrentDuration = 0L; this.IsBuilt = true; App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } }
private void UBAttack(bool playerSecondAttack) { if (playerSecondAttack) { return; } int num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100); if (this.Being.DamageReduction < 75 && num > 80) { this.Being.DamageReduction += 10; this.InfoText = this.InfoText + "\n" + this.Being.Name + " concentrated his power. His damage reduction increased by 10%"; } else if (this.Being.HPPercent < 15 && num > 67) { this.Being.HPPercent += 10; this.InfoText = this.InfoText + "\n" + this.Being.Name + " healed himself for 10% of his hp."; } else if (num > 85 && !this.Being.PowerUp) { this.Being.PowerUp = true; this.InfoText = this.InfoText + "\n" + this.Being.Name + " concentrated his power."; } else { string text = this.Being.SkillName1; CDouble rightSide = 1; if (num > 50) { if (num > 80) { rightSide = 2.5; text = this.Being.SkillName3; } else { rightSide = 1.5; text = this.Being.SkillName2; } } if (this.Being.PowerUp) { rightSide = 2; this.Being.PowerUp = false; } CDouble cDouble = this.Being.BaseCloneDamage / 100 * (100 - this.DamageReduction) * rightSide; cDouble = (double)UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)cDouble.ToInt() * 0.9f, (float)cDouble.ToInt() * 1.1f); CDouble cDouble2 = this.Being.BaseDamage / 100 * (100 - this.DamageReduction) * rightSide; if (!this.DamageReflect) { if (num < this.DodgeChance) { CDouble cDouble3 = 5 * (100 - this.Being.DamageReduction) / 100; if (this.DoubleUp) { cDouble3 *= 2; this.DoubleUp = false; } this.DodgeChance = 0; this.CounterChance = 0; cDouble3 = cDouble3 * this.Damage / 100; cDouble3 = (double)UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)cDouble3.ToInt() * 0.9f, (float)cDouble3.ToInt() * 1.1f); this.Being.HPPercent -= cDouble3; this.InfoText = string.Concat(new string[] { this.InfoText, "\n", this.Being.Name, " used ", text, " and you dodged the attack! \nYou countered for ", cDouble3.ToGuiText(true) }); } else { if (cDouble > App.State.HomePlanet.ShadowCloneCount) { cDouble = App.State.HomePlanet.ShadowCloneCount; cDouble2 *= 2; } else { cDouble2 *= 0.5; } App.State.HomePlanet.ShadowCloneCount -= cDouble.ToInt(); App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(cDouble.ToInt()); App.State.Clones.Count -= cDouble.ToInt(); App.State.Clones.TotalClonesKilled += cDouble.ToInt(); App.State.Statistic.TotalShadowClonesDied += cDouble; this.PlayerHp -= App.State.MaxHealth * cDouble2 / 100; this.InfoText = string.Concat(new string[] { this.InfoText, "\n", this.Being.Name, " used ", text, " and killed ", cDouble.ToGuiText(true), " of your clones!\nYou also lost ", cDouble2.ToGuiText(true), " % of your hp." }); } } else { cDouble2 = cDouble2 * (100 - this.Being.DamageReduction) / 250; if (cDouble2 > 5) { cDouble2 = 5; } this.Being.HPPercent -= cDouble2; this.DamageReflect = false; this.InfoText = string.Concat(new string[] { this.InfoText, "\n", this.Being.Name, " used ", text, " but the damage is reflected back!\n", this.Being.Name, " took ", cDouble2.ToGuiText(true), " % damage." }); } } if (this.PlayerHp <= 0 || App.State.HomePlanet.ShadowCloneCount <= 0) { App.State.CurrentHealth = 0; GuiBase.ShowToast("You lost the fight!"); this.IsFighting = false; } if (this.Being.HPPercent <= 0) { this.Being.IsDefeated = true; this.Being.isCreating = false; this.Being.TimesDefeated++; CDouble multiplier = this.Being.GetMultiplier(App.State.HomePlanet.UBMultiplier); App.State.HomePlanet.UBMultiplier += multiplier; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += this.Being.Tier * 10; App.State.HomePlanet.TotalGainedGodPower += this.Being.Tier * 10; GuiBase.ShowToast(string.Concat(new object[] { "You won the fight and earned ", this.Being.Tier * 10, " God Power!\nYour planet multiplier also increased by ", multiplier.ToGuiText(true) })); if (this.Being.Tier < 5) { App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[this.Being.Tier].IsAvailable = true; } App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckGP = true; this.IsFighting = false; HeroImage.SetTitle(); } }
internal static void Rebirth() { Monument monument3 = App.State.AllMonuments.FirstOrDefault((Monument x) => x.TypeEnum == Monument.MonumentType.black_hole); if (monument3 != null && monument3.Upgrade.Level > 0) { int num = monument3.Upgrade.Level.ToInt(); if (num > 50) { num = 50; } App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += num; App.State.Statistic.GPFromBlackHoleUpgrade += num; GuiBase.ShowBigMessage("You received " + num + " God Power from your black hole upgrades!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedNoRbChallenge) { GuiBase.ShowToast("Because of your rebirth, you lost your No Rebirth Challenge!"); App.State.Statistic.HasStartedNoRbChallenge = false; } App.State.Statistic.Last5RebirthTimes.Add(App.State.Statistic.TimePlayedSinceRebirth); if (App.State.Statistic.Last5RebirthTimes.Count > 5) { App.State.Statistic.Last5RebirthTimes.RemoveAt(0); } bool shouldSubmitScore = App.State.ShouldSubmitScore; CDouble cDouble = App.State.Statistic.ApplyTimeMulti(App.State.Multiplier.RebirthMulti * App.State.Statistic.StatisticRebirthMultiplier); if (App.State.Statistic.AvgTimeLastRebirths() < 900 || App.State.Statistic.RandomDividerLastRebirth < 1) { App.State.Statistic.CalcuRandomDivider(); } else { App.State.Statistic.RandomDividerLastRebirth = 1; } bool flag = false; foreach (Creation current in App.State.AllCreations) { if (current.GodToDefeat.IsDefeated) { App.State.Statistic.GodDefeatedBeforeRebirth = current.GodToDefeat.Name; if (current.TypeEnum == Creation.CreationType.Universe) { flag = true; } } } if (flag) { App.State.Statistic.GodDefeatedBeforeRebirth = "P. Baal v " + (App.State.PrinnyBaal.Level - 1); } string base64String = App.State.Statistic.Serialize(); CDouble cDouble2 = App.State.Ext.AfkGame.ExpMulti; CDouble cDouble3 = App.State.Ext.AfkGame.Power.Level / 10000000; if (cDouble3 > 1) { cDouble3 = 1; } cDouble2 += cDouble3; CDouble achievementMultiPhysical = App.State.Multiplier.MultiBoniPhysicalRebirth * cDouble; CDouble achievementMultiMystic = App.State.Multiplier.MultiBoniMysticRebirth * cDouble; CDouble achievementMultiBattle = App.State.Multiplier.MultiBoniBattleRebirth * cDouble; CDouble achievementMultiCreating = App.State.Multiplier.MultiBoniCreatingRebirth * cDouble; int maxShadowClonesRebirth = App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClonesRebirth; int absoluteMaximum = App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum; Premium premiumBoni = App.State.PremiumBoni; AvatarOptions avatar = App.State.Avatar; List <Monument> allMonuments = App.State.AllMonuments; List <GeneratorUpgrade> upgrades = App.State.Generator.Upgrades; PlayerKredProblems kredProblems = App.State.KredProblems; Planet homePlanet = App.State.HomePlanet; long creatingSpeedBoniDuration = App.State.CreatingSpeedBoniDuration; string avatarName = App.State.AvatarName; List <float> randomValues = App.State.Ext.RandomValues; int currentRandomNumber = App.State.Ext.CurrentRandomNumber; Critical crits = App.State.Crits; crits.Eyes = crits.Eyes * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; crits.Feet = crits.Feet * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; crits.Mouth = crits.Mouth * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; crits.Tail = crits.Tail * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; crits.Wings = crits.Wings * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; crits.EyesNoMirror = crits.EyesNoMirror * App.State.PremiumBoni.TbsProgressAfterRebirth / 100; List <Creation> allCreations = App.State.AllCreations; Settings gameSettings = App.State.GameSettings; string kongUserId = App.State.KongUserId; string kongUserName = App.State.KongUserName; string steamId = App.State.SteamId; string steamName = App.State.SteamName; string androidId = App.State.AndroidId; string androidName = App.State.AndroidName; bool isSocialDialogShown = App.State.IsSocialDialogShown; List <Skill> allSkills = App.State.AllSkills; List <Pet> allPets = App.State.Ext.AllPets; foreach (Pet current2 in allPets) { current2.FeedTimer = 43200000L; current2.Exp = 0; current2.Level = 1; current2.ShadowCloneCount = 0; current2.CloneBattle = 1; current2.CloneMystic = 1; current2.ClonePhysical = 1; current2.CalculateValues(); } State2 ext = App.State.Ext; List <Might> allMights = App.State.AllMights; long timeStampGameClosed = App.State.TimeStampGameClosed; long timeStampGameClosedOfflineMS = App.State.TimeStampGameClosedOfflineMS; CDouble cDouble4 = 0; foreach (Crystal current3 in App.State.Ext.Factory.EquippedCrystals) { CDouble cDouble5 = current3.Level; if (current3.Type == ModuleType.Ultimate) { cDouble5 *= 2; } if (current3.Type == ModuleType.God) { cDouble5 *= 3; } cDouble4 += cDouble5; } App.State = new GameState(true, App.State.Statistic.AchievementChallengesFinished.ToInt()); App.State.GameSettings.AutofillDefenders = false; App.State.TimeStampGameClosed = timeStampGameClosed; App.State.TimeStampGameClosedOfflineMS = timeStampGameClosedOfflineMS; App.State.Ext.AfkGame.InitExpCost(); App.State.Ext.SteamCurrency = ext.SteamCurrency; App.State.Ext.SteamCountry = ext.SteamCountry; App.State.Ext.TimeSinceSteam = ext.TimeSinceSteam; App.State.Ext.AdPoints = ext.AdPoints; App.State.Ext.AdsWatched = ext.AdsWatched; App.State.Ext.TotalAdsWatched = ext.TotalAdsWatched; App.State.Ext.ImportedSaveFromKongToSteam = ext.ImportedSaveFromKongToSteam; App.State.Ext.KongConvertId = ext.KongConvertId; App.State.Ext.TwitterClicked = ext.TwitterClicked; App.State.Ext.FacebookClicked = ext.FacebookClicked; App.State.Ext.PetIdInAvatar = ext.PetIdInAvatar; App.State.Ext.Lucky = ext.Lucky; App.State.Ext.RateDialogShown = ext.RateDialogShown; App.State.Ext.PetStonesSpent = ext.PetStonesSpent; App.State.Ext.AfkGame.ExpMulti = cDouble2; App.State.KongUserId = kongUserId; App.State.KongUserName = kongUserName; App.State.SteamId = steamId; App.State.SteamName = steamName; App.State.AndroidId = androidId; App.State.AndroidName = androidName; App.State.IsTutorialShown = true; App.State.IsGuestMsgShown = true; App.State.IsSocialDialogShown = isSocialDialogShown; App.State.Multiplier.AchievementMultiPhysical = achievementMultiPhysical; App.State.Multiplier.AchievementMultiMystic = achievementMultiMystic; App.State.Multiplier.AchievementMultiBattle = achievementMultiBattle; App.State.Multiplier.AchievementMultiCreating = achievementMultiCreating; App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClones = maxShadowClonesRebirth; App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum = absoluteMaximum; App.State.Multiplier.GodMultiFromRebirth = cDouble; App.State.Statistic = Statistic.FromString(base64String); Statistic expr_981 = App.State.Statistic; expr_981.TotalRebirths = ++expr_981.TotalRebirths; App.State.Statistic.TimePlayedSinceRebirth = 0L; App.State.Statistic.BlackHoleGPTimer = 0; App.State.Ext.AfkGame.Exp = App.State.Statistic.TotalRebirths * 30 * App.State.Ext.AfkGame.ExpMulti; App.State.AddMultisFromGod(); App.State.KredProblems = kredProblems; App.State.Crits = crits; App.State.CreatingSpeedBoniDuration = creatingSpeedBoniDuration; int num2 = App.State.Statistic.TotalShadowClonesCreated.ToInt() / 1000; if (num2 > 950) { num2 = 950; } App.State.CloneAttackDivider = 1000 - num2; int num3 = App.State.Statistic.TotalShadowClonesDied.ToInt() / 500; if (num3 > 950) { num3 = 950; } App.State.CloneDefenseDivider = 1000 - num3; App.State.CloneHealthDivider = 1000 - num3; App.State.InitAchievementNames(); App.State.PremiumBoni = premiumBoni; App.State.PremiumBoni.ChakraPillV2InUse = false; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodlyLiquidV2InUse = false; App.State.PremiumBoni.TotalMightIsUnlocked = false; App.State.PremiumBoni.CrystalGPTimeCurrent = 0; App.State.PremiumBoni.CrystalPower += cDouble4; App.State.ShouldSubmitScore = shouldSubmitScore; App.State.GameSettings = gameSettings; App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreations = false; App.State.Avatar = avatar; App.State.Ext.RandomValues = randomValues; App.State.Ext.CurrentRandomNumber = currentRandomNumber; using (List <Creation> .Enumerator enumerator4 = App.State.AllCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator4.MoveNext()) { Creation creation = enumerator4.Current; Creation creation3 = allCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == creation.TypeEnum); if (creation3 != null) { creation.GodToDefeat.IsDefeatedForFirstTime = creation3.GodToDefeat.IsDefeatedForFirstTime; creation.GodToDefeat.IsDefeatedPetChallenge = creation3.GodToDefeat.IsDefeatedPetChallenge; creation.NextAtCount = creation3.NextAtCount; creation.AutoBuy = creation3.AutoBuy; } } } using (List <Skill> .Enumerator enumerator5 = App.State.AllSkills.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator5.MoveNext()) { Skill element = enumerator5.Current; Skill skill = allSkills.FirstOrDefault((Skill x) => x.EnumValue == element.EnumValue); if (skill != null) { element.Extension.KeyPress = skill.Extension.KeyPress; element.Extension.UsageCount = skill.Extension.UsageCount; } } } using (List <Monument> .Enumerator enumerator6 = App.State.AllMonuments.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator6.MoveNext()) { Monument monument = enumerator6.Current; Monument monument2 = allMonuments.FirstOrDefault((Monument x) => x.TypeEnum == monument.TypeEnum); if (monument2 != null) { monument.StopAtString = monument2.StopAtString; monument.Upgrade.StopAtString = monument2.Upgrade.StopAtString; } } } using (List <GeneratorUpgrade> .Enumerator enumerator7 = App.State.Generator.Upgrades.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator7.MoveNext()) { GeneratorUpgrade divGenUpgrade = enumerator7.Current; GeneratorUpgrade generatorUpgrade = upgrades.FirstOrDefault((GeneratorUpgrade x) => x.type == divGenUpgrade.type); if (generatorUpgrade != null) { divGenUpgrade.StopAt = generatorUpgrade.StopAt; } } } using (List <Might> .Enumerator enumerator8 = App.State.AllMights.