private List <Vector3> GetRayCastPositionsOnCharacterBoundByVelocity(FRay[] insideCastRays, BoundBase characterBound, Vector3 boundMax, Vector3 boundMin, Vector3 boundOrigin)
            List <Vector3> rayCastPositions = new List <Vector3>();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < insideCastRays.Length; i++)
                FRay  ray = insideCastRays[i];
                float localIntersectionDistance = -1.0f;
                BoundBase.BoundType boundType   = characterBound.GetBoundType();
                if ((boundType & BoundBase.BoundType.AABB) == BoundBase.BoundType.AABB)
                    localIntersectionDistance = GeometryMath.Intersection_RayAABBExt(ray, boundMax, boundMin);
                else if ((boundType & BoundBase.BoundType.OBB) == BoundBase.BoundType.OBB)
                    localIntersectionDistance = GeometryMath.Intersection_RayOBBExt(ray, (characterBound as OBB).GetTangetX(), (characterBound as OBB).GetTangetY(),
                                                                                    (characterBound as OBB).GetTangetZ(), boundOrigin, (characterBound as OBB).GetExtent());

                if (localIntersectionDistance > -1.0f)
                    Vector3 intersectionPosition = ray.GetPositionInTime(localIntersectionDistance);
                    rayCastPositions.Add(new Vector3(intersectionPosition));
        private Selection GetSelection(int screenX, int screenY)
            // Try to see what can be selected
            Vector3 rayStart     = GeometryMath.Unproject(new Vector3(screenX, Viewport.height - screenY, 0.1), ProjectionMatrix, Viewport);
            Vector3 rayEnd       = GeometryMath.Unproject(new Vector3(screenX, Viewport.height - screenY, IsPerspective ? 1.0 : -1.0), ProjectionMatrix, Viewport);
            Vector3 rayDirection = (rayEnd - rayStart).GetNormalized();

            bool   closestHitOpaque = false;
            double closestDistance  = Double.MaxValue;
            int    closestPrimitiveTriangleIndex              = -1;
            DebugRenderPrimitive        closestPrimitive      = null;
            List <DebugRenderPrimitive> debugRenderPrimitives = Session.DebugRenderStorage.GetCachedPrimitives();

            foreach (DebugRenderPrimitive primitive in debugRenderPrimitives)
                bool    hitOpaque;
                int     triangleIndex;
                Vector3 intersection = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                if (primitive.RayCheck(Session.PlaybackPosition, rayStart, rayDirection, out triangleIndex, out hitOpaque, out intersection))
                    double distance = rayStart.Distance(intersection);
                    if (distance < closestDistance)
                        closestPrimitiveTriangleIndex = triangleIndex;
                        closestDistance  = distance;
                        closestPrimitive = primitive;
                        closestHitOpaque = hitOpaque;

            return(closestPrimitive != null ? new Selection(closestPrimitive, closestPrimitiveTriangleIndex, closestHitOpaque) : null);
        private RayCastOutputData GetClosestRayCastResult(FRay ray, List <BoundBase> collidedBounds)
            float     resultShortestDistance = -1.0f;
            BoundBase resultBound            = null;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < collidedBounds.Count; i++)
                float localIntersectionDistance = 0.0f;
                BoundBase.BoundType boundType   = collidedBounds[i].GetBoundType();
                if ((boundType & BoundBase.BoundType.AABB) == BoundBase.BoundType.AABB)
                    localIntersectionDistance = GeometryMath.Intersection_RayAABB(ray, collidedBounds[i] as AABB);
                else if ((boundType & BoundBase.BoundType.OBB) == BoundBase.BoundType.OBB)
                    localIntersectionDistance = GeometryMath.Intersection_RayOBB(ray, collidedBounds[i] as OBB);

                if (resultShortestDistance <= -1.0f || (localIntersectionDistance > 0.0f && localIntersectionDistance < resultShortestDistance))
                    resultShortestDistance = localIntersectionDistance;
                    resultBound            = collidedBounds[i];

