        /// <summary>
        /// Method that calculates the key conflicts based on the GameState's Game.KeyBindings property.
        /// Returns an enumerable of all DeviceKeys with a conflict, and whether they are only modifier conflicts (warning).
        /// Forge shows modifier conflicts in red and soft in orange on the in-game keys menu.
        /// </summary>
        private Dictionary <DeviceKeys, bool> CalculateConflicts(GameState_Minecraft state)
            Dictionary <DeviceKeys, bool> keys = new Dictionary <DeviceKeys, bool>();

            foreach (var bind in state.Game.KeyBindings)   // For every key binding

            // This code is based on the code from Minecraft in "GuiKeyBindingList.java" in the "drawEntry" method.
            // It may not be the most efficient way of computing conflicts but I'm struggling to entirely follow
            // the logic in the Minecraft code, so I've decided to replicate it to prevent conflicts
                bool hasConflict            = false;
                bool isOnlyModifierConflict = true;

                foreach (var otherBind in state.Game.KeyBindings)   // Check against every other key binding
                    if (bind != null && otherBind != null)
                        if (bind != otherBind && otherBind.ConflictsWith(bind))
                            hasConflict             = true;
                            isOnlyModifierConflict &= otherBind.ModifierConflictsWith(bind);
                // End replicated section

                if (hasConflict)
                    foreach (var affectedKey in bind.AffectedKeys)        // For each key that is affected by this keybind
                        keys[affectedKey] = keys.ContainsKey(affectedKey) // Check if this key is already flagged as a conflict
                            ? keys[affectedKey] && isOnlyModifierConflict // If so, ensure it shows full conflicts over modifier conflicts
                            : isOnlyModifierConflict;                     // Else if not already flagged, simply set it.
        public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate)
            // Ensure the gamestate is for Minecraft, and store a casted reference to it
            if (!(gamestate is GameState_Minecraft))
                return(new EffectLayer());
            GameState_Minecraft state = gamestate as GameState_Minecraft;

            // Choose the main healthbar's color depending on whether the player is withered/poisoned/regen/normal.
            Color barColor = Properties.NormalHealthColor;                                  // Default normal color

            if (Properties.EnableWitherHealthColor && state.Player.PlayerEffects.HasWither) // Wither takes priority over others
                barColor = Properties.WitherHealthColor;
            else if (Properties.EnablePoisonHealthColor && state.Player.PlayerEffects.HasPoison) // Poison 2nd priority
                barColor = Properties.PoisonHealthColor;
            else if (Properties.EnableRegenerationHealthColor && state.Player.PlayerEffects.HasRegeneration) // Regen 3rd priority
                barColor = Properties.RegenerationHealthColor;

            // Render the main healthbar, with the color decided above.
            EffectLayer layer = new EffectLayer()
                                .PercentEffect(barColor, Properties.BackgroundColor, Properties.Sequence, state.Player.Health, state.Player.HealthMax, Settings.PercentEffectType.Progressive);

            // If absorption is enabled, overlay the absorption display on the top of the original healthbar
            if (Properties.EnableAbsorptionHealthColor)
                layer.PercentEffect(Properties.AbsorptionHealthColor, Properties.BackgroundColor, Properties.Sequence, state.Player.Absorption, state.Player.AbsorptionMax, Properties.GradualProgress ? Settings.PercentEffectType.Progressive_Gradual : Settings.PercentEffectType.Progressive);