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator8.MoveNext()) { Might might = enumerator8.Current; Might might2 = allMights.FirstOrDefault((Might x) => x.TypeEnum == might.TypeEnum); if (might2 != null) { might.NextAt = might2.NextAt; } } } App.State.Ext.PetPowerMultiCampaigns = ext.PetPowerMultiCampaigns; App.State.Ext.PetPowerMultiGods = ext.PetPowerMultiGods; App.State.Ext.PetStones = ext.PetStones; App.State.Ext.AllCampaigns = ext.AllCampaigns; foreach (PetCampaign current4 in App.State.Ext.AllCampaigns) { current4.Cancel(); } App.State.AvatarName = avatarName; App.State.HomePlanet.IsCreated = homePlanet.IsCreated; App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel = homePlanet.UpgradeLevel; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeings = UltimateBeing.Initial; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2 = UltimateBeingV2.Initial; App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge = homePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge; if (App.State.Statistic.UltimateBaalChallengesFinished > 0 || App.State.Statistic.ArtyChallengesFinished > 0) { App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[0].IsAvailable = true; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[0].TimesDefeated = homePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[0].TimesDefeated; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[1].TimesDefeated = homePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[1].TimesDefeated; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[2].TimesDefeated = homePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[2].TimesDefeated; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[3].TimesDefeated = homePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[3].TimesDefeated; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[4].TimesDefeated = homePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[4].TimesDefeated; } App.State.HomePlanet.InitUBMultipliers(); App.State.HomePlanet.TotalGainedGodPower = homePlanet.TotalGainedGodPower; using (List <UltimateBeing> .Enumerator enumerator10 = App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeings.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator10.MoveNext()) { UltimateBeing being = enumerator10.Current; UltimateBeing ultimateBeing = homePlanet.UltimateBeings.FirstOrDefault((UltimateBeing x) => x.Tier == being.Tier); being.IsAvailable = ultimateBeing.IsAvailable; being.ComeBack(); being.HPPercent = 0.0; } } App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreations = false; App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonumentsBeforeRebirth = App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonuments; App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonuments = false; foreach (UltimateBeingV2 current5 in App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2) { current5.IsDefeated = false; } App.State.Ext.AllPets = allPets; if (App.State.PremiumBoni.PetFoodAfterRebirth) { App.State.Ext.PunyFood = ext.PunyFood; App.State.Ext.MightyFood = ext.MightyFood; App.State.Ext.StrongFood = ext.StrongFood; } App.State.Ext.Chocolate = ext.Chocolate; App.State.Statistic.CalculateTotalPetGrowth(App.State.Ext.AllPets); App.SaveGameState(); Creation creation2 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == Creation.CreationType.Shadow_clone); App.State.GameSettings.LastCreation = creation2; if (creation2 != null) { creation2.IsActive = true; } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimateBaalChallenge && App.State.Statistic.CountRebirthsInUBC) { Statistic expr_133F = App.State.Statistic; expr_133F.RebirthsAfterUBC = ++expr_133F.RebirthsAfterUBC; } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge) { Statistic expr_136D = App.State.Statistic; expr_136D.RebirthsAfterUAC = ++expr_136D.RebirthsAfterUAC; if (App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC > 5) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge = false; App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC = 0; App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUACStarted = 0; App.State.HomePlanet.IsCreated = true; if (App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge > App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel) { App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel = App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge; } if (App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished > 0 && App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel < App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished + 5) { App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel = App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished + 5; } App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge = 0; foreach (UltimateBeing current6 in App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeings) { if (current6.Tier <= App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel) { current6.IsAvailable = true; } } Premium premiumBoni2 = App.State.PremiumBoni; App.State.PremiumBoni = Premium.FromString(App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge); App.State.PremiumBoni.AddPremiumAfterChallenge(premiumBoni2); App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge = string.Empty; App.State.Statistic.HighestGodInUAC = 0; App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum = App.State.Statistic.AbsoluteMaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClones = App.State.Statistic.MaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); string[] array = App.State.Statistic.SkillUsageCountBeforeUAC.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { int num4 = 0; int.TryParse(array[i], out num4); if (App.State.AllSkills.Count > i) { App.State.AllSkills[i].Extension.UsageCount += (long)num4; } } App.State.Statistic.SkillUsageCountBeforeUAC = string.Empty; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Your Challenge failed! You received back the God Power and God Power upgrades you had before the challenge."); } } Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.Rebirths, App.State.Statistic.TotalRebirths.ToInt(), false); SpecialFightUi.SortSkills(); TBSUi.Reset(); PlanetUi.Instance.Reset(); if (!App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimateBaalChallenge && !App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge && App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated > 3 && !App.State.IsSocialDialogShown) { MainUi.ShowSocialDialog = true; } MainUi.Instance.Init(true); }
public static void CheckRebirth(Action <bool> result, bool showDefaultDialog = true) { foreach (Creation current in App.State.AllCreations) { if (current.TypeEnum == Creation.CreationType.Light && !current.GodToDefeat.IsDefeated) { GuiBase.ShowToast("You need to defeat " + current.GodToDefeat.Name + " first to be able to rebirth!"); result(false); return; } } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge && App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC > 5) { GuiBase.ShowDialog("Are you sure?", "If you rebirth now, you will cancel your Arty challenge without getting any rewards!", delegate { result(true); }, delegate { result(false); }, "Yes", "No", false, false); } else { App.CheckCampaigns(delegate(bool campaign) { if (campaign) { App.CheckBaalPower(delegate(bool baalpower) { if (baalpower) { App.CheckPets(delegate(bool pets) { if (pets) { if (showDefaultDialog) { GuiBase.ShowDialog("Are you sure?", "This will overwrite your current multiplier, even if your stats after rebirthing are lower.", delegate { result(true); }, delegate { result(false); }, "Yes", "No", false, false); } else { result(true); } } else { result(false); } }); } else { result(false); } }); } }); } }