            Vector3 intersectionPosition = ray.GetPositionInTime(resultShortestDistance);

            return(new RayCastOutputData(ray, resultBound, resultShortestDistance, intersectionPosition));
        private RayCastOutputData GetClosestAndHighestRay(List <RayCastOutputData> rayCastResults, BoundBase characterBound)
            float             boundMaxY         = characterBound.GetMax().Y;
            RayCastOutputData rayCastOutputData = null;

            List <RayCastOutputData> mostHighRayCastPositionResults = new List <RayCastOutputData>();

            // find rays with the most high start position
            foreach (var result in rayCastResults)
                if (result.shortestDistance > -1 && GeometryMath.CMP(result.parentRay.StartPosition.Y, boundMaxY) > 0)

            if (mostHighRayCastPositionResults.Count > 1)
                // find ray with the most close intersection position
                float intersectionDistance = mostHighRayCastPositionResults.First().shortestDistance;
                rayCastOutputData = mostHighRayCastPositionResults.First();

                for (Int32 i = 1; i < mostHighRayCastPositionResults.Count; i++)
                    if (mostHighRayCastPositionResults[i].shortestDistance <= intersectionDistance)
                        rayCastOutputData    = mostHighRayCastPositionResults[i];
                        intersectionDistance = rayCastOutputData.shortestDistance;

        private void FindParameters(out double height, out double width)
            var pts = GetPoints();

            height = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(new LineSegment(pts[0], pts[1]));
            width  = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(new LineSegment(pts[1], pts[2]));
        public override bool IsExisting()
            var points = GetPoints();

            // Checking for repeating points
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < points.Length; j++)
                    if (i != j && GeometryMath.IsPointsEqual(points[i], points[j]))

            // Checking for self-intersections;
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < points.Length; j++)
                    var a = new LineSegment(points[i], points[(i + 1) % points.Length]);
                    var b = new LineSegment(points[j], points[(j + 1) % points.Length]);

                    if (i != j && GeometryMath.IsIntersected(a, b))

        public void TestRayAABBIntersect()
            Vector3 rayStart = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 rayDir   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            double s, t;

            Bounds bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(-1, -1, -1), new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

            // Check that ray hits AABB (ray starts inside the bounds)
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDir, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out s, out t), "Expected to hit AABB but did not (ray starts inside AABB)");

            rayStart = new Vector3(0, 0, -2);
            // Check that ray hits AABB (ray starts outside the bounds)
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDir, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out s, out t), "Expected to hit AABB but did not (ray starts outside AABB)");

            rayDir = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            // Check that ray does not hit AABB (ray goes to other direction)
            Assert.IsFalse(GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDir, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out s, out t), "Expected to miss AABB but did not (ray goes away from AABB)");

            rayStart = new Vector3(1, 0, -2);
            rayDir   = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
            // Check that ray does not hit AABB (ray is co-linear with one side of the AABB)
            Assert.IsFalse(GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDir, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out s, out t), "Expected to miss AABB but did not (ray is co-linear with one side of the AABB)");
        public void TestBarycentricCoordinates()
            Vector2 a = new Vector2(0, -0.5);
            Vector2 b = new Vector2(-0.5, 0.5);
            Vector2 c = new Vector2(0.5, 0.5);

            Vector2 point = new Vector2(0, 0);

            double t, u, v;

            // Check that barycentric coordinates are all between 0..1
            GeometryMath.GetBarycentricCoordinates(point, a, b, c, out t, out u, out v);
            Assert.IsTrue(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 && u >= 0.0 && u <= 1.0 && v >= 0.0 && v <= 1.0, "Expected t, u, v to be within 0..1 (point in middle of triangle)");

            point = new Vector2(0, -0.5);
            // Check that barycentric coordinates are 0, 0, 1 as point is exactly where with one of the triangle points
            GeometryMath.GetBarycentricCoordinates(point, a, b, c, out t, out u, out v);
            Assert.IsTrue(t == 1.0 && u == 0.0 && v == 0.0, "Expected t = 0, u = 0, v = 1 (point in the same place as one of the triangle points)");

