private void UpdateGroupsFromModel(Groups target, GroupsModel source) { target.GroupId = source.GroupId; target.GroupName = source.GroupName; target.GroupType = Convert.ToInt32(source.GroupType); target.IsActive = source.IsActive; }
public ActionResult GroupsHome() { GroupsModel objModel = new GroupsModel(); objModel.groups = objGroupManager.GetAllGroups(); return(View(objModel)); }
/// <summary> /// Сохраняет меню карты сайта /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SavePageGroup(GroupsModel item) { using (var db = new CMSdb(_context)) { var query = db.core_page_groups .Where(w => w.f_site == _siteId); if (query.Where(w => == item.Id).Any()) { return(query .Set(s => s.c_name, item.Title) .Set(s => s.c_alias, item.Alias.ToLower()) .Update() > 0); } else { int sort = query.Any() ? query.Select(s => s.n_sort).Max() : 1; sort++; return(db.core_page_groups.Insert(() => new core_page_groups { id = item.Id, c_name = item.Title, c_alias = item.Alias.ToLower(), f_site = _siteId, n_sort = sort }) > 0); } } }
public IGroupsModel GetById(int id) { GroupsModel group = new GroupsModel(); using (var db = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { db.Open(); string query = "select Id, Name, Number, Identifier, AncestorNumber, AncestorIdentifier, ProductType, Link, Notes from Groups where Id=@Id"; using (SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(query, db)) { cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", id); using (SqlCeDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { group.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); group.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); group.Number = reader["Number"].ToString(); group.Identifier = reader["Identifier"].ToString(); group.AncestorNumber = reader["AncestorNumber"].ToString(); group.AncestorIdentifier = reader["AncestorIdentifier"].ToString(); group.ProductType = reader["ProductType"].ToString(); group.Link = reader["Link"].ToString(); group.Notes = reader["Notes"].ToString(); } } } db.Close(); } return(group); }
public IEnumerable <IGroupsModel> GetAll() { var listgroupsModel = new List <GroupsModel>(); string query = "select * from Groups"; using (var db = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { db.Open(); using (SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(query, db)) { using (SqlCeDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { GroupsModel group = new GroupsModel { Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]), Name = reader["Name"].ToString(), Number = reader["Number"].ToString(), Identifier = reader["Identifier"].ToString(), AncestorNumber = reader["AncestorNumber"].ToString(), AncestorIdentifier = reader["AncestorIdentifier"].ToString(), ProductType = reader["ProductType"].ToString(), Link = reader["Link"].ToString(), Notes = reader["Notes"].ToString() }; listgroupsModel.Add(group); } } } db.Close(); } return(listgroupsModel); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGroup.Text) || GroupId == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Group first!", "Delete Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); initForm(); } else { ActionResult deleteResult = formCtrl._deleteFormData(new GroupsModel() { GroupId = GroupId }); if (deleteResult.State) { GroupsModel deleteObj = deleteResult.Data; MessageBox.Show("Group " + deleteObj.GroupName + " Sucessfully Deleted!", "Delete Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); initForm(); } else { MessageBox.Show(deleteResult.Data, "Delete Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public virtual IActionResult Update(GroupsModel model) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var entity = _gpRepository.Table.Where(x => x.Id == model.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) { entity.GroupName = model.GroupName; entity.Interval = model.Interval; entity.Percentage = model.Percentage; entity.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; _gpRepository.Update(entity); } //var group = model.ToEntity(); //group.CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; //group.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; //_gpRepository.Update(group); return(Json(model)); }
public ActionResult Index() { GroupsModel model = new GroupsModel(); List <StopDto> stops = this.stopService.GetUnresolved(); List <GroupDto> groups = this.groupService.GetGroups(); Dictionary <Guid, StopDto> stopHash = new Dictionary <Guid, StopDto>(); if (stops != null) { stopHash = stops.ToDictionary(x => x.GroupId); } List <Model> groupModels = new List <Model>(); foreach (GroupDto group in groups) { Model groupModel = Mapper.Map <GroupDto, Model>(group); if (stopHash.ContainsKey(group.Id)) { groupModel.State = State.Stopped; } groupModels.Add(groupModel); } model.Groups = groupModels; return(View(model)); }