public void UseSkill(Skill skill, bool usedKey = false) { int num = 500; if (usedKey) { num = 800; } foreach (Skill current in App.State.AllSkills) { if (current.Extension.CoolDownCurrent < (long)num) { current.Extension.CoolDownCurrent = (long)num; } } SkillExtension extension = skill.Extension; extension.CoolDownCurrent = extension.CoolDownBase; extension.UsageCount += 1L; if (skill.TypeEnum == Skill.SkillType.time_manipulation) { this.CurrentEnemy.TimeManipulate(); CDouble cDouble = new CDouble(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("You use ").Append(skill.Name).Append(" and the damages "); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (this.last3EnemyAttacks[i] != null) { cDouble += this.last3EnemyAttacks[i]; stringBuilder.Append(this.last3EnemyAttacks[i].ToGuiText(true)); if (i == 0) { stringBuilder.Append(", "); } if (i == 1) { stringBuilder.Append(" and "); } } } this.PlayerHp += cDouble; this.SkillUseText = this.FightTimeString + stringBuilder.ToString() + " never occurred."; this.FightingLog.Add(this.SkillUseText); return; } if (extension.DamagePercent > 0) { int num2 = extension.DamagePercent; int num3 = extension.Hitcount; if (skill.TypeEnum == Skill.SkillType.unlimited_creation_works) { int num4 = 0; foreach (Creation current2 in App.State.AllCreations) { if (current2.CanBuy) { num4++; } } num2 *= num4; } else if (skill.TypeEnum == Skill.SkillType.ionioi_hero_summon) { num3 = App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated.ToInt(); } if (this.DoubleUp) { this.DoubleUp = false; num2 *= 2; } StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder("You attack ").Append(this.CurrentEnemy.Name).Append(" with ").Append(skill.Name); int num5 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { int num6 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100); if (extension.Hitchance + this.HitchanceBonus > num6) { num5++; } } this.HitchanceBonus = 0; if (num5 > 0) { CDouble cDouble2 = skill.Level; if (cDouble2 > 100000) { int num7 = cDouble2.ToInt() - 100000; if (num7 > 1100000) { cDouble2 = 150000 + (num7 - 1100000) / 100; } else { cDouble2 = 100000 + num7 / 20; } } CDouble cDouble3 = this.randomize(cDouble2 * num2 * this.DamageIncrease * App.State.Attack / 1000000000 * num5); Log.Info("playerDamage: " + cDouble3.ToGuiText(true)); stringBuilder2.Append(" and hit ").Append(num5).Append(" times for ").Append(cDouble3.ToGuiText(true)).Append(" damage total."); this.TotalPlayerDamage += cDouble3; this.SkillUseText = this.FightTimeString + stringBuilder2.ToString(); if (extension.HealPercent != 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); CDouble cDouble4 = extension.HealPercent * App.State.MaxHealth / 100; if (this.PlayerHp + cDouble4 > this.PlayerMaxHP) { cDouble4 = this.PlayerMaxHP - this.PlayerHp; } this.PlayerHp += cDouble4; if (cDouble4 > 0) { stringBuilder3.Append("\nYou heal yourself for " + cDouble4.ToGuiText(true)).Append("."); } else { stringBuilder3.Append("\nYou damage yourself for " + (cDouble4 * -1).ToGuiText(true)).Append("."); } this.SkillUseText += stringBuilder3.ToString(); } this.FightingLog.Add(this.SkillUseText); if (this.PlayerHp <= 0) { GuiBase.ShowToast("You lose!"); this.IsFighting = false; this.IsBattleFinished = true; this.GetReward(false); return; } if (this.CurrentEnemy.DoDamage(cDouble3)) { this.SkillUseText = "You defeated " + this.CurrentEnemy.Name + "!"; if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.developer) { this.SkillUseText = this.SkillUseText + " " + this.CurrentEnemy.Name + " evolved into "; } this.DefeatedEnemyCount++; Log.Info("AllEnemies.Count: " + this.AllEnemies.Count); if (this.AllEnemies.Count > 0) { this.CurrentEnemy = this.AllEnemies[0]; this.AllEnemies.RemoveAt(0); if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.developer) { this.SkillUseText = this.SkillUseText + this.CurrentEnemy.Name + "!"; } } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.gods) { CDouble cDouble5 = new CDouble("99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999000"); int num8 = 1; for (int k = 0; k < this.DefeatedEnemyCount - 28; k++) { num8++; cDouble5 *= 100; } string name = "P. Baal"; if (num8 > 1) { name = "P. Baal v " + num8; } List <EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance> list = new List <EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance>(); list.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.doubleDamage, 20)); list.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.tripleDamage, 10)); list.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.fiveDamage, 5)); list.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.tenDamage, 3)); this.CurrentEnemy = new EnemyData.Enemy(name, string.Empty, cDouble5 * 1000, cDouble5, EnemyData.EnemyType.constantDamage, list); } else if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.endless) { string name2 = this.DefeatedEnemyCount + 1 + " Shadow Clones"; List <EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance> list2 = new List <EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance>(); list2.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.doubleDamage, 2 + this.DefeatedEnemyCount / 2)); list2.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.tripleDamage, 1 + this.DefeatedEnemyCount / 3)); list2.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.fiveDamage, 1 + this.DefeatedEnemyCount / 5)); list2.Add(new EnemyData.SpecialAttackChance(EnemyData.SpecialAttack.tenDamage, 1 + this.DefeatedEnemyCount / 10)); CDouble hp = App.State.PowerLevel * 5 * (this.DefeatedEnemyCount + 1); CDouble dam = App.State.PowerLevel / 300 * (this.DefeatedEnemyCount + 1); this.CurrentEnemy = new EnemyData.Enemy(name2, string.Empty, hp, dam, EnemyData.EnemyType.constantDamage, list2); } else { GuiBase.ShowToast("You win!"); this.IsFighting = false; this.IsBattleFinished = true; this.GetReward(true); } this.FightingLog.Add(this.SkillUseText); } } else { stringBuilder2.Append(" and your attack misses!"); this.SkillUseText = this.FightTimeString + stringBuilder2.ToString(); this.FightingLog.Add(this.SkillUseText); } } else { StringBuilder stringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder(this.FightTimeString + "You use " + skill.Name).Append(" "); if (extension.DamageBlock) { this.DamageBlock = true; stringBuilder4.Append("and the next incoming damage will be blocked."); } if (extension.DamageReflect) { this.DamageReflect = true; stringBuilder4.Append("and the next incoming damage will be reflected."); } if (extension.DoubleUp) { this.DoubleUp = true; stringBuilder4.Append("and the next damage you do will be doubled."); } if (extension.GodSpeedModeDuration > 0L) { this.GodSpeedModeDuration = extension.GodSpeedModeDuration; stringBuilder4.Append("and you enter god speed mode for " + extension.GodSpeedModeDuration / 1000L + " seconds."); } if (extension.GearEyesDuration > 0L) { this.GearEyesDuration = extension.GearEyesDuration; stringBuilder4.Append("and the enemy is stopped for " + extension.GearEyesDuration / 1000L + " seconds."); } if (extension.HealPercent != 0) { CDouble cDouble6 = extension.HealPercent * App.State.MaxHealth / 100; if (this.PlayerHp + cDouble6 > this.PlayerMaxHP) { cDouble6 = this.PlayerMaxHP - this.PlayerHp; } this.PlayerHp += cDouble6; if (cDouble6 > 0) { stringBuilder4.Append("and you heal yourself for " + cDouble6.ToGuiText(true)).Append("."); } else { stringBuilder4.Append("and you damage yourself for " + (cDouble6 * -1).ToGuiText(true)).Append("."); } } if (extension.DodgeChance > 0) { this.DodgeChance = extension.DodgeChance; stringBuilder4.Append("and have a ").Append(extension.DodgeChance).Append(" % chance to dodge the next attack."); } if (extension.HitchanceBonus > 0) { this.HitchanceBonus = extension.HitchanceBonus; stringBuilder4.Append("and your next attack skill will have a ").Append(this.HitchanceBonus).Append(" % higher chance to hit."); } if (extension.CounterChance > 0) { this.CounterChance = extension.CounterChance; stringBuilder4.Append("and you have a ").Append(extension.CounterChance).Append(" % chance to counter the next attack."); } if (extension.DamageIncreaseDuration > 0L) { stringBuilder4.Append("and your damage is increased by ").Append(extension.DamageIncreasePercent).Append(" % for ").Append(extension.DamageIncreaseDuration / 1000L).Append(" seconds."); this.DamageIncreases.Add(new DamageChange(extension.DamageIncreasePercent, extension.DamageIncreaseDuration)); } if (extension.DamageDecreaseDuration > 0L) { stringBuilder4.Append("and the damage you receive is decreased by ").Append(extension.DamageDecreasePercent).Append(" % for ").Append(extension.DamageDecreaseDuration / 1000L).Append(" seconds."); this.DamageDecreases.Add(new DamageChange(extension.DamageDecreasePercent, extension.DamageDecreaseDuration)); } this.SkillUseText = stringBuilder4.ToString(); this.SkillUseText = this.SkillUseText.Replace('.', ' ').TrimEnd(new char[0]) + "."; this.FightingLog.Add(this.SkillUseText); } }
public void GetAttacked(CDouble attackPower, long millisecs) { int value = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100); CDouble cDouble; if (value <= App.State.Crits.CriticalPercent(App.State.GameSettings.TBSEyesIsMirrored)) { attackPower = attackPower * App.State.Crits.CriticalDamage / 100; cDouble = attackPower / 5000 * millisecs; } else { cDouble = (attackPower - this.Defense) / 5000 * millisecs; } this.DamageSec = cDouble * 33; if (cDouble > 0) { this.CurrentHealth -= cDouble; } if (this.CurrentHealth <= 0) { App.State.Title = EnumName.Title(App.State.Avatar.IsFemale, this.TypeEnum); App.State.TitleGod = this.Name; if (App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated < (int)this.TypeEnum) { App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated = (int)this.TypeEnum; } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge && App.State.Statistic.HighestGodInUAC < (int)this.TypeEnum) { App.State.Statistic.HighestGodInUAC = (int)this.TypeEnum; } this.IsDefeated = true; if (this.TypeEnum > God.GodType.Diana || !this.IsDefeatedForFirstTime) { this.IsDefeatedForFirstTime = true; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower++; GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by 1!"); App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); } Statistic expr_212 = App.State.Statistic; expr_212.TotalGodsDefeated = ++expr_212.TotalGodsDefeated; StoryUi.SetUnlockedStoryParts(App.State); Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.GodsDefeated, App.State.Statistic.TotalGodsDefeated.ToInt(), false); Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.HighestGodDefeated, App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated.ToInt(), false); HeroImage.Init(true); if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Diana) { App.State.IsMonumentUnlocked = true; GuiBase.ShowContentUnlocked("You can now build monuments."); } else if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Nephthys) { App.State.IsBuyUnlocked = true; App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonuments = App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonumentsBeforeRebirth; GuiBase.ShowContentUnlocked("You can now buy creations after you created at least one."); } else if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Poseidon && App.CurrentPlattform == Plattform.Android && !App.State.Ext.RateDialogShown) { App.State.Ext.RateDialogShown = true; GuiBase.ShowDialog("Rate ItRtG", "If you like the game, please rate it on google play. Good ratings helps to get more players, and more players will lead to more success of the game, and more time for me to work on updates or future games.", delegate { App.OpenWebsite(""); }, delegate { }, "Rate it", "Cancel", true, true); } else if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Freya) { App.State.IsUpgradeUnlocked = true; GuiBase.ShowContentUnlocked("You can now upgrade your monuments!"); } else if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Chronos && App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge) { UpdateStats.SaveToServer(UpdateStats.ServerSaveType.UAChallengeSave2); } else if (this.TypeEnum == God.GodType.Tyrant_Overlord_Baal) { if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedDoubleRebirthChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedDoubleRebirthChallenge = false; if (App.State.Statistic.FastestDRCallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.FastestDRCallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterDRCStarted) { App.State.Statistic.FastestDRCallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterDRCStarted; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestDRCallenge, App.State.Statistic.FastestDRCallenge.ToInt() / 1000, false); } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterDRCStarted = 0; Statistic expr_493 = App.State.Statistic; expr_493.DoubleRebirthChallengesFinished = ++expr_493.DoubleRebirthChallengesFinished; int num = 10; if (App.State.Statistic.DoubleRebirthChallengesFinished > 50) { num += 10; } App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += num; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by " + num + " because you beat the double rebirth challenge!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStarted1kChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStarted1kChallenge = false; if (App.State.Statistic.Fastest1KCCallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.Fastest1KCCallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfter1KCStarted) { App.State.Statistic.Fastest1KCCallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfter1KCStarted; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.Fastest1KCCallenge, App.State.Statistic.Fastest1KCCallenge.ToInt() / 1000, false); } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfter1KCStarted = 0; Statistic expr_5DA = App.State.Statistic; expr_5DA.OnekChallengesFinished = ++expr_5DA.OnekChallengesFinished; App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClones = App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += 20; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by " + 20 + " because you beat the 1k challenge!