            point = new Vector2(-0.25, 0);
            // Check that one of the barycentric coordinates is 0 as point is on one of the triangle edges
            GeometryMath.GetBarycentricCoordinates(point, a, b, c, out t, out u, out v);
            Assert.IsTrue(v == 0, "Expected one of the (t, u, v) be 0 (point is in one of the triangle edges)");

            point = new Vector2(0, -0.51);
            // Check that barycentric coordinates are not between 0..1
            GeometryMath.GetBarycentricCoordinates(point, a, b, c, out t, out u, out v);
            Assert.IsFalse(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 && u >= 0.0 && u <= 1.0 && v >= 0.0 && v <= 1.0, "Expected one of the (t, u, v) be outside 0..1 (point is outside of the triangle)");
    private Tile TileAt(Ray ray, List <Tile> list, Vector3 position)
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            var     tile   = list[i];
            Vector3 worldA = root.TransformPoint(tile.a);
            Vector3 worldB = root.TransformPoint(tile.b);
            Vector3 worldC = root.TransformPoint(tile.c);
            Plane   plane  = new Plane(worldA, worldB, worldC);

            float distance;
            if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(distance);
                if (GeometryMath.PointInTriangle(worldA, worldB, worldC, point))
                    if (tile.children.Count > 0)
                        var t = TileAt(ray, tile.children, position);
                        if (t != null)

        public void TestPointInCircumcircle()
            Vector2 a = new Vector2(0, -0.5);
            Vector2 b = new Vector2(-0.5, 0.5);
            Vector2 c = new Vector2(0.5, 0.5);

            Vector2 point = new Vector2(0, 0);

            // Check that point is in circumcircle
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.PointInCircumcircle(point, a, b, c), "Expected to be inside circumcircle but was not (point in middle of triangle)");

            point = new Vector2(0, 1);
            // Check that point is not in circumcircle
            Assert.IsFalse(GeometryMath.PointInCircumcircle(point, a, b, c), "Expected to be outside circumcircle (point outside one of the corners)");

            // Check that point is in circumcircle when triangle points are on the same line
            a = new Vector2(0, 0);
            b = new Vector2(1, 0);
            c = new Vector2(2, 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.PointInCircumcircle(point, a, b, c), "Expected to be inside circumcircle (all triangle points on the same line)");

            // Check that point is in circumcircle when on triangle side length is 0
            a = new Vector2(0, 0);
            b = new Vector2(0, 0);
            c = new Vector2(0, 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.PointInCircumcircle(point, a, b, c), "Expected to be inside circumcircle (one triangle side length is 0)");

            // Check that point is in circumcircle when is it just within radius
            a     = new Vector2(0, -0.5);
            b     = new Vector2(-0.5, 0.5);
            c     = new Vector2(0.5, 0.5);
            point = new Vector2(0, -0.5);
            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryMath.PointInCircumcircle(point, a, b, c), "Expected to be inside circumcircle (point is the same as one of the triangle points)");
        public void RenderScreenSpace(RenderInfo info, Matrix4x4 transformMatrix, Viewport viewport)
            if (info.showAnnotations)
                Font font = new Font("Calibri", 12.0f * 0.75f);
                List <DebugRenderPrimitive> primitivesToRender = GetCachedPrimitives();
                foreach (DebugRenderPrimitive primitive in primitivesToRender)
                    if (primitive.Annotation != null && primitive.Annotation.IsValidAt(info.time))
                        Vector3 screenPosition = GeometryMath.Project(primitive.WorldBounds.Center, transformMatrix, viewport);
                        if (screenPosition.z >= 0.0)
                            Size    textSize     = TextRenderer.MeasureText(primitive.Annotation.Text, font);
                            Vector3 textHalfSize = new Vector3((double)textSize.Width, (double)textSize.Height, 0.0) * 0.5;

