public override void OnEnter(GamePlayer player) { base.OnEnter(player); // Show the player texture to say it is a new turn float width = RenderManager.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; float height = RenderManager.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; float xPos = (width * 0.5f); float yPos = (height * 0.25f); float border = 15.0f; // Select first pawn in collection by default if (player.Pawns.Count > 0) { int pawnsLeft = (player.Pawns.Count - player.PawnsAtEnd); int index = 0; if (player.Control != Player.PlayerControl.AI) { // If more then one game pawn being used ( TODO ) if (pawnsLeft > 1) { // Add game pawn selectors ( Minimum of one String gamePawn1 = player.GetUIInterfaceObjectName(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.Pawn1); UIManager.Instance.AddUIObject(gamePawn1, new Vector3(border, (height * 0.5f), 0.0f), UIManager.TextureAlignment.eCenterLeft); if (player.Pawns.Count > 1) { String gamePawn2 = player.GetUIInterfaceObjectName(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.Pawn2); UIManager.Instance.AddUIObject(gamePawn2, new Vector3((width - border), (height * 0.5f), 0.0f), UIManager.TextureAlignment.eCenterRight); } } // Bring up roll dice image String rollDice = player.GetUIInterfaceObjectName(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.RollDice); UIManager.Instance.AddUIObject(rollDice, new Vector3((width * 0.5f), height, 0.0f), UIManager.TextureAlignment.eCenterBottom); } // Get the index of the pawn last selected if (player.ActivePawn != null) { if ((player.ActivePawn.CurrentSquare != null) && (player.ActivePawn.CurrentSquare.GetType() != typeof(EndSquare))) index = player.Pawns.IndexOf(player.ActivePawn); else { foreach (GamePawn pawn in player.Pawns) { // Find the next pawn that isn't at the end square if (pawn.CurrentSquare != null) { if (pawn.CurrentSquare.GetType() != typeof(EndSquare)) index = player.Pawns.IndexOf(pawn); } } } } // Set pawn index player.SetActivePawn(index); } else player.SetActivePawn(-1); // Set camera focus PlayerManager.Instance.SetCameraFocus(player.Index); // Generate a new camera modifier player.GenerateCameraModifier(false); // Zoom camera out player.ZoomOut(); // Set selected player.Selected = true; // Focus player indicator player.FocusUIInterfaceObject(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.PlayerIndicator); if ( player.PawnsAtEnd > 0 ) player.FocusUIInterfaceObject(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.PlayerIndicator2); if (player.PawnsAtEnd > 1) player.FocusUIInterfaceObject(GamePlayer.UIInterfaceObject.PlayerIndicator3); // Check if the game players current square is the start square or not. // If it is, then show tutorial 1 if it hasn't already. if (player.ActivePawn != null) { TutorialManager tutorials = TutorialManager.Instance; if (!tutorials.HasTutorialBeenShown(TutorialStage.StartTutorial)) player.ZoomInHalfWay(); /* if (player.ActivePawn.CurrentSquare != null) { Type squareType = player.ActivePawn.CurrentSquare.GetType(); if (squareType == typeof(StartSquare)) { } }*/ } }
public override void Update(GameTime deltaTime, GamePlayer player) { if (player.ActivePawn != null) { if (player.CurrentDiceRoll == 0) { BaseCamera camera = CameraManager.Instance.ActiveCamera; if (!camera.Tween) { if (camera.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Camera3D))) { if (camera.GetType() == typeof(FixedThirdPersonCamera)) { FixedThirdPersonCamera fixedCamera = (camera as FixedThirdPersonCamera); float zoomDistance = fixedCamera.GetDistanceFromDesiredZoom(); if ((zoomDistance <= 50.0f) && (zoomDistance >= -50.0f)) { /* Begin the pawn moving */ // Save the dice roll determined player.OriginalDiceRoll = player.CurrentDiceRoll = player.Data.diceRoll; // Display text in 3D Color textColor = Color.Yellow; String rollText = ""; if (player.CurrentDiceRoll > 0) { rollText = "+"; textColor = Color.ForestGreen; } else if (player.CurrentDiceRoll < 0) { rollText = "-"; textColor = Color.OrangeRed; } rollText += player.CurrentDiceRoll.ToString(); if (player.CurrentDiceRoll != 1) rollText += " Squares"; else rollText += " Square"; String colorText = "red"; if (player.Color == GamePlayer.PlayerColor.Blue) colorText = "blue"; // Add text to it colorText += "text"; // Add text UIManager.Instance.AddText3DObject(colorText, rollText, (player.ActivePawn.transform.Position + new Vector3(0, +10, 0)), textColor, 1.5f); //UIManager.Instance.AddText3DObject(colorText + "outline", rollText, (player.ActivePawn.Position + new Vector3(-0.05f, +10, -0.05f)), Color.White, 2.05f); // Generate a new camera modifier player.GenerateCameraModifier(true); if (player.CurrentDiceRoll != 0) { // Move to the next square assuming the dice roll returned grater than 0 ( should do ) if (player.CurrentDiceRoll > 0) { // Check whether to go to the jump state first or not if (player.Data.route != BoardSquare.Route.eDefault) player.ChangeState_Jump(); else { player.MoveToNextSquare(); // Swap to movement state player.ChangeState_Movement(); } } else { player.MoveToPreviousSquare(); // Swap to movement state player.ChangeState_Movement(); } } else { if (player.ActivePawn.CurrentSquare.GetType() != typeof(EndSquare)) player.ChangeState_EndOfTurn(); else player.ChangeState_EndOfBoard(); } } } } } else player.ActivePawn.ShowSelected(); } } // MAKE sure this is after changing state base.Update(deltaTime, player); }