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimatePetChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimatePetChallenge = false; if (App.State.Statistic.FastestUPCallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.FastestUPCallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUPCStarted) { App.State.Statistic.FastestUPCallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUPCStarted; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestUPCallenge, App.State.Statistic.FastestUPCallenge.ToInt() / 1000, false); } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUPCStarted = 0; Statistic expr_71F = App.State.Statistic; expr_71F.UltimatePetChallengesFinished = ++expr_71F.UltimatePetChallengesFinished; App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("You have finished the ultimate pet challenge! The rewards you can get from pet campaigns are increased by 5%!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedNoRbChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedNoRbChallenge = false; if (App.State.Statistic.FastestNoRbCCallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.FastestNoRbCCallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterNoRbStarted) { App.State.Statistic.FastestNoRbCCallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterNoRbStarted; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestNRChallenge, App.State.Statistic.FastestNoRbCCallenge.ToInt() / 1000, false); } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterNoRbStarted = 0; Statistic expr_809 = App.State.Statistic; expr_809.NoRbChallengesFinished = ++expr_809.NoRbChallengesFinished; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += 250; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by " + 250 + " because you beat the no rebirth challenge!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimateBaalChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedUltimateBaalChallenge = false; if (App.State.Statistic.FastestUBCallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.FastestUBCallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUBCStarted) { App.State.Statistic.FastestUBCallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUBCStarted; if (App.State.ShouldSubmitScore) { long num2 = 0L; long.TryParse((App.State.Statistic.FastestUBCallenge.Double / 1000.0).ToString(), out num2); if (num2 == 0L) { num2 = App.State.Statistic.FastestUBCallenge.ToLong() / 1000L; } Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestUBCallenge, (int)num2, false); } } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUBCStarted = 0; Statistic expr_983 = App.State.Statistic; expr_983.UltimateBaalChallengesFinished = ++expr_983.UltimateBaalChallengesFinished; if (App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUBC == -1 || App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUBC > App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUBC) { App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUBC = App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUBC; } App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUBC = 0; App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[0].IsAvailable = true; Premium premiumBoni = App.State.PremiumBoni; App.State.PremiumBoni = Premium.FromString(App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge); App.State.PremiumBoni.AddPremiumAfterChallenge(premiumBoni); App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge = string.Empty; App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum = App.State.Statistic.AbsoluteMaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClones = App.State.Statistic.MaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += 100; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); GuiBase.ShowToast("Your god power is increased by 100 because you beat the ultimate baal challenge!"); } if (App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge) { App.State.Statistic.HasStartedArtyChallenge = false; long num3 = 0L; if (App.State.Statistic.FastestUACallenge <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.FastestUACallenge > App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUACStarted) { App.State.Statistic.FastestUACallenge = App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUACStarted; num3 = (long)(App.State.Statistic.FastestUACallenge.Double / 1000.0); if (App.State.ShouldSubmitScore) { if (num3 == 0L) { num3 = App.State.Statistic.FastestUACallenge.ToLong() / 1000L; } if (num3 > 2000000L || App.State.PremiumBoni.HasPurchasedGodPowerOnce) { Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.FastestUACallenge, (int)num3, false); } } } else { num3 = (long)(App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUACStarted.Double / 1000.0); } App.State.Statistic.TimeAfterUACStarted = 0; Statistic expr_C4C = App.State.Statistic; expr_C4C.ArtyChallengesFinished = ++expr_C4C.ArtyChallengesFinished; App.State.HomePlanet.IsCreated = true; if (App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge > App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel) { App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel = App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge; } if (App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished > 0 && App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel < App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished + 5) { App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel = App.State.Statistic.UniverseChallengesFinished + 5; } App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge = 0; foreach (UltimateBeing current in App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeings) { if (current.Tier <= App.State.HomePlanet.UpgradeLevel) { current.IsAvailable = true; } } App.State.HomePlanet.UltimateBeingsV2[0].IsAvailable = true; if (App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUAC <= 0 || App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUAC > App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC) { App.State.Statistic.MinRebirthsAfterUAC = App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC; } App.State.Statistic.RebirthsAfterUAC = 0; Premium premiumBoni2 = App.State.PremiumBoni; App.State.PremiumBoni = Premium.FromString(App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge); App.State.PremiumBoni.AddPremiumAfterChallenge(premiumBoni2); App.State.Statistic.PremiumStatsBeforeUBCChallenge = string.Empty; App.State.Statistic.HighestGodInUAC = 0; App.State.Clones.AbsoluteMaximum = App.State.Statistic.AbsoluteMaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); App.State.Clones.MaxShadowClones = App.State.Statistic.MaxClonesBeforeUBCChallenge.ToInt(); string[] array = App.State.Statistic.SkillUsageCountBeforeUAC.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { int num4 = 0; int.TryParse(array[i], out num4); if (App.State.AllSkills.Count > i) { App.State.AllSkills[i].Extension.UsageCount += (long)num4; } } App.State.Statistic.SkillUsageCountBeforeUAC = string.Empty; App.State.PremiumBoni.GodPower += 200; App.State.PremiumBoni.CheckIfGPIsAdjusted(); App.SaveGameState(); if (num3 < 2000000L) { GuiBase.ShowBigMessage("Contratulations, you have beaten the Ultimate Arty Challenge!\nHowever your time doesn't seem to be legit, you won't get the Pet Token Reward.\nIf you really beat the challenge in this time without cheating, please report to [email protected], so I can look at it."); } else if (App.State.Statistic.ArtyChallengesFinished == 1) { GuiBase.ShowBigMessage("Contratulations, you have beaten the Ultimate Arty Challenge!\nYour god power is increased by 200, you unlocked the turtle with the 'Arty was here' sign and you received the turtle pet!"); } else if (App.State.Statistic.ArtyChallengesFinished == 2) { Premium expr_1032 = App.State.PremiumBoni; expr_1032.PetToken = ++expr_1032.PetToken; GuiBase.ShowBigMessage("Contratulations, you have beaten the Ultimate Arty Challenge!\nYour god power is increased by 200, and you received a pet token!"); } } App.State.PrinnyBaal.IsUnlocked = true; } } Log.Info("CurrentHealth: " + this.CurrentHealth); }