                            OpenGLDrawHelper.FillRectangle(, screenPosition - textHalfSize, screenPosition + textHalfSize, primitive.Annotation.Color.Brightness > 0.5 ? new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255) : new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);

                   - textHalfSize.x) + 2, (int)(screenPosition.y - textHalfSize.y * 0.4),
                                                           primitive.Annotation.Color.R, primitive.Annotation.Color.G, primitive.Annotation.Color.B,
                                                           "Calibri", 12.0f, primitive.Annotation.Text);
        public override void CameraTick(float DeltaTime)
            if (bTransformationDirty)
                if (m_collisionHeadUnit != null)
                bTransformationDirty = false;

            if (m_bThirdPersonTargetTransformationDirty)
                m_lerpTimeElapsed = Math.Min(m_lerpTimeElapsed + DeltaTime, m_timeForInterpolation);

                Vector3 finalTargetVector = m_thirdPersonTarget.ComponentTranslation;
                m_actualTargetVector = LerpPosition(m_lerpTimeElapsed, 0.0f, m_timeForInterpolation, ref m_actualTargetVector, ref finalTargetVector);

                // If camera is at final position
                if (GeometryMath.CMP(m_lerpTimeElapsed, m_timeForInterpolation) > 0)
                    m_lerpTimeElapsed = 0.0f;
                    m_bThirdPersonTargetTransformationDirty = false;
        private void CheckFrameBoundingBoxCollision(ref bool bFrameBoundBoxCollision, ref Component characterRootComponent, ref CollisionUnit characterCollisionUnit,
                                                    ref Component collidedRootComponent, ref List <BoundBase> collidedRootBounds)
            foreach (var unit in CollisionUnits)
                if (characterCollisionUnit.RootComponent == unit.RootComponent)

                AABB aabb1 = characterCollisionUnit.GetAndTryUpdateFramingBoundingBox();
                AABB aabb2 = unit.GetAndTryUpdateFramingBoundingBox();
                if (GeometryMath.AABBAABB(aabb1, aabb2))
                    bFrameBoundBoxCollision = true;
                    collidedRootComponent   = aabb2.ParentComponent.GetRootComponent();

            if (bFrameBoundBoxCollision)
                CollisionOutput.Add(new CollisionOutputFramingAABB(characterRootComponent, collidedRootComponent));
                CollisionOutput.Add(new CollisionOutputNoCollided(characterRootComponent));
 static double CalculatePerimeters(GeometryMath gm, int[] valueIntegers)
     if (valueIntegers != null)
         return gm(valueIntegers);
         return 0.0;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="worldPosition"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool Contains(Vector3 worldPosition)
        Vector3 worldA = grid.root.TransformPoint(a);
        Vector3 worldB = grid.root.TransformPoint(b);
        Vector3 worldC = grid.root.TransformPoint(c);

        return(GeometryMath.PointInTriangle(worldA, worldB, worldC, worldPosition));
        private void GetEdgePoints(BaseCamera viewerCamera, ConvexVolume volume, out Vector3 LBN, out Vector3 RTF)
            Vector3 ViewerPosition = viewerCamera.GetEyeVector();

            // Find left and right edges
            Vector3 IntersectionPointC = GetLeftRightIntersectionPoint(ViewerPosition, volume.FarPlane, volume.LeftPlane);
            Vector3 IntersectionPointB = GetLeftRightIntersectionPoint(ViewerPosition, volume.FarPlane, volume.RightPlane);
            // Find top and bottom edges
            Vector3 IntersectionPointBottom = GetTopBottomIntersectionPoint(ViewerPosition, volume.FarPlane, volume.BottomPlane);
            Vector3 IntersectionPointTop    = GetTopBottomIntersectionPoint(ViewerPosition, volume.FarPlane, volume.TopPlane);

            float left, right, top, bottom, near, far;
            // left
            Dictionary <float, Vector3> projectedValues = new Dictionary <float, Vector3>();