public GroupsViewModel() { this.context = new TimetableCourseProject(); context.Groups.Load(); GroupsDatabase = context.Groups.Local; Groups = new ObservableCollection <Groups>(GroupsDatabase); groupModel = new GroupsModel(); }
public Object CommitLog() { Object result = "MvcApplication2.Areas.Items.Controllers.GroupsController.CommitLog()"; RequestPackage rqp = RequestPackage.ParseRequest(Request.InputStream, Request.ContentEncoding); GroupsModel m = new GroupsModel(); m.CommitLog(rqp); return(result); }
public void Edit(Window window) { IsInProgress = true; new Thread(() => { EditGroup = new GroupsModel() { GName = GroupName, GDescription = GroupDescription }; EditGroup.GId = Group.GId; var groupChangeValue = 0; try { groupChangeValue = DataAccess.UpdateGroup(Group.GId, EditGroup); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Some Thing went Wrong!\nCould not Edit the group\nCheack you internet or server connection", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } if (groupChangeValue == 1) { var r = DataAccess.DeleteGroupRoles(Group.GId); foreach (var item in DataGridSource) { if (item.RoleSelected()) { try { DataAccess.InsertGroupeRole(out var id, new GroupRolesModel() { GrolrRoleIdFk = item.RoleId, GrolrGIdFk = Group.GId, GroleAdd = item.GroleAdd, GroleEdit = item.GroleEdit, GroleDelete = item.GroleDelete, GroleView = item.GroleView, GrolePrint = item.GrolePrint, GroleExport = item.GroleExport }); } catch { MessageBox.Show($"some thing went wrong!\nFild to add {{{item.RoleName}}} to {{{EditGroup.GName}}}", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } } IsInProgress = false; App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { window.DialogResult = true; window.Close(); }); } else { MessageBox.Show("Field to Edit Group !!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }) { IsBackground = true }.Start();
public Object UpsertGroup() { Object result = "AreasItems.Areas.Items.Controllers.GroupsController.UpsertGroup()"; RequestPackage rqp = RequestPackage.ParseRequest(Request.InputStream, Request.ContentEncoding); GroupsModel m = new GroupsModel(); m.UpsertGroup(rqp); result = PartialView("~/Areas/Items/Views/Groups/GroupPart.cshtml", m); return(result); }
public void Update(int groupsId, GroupsModel groups) { var result = _context.Groups.SingleOrDefault(x => x.GroupID == groupsId); if (result != null) { result.NameOfGroup = groups.NameOfGroup; _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Object SelectGroup() { Object result = "MvcApplication2.Areas.Items.Controllers.GroupsController.SelectGroup()"; RequestPackage rqp = RequestPackage.ParseRequest(Request.InputStream, Request.ContentEncoding); GroupsModel m = new GroupsModel(); m.SelectGroup(rqp); result = PartialView("~/Areas/Items/Views/Groups/TableForItemsInGroup.cshtml", m); return(result); }
public void GroupsModelConstructorTest() { MxUser user = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string groupId = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string groupName = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool adding = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value GroupsModel target = new GroupsModel(user, groupId, groupName, adding); Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target"); }
public ActionResult DeleteFilterTreeItem(GroupsModel item) { switch (item.Section) { case "pages": _cmsRepository.DeletePageGroup(item.Id); break; } return(Redirect($"/admin/{item.Section}")); }
public static int InsertGroup(out long insertId, GroupsModel group) { var changedCount = Insert(out insertId, GroupsTable.TableName, new ParamtersMap { [GroupsTable.GName] = group.GName, [GroupsTable.GDescription] = group.GDescription }); return(changedCount); }
public async Task <int> DeleteGroupsAsync(GroupsModel model) { var Groups = new Groups { GroupId = model.GroupId }; using (var dataService = DataServiceFactory.CreateDataService()) { return(await dataService.DeleteGroupsAsync(Groups)); } }
private GroupsView CreateGroupsView() { IGroupsModel model = new GroupsModel(); IGroupsView view = new GroupsView(); IGroupsPresenter presenter = SimpleResolver.Instance.Get <IGroupsPresenter>( new object[] { model, view } ); view.ShowView(); return(view as GroupsView); }
public static Groups ToEntity(this GroupsModel model, Groups destination) { destination.GroupName = model.GroupName; // destination.Id = model.Id; destination.Interval = model.Interval; destination.Percentage = model.Percentage; destination.CreatedOnUtc = model.CreatedOnUtc; destination.UpdatedOnUtc = model.UpdatedOnUtc; return(destination); //return model.MapTo(destination); }