public new bool UpdateDuration(long ms) { if (this.ShadowCloneCount == 0) { return(false); } if (this.Level >= this.StopAt && this.StopAt != 0) { CDouble shadowCloneCount = this.ShadowCloneCount; App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(shadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; Monument monument = App.State.AllMonuments.FirstOrDefault((Monument x) => x.TypeEnum == this.type + 1); if (monument != null && monument.StopAt > 0) { monument.AddCloneCount(shadowCloneCount); } return(false); } if (!this.IsPaid) { bool flag = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("You still need:\n"); using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator.Current; Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); if (cost.CountNeeded > creation.Count) { if (App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonuments && creation.CanBuy) { CDouble cDouble = cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count; CDouble rightSide = cDouble * creation.BuyCost * (120 - App.State.PremiumBoni.AutoBuyCostReduction) / 100; if (App.State.Money >= rightSide) { App.State.Money -= rightSide; creation.count += cDouble; App.State.Statistic.TotalMoneySpent += rightSide; } else { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } else { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } } } if (flag) { stringBuilder.Append("to upgrade ").Append(EnumName.Name(this.type)).ToString(); if (!App.State.GameSettings.StickyClones) { GuiBase.ShowToast(stringBuilder.ToString()); App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } else { this.MissingItems = "\n\n" + stringBuilder.ToString(); } return(false); } using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator2 = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator2.Current; Creation creation2 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); creation2.Count -= cost.CountNeeded; } } this.IsPaid = true; } this.MissingItems = string.Empty; this.CurrentDuration += (ms * (long)this.ShadowCloneCount.ToInt() * (long)App.State.PremiumBoni.MonumentBuildTimeDivider * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.BuildingSpeedUpPercent(true)) / 100).ToLong(); if (this.CurrentDuration > this.DurationInMS(1)) { if (App.State.GameSettings.StopMonumentBuilding) { App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } this.IsPaid = false; this.CurrentDuration = 0L; return(true); } return(false); }
public new void UpdateDuration(long ms) { if (this.Upgrade.UpdateDuration(ms)) { this.AddUpgradeLevel(); } if (App.State == null || this.ShadowCloneCount == 0) { return; } if (this.Level >= this.StopAt && this.StopAt != 0) { CDouble shadowCloneCount = this.ShadowCloneCount; App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(shadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; if (this.Upgrade.StopAt > 0 && this.Upgrade.IsAvailable) { this.Upgrade.AddCloneCount(shadowCloneCount); } else { Monument monument = App.State.AllMonuments.FirstOrDefault((Monument x) => x.TypeEnum == this.TypeEnum + 1); if (monument != null && monument.StopAt > 0) { monument.AddCloneCount(shadowCloneCount); } } return; } if (!this.IsPaid) { bool flag = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("You still need:\n"); using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator = this.RequiredCreations(this.Level).GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator.Current; Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); cost.CountNeeded.Round(); creation.count.Round(); if (cost.CountNeeded > creation.Count) { if (App.State.IsBuyUnlocked && App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForMonuments && creation.CanBuy) { CDouble cDouble = cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count; CDouble rightSide = cDouble * creation.BuyCost * (120 - App.State.PremiumBoni.AutoBuyCostReduction) / 100; if (App.State.Money >= rightSide) { App.State.Money -= rightSide; creation.count += cDouble; App.State.Statistic.TotalMoneySpent += rightSide; } else { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } else { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } } } if (flag) { stringBuilder.Append("to build ").Append(this.Name).ToString(); if (!App.State.GameSettings.StickyClones) { GuiBase.ShowToast(stringBuilder.ToString()); App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } else { this.MissingItems = "\n\n" + stringBuilder.ToString(); } return; } using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator2 = this.RequiredCreations(this.Level).GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator2.Current; Creation creation2 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); creation2.Count -= cost.CountNeeded; } } this.IsPaid = true; } this.MissingItems = string.Empty; this.CurrentDuration += (ms * (long)this.ShadowCloneCount.ToInt() * (long)App.State.PremiumBoni.MonumentBuildTimeDivider * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.BuildingSpeedUpPercent(true)) / 100).ToLong(); if (this.CurrentDuration > this.DurationInMS(1)) { this.CurrentDuration = 0L; this.Level = ++this.Level; this.IsPaid = false; Statistic expr_4D4 = App.State.Statistic; expr_4D4.MonumentsCreated = ++expr_4D4.MonumentsCreated; Leaderboards.SubmitStat(LeaderBoardType.Monuments, App.State.Statistic.MonumentsCreated.ToInt(), false); if (this.TypeEnum == Monument.MonumentType.temple_of_god && this.Level == 1) { GuiBase.ShowContentUnlocked("You can now build a divinity generator!"); } this.AddStatBoni(); if (App.State.GameSettings.StopMonumentBuilding) { App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } if (this.TypeEnum == Monument.MonumentType.temple_of_god) { App.State.Generator.IsAvailable = true; } } }