            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointB, -RightVector), IntersectionPointB);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointC, -RightVector), IntersectionPointC);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, -RightVector), ViewerPosition);
            left = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].X;

            // right
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointB, RightVector), IntersectionPointB);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointC, RightVector), IntersectionPointC);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, RightVector), ViewerPosition);
            right = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].X;

            // top
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointTop, UpVector), IntersectionPointTop);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointBottom, UpVector), IntersectionPointBottom);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, UpVector), ViewerPosition);
            top = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].Y;

            // bottom
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointTop, -UpVector), IntersectionPointTop);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointBottom, -UpVector), IntersectionPointBottom);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, -UpVector), ViewerPosition);
            bottom = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].Y;

            // far
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointB, ForwardVector), IntersectionPointB);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointC, ForwardVector), IntersectionPointC);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, ForwardVector), ViewerPosition);
            far = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].Z;

            // near
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointB, -ForwardVector), IntersectionPointB);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(IntersectionPointC, -ForwardVector), IntersectionPointC);
            projectedValues.Add(GeometryMath.ProjectVectorOnNormalizedVector(ViewerPosition, -ForwardVector), ViewerPosition);
            near = projectedValues[projectedValues.Keys.Max()].Z;

            LBN = new Vector3(left, bottom, near);
            RTF = new Vector3(right, top, far);
        private void CreateMesh()
            double height = 0.5;
            double radius = 0.5;

            Segments = SMath.Clamp(Segments, 3, 256);

            VertexList = new VertexNormalColor[Segments * (CreateCaps ? 2 : 1) + 1];
            IndexList  = new uint[Segments * 3 + (CreateCaps ? (Segments - 2) * 3 : 0)];

            // Create vertices
            VertexList[0].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, height);
            for (int i = 0; i < Segments; i++)
                double  angle            = ((double)i / (double)Segments) * Math.PI * 2.0;
                Vector2 planarCoordinate = Vector2.FromAngle(angle, radius);

                VertexList[i + 1].Position = new Vector3(planarCoordinate.X, planarCoordinate.Y, -height);

                if (CreateCaps)
                    // Top (for cap)
                    VertexList[i + Segments + 1].Position = new Vector3(planarCoordinate.X, planarCoordinate.Y, -height);

            // Create normals
            Vector3 capNormal = CreateCaps ? GeometryMath.GetTriangleNormal(VertexList[1].Position, VertexList[2].Position, VertexList[3].Position) : new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < Segments; i++)
                Vector3 manifoldNormal = GeometryMath.GetTriangleNormal(VertexList[0].Position, VertexList[(i + 1) % Segments + 1].Position, VertexList[i + 1].Position);
                VertexList[i + 1].Normal = manifoldNormal;
                if (CreateCaps)
                    VertexList[Segments + i + 1].Normal = capNormal;

            // Create triangles
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Segments; i++)
                // Manifold
                IndexList[index++] = 0;
                IndexList[index++] = (uint)((i + 1) % Segments + 1);
                IndexList[index++] = (uint)(i + 1);

                if (CreateCaps && i < Segments - 2)
                    // Cap
                    IndexList[index++] = (uint)(Segments + 1);
                    IndexList[index++] = (uint)(Segments + i + 2);
                    IndexList[index++] = (uint)(Segments + i + 3);
        public void AddTriangle(int time, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Color32 color)

            Vector3 newTriangleNormal = GeometryMath.GetTriangleNormal(a, b, c);

            ArrayList <VertexNormalColor>         vertexList      = color.A < 255 ? transparentVertexList : opaqueVertexList;
            List <DebugRenderTriangleIndexMarker> triangleMarkers = color.A < 255 ? transparentTriangleMarkers : opaqueTriangleMarkers;

            vertexList.Add(new VertexNormalColor()
                Position = a, Color = color, Normal = newTriangleNormal
            vertexList.Add(new VertexNormalColor()
                Position = b, Color = color, Normal = newTriangleNormal
            vertexList.Add(new VertexNormalColor()
                Position = c, Color = color, Normal = newTriangleNormal