public Object Index() { if (Request.Path != "/Items/Groups") { throw new ArgumentException(); } Object result = "MvcApplication2.Areas.Items.Controllers.GroupsController.Index()"; GroupsModel m = new GroupsModel(); result = PartialView("~/Areas/Items/Views/Groups/Index.cshtml", m); return(result); }
public static GroupsModel CreateGroupsModelAsync(Groups source, bool includeAllFields) { var model = new GroupsModel() { GroupId = source.GroupId, GroupName = source.GroupName, GroupType = source.GroupType.ToString(), IsActive = source.IsActive, GroupTypeName = (source.GroupType == 1)?"Party":"Vendor" }; return(model); }
public async Task GroupsSave(GroupsModel model) { ContactsModel alreadyExists = await this.ContactsGetById(model.Id); if (alreadyExists == null) { await AddEntity <GroupsEntity, GroupsModel>(model); } else { await this.SaveEntity <GroupsEntity, GroupsModel>(model); } }
public ActionResult Add() { MxUser mxUser = GetMxUser(); if (mxUser.IsInRole("GROUP_Add")) { var model = new GroupsModel(GetMxUser(), true); return(View(model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("NoAccess", "Account", new { returnUrl = "Admin/Groups" })); } }
public ActionResult Edit(string groupId, string groupName, string add) { bool adding = bool.Parse(add); MxUser mxUser = GetMxUser(); if (mxUser.IsInRole("GROUP_View") || mxUser.IsInRole("GROUP_Add") || mxUser.IsInRole("GROUP_Edit") || mxUser.IsInRole("GROUP_Delete")) { var model = new GroupsModel(GetMxUser(), groupId, groupName, adding); return(View(model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("NoAccess", "Account", new { returnUrl = "Admin/Groups" })); } }
private void groupAdd_Method(object obj) { if (IsValid(ValidatesAddProperties, out AddErrors)) { AddErrors += groupModel.Add(GroupsModel.getGroupObject(AddId, context.Specialities.Where(s => s.ShortName.Equals(AddSpeciality)).First().Code, int.Parse(AddCourse), int.Parse(AddNumber), int.Parse(AddCount))); MessageBox.Show(AddErrors, "Результат добавления"); FilterGroups(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните поля корректно!", "Результат добавления"); } }
/// <summary> /// Повертає список усіх груп /// </summary> /// <returns>Список груп</returns> public IEnumerable <IGroupsModel> GetAll() { var listgroupsModel = new List <GroupsModel>(); using (var db = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { try { db.Open(); } catch (SqlCeException) { throw new Exception("Немає підключення до бази даних."); } string query = "select * from Groups"; using (SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(query, db)) { try { using (SqlCeDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { GroupsModel group = new GroupsModel { Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]), Name = reader["Name"].ToString(), Number = reader["Number"].ToString(), Identifier = reader["Identifier"].ToString(), AncestorNumber = reader["AncestorNumber"].ToString(), AncestorIdentifier = reader["AncestorIdentifier"].ToString(), ProductType = reader["ProductType"].ToString(), Link = reader["Link"].ToString(), Notes = reader["Notes"].ToString() }; listgroupsModel.Add(group); } } } catch (SqlCeException) { throw new Exception("Помилка отримання списку груп з бази даних."); } } } return(listgroupsModel); }
public ActionResult AddFilterTree(string section, string id) { var model = new GroupsModel(); if (id != null) { switch (section) { case "pages": model = _cmsRepository.GetPageGroup(Guid.Parse(id)); break; } } model.Section = section; return(PartialView("FilterTreeItem", model)); }
protected void GroupItemChanging(GroupsModel newValue) { if (newValue != null) { GroupRolesSource.Clear(); var roles = GroupRoles.Where(x => x.GrolrGIdFk == newValue.GId); foreach (var item in roles) { var role = Roles.Where(x => x.RoleId == item.GrolrRoleIdFk).FirstOrDefault(); if (role != null) { GroupRolesSource.Add(role.FillRoles(item)); } } } }
public async Task <int> UpdateGroupsAsync(int groupId, GroupsModel model) { using (var dataService = DataServiceFactory.CreateDataService()) { var Groups = groupId > 0 ? await dataService.GetGroupsAsync(model.GroupId) : new Groups(); if (Groups != null) { UpdateGroupsFromModel(Groups, model); await dataService.UpdateGroupsAsync(groupId, Groups); model.Merge(await GetGroupsAsync(dataService, Groups.GroupId)); } return(0); } }
private GroupsView CreateGroupsView() { IGroupsModel model = new GroupsModel(); IGroupsView view = new GroupsView(); IGroupsPresenter presenter = SimpleResolver.Instance.Get<IGroupsPresenter>( new object[] { model, view } ); view.ShowView(); return view as GroupsView; }