void Update()
        if (!canMove || gameStateDataScriptRef.GetSceneState() != GameStateScript.SceneState.INGAME)
            return;                                                                                            // If the player can't move or isn't on GameStateScript.cs INGAME mode, then the following code shouldn't be executed.
        if (input.getInput("Horizontal") == 0 && input.getInput("Vertical") == 0)
            state = PlayerState.STANDING;
            state = PlayerState.WALKING;
            if (input.getInput("Run") != 0)
                state = PlayerState.RUNNING;

        //Check for a double input of: W, A, S, D, and if so, apply runModeActive true
        if (input.wasDoubleClicked("doubleClickD"))
            state = PlayerState.RUNNING;
        else if (input.wasDoubleClicked("doubleClickA"))
            state = PlayerState.RUNNING;
        else if (input.wasDoubleClicked("doubleClickW"))
            state = PlayerState.RUNNING;
        else if (input.wasDoubleClicked("doubleClickS"))
            state = PlayerState.RUNNING;

        if (state == PlayerState.RUNNING) //The player should walk, run mode is inactive
            speed += runSpeed * Time.deltaTime * 2f;
            if (speed > runSpeed)
                speed = runSpeed;
        else if (state == PlayerState.WALKING) //Run mode is active, apply run speed
            speed += walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime * 2f;
            if (speed > walkSpeed)
                speed = walkSpeed;
        else if (state == PlayerState.STANDING)
            speed = 0;

        //print("State: " + state + ", Speed: " + speed);

        //Basic movement system:
        moveDirection.x = input.getInput("Horizontal") * speed;  // The player's x movement is the Horizontal Input (0-1) * speed.
        moveDirection.z = input.getInput("Vertical") * speed;    // The player's y movement is the Vertical Input (0-1) * speed.

    void FixedUpdate()
        if (gameStateDataScriptRef.GetSceneState() == GameStateScript.SceneState.INGAME) //This update section only works if we're INGAME:

            //Pause input:
            if (input.getInput("Pause") != 0)

            pressedBaseInteraction = input.isPressed("BaseInteraction");

            /// PASSIVE INTERACTION (Sphere Light)
            Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(CylindricLight.transform.position, GetComponent <PlayerLight>().lightSphere.range - 3); //(Sphere center, Radius)
            int        tmp          = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < hitColliders.Length; i++)
                if (hitColliders[i].isTrigger)
                    if (hitColliders[i].gameObject.CompareTag("PlayerLight"))
                    switch (hitColliders[i].gameObject.tag)
                    case "LightOrb":
                        if (input.isPressed("LightMax"))
                            hitColliders[i].GetComponent <LightOrb>().ChargeOrb(Color.white, amount);                                 //Attempt to charge the light orb if we are expanding the player light sphere radius (Default white from player white ray)
                        else if (input.isPressed("BaseInteraction"))
                            hitColliders[i].GetComponent <LightOrb>().SubtractFromOrb();                                             //Attempt to subtract energy from the light orb if we press Q

                    case "BlackInsect":

                    case "Mirror":
                        //if (pressedBaseInteraction != 0 && prevBaseInteraction == 0) { FindObjectOfType<CameraScript>().setFocus(hitColliders[i].gameObject); }
                        //if (pressedBaseInteraction && !prevBaseInteraction) { hitColliders[i].GetComponentInParent<MirrorRotateController>().Toggle(); }

                    case "OpticalFiber":
                        // Make closest node work (switching reverse or not):
                        hitColliders[i].GetComponentInParent <OpticalFiber>().SetClosestNode(transform);

                        // Charge optical fiber:

                        if (input.isPressed("LightMax"))
                            hitColliders[i].GetComponent <OpticalFiber_Node>().AddCharge(amount);
                        //else if (input.isPressed("BaseInteraction")) hitColliders[i].GetComponentInParent<OpticalFiber>().StartPlayerMode(transform);

                    default: break;

            prevBaseInteraction = pressedBaseInteraction;