            // Find or create new index marker and add triangle
            DebugRenderTriangleIndexMarker searchItem = new DebugRenderTriangleIndexMarker(0, time);
            int index = triangleMarkers.BinarySearch(searchItem);

            if (index < 0)
                index = ~index;

            while (index > 0 && index < triangleMarkers.Count && triangleMarkers[index].time > time)
                // Not exact match but the next one -> Decrease index by one to have only the range that counts up for the requested time

            if (index < triangleMarkers.Count && triangleMarkers[index].time == time)
                // Has existing one for this time -> Update end index
                triangleMarkers[index].index = vertexList.Count - 1;
                // Insert new
                DebugRenderTriangleIndexMarker range = new DebugRenderTriangleIndexMarker(vertexList.Count - 1, time);
                triangleMarkers.Insert(index, range);

            if (!InfiniteLength && EndTime < time)
                EndTime = time;
        public override bool IsExisting()
            var lines = GetLines();

            var a = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[0]);
            var b = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[1]);
            var c = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[2]);

            return(a + b > c && a + c > b && b + c > a);
        protected virtual bool RayCheckInternal(int time, Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayDirection, out int triangleIndex, out bool hitOpaque, out Vector3 intersection)
            hitOpaque     = false;
            triangleIndex = -1;
            double tmin, tmax;
            Bounds bounds = WorldBounds;

            GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDirection, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out tmin, out tmax);
            intersection = WorldBounds.Center - rayDirection.GetNormalized() * Math.Min(tmin, tmax);
        public override double FindArea()
            var lines = GetLines();

            var p = FindPerimeter() / 2;
            var a = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[0]);
            var b = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[1]);
            var c = GeometryMath.FindMagnitude(lines[2]);

            return(System.Math.Sqrt(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)));
 public virtual void IsLitByLightSource(List <PointLight> LightList)
     m_lightVisibilityMap.Init(LightList.Count, false);
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < LightList.Count; i++)
         BoundBase bound       = GetAABBFromAllChildComponents();
         FSphere   boundSphere = (FSphere)bound;
         FSphere   lightSphere = new FSphere(LightList[i].Position.Xyz, LightList[i].AttenuationRadius);
         m_lightVisibilityMap[i] = GeometryMath.IsSphereVsSphereIntersection(ref boundSphere, ref lightSphere);
    public bool Contains(Vector2 point)
        if (GeometryMath.PointInTriangle(a, b, c, point) ||
            GeometryMath.PointInTriangle(a, c, d, point) ||
            GeometryMath.PointInSegment(a, c, point) ||
            GeometryMath.PointInSegment(b, d, point))

    public bool Intersect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
        if (GeometryMath.SegmentIntersect(this.a, this.b, a, b) ||
            GeometryMath.SegmentIntersect(this.b, this.c, a, b) ||
            GeometryMath.SegmentIntersect(this.c, this.d, a, b) ||
            GeometryMath.SegmentIntersect(this.d, this.a, a, b))

        protected override bool RayCheckInternal(int time, Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayDirection, out int triangleIndex, out bool hitOpaque, out Vector3 intersection)
            Matrix4x4 mat = GetTransform();

            hitOpaque     = false;
            triangleIndex = -1;
            intersection  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            double  minDistSq            = Double.MaxValue;
            Vector3 triangleIntersection = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            int elementCount = GetElementCount(time, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i += 3)
                Vector3 a = mat * opaqueVertexList[i].Position;
                Vector3 b = mat * opaqueVertexList[i + 1].Position;
                Vector3 c = mat * opaqueVertexList[i + 2].Position;
                if (GeometryMath.Intersect(rayStart, rayDirection, a, b, c, out triangleIntersection))
                    double distSq = rayStart.DistanceSquared(triangleIntersection);
                    if (distSq < minDistSq)
                        minDistSq     = distSq;
                        intersection  = triangleIntersection;
                        triangleIndex = i;
                        hitOpaque     = true;

