public static Ground Create(GroundName a, Cell parentCell) { GameObject pref; if (a == GroundName.Grassland) { pref = grasslandPref; } else if (a == GroundName.Sea) { pref = waterPref; } else if (a == GroundName.Mountain) { pref = mountainPref; } else { pref = voidPref; } GameObject parent = parentCell.gameObject; GameObject ground = Instantiate( pref, parent.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, parent.transform.parent); Ground groundScript = ground.GetComponent <Ground>(); groundScript.altitude = a; return(groundScript); }
public void SpawnGroundOnCellByAltitude(Cell cell, GroundName altitude) { cell.ground = InstantiateGroundOnCell(cell, groundPrefabs[altitude]); cell.ground.altitude = altitude; ResetHoverOnCell(cell); // rename the object in the editor = cell.ground.altitude.ToString(); }
public GameObject GetGroundbyName(GroundName a_Name) { string name = a_Name.ToString(); if (!_GroundsbyName.ContainsKey(name)) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("ERROR! Ground \"{0}\" not found!", name)); return(null); } else { return(_GroundsbyName[name]); } }
public void LoopGroundOnCellByAltitude(Cell cell, GroundName groundName) { // Void, Sea -> Grassland if (groundName == GroundName.Void || groundName == GroundName.Sea) { SpawnGroundOnCellByAltitude(cell, GroundName.Grassland); } // Mountain -> Sea else if (groundName == GroundName.Mountain) { SpawnGroundOnCellByAltitude(cell, GroundName.Sea); } // Grassland -> Mountain else { SpawnGroundOnCellByAltitude(cell, GroundName.Mountain); } }
public void SetGroundOnCell(Cell cell, GroundName groundName) { Destroy(cell.ground.gameObject); instantiator.SpawnGroundOnCellByAltitude(cell, groundName); }