public void UpdateDuration(long ms) { if (App.State == null) { return; } if (this.CreationDuration == 0) { this.InitDuration(App.State); } if (this.isCreating) { if (App.State.CreatingPowerBase <= 0) { GuiBase.ShowToast("You need more creating power to create a " + this.CreationName); this.isCreating = false; this.GoBackToCreating(); return; } if (this.CurrentCreationDuration <= 0) { Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == this.CreationNeeded); if (creation.count == 0) { this.isCreating = false; GuiBase.ShowToast("You need one " + creation.Name + " to create a " + this.CreationName); this.GoBackToCreating(); return; } Creation expr_EB = creation; expr_EB.count = --expr_EB.count; } CDouble rightSide = App.State.CreationSpeed(ms); this.CurrentCreationDuration += rightSide; CDouble cDouble = (this.CreationDuration - this.CurrentCreationDuration) * 30 / rightSide; string text = "Time to finish: " + Conv.MsToGuiText(cDouble.ToLong(), true); CDouble cDouble2 = this.CreationLoss / this.CreationDuration * rightSide; App.State.CreatingPowerBase -= cDouble2; if (App.State.CreatingPowerBase < 0) { App.State.CreatingPowerBase = 0; } CDouble cDouble3 = cDouble2 * App.State.Multiplier.CurrentMultiCreating * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.GpBoniCreating); cDouble3 = App.State.AdditionalMultis(cDouble3); if (this.CreationDuration > 0 && this.CurrentCreationDuration > this.CreationDuration) { this.CurrentCreationDuration = 0; this.CreationCount = ++this.CreationCount; if (this.CreationCount >= this.StopAt && this.StopAt != 0) { this.isCreating = false; this.GoBackToCreating(); } } this.CreationDescription = string.Concat(new string[] { this.CreationDescriptionBase, "\nYou will lose ", cDouble3.ToGuiText(true), " Creating every second while creating this.\n", text }); } if (this.HPPercent < 100) { this.HPPercent += 1.67E-05 * (double)ms; } }
public void UpdateData(long timeDifference) { if (!this.IsFighting) { return; } this.totalFightTime += timeDifference; if (this.GearEyesDuration <= 0L) { this.enemyAttackTimer += timeDifference; } this.totalFightTimeMilliSeconds += timeDifference; if (this.enemyAttackTimer >= this.enemyAttackTime) { this.enemyAttackTimer = 0L; CDouble cDouble = this.randomize(this.CurrentEnemy.GetDamage(this.PlayerHp) * this.DamageDecrease / 100); bool flag = false; if (this.DodgeChance > 0) { int num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100); if (num < this.DodgeChance) { flag = true; } this.DodgeChance = 0; } bool flag2 = false; if (this.CounterChance > 0) { int num2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100); if (num2 < this.CounterChance) { flag2 = true; } this.CounterChance = 0; } if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.endless && this.DefeatedEnemyCount > 0) { this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName = this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName.Replace("attacks", "attack"); this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName = this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName.Replace("uses", "use"); } if (flag) { if (this.currentBattleType == BattleState.BattleType.endless && this.DefeatedEnemyCount > 0) { this.EnemyDamageText = this.CurrentEnemy.Name + this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName + "and they miss!"; } else { this.EnemyDamageText = this.CurrentEnemy.Name + this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName + "and misses!"; } } else if (this.DamageBlock) { this.DamageBlock = false; this.EnemyDamageText = this.CurrentEnemy.Name + this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName + "but the damage is nullfied!"; } else if (this.DamageReflect) { this.DamageReflect = false; this.CurrentEnemy.DoDamage(cDouble); this.EnemyDamageText = string.Concat(new string[] { this.CurrentEnemy.Name, this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName, "for ", cDouble.ToGuiText(true), " damage but the damage is reflected back!" }); } else { this.PlayerHp -= cDouble; this.EnemyDamageText = string.Concat(new string[] { this.CurrentEnemy.Name, this.CurrentEnemy.AttackName, "for ", cDouble.ToGuiText(true), " damage." }); if (flag2) { CDouble cDouble2 = this.randomize(this.DamageIncrease * App.State.Attack / 100); this.CurrentEnemy.DoDamage(cDouble2); this.EnemyDamageText = this.EnemyDamageText + " You counter for " + cDouble2.ToGuiText(true) + " back!"; } } if (this.PlayerHp <= 0) { GuiBase.ShowToast("You lose!"); this.IsFighting = false; this.IsBattleFinished = true; this.GetReward(false); } this.EnemyDamageText = this.FightTimeString + this.EnemyDamageText; this.FightingLog.Add(this.EnemyDamageText); this.CurrentEnemy.IncreaseDamage(); this.last3EnemyAttacks[this.currentIntexOfEnemyAttacks] = cDouble; this.currentIntexOfEnemyAttacks++; this.currentIntexOfEnemyAttacks %= 3; } foreach (Skill current in App.State.AllSkills) { current.Extension.CoolDownCurrent -= timeDifference; if (current.Extension.CoolDownCurrent < 0L) { current.Extension.CoolDownCurrent = 0L; } } List <DamageChange> list = new List <DamageChange>(); foreach (DamageChange current2 in this.DamageIncreases) { current2.Duration -= timeDifference; if (current2.Duration > 0L) { list.Add(current2); } } this.DamageIncreases = list; List <DamageChange> list2 = new List <DamageChange>(); foreach (DamageChange current3 in this.DamageDecreases) { current3.Duration -= timeDifference; if (current3.Duration > 0L) { list2.Add(current3); } } this.DamageDecreases = list2; this.GodSpeedModeDuration -= timeDifference; if (this.GodSpeedModeDuration <= 0L) { this.GodSpeedModeDuration = 0L; } this.GearEyesDuration -= timeDifference; if (this.GearEyesDuration <= 0L) { this.GearEyesDuration = 0L; } }
public new bool UpdateDuration(long ms) { if (this.ShadowCloneCount == 0) { return(false); } if (this.StopAt != 0 && this.StopAt <= this.Level) { App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; return(false); } if (!this.IsPaid) { bool flag = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("You still need:\n"); using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator.Current; Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); if (!CreationCost.HasCreations(App.State, cost, App.State.GameSettings.AutoBuyCreationsForDivGen)) { flag = true; stringBuilder.Append(creation.Name).Append(" x ").Append((cost.CountNeeded - creation.Count).ToGuiText(true)).Append("\n"); } } } if (flag) { if (!App.State.GameSettings.StickyClones) { stringBuilder.Append("to upgrade ").Append(this.Name).ToString(); GuiBase.ShowToast(stringBuilder.ToString()); App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } else { this.MissingItems = "\n\n" + stringBuilder.ToString(); } return(false); } using (List <CreationCost> .Enumerator enumerator2 = this.RequiredCreations.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { CreationCost cost = enumerator2.Current; Creation creation2 = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == cost.TypeEnum); creation2.Count -= cost.CountNeeded; } } this.IsPaid = true; } this.MissingItems = string.Empty; this.CurrentDuration += (ms * (long)this.ShadowCloneCount.ToInt() * (long)App.State.PremiumBoni.MonumentBuildTimeDivider * (100 + App.State.PremiumBoni.BuildingSpeedUpPercent(true)) / 100).ToLong(); if (this.CurrentDuration > this.DurationInMS(1)) { this.IsPaid = false; this.CurrentDuration = 0L; this.Level = ++this.Level; if (App.State.GameSettings.StopDivinityGenBuilding) { App.State.Clones.RemoveUsedShadowClones(this.ShadowCloneCount); this.ShadowCloneCount = 0; } return(true); } return(false); }