         * else if (gameStateDataScriptRef.GetSceneState() == GameStateScript.SceneState.FILESELECT) //This update section only works if we're in FILESELECT:
         * {
         *  if (input.getInput("Horizontal") != 0 && timer > selectDelay)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFile[0] = !highlightedFile[0];
         *      timer = 0;
         *  }
         *  else if (input.getInput("Vertical") != 0 && timer > selectDelay)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFile[1] = !highlightedFile[1];
         *      timer = 0;
         *  }
         *  boatOutlinesOff();
         *  //FILE SELECTOR:
         *  if (highlightedFile[0] == false && highlightedFile[1] == false)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFilenum = 1;
         *      FileSelectorBoat1.GetComponentInChildren<cakeslice.Outline>().enabled = true;
         *  }
         *  else if (highlightedFile[0] == true && highlightedFile[1] == false)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFilenum = 2;
         *      FileSelectorBoat2.GetComponentInChildren<cakeslice.Outline>().enabled = true;
         *  }
         *  else if (highlightedFile[0] == false && highlightedFile[1] == true)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFilenum = 3;
         *      FileSelectorBoat3.GetComponentInChildren<cakeslice.Outline>().enabled = true;
         *  }
         *  if (highlightedFile[0] == true && highlightedFile[1] == true)
         *  {
         *      highlightedFilenum = 4;
         *      FileSelectorBoat4.GetComponentInChildren<cakeslice.Outline>().enabled = true;
         *  }
         *  if (input.getInput("Submit") != 0)
         *  {
         *      //Provisional stuff for now:
         *      boatOutlinesOff();
         *      gameStateDataScriptRef.SetSceneState(GameStateScript.SceneState.INGAME);
         *      transform.position = BaseWorldSpawnRef.transform.position;
         *  }
         * }*/
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (gameStateDataScriptRef.GetSceneState() == GameStateScript.SceneState.INGAME)  //This update section only works if we're INGAME:
            if (input.getInput("LightSwitch") != 0 && prevLightAxis == 0 && canUseLight)
                if (lightMode == LightMode.NEAR)
                    lightMode = LightMode.FAR; lightCylinderAngle = 0;
                else if (lightMode == LightMode.MAX)
                    lightMode = LightMode.FAR; lightCylinderAngle = 0;
                else if (lightMode == LightMode.FAR)
                    lightMode = LightMode.NEAR;

            prevLightAxis = input.getInput("LightSwitch");

            mousePos = input.getMousePos();

            if (input.isPressed("LightMax") && canUseLight)
                if (lightMode == LightMode.NEAR || lightMode == LightMode.MAX)
                    lightMode = LightMode.MAX;
            else if (lightMode != LightMode.FAR)
                lightMode = LightMode.NEAR;

            switch (lightMode)
            case LightMode.NEAR:
                lightSphere.range = Lerp(defaultLightSphereRange, lerpSpeed, lightSphere.range);                                                                             //Light Orb radius to it's default range at LerpSpeed
                lightCylinder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cylinderRadius, cylinderRadius, Lerp(defaultLightCylinderScale, 2f, lightCylinder.transform.localScale.z)); //Light cylinder back to 0 length
                if (lightCylinder.transform.localScale.z == 0)
                }                                                                                      //Cilinder activity off since we are on near mode

            case LightMode.MAX:
                GetComponent <Player>().health -= healthDrainAmmount; //Decrease player health for doing this action
                lightSphere.range += expandingLightSpeed;             //Expand the light on input at expansion speed
                if (lightSphere.range > maxExpandingLight)
                    lightSphere.range = maxExpandingLight;
                }                                                                                         //Light orb expansion limit

            case LightMode.FAR:

                GetComponent <Player>().health -= healthDrainAmmount;    //Decrease player health for being in this mode


                lightSphere.range = Lerp(lightSphereRangeInFarMode, lerpSpeed, lightSphere.range);

                RaycastHit tmpHit = GetComponent <PlayerInteraction>().getRayHit();
                if (tmpHit.collider != null)     // If something was hit:
                    //Check at what distance the intersection happened:
                    float distCylPosHitPos = Vector3.Distance(GetComponent <PlayerInteraction>().getRayHit().point, lightCylinder.transform.position);
                    if (distCylPosHitPos / 2 > maxLightCylinderScale)
                        lightCylinder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cylinderRadius, cylinderRadius, maxLightCylinderScale);
                        lightCylinder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cylinderRadius, cylinderRadius, distCylPosHitPos / 2);
                else        // Else, if nothing was hit:
                    lightCylinder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cylinderRadius, cylinderRadius, Lerp(maxLightCylinderScale, 0.5f, lightCylinder.transform.localScale.z));
                LightMouseMovement(prevMousePos, mousePos);

                print("Error: wrong light mode.");
            prevMousePos = mousePos;