        public async Task Should_ThrowInvalidOperationException_When_GivenInvalidId()
            // Create a test user
            var userRequest = new CreateUserWithoutAuth("Alice");
            var user        = await _fixture.SendAsync(userRequest);

            const string title       = "My Fantastic Library";
            const string description = "A suitable description.";

            // User creates library
            var createLibraryRequest = new CreateLibrary(user.Id, title, description);
            await _fixture.SendAsync(createLibraryRequest);

            // Get libraries just created by user
            var getLibrariesRequest = new GetLibrariesForUser(user.Id);
            var libraries           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getLibrariesRequest);

            // Make sure there's only one library
            var libraryDtos = libraries.ToList();


            // Get id of the single library
            var libraryId = libraryDtos.ToList().ElementAt(0).Id;

            // Create two videos for library
            const string videoTitle       = "Video Title";
            const string videoUrl         = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O5kNPlUV7w";
            const string videoDescription = "Video Description";

            var createVideosRequest1 = new CreateVideo(user.Id, libraryId, videoTitle, videoUrl, videoDescription);

            await _fixture.SendAsync(createVideosRequest1);

            // Get videos for library
            var getVideosRequest = new GetVideosOfLibrary(libraryId);
            var videos           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getVideosRequest);

            // Make sure correct number of videos returned
            var videoDtos = videos.ToList();


            // Get video id
            int videoId = videoDtos.ElementAt(0).Id;

            // make videoId invalid

            // Create request with invalid id
            var getVideoRequest = new GetVideoById(videoId);

            // Make sure that an exception is thrown when video retrieval is attempted
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() => await _fixture.SendAsync(getVideoRequest));
        public async Task Should_ReturnCorrectVideo_When_GivenValidId()
            // Create a test user
            var userRequest = new CreateUserWithoutAuth("Alice");
            var user        = await _fixture.SendAsync(userRequest);

            const string title       = "My Fantastic Library";
            const string description = "A suitable description.";

            // User creates library
            var createLibraryRequest = new CreateLibrary(user.Id, title, description);
            await _fixture.SendAsync(createLibraryRequest);

            // Get libraries just created by user
            var getLibrariesRequest = new GetLibrariesForUser(user.Id);
            var libraries           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getLibrariesRequest);

            // Make sure there's only one library
            var libraryDtos = libraries.ToList();


            // Get id of the single library
            var libraryId = libraryDtos.ToList().ElementAt(0).Id;

            // Create two videos for library
            const string videoTitle       = "Video Title";
            const string videoUrl         = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O5kNPlUV7w";
            const string videoDescription = "Video Description";

            var createVideosRequest1 = new CreateVideo(user.Id, libraryId, videoTitle, videoUrl, videoDescription);

            await _fixture.SendAsync(createVideosRequest1);

            // Get videos for library
            var getVideosRequest = new GetVideosOfLibrary(libraryId);
            var videos           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getVideosRequest);

            // Make sure correct number of videos returned
            var videoDtos = videos.ToList();


            // Get video id
            int videoId = videoDtos.ElementAt(0).Id;

            // Get the video using the id
            var getVideoRequest = new GetVideoById(videoId);
            var video           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getVideoRequest);

            // Make sure the video's properties match the properties given on creation
            Assert.Equal(videoTitle, video.Title);
            Assert.Equal(videoDescription, video.Description);