            elementCount = GetElementCount(time, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i += 3)
                Vector3 a = mat * transparentVertexList[i].Position;
                Vector3 b = mat * transparentVertexList[i + 1].Position;
                Vector3 c = mat * transparentVertexList[i + 2].Position;
                if (GeometryMath.Intersect(rayStart, rayDirection, a, b, c, out triangleIntersection))
                    double distSq = rayStart.DistanceSquared(triangleIntersection);
                    if (distSq < minDistSq)
                        minDistSq     = distSq;
                        intersection  = triangleIntersection;
                        triangleIndex = i;
                        hitOpaque     = false;

            return(triangleIndex != -1);
        private void CheckRegularBoundingBoxAndCameraSphereCollision(ref bool bSphereAndFrameBoundingBoxCollision,
                                                                     ref List <BoundBase> collidedRootBounds, ref FSphere cameraCollisionSphere)
            foreach (var testingBound in collidedRootBounds)
                FSphere obbCollisionSphere = (FSphere)testingBound;

                if (GeometryMath.IsSphereVsSphereIntersection(ref cameraCollisionSphere, ref obbCollisionSphere))
                    bSphereAndFrameBoundingBoxCollision = true;
        private Vector3 GetTopBottomIntersectionPoint(Vector3 A, FPlane cbPlane, FPlane incidentPlane)
            Vector3 result;
            Vector3 acNormal       = new Vector3(incidentPlane.X, incidentPlane.Y, incidentPlane.Z);
            Vector3 acRayDirection = Vector3.Cross(acNormal, RightVector);

            Vector3 cbNormal = new Vector3(cbPlane.X, cbPlane.Y, cbPlane.Z);

            // if ac ray is opposite directed - invert it's direction
            acRayDirection *= Vector3.Dot(cbNormal, acRayDirection) > 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
            FRay acRay = new FRay(A, acRayDirection);

            result = GeometryMath.GetIntersectionRayPlane(cbPlane, acRay);
        public bool RayCheck(int time, Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayDirection, out int triangleIndex, out bool hitOpaque, out Vector3 intersection)
            hitOpaque     = false;
            triangleIndex = 0;
            intersection  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            double tmin, tmax;
            Bounds bounds = WorldBounds;

            if (GeometryMath.IntersectAABB(rayStart, rayDirection, bounds.Min, bounds.Max, out tmin, out tmax))
                return(RayCheckInternal(time, rayStart, rayDirection, out triangleIndex, out hitOpaque, out intersection));

        public void TestLineLineDistance()
            Vector3 startA = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 endA   = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            Vector3 startB = new Vector3(0, 2, 0);
            Vector3 endB   = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);

            double t;
            double s;
            double distance = GeometryMath.LineLineDistance(startA, endA, startB, endB, true, true, out t, out s);

            // Check that ray hits AABB (ray starts inside the bounds)
            Assert.IsTrue(distance == 1, String.Format("Expected distance to be 1 but got {0}, t {1} s {2} (lines cross but testing against segments)", distance, t, s));
        public override bool IsExisting()
            var points = GetPoints();

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                var angle = GeometryMath.FindAngle(
                    new LineSegment(points[i], points[(i + 1) % points.Length]),
                    new LineSegment(points[(i + 1) % points.Length], points[(i + 2) % points.Length])
                if (GeometryMath.IsDoubleEqual(angle, System.Math.PI / 2) == false)
        // CAMERA

        private List <BoundBase> GetBoundingBoxesForCameraCollisionTest(ref FSphere cameraCollisionSphere, Component characterRootComponent)
            List <BoundBase> resultCollidedRootBounds = new List <BoundBase>();

            foreach (var unit in CollisionUnits)
                if (unit.RootComponent == characterRootComponent)

                FSphere aabbCollisionSphere = (FSphere)(unit.GetAndTryUpdateFramingBoundingBox());
                if (GeometryMath.IsSphereVsSphereIntersection(ref cameraCollisionSphere, ref aabbCollisionSphere))
